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MARCH 2013



According to industry statistics Personal watercraft and general boat sales continue to be strong. With new boats and new boaters it is important that we work on our primary task of boater education.


Member interest in PWC is growing for many reasons that make sense not only for the member, but for its use as a facility. A PWC is a smaller “hole in the water, than you pour money into”. The cost to patrol, maintain and harbor, makes a PWC financially attractive.

LOGISTICS: Although the official defined roll and use of AuxChefs has changed, members of that program are preparing to cook and serve at the BBQ after the Memorial Marker Service in May. HR has some super internet links below, for you to look at.

With the new emerging face of the Auxiliary, new younger members are joining the Auxiliary. So, what are the 3 magic district words? Recruit, recruit, recruit.

PLANNING: What are the Commodores 3 words…? Plan, Train, Execute

Plan for new members

Train the new members

Execute… no, no, no. Get them active with all of the great things we do as Auxiliarists.

Prevention / Member Training and Boater Education makes on and in the water activities safer.


Executive Summary

Multiple divisions are conducting crew and coxswain classes. ADSO-OP (PWC) is conduction research to determine how other Auxiliary Districts are using PWCs. Aviation continues to communication with AIRSTA Los Angeles to determine the level of support they require from the AUXAIR program. Communications Department is working to support the Coast Guard and provide training for members. Incident Management is continuing to support Coast Guard training needs. AUXDATA Order Management (AOM) implementation has been delayed.

AVIATION – Eugene Korney, DSO-AV

Executive Summary

Discussions with AIRSTA Los Angeles with regards to AUXAIR support are continuing. Two members have completed AUX-18 C-school.


• Two members successfully completed the AUX 18 C-school in Pensacola. FL.

• Communication with AIRSTA Los Angeles has continued following the meeting that was held there in February.

• A training exercise between the D11S AUXAIR team and the AIRSTA Los Angeles team is in the initial planning stage.

• Clint Wells, ADSO-PA completed an article detailing Aux Don Hettinger’s work at the Air Station OP Center. The article was included in local and national Auxiliary publications.

End of Report


Executive Summary

Another major DART (Deployable Auxiliary Radio Team) exercise is being planned for the near future. Radio inspection forms are being processed.


• DART Teams are supporting the Rescue 21 Catalina system.

• Several Divisions are planning AUXCOM and TCO training.

• DART members in Divisions One and Seven continue their support of Rescue 21.

• A number of initial and renewal radio inspection forms and been received and processed by the DSO-CM.

End of Report


Executive Summary

The Incident Management Department provides the District with Incident Management assistance through the following means: 1) provide district-wide Incident Command System (ICS) training; 2) Assist the District, Divisions, and Flotillas in utilizing the ICS system to plan and run Auxiliary programs and events; 3) Assist Auxiliary Sector Coordinators and District Directorates in supporting their efforts to better coordinate Auxiliary augmentation of Sector WQSBs and Sector missions.


• ICS-210 Initial Incident Commander Course is now offered on line.

• ICS-300a is the new 4-day class that is replacing TCS-210/300. There are limited opportunities for Auxiliarists to attend these classes. Those wishing to enroll in ICS-300a may contact the D-IM for instruction on how to apply.

• ICS-210/300 is no longer supported financially by USCG Training Quota Management Center, Yorktown.

• D-IM has provided DTRAIN 2013 documentation to DCOS and D-PL.

End of Report


Executive Summary

All coxswains and facility owners are reminded to conserve fuel whenever possible and to plan multi-mission patrols due to funding cut backs.

Due to the large number of coxswain and crew members requiring re-certification in 2013, you are requested to plan training sessions early in the year before requesting their QE check ride.


• Div. 1 -supplied OPFAC and crew in under 2 hours for a pollution call-out. Supplied safety patrols for day and night Air Force helo ops offshore.

• Div. 4 - continues weekly MOM patrols in LA/LB. Conducting crew class. One facility will be supporting Derby Days at Lake Isabella in April.

• Div. 5 - supported Whale of a Day at Pt. Vicente lighthouse and open house at Port Hueneme lighthouse. Crew class underway. Conducted three patrols.

• Div. 6 - has two crew/coxswain schools underway with a total of 26 candidates. OPTREX scheduled for 17-19 May in Newport Harbor with three facilities currently committed.

• Div. 7 - scheduled OPTREX/SAREX for March 30 with 5 facilities and 26 crew. Two vessels are in the process of becoming facilities.

• Div. 9 – No report.

