West Virginia Department of Education

Electronic Resources Package

Module 01 - We the People!

Social Studies Fourth Grade 

Course: Social Studies Grade level: 4

Title: Module 01 - We the People!

Big Idea: Government provides a structure to efficiently and equitably provide for its citizens.

|Content Standards and Objectives |Learning Targets |

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|SS4.1 |Identify the documents established by Founding Fathers |

|Identify, explain and critique commonly held American democratic |Explain the documents as established by Founding Fathers. |

|values, principles and beliefs (e.g., diversity, family values, | |

|community service, justice, liberty, etc.) through established | |

|documents (e.g., Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, | |

|Bill of Rights, etc.). | |

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|SS.4.2 |Explain the three branches of government as per the US Constitution |

|Compare and contrast the powers of each branch of government and | |

|identify the responsibilities and rights of United States |Compare and contrast power of each branch of government |

|citizens. | |

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Focus (or Guiding) Questions:

What three branches of government were created in the US Constitution? 

What is the responsibility for each branch?  

What was put in place by the Founding Fathers to ensure a fair and equitable set of laws that is relevant to the times?


The three branches of government are based on the Constitution

The responsibility of each branch of government is defined by the Constitution


Identify the three branches of government

Identify the responsibilities of each branch

Compare and Contrast the National and State Constitution

Complete a poem, song, rap, or painting explaining the branches of government.

|Introduction: Provide guidance to the teacher as to how this information might be introduced to students. |

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|Show the flow chart of The Branches of Government   to the |

|class; however, do not offer any comments about it.  Brainstorm what the students think this picture has to do with them |

Academic Vocabulary: (May include key events and people)

Research has shown that the least effective strategy for teaching vocabulary is having students look up words and write the definitions. For quality, research-based strategies for teaching content vocabulary see the website: 15 Vocabulary Strategies in 15 Minutes)

legislative branch

executive branch

judicial branch

majority rule

|Manage the Process: |

|Stage 1 |

|Draw a large Equilateral triangle on the board.  Write each of the three branches of government on a card.  Have a student come up and place |

|each branch at the correct location on the triangle. Question whether the cards are placed correctly.  Possibly move the cards around.  This |

|triangle shows that all branches have equal authority, so there is NO right or wrong way to place the cards.  When the Founding Fathers wrote |

|the Constitution, they set up the system of government and that system is still used today.  |

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|Stage 2 |

|Show the site .  As each branch is covered, write important notes with that |

|branch in the triangle. |

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|Stage 3 |

|NOTE:  Become familiar with this site before taking students to it.  Without being familiar with it, one could get “lost” in the site. |

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|Divide the class into teams of two.  Play the game on  . |

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|Stage 4 |

|When the Constitution was written, it provided flexibility for each state to govern within its boundaries. Each state also has its own |

|Constitution.  Look at the WV Constitution at this site:  .  Compare and contrast the branches |

|of West Virginia’s government with the National Government, and the responsibilities of each.  Students may benefit from having a Box and |

|T-Chart graphic organizer when completing this activity. |

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|Stage 5 |

|Bring up the website   that explains the laws and rights given to each |

|citizen.  Have a class discussion on why the rights provide for a fairness, and justice.  |

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|Stage 6 |

|Look at the WV Constitution and decide if these rights and laws exist there also.   |

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|Stage 7 |

|Write the words “Major Rule” on the board.  Brainstorm what prior knowledge the students have on what they think “Major Rule” means to |

|them.  Refine what it actually is, and have students identify times we use major rule.  |

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|Stage 8 |

|Divide the class into small groups consisting of 3-4 students.  Each group should decide on a product (e.g., write a book (informational or |

|literary), make a music video of an original song, create a media project, paint a picture, etc.) that includes the points covered in this |

|lesson.  Provide students with a rubric prior to their beginning the assignment so they will know the expectations in advance.  A presentation|

|to the class upon completion should be an expectation. |

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|The series of books by Peter and Cheryl Shaw Barnes is an excellent source of information on the Branches of Government.  The curriculum |

|guide A Mice Way to Learn About Government is also available.  |

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Electronic Resources

|Acquisition of Background Knowledge |Suggestion for Utilization of Resource |

|Enter each resource separately |Cited |

| |Add additional rows by clicking the Tab|

| |Key while the curser is in the last |

| |box. |

|The Duties of the Three Branches of Government  |This interactive site teaches the |

| |student about the branches of |

| |government.  This may be used with an |

| |interactive board. |

| |This site contains many links to sites |

|Congress for Kids- Three Branches |that reinforce the responsibilities of |

| |the three branches of government |

| |A site that contains on-line games that|

|Congress for Kids- Bill of Rights |reinforce the Bill of Rights |

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|Expansion of Knowledge |Suggestion for Utilization of Resource Cited |

|Enter each resource separately |Add additional rows by clicking the Tab Key |

| |while the curser is in the last box. |

|A Mice Way to Learn About Government: A Curriculum Guide by Peter W. Barnes |Curriculum Guide to a series of books about |

| |the branches of government |

|House Mouse, Senate Mouse  by Peter Barnes and Cheryl Shaw Barnes |A book on the Legislative branch of |

| |government.  A Mice Way to Learn About |

| |Government is a curriculum guide for the book |

|Marshall:  The Courthouse Mouse:  A Tail of the Supreme Court by  Cheryl Shaw Barnes |A book on the Judicial branch of |

| |government.  A Mice Way to Learn About |

| |Government is a curriculum guide for the book.|

|Woodrow, The White House Mouse by Cheryl Shaw Barnes |A book on the Executive branch of |

| |government.  A Mice Way to Learn About |

| |Government is a curriculum guide for the book.|

|Printable version of the Constitution and Bill of Rights |This link will provide the teacher with |

| |printable versions of the Constitution and the|

| |Bill of Rights |

|Teachervision site  |Great US Government Resources for the |

| |classroom teacher |

| |Scholastic site on the Constitution |

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| |Kids in the House |

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|Products, Investigations, and/or Assessments |

|Graphic Organizer to compare/contrast US and WV Constitutions |

|A product to illustrate what was learned during this module  |

|A presentation of the product that was developed |

Student Reflection: How would life be different for citizens of America if the US Constitution didn’t exist? 

Teacher Reflection: In what ways did completing this module help my students become better students?  How can I improve the results the next time I teach these objectives?

Box & T – Chart

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