We Shall Never Say Goodbye - Timeless Truths

We Shall Never Say Goodbye

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,

to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Th. 4:17

1. Fare - well, broth - er, we shall

2. Fare - well, broth - er, we shall

3. When our tri - als here are

4. Oh, how sweet the thought at

nev - er,

an - chor

end - ed,

part - ing,

In our home

be - yond the sky,

In that morn - ing by and by,

And we reach

our home on high,

We've a man - sion in the sky,

Speak the With our Where the Where the

pain storm blest hap

- ful word at - y voy - age

shall part, no, - py saint - ed

part - ing, o - ver, nev - er, mil - lions

We shall nev - er say good - bye.

We shall nev - er say good - bye.

We shall hear

no sad good - bye.

Nev - er speak

the word "good - bye"!


No fare -well word

shall e'er be heard,

Be - yond the vault - ed sky;

No fare - well word

shall e'er be heard,

In heav-en


the soul shall rest,


In heav - en blest

the soul shall rest,

WORDS and MUSIC: Daniel O. Teasley, pub.1900. Public Domain.


to say good - bye.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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