• Div. 10 - operations are increasing. Numerous patrols planned for next 30 days. Planning in progress for several coming events.

• Div. 11 - currently in stand-down until late April. Planning in process for boating season.

• Div. 12 - completed several helo hoist ops with Air Station LA. Hoist Team received Team Commendation from Air Station Los Angeles for more than 500 hours of underway training and qualifying or recertifying more than 60 Pilots, AMTs (Flight Mechanics) and ASTs (Rescue Swimmers).

End of Report


Executive Summary

The new DSO-CS, John Row, has quickly come up to speed with the many computer applications used in the District. John Row and DSO-HR Trent Kelly attended the District Meeting in person, while the rest of the Logistics DSOs used the on-line computer access.

An AuxChef class will be held the weekend of 20 and 21 April, starting with a webinar on the 20th and some sign-offs for the PQS in the Galley at Base LA/LB on the 21st. Senior Chief Rivers has many promotion and transfer special events coming up at the Base and is looking forward to assistance from the Aux Chefs. There has been an issued with missing completed PQS forms, serving as a reminder to all members the importance of keeping a copy of all Auxiliary paperwork, especially documentation of qualifications and also checking in AuxDirectory to be sure the qualification earned is listed.


Executive Summary

The District Website was updated with a new Member Training Compendium, photos from  D-Train Fun Night, and an entry in Breaking News for the Memorial Marker ceremony.  I created new folders to store 2013 District reports and a new folder to store Gantt Charts.  The Job Aid Kit for Vessel Examinations was updated to include this year’s West Marine safety equipment discount coupons.  There have been several discussions on how and where to place the links and instructions for accessing the District Webinar, with a decision still pending.



• Added power point files for MT Compendium

• Published D-Train Photos for Fun Night in Smugmug file directories

• Updated the MT Compendium

• Added Breaking News for the Memorial Marker ceremony

• Created directories for 2013 District Reports and 2013 Gantt Charts

• Published and archived the District Newsletter

• Attended the District Board and Staff meeting in Costa Mesa

• Updated the VE Job Aid Kits with new West Marine discount coupons

• Webinar access under discussion

End of Report

DIVERSITY – Selwyn Keane, DSO-DV

Executive Summary

During March I was able to announce to all Division Commanders and Vice Commanders that the BC-DV PACAREA Tracy Schultz was ready to begin receiving 2012 NACO 3 Star Diversity Award applications. This announcement has resulted in numerous inquiries about application packet content and also shown that some units have made attempts to tackle the somewhat confusing 4th Category. The deadline for 2012 applications is June 30th 2013.

I also requested that every effort be made to submit application packets electronically to not only limit cost and use of resources, but also hopefully limit the problems of “lost” packets as each level of approval will have an e-mail record of packets being received and forwarded. I will be requesting that National prepare a standardized job description for the FSO and SO-DV positions as this question has been presented to me several times over the last month. A request was also made that a Diversity presentation be put together for the Northern Divisions. This will be considered in consultation with the DDC-L and DCAPT-N.

Division 5 completed a very active month. The SO-DV reported that all Flotillas had appointed an FSO-DV and that nearly all the FCs/VFCs completed leadership training. The report also listed multiple other qualifying activities that were completed. Division 6 has at least 2 Flotillas in the final stages of preparing 2012 award packets. Information provided so far shows that these packets will no doubt qualify for award once completed. The Division 7 Commander provided the requested information on missing 2011 awards and also requested the presentation for the northern Divisions.

End of Report


Executive Summary

HR staff is receiving about one membership e-inquiry per day throughout the District and following-up accordingly. NACO Membership Growth Awards (Individual & Unit) are due to DSO-HR by 1 June. DCDRs have the list of flotillas with 5 or more new members in 2012 that may qualify for the award(s). Uniforms & Training ADSOs working on Advanced New Member Orientation program, as well as uniforms update below. AUXCHEF program identifying fully and partially-qualified AUXCHEFs. University Programs rolling-out guidelines for identifying potential colleges and soon announcing a district-wide SOP guidance for flotillas interested in pursuing an Auxiliary University Program.


• This is a reminder: Effective 31MAR, the Winter Dress Blue (WDB) is no longer authorized for wear until Fall/Winter 2013.  (USCG/USCGAUX Uniform Policy specifies, "WINTER DRESS BLUE (WDB) MAY BE WORN BETWEEN 01 NOVEMBER-31 MARCH").

