3 vocabulary lessons complete with lesson plan and ...


3 vocabulary lessons complete with lesson plan

and materials from

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The plans

These are written in CELTA style and contain quite a lot of detail. In the procedure you will see some text is in bold and italics. This is there as an example of what the teacher might actually say at that point in the lesson to set an activity up or perhaps get feedback. You might like to pay attention to how aims are worded or what interaction patterns are included. None of this is intended to stifle creativity or suggest there is only one way to teach these lessons, but to give examples you may find helpful when writing your own plans.

Please note:

Although in my experience these activities have worked well and the lessons are structured in a way that is in line with CELTA methodology, they do not guarantee a successful lesson ? this will rest on how the plans are implemented and taught. All timings are approximate ? how long things take or how long you let them continue will depend on your individual students. While these plans have been designed so that they should work with minimal extra preparation ? feel free to adapt in a way you think fits your students. There are quite a few lexical items per lesson (approximately 15), this is based on the assumption that quite a few of them will already be known to students at that level.


Katie -

Vocabulary lesson 1

Main aim: for students to extent and improve their accuracy and fluency using a lexical set on the topic of money.

Subsidiary aim: for students to practise and develop their ability to read quickly for the main ideas.

Level: Elementary

Lesson length: approximately 60 mins

TL: to be good / bad with money, to spend money (on), to pay (for), to earn, bills, rent, rich, wealthy, to lend money to someone, to borrow money from someone, to save money, to waste money.

Materials: Visuals 1-5 ? pics related to money Visuals 6-7 ? pics of lots of money / someone without money Handout 1 ? text and gap fill Handout 2 ? matching and freer practice

Lesson plan

Timing and interaction 5 ? 10 mins T ? Ss

S ? S

Ss - T

Stage name and aim


- to set the context and get students interested. To get them speaking in English at the beginning of the lesson.

- to activate students' ideas and already known language on the topic and to become more aware of known words and phrases.


Show visuals 1-5. What do you think today's lesson is about? (money) What do you see in the pictures?

Show visuals (6 + 7). Which picture is more about you? Do you use money well or badly? Do you have money at the end of the month or not?

Nominate pairs. Talk to you partner for a few minutes. Are they the same or different to you? Pairs discuss. Monitor.

5 minutes T ? Ss

S ? S

Ss - T

Reading for gist

- to put the target language in context and elicit examples - to develop students' ability to read quickly for the main ideas.

FB ? sit down. Nominate 3 or 4 people to say one thing about their partner. You're going to read about 3 people. You need to choose the one you think is the same or similar to you. You have 1 minute.

Hand out text (handout 1 ? folded to prevent distractions). Monitor. Quick pair check.

Quick open class feedback.

10 mins

15 mins T ? Ss S ? S Ss ? T T-Ss S S-S Ss-T

T-Ss 20 mins T-ss

Focus on TL -to focus students' attention on examples of the TL within the context and begin conveying meaning.

Now look back at the text and underline any words in the text that are about money. The words can be nouns, verbs or adjectives. Do an example with `spend' from the first line. Students underline. Pair-check. Monitor pair-check. Show answers on projector or elicit.


Unfold handout 1 and `chest' to show students the material.

- for students to have a better understanding of meaning and form, for students to be better able to pronounce the words.

Now use the text to fill the gaps (gesture) with a word you underlined. Monitor. Pair-check. Monitor pair-check.

Feedback ? answer key. Students check answers. Give further examples / CCQ if needed.

Chest handout 2 (or other side of handout 1 if printed double-sided) Form Match a verb on the left with the correct preposition on the right. Use the sentences from exercise 3 to help you. Some of the verbs use the same preposition. Monitor Pair-check Feedback.

In addition: ensure students know whether the words are nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.

Optional extension: Nominate small groups. With your group, think of any more words you know for talking about money. Monitor. Feedback ? clarify any additional words that students have come up with.

Drill chorally, in groups and then individually ? focus on those that are problematic.

Freer practice

You are going to guess about your partner and money. Look at the sentences (point to sentences on handout).

- for students to develop greater fluency when talking about money



Think about your partner, guess and write T (true) or F (false) in the first column. (gesture) ICQ Do you ask your partner now? (N ? guess and write) Do you write in the second column now? (N)

OK 3 /4 minutes to guess. Monitor.

When they are ready: Now, interview your partner ? and write the correct information here (point to second column). What do you write? (T or F) Then ask for more information. (do a model) Oh really? Which clothes do you spend a lot on? Where do you buy them? Etc.

Make notes on the extra information you hear. S-S

Students interview each other Monitor. Note down good language and errors.


Delayed error correction ? display errors ad good language

(concentrating on the TL) either using a projector or writing

on the board.


Work with your partner. Correct the errors. Tick () the

correct sentences.


Feedback ? nominate students ? open class.

(NB this activity can be repeated with a second partner after language feedback.)

Handout 1

Money, money, money!

1. Read about three people and how they feel about money. Who is the same or similar to you?

Sara I'm not very good with money! I always spend all the money I earn ? I never have any at the end of the month to save. I will never be rich! I don't usually buy a lot of things, I spend money on activities like going out and meeting friends. The problem is that there are so many boring things we need to spend money on ? for example we need to pay our bills and rent. I have a friend who is very wealthy ? and sometimes when I don't have any money she lends me some. I don't like to borrow money from her, but sometimes I need to. John. I think it's important to save money. You never know when something could happen ? for example you could lose your job! If you don't earn any money, how are you going to live? That's why I always save a little bit of money every month. Steve I know that I waste a lot of money...I spend a lot on unimportant things. For example, I take a taxi to work when I don't need to ? I could walk. But I think ? money is for enjoying yourself! I know lots of wealthy people, but they aren't happy because they never spend any of their money!

2. Now read the text again. Underline all the words you see about money.

3. Use the underlined words to fill the gaps in the sentences below.

1. When you work you __________________ money. 2. When you go shopping, you ___________________ money. 3. When you __________for something, you can _________ for it with cash or a credit card. 4. When you don't use money well, or you use it for things you don't need, you _________________

money. 5. When you don't have enough money, you can _____________ it from a friend or the bank. 6. When you want to _______________ money, you can put it in the bank. 7. A person who has a lot of money is called rich or _____________. 8. Your ___________ are the things you pay for in your house like gas, and electricity, or what you

pay to use your telephone. 9. People who use money well are __________________________.

1. earn 2. spend 3. pay pay 4. waste 5. borrow 6. save 7. wealthy 8. Bills 9.good with money

Handout 2 Match the verbs to the correct preposition. Use the sentences from exercise 3 to help you.

borrow something

for something

lend something

on something


from someone

save up

to someone

spend money

Name:__________________ He / She spends a lot of money on clothes.

guess truth extra info

He / She saves some money every month.

He / She pays a lot of bills.

He / She thinks it is OK to borrow money from friends. He / She lends money to friends.

He / She never wastes money.

He / She pays for everything with cash.

Name: ___________________ He / She spends a lot of money on clothes.

guess truth extra info

He / She saves some money every month.

He / She pays a lot of bills.

He / She thinks it is OK to borrow money from friends. He / She lends money to friends.

He / She never wastes money.

He / She pays for everything with cash.

Visual 1


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