
Dr Charles Shepherd

“Living with M.E.” |Dr Anne MacIntyre

“M.E. - How to Live with It” |Dr David Bell - “The Disease

of a Thousand Names” | |

|Muscle fatigue 100% |Made worse by exercise 100% |Fatigue or exhaustion 100% |

|Emotional lability 98% |Exhaustion & severe malaise 85% |Headache 90% |

|- includes frustration, elation and depression |Muscle weakness after using muscle, - |Lack of restful sleep 90% |

|Muscle pain 80% |lasting days |Malaise 80% |

|- especially limbs, shoulder, girdle, spine |Muscle pain, - commonest in back of shoulders, upper |Short term memory loss 80% |

|Cognitive disturbance 77% |arms and thighs |Blurring of vision 80% |

|- memory, concentration, dyslexia |Blurring of Vision - - sometimes actual |Sensitivity to bright lights 80% |

|Headaches 74% |double vision |Muscle pain 75% |

|Giddiness & balance problems 72% |Sensation of pins and needles, or numbness |Light headedness 75% |

|Circulation & temperature 69% |Loss of concentration |Difficulty concentrating 70% |

|control - night sweats, ‘hot & cold’ fluctuations |Headache |Joint Pain 65% |

|Hearing disturbances 69% |Muscle twitching |Depression 65% |

|- noise sensitivity, deafness, |Speech difficulties - using the wrong words |Insomnia 65% |

|noises in ears - tinnitus |Poor circulation - cold hands and feet |Fever - or sensation of fever 65% |

|Reversal of sleep rhythm 64% |Pain in the back of neck |Abdominal pain 60% |

|Visual disturbances 62% |Abnormal sweating - often with a sour smell |Bloating 60% |

|- blurring, double vision, dislike of bright |Memory impairment - especially recent events |Scratchiness in eyes 60% |

|lights, involuntary eyeball movements |Breathing difficulty - sensation of lack of air |Extremities numb &/or tingling 60% |

|Pins and needles, numbness 61% |Extreme sensitivity to sound - hyperacusis |Allergies 60% |

|and increased awareness of sensation |Noises in ear - tinnitus |Palpitations 55% |

|Intercostal myalgia/weakness 59% |Sleep disturbance |Lymph node pain 50% |

|- ie between ribs |Palpitations and/or racing heartbeat |Sore Throat 50% |

|Muscle twitching and spasm 57% |Difficulty standing for any time |Diarrhoea 50% |

|Clumsiness 56% |- classic symptom of M.E. |Night sweats 50% |

|Gastro-intestinal symptoms 49% |Vivid or bad dreams |Constipation 40% |

|- nausea, bloating |Joint pains - which may move from joint to joint |Fainting spells 40% |

|Bladder control problems 38% |Feeling ‘spaced-out’, disorientated |Weight gain 40% |

|Recurrent enlargement of |Depression |Flushing rash in face & cheeks 40% |

|lymph glands 36% |Loss of interest in sex |Pressure at base of skull 30% |

|Joint pain 28% |Nausea |Muscle weakness 30% |

|Increased pulse rate 21% |Chest pains |Balance disturbance 30% |

|Recurrent conjunctivitis 16% |Emotional lability - crying easily, rapid mood change |Panic attacks 30% |

|Inflammation of testicles 13% |Constipation or diarrhoea |Eye pain 30% |

|or prostate gland - of young males |Recurrent sore throats |‘Floaters’ - dark spot in vision 30% |

|Seronegative polyarthritis 10% |Enlarged or painful lymph glands |Dizziness 30% |

|Vasculatic skin lesions 10% |Altered sense of taste and / or smell |Clumsiness 30% |

| |Difficulty with balance and / or true vertigo |Chills 30% |

|The above were the symptoms and signs in 420 |Difficulty walking - or walking having to be limited to|Shortness of breath 30% |

|patients with M.E. |very short distances |Bitter or metallic taste 25% |

|The findings were published in the Postgraduate |Panic attacks |Chemical sensitivities 25% |

|Medical Journal in 1990, and are reproduced on |Poor temperature control |Easy bruising 25% |

|page 84 of Dr Shepherd’s book |Poor co-ordination - clumsiness |Ear ache 20% |

| |Pallor when ill - quite common |Hearing changes 20% |

| |Poor bladder control |Swelling of extremities or eyelids 20% |

| |Skin very sensitive to touch |Burning on urination 20% |

| |Spontaneous bruising, skin rashes |Sexual dysfunction 20% |

| |Great thirst |Hair loss 20% |

| |Above is from pages 27 and 28 of |Double vision 10% |

| |Dr MacIntyre’s book |Weight loss 10% |

| | |Incontinence 10% |

| | |Pages 4 & 5 of Dr Bell’s book - underlined symptoms |

| | |caused greatest discomfort |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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