• The new wash and wear trousers are arriving in the local Sector Exchanges (CGEX).  When they arrive at the UDC (approx. JUN 2013) they will be distributed to the recruits first, so there might some limited sizes available to begin with. The instructions for proper care of these trousers is listed on the UDC website: 

o Presently the new trousers can ONLY be worn with the Tropical Blue uniforms and the Winter Dress Blue. The shading is different from the Service Dress Blue trousers.

o Special order uniforms take about four weeks for delivery. It does take some time for the patterns to be measured and cut in Massachusetts and then sent back to the UDC to be sewn.  Also, the SDB jackets are readily available again.

• University Programs: We currently have 1 Auxiliary University Program (AUP) Unit LA/LB. It consists of 8 members representing various Flotillas and Schools. There is discussion of forming another program at CSU Channel Islands.

• Per National, there have been some changes in terminology. There is no longer a "Detachment" at a University. We call them an AUP Unit. An AUP Unit is commanded by a Unit Officer and sponsored by a local Flotilla. The Unit Officer is normally a member of the local Flotilla and reports both to the FC and to the BA-SUOP (AUP Operations, PACAREA). The Field Operations Guide has more details and can be found here: 

• An AuxChef training program is scheduled for the weekend of 20-21 April at Base LA/LB. Anyone interested should contact Victoria Jacobs, VJAuxiliary@, for more information. Space is limited. All of the classroom items will be covered and some of the PQS sign-offs will take place. Attendees will need to cover all of their own costs for travel and lodging. A review of names has shown that a number of members who believed they were fully qualified AuxChefs were never entered into AuxData and there is no final paperwork in their files. A number of people are searching for the 3 year old sign-offs and if they are not found the members will need to repeat all of the training. This should serve as a reminder of the importance of keeping a copy of all paperwork.

End of report.


Executive Summary

All Divisions report that data input is up to date. Divisions are continuing to update member 7028s in AuxData but more work needs to be done. Some Divisions are up to date, some are lagging. OSC is making some changes in the AuxData address but no action thus far. Some of the Flotillas still do not have IS Officers and the SO-IS is filling in and managing. Training is occurring in the Divisions and Flotillas desiring AuxData and Auxinfo training should contact their Division IS Officers. REYRs are still being cleared up from last year. This year’s absence of C Schools is unfortunate and is placing a burden on the Districts. No known technical problem with the system.


• Data input is up to date

• 7028 updates in AuxData have improved

• OSC will be changing AuxData address from HTTP to HTTPS

• Flotillas desiring training should contact the SO-IS

• No current technical problems are present in AuxData

• Absence of IS C School this year will result in fewer trained IS Officers

End of Report

MATERIALS – John Whiting, DSO-MA

Executive Summary

I have been asked to provide a Material Center at NACON in San Diego and am starting to work on it. We will need a lot of help.  

End of Report


Executive Summary

In March, the PB department gathered information for articles and photographs and compiled the first newsletter for 2013. Also spent time soliciting articles from all district personnel, and investigated new ways to motivate members to submit.


• Gathered newsletter submissions and researched potential future articles. Verified rights and photographers for photo submissions.

• Reviewed division and flotilla newsletters.

• Worked with several flotillas PB officers to encourage improvement in their publications efforts.

• Encouraged all PB staff at all levels to contribute to national publications, and submitted articles as well.

• Worked with DSO-PA to coordinate articles, photographs, and other areas of overlap.

• Worked with DSO-CS to streamline system for distribution of newsletter once approvals are received.

• Worked with the national Auxiliary 75th Anniversary Committee on articles of historical interest to the membership.

End of Report


Executive Summary

The Marine Safety area continues to evolve with more member participation in MS programs including the AUX-MEES and MDA. MT department has developed multiple power point presentations for use by Flotillas. NS department underway with PATON inspections. PE department reporting classes being offered throughout the District. PV department updating Partner Lists and getting PV members to get off REYR.


Executive Summary

• Division 1 - The boat crew school began on 20MAR with 18 out of twenty attending. Two members completed the ICS300A class. An AUX Data, first aid, and MOB class has begun. The AUXSEA class continues. Jr. Navigation classes ended with 5 students.

• Division 4 – Flotilla Meeting Training has included: Cold Water Boot Camp (video), Uniforms, 1 hr.-TCT, GAR for patrols. Two Coxswain candidates are working through their PQS’s. Crew School classes are now underway. Two potential instructors are completing their IT training PQS’s.

