Save the Children Norway – Nepal

Yearly Progress Report - 2007

Name of Partner Organization: Resources Center for Rehabilitation and Development-Bhaktapur

( CBRO Bhaktapur and Patan CBRO as a member partners in cluster )

Working areas (districts and VDCs): Direct- 5 Districts, 3 Municipalities, and 61 VDC and Indirectly- 26 Disticts

Target group: Children with disabilities, families of CWDs, Schools and child club,VDRCs of communities, CBR and Self Help Organizations, Government Bodies from village to national level.

Project Period: 2006 - 2009 Reporting Period: Jan. – Dec. 2007

Approved Total Budget: Rs. 76, 10,000.00 Contact Person: Surya Bhakta Prajapati

Additional Resource Mobilization Cash and kinds: Total Rs. 39, 95, 648.35 52.5 %

(Patan-16,81,296.38+ Bhaktapur 19,73,160.and RCRD 2,89,821.97)

Total SCN Expenditure: Rs.76,09,590.64 that is 99.99 %


1.Annual objectives: (Mention the annual objectives and indicators in each strategy as per agreement or project proposal)

1.1. CDSP Goal

Demonstration of Just, positive, non-discriminative communities which respect the rights of children with disabilities with increased accountability for their meaningful inclusion in mainstream of life with equal as well as special opportunities

1.2. RCRD Partnership Objectives

2. Objectives:

Objective 1:

Mobilize and strengthen the government (local and national), civil society institutions and the community groups at the grass root level to empower them and to make them accountable to own the responsibility to support and promote the rights of children with disabilities. CBR Organizations to function as the Resource Centers in their respective region/districts.

Sub-Ojbective 1.A

To influence necessary policy / legal level / changes / amendments and their implementation at different levels in the family, society / community and state (local & national / Govt.

Sub-Ojbective 1.B.

To increase the right attitude, accountability & capacity of parents, families, community groups, civil society & local government in full filling their obligation towards the children & protecting their rights.

Objective 2:

To Increase access of yet un-reached children with disabilities to mainstream quality education and special need education at CBR project areas.

Sub-Ojbective 2.A:

To prepare children for schools by strengthening their functional capacities, psycho-social health, resilience and minimum basic skills needed for school enrollment to facilitate their development to the optimum towards self-reliance.

Sub-Ojbective 2.B: To increase the enrollment of children and youth with disabilities in mainstream quality education, ECD to higher education, support children to increase the quality of education performance and prevent drop out.

Sub-Ojbective 2.C:

To create a disabled - friendly environment and facilities for the children with disabilities in the schools.

Sub-Ojbective 2. D:

To create opportunities and facilities of various sports, games and other entertainments.

Ojbective 3:

To create opportunity and access of youth with disabilities to vocational training and livelihood skills.

Ojbective 4:

To ensure meaningful participation of children and youth with disabilities and their organizations at different levels and to empower them to claim their rights.

Objective 5:

To analyze, identify and reduce gradually the incidences of the most common major childhood disability specific to CBR Project districts through preventive measures addressed to the root cause in collaboration with District Health Agencies / Institutions.

Objective 6:

To mobilize resources to strengthen and sustain the organizations and increase credibility in its task to address the rights of children with

2.Background: (Mention the names of districts and VDCs that you are working in each strategy, total population and profile of children that you are supporting, brief situation of the working areas links with previous report, strategic contribution)

The Resource Center for Rehabilitation and Development

RCRD was founded in 1997 as a non profit and nonpolitical and National Resources Center for Disability Issues. RCRD is dedicated to enhance awareness, information, and development of human resource and undertake strong advocacy for equal opportunities and inclusive society for the children and persons with disabilities (PWD). As per the change in the management strategy of SCN; RCRD is facilitating as a contact organization to continue the work of CBRO Bhaktapur and Patan to realize the rights of the most marginalized children with disabilities.

2.1. Working areas (districts and VDCs):

Direct -5 Districts (Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Kavre,Kathmandu, Nuwakot), 3 Municipalities (Bhaktapur, Thimi, Lalitpur), and 61 VDC and indirectly - 26 Districts.

2.2. Target group:

Children with disabilities, families of CwDs, Schools and child club, VDRCs of communities, CBR and Self Help Organizations, Government Bodies from village to national level.

