Antiaircraft Artillery of the U.S. Army in World War II

As of 25 Jan 2009

Antiaircraft Artillery of the U.S. Army in World War II


Location Rank



Antiaircraft Artillery Brigades

35th AAA Brigade Gwin, Daniel M.

Box 11 SGT

Unidentified Battery

44th AAA Brigade

Cardlin, John G. Hartgerink, Harold

Box 11 Box 11


Unidentified Battery Unidentified Battery

71st AAA Brigade

Harte, Kenneth E.

Box 11 MAJ

Headquarters and Headquarters Battery

Antiaircraft Artillery Groups

213th AAA Group

Goldschmidt, Edward A

Box 11 CPL

Unidentified Battery

97th AAA Group

Marsh, Robert F.

Box 11

Unidentified Battery

103rd AAA Group

Myrah, H.H.

Box 11 COL

Unidentified Battery

Antiaircraft Artillery Battalions

7th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Kajencki, Francis C. Regan, Robert F.

Box 1 Box 1


Unidentified Battery Unidentified Battery

9th Airborne AA Battalion, HHD

Leitzell, Jerome R.

Box 1 PFC

Unidentified Battery

letters, commendations, discharge information, brigade history Survey memoir [See: Separate Papers]

newspaper clipping unit newsletter commendation

survey memoirs Survey

As of 25 Jan 2009

15th Airborne AA Battalion, HHD

Prasek, Oscar D., Jr.

Box 1 SSGT

Unidentified Battery

54th Coast Artillery Battalion (Harbor Defense)

Zargan, George F.

Box 1

Unidentified Battery

62nd AAA Gun Battalion

Snyder, E.F.

Box 1 T/5

Battery C

66th AAA Gun Battalion

Neagles, James C.

Box 1 SSGT

Medical Detachment

75th AAA Gun Battalion

Angle, Leonard C., Jr.

Box 1 LTC

Battery I

78th AAA Gun Battalion

McFarland, Joseph D.

Box 1 SGT

Battery A

90th AAA Gun Battalion (Cld)

Backvold, Billy R.

Box 1 T/4

Unidentified Battery

96th AAA Gun Battalion

Johnson, John W.

Box 1 CPT

Unidentified Battery

98th AAA Gun Battalion

Good, William O. Mull, Harold P.

Box 1 Box 1


Headquarters Battery Battery D

102nd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Lavagnino, Albert Sherman, Robert G.

Box 1 Box 1


Battery D Battery D

103rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Scales, Joseph B.

Box 1 CPL

Battery C

104th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Douglas, Joseph W.

Box 1 CPT

Medical Detachment

105th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Survey letters Survey, recollections Survey Survey Survey Survey memoir Survey Survey Survey Survey Survey Survey

As of 25 Jan 2009

Madden, Kenneth

Box 1 CPT

106th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Harris, Lyman K.

Box 1 CPT

109th AAA Gun Battalion

Gilhooly, William P.

Box 1 1LT

110th AAA Gun Battalion

Mueller, Harold W.

Box 1 CPL

116th AAA Gun Battalion

Kruglinski, Michael

Box 1 MAJ

118th AAA Gun Battalion

Davis, Eugene L.

Box 1 T/5

120th AAA Gun Battalion


Box 1

125th AAA Gun Battalion

Brown, Forest E. Lindstrom, Glen

Box 1 Box 1

126th AAA Gun Battalion

Pettis, William B. Taylor, Jay

Box 1 Box 1


127th AAA Gun Battalion

Alexa, Paul

Box 1


128th AAA Gun Battalion

Lang, C.D.

Box 1

129th AAA Gun Battalion

Geisler, Lawrence G.

Box 1


Unidentified Battery


Medical Detachment


Battery B


Battery C


Battery B

Survey, memoirs

Headquarters Battery


Battery D

unit histories

Unidentified Battery Unidentified Battery

unit history reunion papers, unit history

Battery A Battery A


Survey, copies of photographs, battery history, ship regulations

Battery B

Survey [See also: Separate papers]

Unidentified Battery


Battery A

commendation orders

As of 25 Jan 2009

131st AAA Gun Battalion

Harbach, Clark

Box 1

Stocker, Donald N.

Box 1

132nd AAA Gun Battalion

Beebe, Francis

Box 1

Whitlow, Louis S., Jr.

Box 1

134th AAA Gun Battalion

Dunn, Louis T. Lawrence, Wydney

Box 1 Box 1



135th AAA Gun Battalion

Yaple, Wellington

Box 1


136th AAA Gun Battalion

Schmidt, Karl

Box 1

139th AAA Gun Battalion

Collins, Robert L. Harris, Charles G.

Box 1 Box 1

141st AAA Gun Battalion

Fuller, Samuel E.

Box 2

143rd AAA Gun Battalion

Darago, Albert A., Jr. Johnson, John W.

Box 2 Box 2

163rd AAA Gun Battalion

Levering, Harry P., Jr.

Box 2

168th AAA Gun Battalion


Unidentified Battery Headquarters Battery Unidentified Battery Battery C Headquarters Battery Unidentified Battery

Battery B

Battery D Battery B Unidentified Battery Battery A Battery C Battery B Battery D

newspaper, booklet concerning rescue of crashed plane's crew Survey, unit history

confirmation of aircraft kill, journal entries Survey, letters, unit histories

Survey memoir, unit history, reunion Documents

Survey, German ballot concerning Hitler's plans, magazine clippings, recollections


Survey report on Japanese POWs


Survey [Unit history in Library]


As of 25 Jan 2009

Seipp, John

Box 2 SSGT

173rd Coast Artillery Battalion

Barchmon, Joseph J.

Box 2

Headquarters Battery

Unidentified Battery

184th AAA Gun Battalion

Grogin, Mark Riccio, Frank F.

Box 2 Box 2


197th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Lauber, Ernest R.

Box 2 CPL

Unidentified Battery Battery A

Battery C

201st AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Stresky, Ellwood C.

Box 2 SGT

202nd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Mortensen, Jerald A.

Box 2 T/5

Battery A Battery A

203rd AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Falduto, Anthony Langett, Charles V.

Box 2 Box 2


204th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Hitchens, Harold L. McConnell, Alton T.

Box 2 Box 2


206th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Camp, Floyd E.

Box 2 PFC

207th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion

Unidentified Battery Battery C

Battery A Battery D

Battery F


"Army Game" book, unit history, cartoons, copies of photographs

"Yank" continental edition Survey, newspaper clippings, copies of photographs

Survey, personal Army documents, battery history, KIA roster, newspapers


Survey, newspapers, battery information, rosters, unit newsletters, v-mail, Japanese aircraft ID guide, Japanese memorabilia, Japanese propaganda poster

personal diary Survey

Survey Survey

Survey, letters


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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