Dr. Derrica Davis


My leadership sTyle

I would describe myself as a Transformational Leader. It is my attempt to foster and enhance the elevation of the employees by motivating and delving deep into the dynamics of the group as a whole. Generating an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the faculty has been my goal over the past years. Helping teachers adhere to the mission and vision of the school and district is my focus. Rather than work to maintain the status quo, I have challenged and changed the ways the teachers operate. This leadership style uses what is called the Four I’s: Individual Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Inspirational Motivation, and Idealized Influence. It is my goal to create a relationship of mutual stimulation that converts teachers, students and parents into leaders.

Derrica Boochee-Davis

140 Charleston Place

Covington, Ga. 30016

Phone: (770) 335-5537



A True Team Player.…

Preparing Schools to Move Through the 21st Century

Dr. Derrica


what would you hear?

• “She is highly motivated, a team player, and strongly believes in collaboration that results in increased levels of student achievement, effectiveness and efficiency”

Mr. Matt Smith


• “She is uncompromising in her efforts to support the quality education for our students and never loses sight of students and their needs.….. She has many times taken the lead, voluntarily, on a project and gets staff, students, or parents involved and has great luck and extreme success ”

Dr. James H. Jones

Principal, McNair High School

• “Dr. Davis has provided continuous support, innovative ideas, and strategic methods to help our parents connect to our schools academic curriculum”

Ryan Taylor

Parent Community Liaison


Mr. Matt Smith


Morrow Middle School


Dr. James H. Jones


McNair High School


Mr. Ryan Taylor

Parent Liaison

Morrow Middle School


Meet Derrica Boochee Davis

I am the only child born to Derrick and Cheryl Boochee. A native of East St. Louis, Illinois but a graduate of Redan High School in Stone Mountain, Georgia. After completing my high school career I entered Georgia Southern University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. In 2001 I received a Master of Science degree in Chemistry from Georgia State University. While in graduate school I was offered a position at Columbia High School as a 9th grade magnet science teacher. I received my Specialist in Education and Doctor of Education degree from Argosy University December, 2010.

My charismatic personality allows me to draw faculty, staff, parents and students into following me down a path of academic and behavioral success. I am committed to helping all stakeholders. As a Teacher, Department Chair, Head Coach and 9th Grade Coordinator I aimed to build programs and initiatives that would support, involve and strengthen the needs of the students, parents and other staff members. As an Assistant Principal I aim to build the instructional strengths of my teachers so that they can support student and parental growth while investing in meaningful relationships with all stakeholders.


My Philosophy

“Beginning with the End in Mind” (Stephen Covey, 1989)………The educational experience is one of the most important experiences that one can encompass. Education opens doors for those who chose to grasp it and those who recognize its importance. It is our responsibility as educators, to assist our students in grasping and recognizing its importance. We can do this by recognizing that the classroom is filled with students with different learning capacities and abilities. With this in mind we must go further by providing student with exciting opportunities and approaches to learning.

As an educator it is my responsibility to reach and teach the student. In the educational system of today, students come from a vast variety of backgrounds, some requiring more support and attention than others, and some lacking in support and attention. As educators we should be sensitive to these differences and needs while ensuring that all students are assisted with receiving the help and support needed. We will touch many lives and I hope that all memories of me being an educator in many students’ lives will be good ones, ones that they will take through life to assist them in becoming responsible and productive citizens.

As a leader, I seek to motivate students and teachers in ascertaining their inner strengths and abilities while discovering what truly inspires them. I aim to provide and promote stimulating environments that encourages students to trust in their own abilities. All fragments of a school must come together to strengthen and support students, teachers, parents and staff. By ensuring that we create challenging work that requires students to think critically while comprehending various forms of literacy, we will produce 21st century students. Finally, I feel that the educational environment should be safe and adhere to a well-developed program that acknowledges different styles while encouraging students to strive for excellence.

For information on open positions or to submit your resume, please visit our Web site at:

Moving Schools into the 21st Century

Derrica Boochee-Davis offers a comprehensive plan designed to meet the needs of your stakeholders:

• Instrumental in increasing CCRPI from 69.3 to 74.5 within 2 academic school years

• Instrumental in increasing CRCT achievement 28% in all content areas for SWD students

• Instrumental in increasing EOCT scores from 31% to 58% within one year

• Instrumental in increasing GHSGT science scores over ~40%: from 45% to 83% pass rate

• Helped to develop the RT3 components for the school building

• Instrumental in building parental involvement and communication to over 25%

• Trained on College and Career Reediness Index

• TKES Trained and Credentialed

• Helped structure the data analysis components for teachers and leadership team

• Testing Coordinator

• Trained on the components of effective Leadership Teams


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