2.3. Population covered and baseline of Children with Disability:

a. National Level Baseline:

1. Main / core problem

Lack of recent information and data's, Government of Nepal has recognized the WHO estimations of 10 % children and persons have some kind of impairment and disabilities, whose rights are denied and neglected. Most often they are discriminated and excluded in the families, communities and organized sectors. They have not been provided equal opportunities and rights as other children and citizens have. RCRD observes that persons with disabilities are less visible in the developing countries like Nepal and therefore, are in least priority in the national agenda of development.

2. Effects of disability in their life

Children and persons with disabilities are most vulnerable to exclusion and discrimination in the families, communities and in the mainstream of development activities. The effect of exclusion in their life is very negative. A person with disabilities has less or no opportunities in access to health, education, rehabilitation, employment and socialization process. The last situation analysis of 2001 shows that 70.1% PWDs felt that they face problem to live with self-respect and family usually face humiliation due to disabled person in the family.

Similarly 68.9% in general and 77.7 % female are deprived of any kind of education at all. About 79.9 % PWDs were economically dependent on family. Health and rehabilitation services are very low. 90.5 % families felt problem that the PWDs are not able to take care and performing work by themselves. They need regular support in learning daily living activities and other rehabilitation services. Quite a large number of PWDs had difficulty in joining in social activities and their participation in social activities and organizations is very negligible.

3. Immediate and root causes of the disability and exclusion of PWDs:

The Situation analysis 2001 present immediate cause of disability; due to 53.6 % by disease, 28.9 % by birth and 17.6% by accident. Even now more than 50 % general people think that the cause of disability is due to the God, fate, result of past life and superstitious belief. But the main root cause of disability and deprivation are lack of appropriate knowledge and information of health care, attitudinal barrier of persons and organizations, lack of health facilities and intervention in time, poverty, and lack of appropriate policy, structure and implementation, lack of appropriate human resources in place.

b. Local Level Baseline on Disability Issues:

In total RCRD program is covering directly 9, 73,973 populations in 5 Districts and 61 VDCs and 3 Municipalities. The local level study shows 3.23% prevalence of CWDs and PWDs and among them at presently we are in directly contact with 3,525 C/YWDs.

Intervention Strategy

Every Children and Persons with disabilities are well attended in their own community by well-informed, knowledgeable and skilled persons of family, village and responsible organization and adequately and effectively facilitate prevention, early identification and intervention/ rehabilitation for realizing the rights of CWDs/PWDs.

• RCRD Program will be implemented on the basis of the fundamental principles of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Rights Based Approach.

o Increase understanding of rights of CWDs among CWDs and YWDs, families, students and teachers, health personals, self help organization and VDRCs, Secretaries of VDC and Municipalities, Child Clubs, transport staffs, Women's groups, NGOs members, SCNN PNGOs staffs and Secretary and staffs of MWCSW.

• Influence and lobby with local Government agencies for the implementation of existing policies to cater the needs of children with disabilities ,e.g. Policies of local development ministry on allocation of fund for disability work, access to free education to all CWDs, free health facilities, barrier free environment and participation of CWDS and PWDS.

• Village Disability Rehabilitation Committee and District Disability Rehabilitation Committee will be formed and strengthened to empower them to take the responsibility of protecting rights of children with disabilities and will hand over the responsibility to VDRCs.

• New more CBR and disability program will be promoted by developing the capacities of development and disability organizations through training, information and network. Existing working area of CBR will be extended to more VDCs of the adjoining district of and partnership with CBOs in working districts will be continued to reach more children disabilities.

• Inclusive education will be highly promoted for the rights of children with disabilities through bringing changes in the attitude, knowledge and capacity of key stakeholders and duty bearers and by availing the support of District Education Office.

• RCRD partners such as CBR Program will develop itself as a resource center in CBR districts and neighboring District to build up the capacities of disability related organizations (Government and NGOs) to promote the rights of people with disabilities.

• Communities and societies will be mobilized and sensitized to include children with disabilities in the society with equal respect and status and to create equal opportunities for them.

• Additional resources will be generated and mobilized from internal, local, National and International level. RCRD will coordinate and collaborate with I/NGOs, GOs and private sectors to ensure the rights of children with disabilities.

• RCRD partners will develop strategy to develop as a professional health and rehabilitation service center for its sustainability.