• Division 5 – The FC Academy was presented by COMO Jacobs et’al in the 1 day format that was used in Div. 07. This required FC’s and VFC’s to complete the on-line FLC course. FMT training included a presentation on the “THUMS” oil islands in LA harbor. 1 hr. TCT is scheduled for this month.

• Division 7 – 8 hr. TCT scheduled for 4/27, Boat Crew school scheduled for 5/4 & 11 with 12 signups, AUXLMS & MT compendium training held. TCO/PQS signoffs continuing leading to both mobile radio facilities and CG Watchstanders. An AUXWEA course is starting 4/6/13 with 14 students.

• Division 10 – The Division and all the Flotillas are gearing up for the boating season by actively engaging in Operational Member Training. Workshops were given for IT, PV, VE, Awards Writing, AUXInfo & AUXLMS. AUXLAM A&B has been scheduled and the Division has set up dates for SABOT training as well as a New Member Academy. Plans are being made to hold a New Boat Crew Training Class. AUXSEA class now underway has 5 students

• Division 11 – Boat Crew activities at Lakes Silverwood, Perris, Elsinore, and Big Bear are in the planning stages for the 2013 boating season. Coxswain School with J. V. Vara is underway as of 22 JAN 2013 in Rubidoux. Crew School joins in on 26 MAR 2013. VSC refresher course will be held 23 MAR 2013 in Corona.

End of Report


Executive Summary

• Working with Sector L.A. /L.B. M.D.A. Program to help expand the Program.

• Inquired into the use of Operational Paddle craft for District 11SR.

• S.O.-M.S. held a F.S.O.-M.S. Academy on 09MAR13 with 5 Attendees. S.O.-M.S. will meet with F.S.O.-M.S.’s one on one in future.

• Members continue to support Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety Program.

• Conducting M.D.A. Patrols.

• Conducting U.P.V. Inspections

• Members working on U.P.V. Qualification.

• Conducting Life Raft Inspections.

• Members have registered for the California Dockwalker Training

• Members attended M.D.A. Training Meeting.

• Members continue to support Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety Programs.

• Conducting M.D.A. Patrols and Training.

• Members perform Training and Outreach with the D.C.I. (Dive Casualty Investigation) Team.

• Members working on the Auxiliary Prevention Outreach P.Q.S.

• Members participated with the Point Vicente Whale of a Day Outreach Booth.

• Members working on the Assistant Investigating Officer P.Q.S.

• Members planning Earth Day Events.

• Members working on the Marine Safety Training Ribbon.

• Members working with Public Education to include Marine Safety Information in Classes.

End of Report


Executive Summary

• Verifications for 2013 are underway (1129 assigned – 274 completed).

• Private Aids to Navigation (PatoN) have been located and reported (48).

• Certified AV-VO: 21 Verifying Officers have been appointed for 2013.

• Lighthouse tours and open house reporting

• TCT: 8 hour TCT is required for AV-PQS update

Details – Inspections

▪ PatoN Inspection Reports: YTD verifications total 274 with 261 PatoNs and 13 bridges completed. Unfortunately 24% were discrepant. 49 Verifiers have taken advantage of the good weather to make

early inspections. Another 48 private aids to navigation have been located without proper permits and have been reported to Commander (dpw) using the Form 7054.

Details – Lighthouses

Point Vicente: Whale of a Day on March 2nd with 3,301 visitors.

Members from Divisions 5,6,11 & 12 participated.

Point Hueneme: Closed due to maintenance issues.

Details – PQS

Please note: A workshop is not required to complete the AV-PQS; however, it is recommended to introduce the current AV program. Workshop scheduling is difficult with all the other events on the calendar. If a group of members request a workshop, one will be scheduled.

Details – AV Qualifications are phasing out

As the 5 year renewal date is reached for a current AV qualified member, the

qualification is discontinued. To continue participation in the Aids to Navigation

program the member must complete the AV-PQS which includes the 8-hour TCT.

End of Report

PUBLIC AFFAIRS - James K. Scarborough, DSO-PA

Executive Summary

District 11(SR) Public Affairs continues to be a work in progress. Planning for 2013 PA Events working with SO-PA’s & FSO-PA’s to obtain Division & Flotilla event information. PA Department is helping to prepare for NSBW i.e. boat shows, local division & flotilla events, working with PB-Dept. to create articles for both D11SR Newsletter & web site. The PA Department was a major contributor to the D11SR Newsletter-March Edition.


• Reports from ADSO-PA’s & SO-PA’s are a work in progress (need improvement)...

