Endeavor Charter School

5 Things to know about FDR and the “New Deal” the Stock Market crashed in October 1929, the US went into a Great Depression. More than 20,000 companies go out of business and by 1933, 12 million Americans will be out of work (about 25% of population)… “What led to the Great Depression?”During the “Roaring 20’s, life was good. People had $$ and enjoyed it.Many would invest extra $ in companies that made goods/services.Over the decade, many companies “value” became inflated (They led investors to believe their shares were worth more than they really were).A lot of these companies tried to hide this from their investors, but will go bankrupt and take investors $ with them. “So how does this affect the US economy/people?POTUS Herbert Hoover (#31) was elected 7 months before the crash.He tried to help the economy by creating “public works” programs and getting companies to try and keep their employees working.He also tried to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and companies.Unemployment, homelessness and drought (Dust Bowl) will anger us.“Hoovervilles” (large shanty towns) will pop up all over America.By 1933, America is looking for a change… “What is FDR’s “New Deal” Franklin Delano Roosevelt became the 32nd POTUS in 1933. 12 million people would be out of work and upset.One of the 1st things he did was ask Congress to pass the 21st Amendment.This repealed (got rid of) the 18th Amend. and made alcohol legal again.FDR would ask the US Government to help fund a number of different agencies to create jobs to put people back to work. “What is “alphabet soup” and did these agencies help?”There were so many agencies created that it was sometimes referred to as “alphabet soup.”The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – provides flood control, electricity for the Tennessee Valley to this day. About 10,000 work here today.The Works Progress Admin. (WPA) – put almost 4 million people to work building roads, schools and airports.The Social Security Act (SSA) – was created to help provide a small amount of $ to the elderly, disadvantaged and unemployed. 67 million Americans received payments last year. “How does the US get out of the Great Depression?”The New Deal put a lot of Americans back to work, but not everyone.The programs also were funded by the US Government so our deficit was very high.On September 1, 1939, the Germans will invade Poland, starting WWII.FDR will vow to not send troops, but will encourage factory owners to hire more people to ramp up production.Our factories will go back to making supplies/services for the war effort. ................

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