3. Highlights of major achievements and deviations Jan-Dec, 2007:(Summary of the major achievements in terms of: i) changes in children’s life, ii) changes in policy and plan positively with extra resources, iii) improvement in non-discriminatory practices, iv) increase participation of children v) improvement of access and quality of practical works for children - both qualitative and quantitative changes or results you have realized)

1. Increase accountability of duty bearers and stakeholders:

Activities/ Outputs

In total 9,619 (Target 6530 copies) various disability awareness materials (Calendars, Posters, Booklet, Bulletin, Pamphlet, training materials, CD, Reports & stickers) were produced and disseminated and local FM and TV stations and national / local news papers covered disability issues and news, in relation to the RCRD partner's efforts and success.

3,704 ( Target 786 ) persons (Parents, students, community Groups, teachers, NGO's staff, Govt. Official, Health Workers, private sectors, self help groups, traditional healers and local leaders) increased their understanding by participating in meeting, presentation and sharing, interaction program, orientation on rights of the children with disabilities.

540 ( Target 238) persons (teachers, students, health personals, community volunteers, VDRC members, motivators, rehabilitation facilitators, development organization staffs and members, self help organization members, civil society organization) enhance their knowledge and skill on various disability technical and organizational development areas.

Outcomes and results:

Changes in the lives of CWDs:

Access to education: 610 ( Target 462) (Male 379 and Female 231) children with disabilities have enrolled in 202 schools (176 general schools and 26 special and resources classes), 12 deaf children has access to inclusive mainstream school in Bhaktapur. Reports from mini study shows 87.39 % of school age children among registered children are enrolled in the school education, 96 % had passed their level and drop out is decreasing significantly in the Ed. year B.S.2063/64. 4 more schools constructed disability friendly toilet and ramp in Bhaktapur and 9 schools in Lalitpur are maintaining ramps and toilets by school themselves.

◆ In total 5,054 children were benefited by the childhood disability prevention and protection measures offered by CBRs in collaboration with key government agencies, NGOs and local authority.

◆ Number of registered children has reached 3,525 (registered in Dec. 2007); 1694 ( Target 1286) CWDs having regular rehabilitation facilities, medical cure for 924 for decreasing the effect of impairment and improve body structure and function, assistive devices for 175 ( Target 292) and enhanced functional capacities; 506 in mobility, 301 in communication, 403 in self care and 265 in learning and applying knowledge..

84 grown-up young persons and parents of CWDs developed various vocational skills.

◆ Participation: Inclusive child clubs have included more than 61 ( Target 85) children with disabilities in 15 child clubs and some of them are leading the child clubs. Some grown up youth has represented in the District Child Welfare Board in Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. This year these children also campaign for inclusive education through street drama in the Bhaktapur.

◆ In total 540 persons from various organizations of the districts developed their knowledge, skills and capacities about disability and rehabilitation through various training programs. As a result, identification of more children with disabilities has been completed. Access for children with disabilities to CBR facilities are expanded and strengthen in 26districts and SCN development partners has started to include disability issues and 8 partner organization developed its disability resource persons in their organization.

Changes in the policy/rules/practices:

4 66 (Target 16) Various GOs and I/NGOs incorporated disability issue in their agenda and collaborated and allocated budget for disability issue. In most of the program area VDC, Municipalities and DDC has started allocating some financial resources on disability programs. Provision of education is strengthening with establishing resources classes, special schools, inclusive school and provision of scholarship for CWDs. Similarly various I/NGOs working in the CDSP districts have incorporated disability issue in their development work agenda. SCN development partners have started to include disability issues in their programming.

5 As a result of advocacy efforts new policy and programs are in place such as, central GOVT program and budget has created provision of tax free on assistive devices and policy of allocation of financial resources from all local authority. New definition and classification of disability is being regularized. National policy and action plan on disability 2063 is in place.

CBR programs are going to expand in 25 districts (presently implemented in the 12 districts) and a CBR guideline is finalized by Ministry of Women, Children Social Welfare. Inclusive education is continuing in 210 schools in 22 districts and 340 resources class in 73 districts.

Interim Constitution has recognized disability as a marginalized group of people in Nepal. Representation of PWDs in Constitutional Assembly is a crucial issue and a very strong advocacy is in process to include in the inclusive list of the assembly. UN convention on the rights of PWDs is signed by Nepal this year.

A short course on CBR basic is being recognized by CTEVT and is on the process for the formal affiliation. This is the first training course on disability in Nepal ever recognized by the Government.

o Non-discriminatory practices: Mini study carried out in the school shows that only 2 children felt bad behavior (Teasing) from their friend among 240 students with disability in Bhaktapur. A study on 72 schools in Patan shows no reporting of teasing to CWDs by other students.

o Inclusiveness: Among 1213 beneficiaries of CBR rehabilitation facilities, 693 are Male and 520 Female, 403 are Brahaman and Chhetri, 762 are Janajaties and 48 are from Dalits.