• Contact has been made with the major boating associations regarding the 2013 Boat Shows. The associations are NMMA, Fred Hall Shows & Duncan McIntosh Companies...

• PA Dept. working with Ms. Rachel Johnson, editor, Safe Boating Council about NSBW Events.

• PA Dept. working with DCAPT-S Tom Jacobsmeyer on Torrance Armed Forces Day Parade. PA Dept. will provide exhibits and personal to staff the event.



• ADSO—COASTIE---Leslie “Jon” Ross


• ADSO---DIV. 1,9 & 10 RESPONSIBILITY---Rey Armstrong

• ADSO---DIV.5,6,11 RESPOSIBILITY---Clint Wells

• ADSO---DIV.4,7,12 RESPONSIBILITY---Steve Lee

• ADSO—Historian—Jo Pauloo

PA Staff Activities:

• Clint Wells completed article about Auxiliarist Don Hetticher and his outstanding work at CG Air Station LAX. The article was published in the District Newsletter, CG Auxiliary National Publications and on the Coast Guard BLOG

• Article in progress will be about Auxiliarist Ron Miller and his training work with CG Air Groups LAX & San Diego.

• These will be a series of articles about D11SR members, who are making major contributions in assisting the Active Duty Coast Guard.

• Boat Show activities include LIDO/Newport Boat Show; San Diego Boat Show; Long Beach Boat Show.

• Uniform of the Day policy for PA Events, specifically Boat Shows. DSO-PA-Scarborough has submitted to COMO Verdi, DCOS Blanchette and DSO-HR Kelley a review of this policy with recommendations—Subject under review.

End of Report


Executive Summary

Progress continues to be made with the implementation of AUXPLUS-PE and the expansion of Paddle Sport programs. To kick off the year, many flotillas have been conducting various PE classes throughout the District, while others have been seeking out new avenues to present RBS classes to the public. Many of these targeted efforts will become apparent throughout the “Details” of this report.

• Flotilla 10-10 attended safety fair for 100 first grade students and presented appropriate wearing of life vests.

• Flotilla 61 continuing BS&S and Weekend Navigator. BS&S to complete in March while Weekend Navigator will wrap in April.

• Flotilla 10-2 prepping to conduct Paddle Sport class in cooperation with Maricopa County Parks and Recreation in May.

• Flotilla 10-10 attended safety fair for 100 first grade students and presented appropriate wearing of life vests.

• Flotilla 11-10 presented one ABS class with two students completing.

• Flotilla 11-12 conducted a four hour class with five students in attendance. AUXPLUS-PE was used in completion of five certificates awarded.

End of Report


Executive Summary

Several of the PV’s are off to a good start. Class schedules and supplies are getting out to the boaters and have been very successful. Boating season is just getting started for this year and we still have a lot to do.


• Our current stats for District is, 1,130 , (not all being reported to AuxData)

• We added new Partners’ to our listings.

• We currently have 81 PV’s on the REYR report. I am working on getting them reinstated.

• We have added another newly Program Visitor to our team.

• I am currently working with Flotilla 7-61 (Morro Bay), in getting a PV certified and getting more members.

• We have several PV’s that need to get started on their visits, so I need to work with them to find out why? On the other hand, we have 4 or 5 Division’s that are doing extremely well.

End of Report


Executive Summary

Now that the weather is warming up we expect to see the usual increase in the number of vessels coming out and this should increase our activity at marinas and yacht clubs. Kayak and canoe activity is starting to increase as well and we anticipate large numbers of inspections. Other activities include:


• We are very pleased with training session turnouts for the Dockwalker program which is now in its’ third year in southern California. Classes have been held in San Diego County and in Ventura County a record 37 members attended a combined Dockwalker class and VE workshop. Orange County has a class on Saturday 6 April in Newport Beach. Next up will be LA County.

• The quality of OPFAC inspections has improved over the last two months, a result of our and the OTO’s efforts in this important segment.

• The Coast Guard warning notice on counterfeit fire extinguishers has been distributed to all Vessel Examiners.

End of Report


Executive Summary

Plans are being developed for DTRAIN 2014 and PWC support of Coast Guard missions.


• Don Norby, ADSO-OP, is surveying the other Districts to gather information on PWC use. A plan will be developed with the information that will include potential PWC missions that can be conducted in D11SR. The plan will be presented to the OIA for review.

• Eric DeCuir has provided the documentation from DTRAIN 2013. Information is being reviewed and planning for DTRAIN 2014 has begun.

End of Report


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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