Changes in the behavioral pattern of the families and community towards CWDs:

▪ Government and development organizations (NGOs and INGOs) has included disability issues in their agenda and implemented the existing legal provisions by allocating resources and creating facilities for equal opportunity to children with disabilities.

▪ Out of 61 (Target 59 VDC) working VDCs; 38 VDRCs (Target 37) were formed and capacitate to take responsibility of protecting rights of children with disability. In the all VDRCs, parents and persons with disability are included and playing vital role in all activities. VDRCs has taken initiation to advocate for local resources and received the VDC fund 10,000. to 30,000. resources in all of the VDRC, organize disability surveys in the VDC level, created day care centers, organized awareness and vocational training, taken initiatives for identity cards for CWDs/PWDs and developing towards an autonomous organization.

▪ CBR facilities are strengthen and expanded in new VDCs of RCRD and Government CBR program, inclusive education and inclusion of disability issues has been enhanced and expanded in the SCN development partners through training and technical support.

▪ Base line survey have been completed in all VDRCs and new children with disabilities were identified in the RCRD program Districts. The data system would be available and updated in the all VDRCs.

8 Families and children feel motivated to work harder to increase the functional capacities if the school is a realistic goal. Once they are in school, the incentives multiply. Many parents somehow find the will to make extraordinary commitments, carrying their children back and forth to school each day, helping with their homework, maintaining a rigorous schedule of therapy, often on top of work and other demands. More and more parents started to involve actively in the various consultation, meetings and self help groups as well. In some communities parents themselves has initiated play groups and day care center for CWDs.

Organization Development

o Resources Mobilization: During the period, significant resource were mobilized by RCRD partners amounting NRS. Total Rs. 39, 95, 648.35 52.5 % ( Target 25 %) of SCNN contribution (Patan-16,81,296.38+ Bhaktapur 19,73,160.and RCRD 2,89,821.97) in cash and kind and technical experts support as well.

4. Detail RCRD and Partners Program activities and Achievements of 2007:

Objectives: 1 Increasing Accountability:

Mobilize and strengthen the government (local and national), civil society institutions and the community groups at the grass root level to empower them and to make them accountable to own the responsibility to support and promote the rights of children with disabilities. CBR Organizations to function as the Resource Centers in their respective region/districts.

Sub Objective 1.A

To influence necessary policy / legal level / changes / amendments and their implementation at different levels in the family, society / community and state (local & national / Govt.

Sub-Ojbective 1.B.

To increase the right attitude, accountability & capacity of parents, families, community groups, civil society & local government in full filling their obligation towards the children & protecting their rights.


RCRD and Partners have taken intensive initiatives to develop understanding, knowledge and skill on disabilities issues through orientation, sharing, interaction, presentation, meetings, publication and dissemination and trainings. 3704 persons (Parents, Students, Community Groups, Teachers, NGO's staff, Govt. Official, Health Workers, Private sectors, self help groups, traditional healers, local leaders) from different organizations and sectors were shared 156 sessions on various disability issues.

And 540 persons (teachers, students, health personals, community volunteers, VDRC members, women groups, secretaries of VDCs, motivators, rehabilitation facilitators, development organization staffs and members, self help organization members, civil society organization) were participated and developed knowledge and skill on various disability technical, areas. HIV and AIDs and protection issues were included in training and orientation programs.

In total 9,619 various disability awareness materials (Calendars, Posters, Booklet, Bulletin, Pamphlet, training materials, CD, Reports & stickers) were produced and disseminated and local FM and TV stations and national / local news papers covered disability issues and news in relation to the RCRD partner's efforts and success.

As a result;

□ 66 Various GOs and I/NGOs incorporated disability issue in their agenda and collaborated and allocated budget for disability issue against the annual target 16 new .

□ Local & national level government agencies have allocated Rs.11,78,900. to address disability issue. In total significant resource were mobilized by RCRD partners amount Rs. 39, 95, 648.35 52.5 % of SCNN contribution including Government resources (Patan-16,81,296.38+ Bhaktapur 19,73,160.and RCRD 2,89,821.97 in cash and kind and technical experts support as well).

□ Local & national level government agencies have started implementing existing legal provisions & policies in favor of CWDs/PWDs. Such as VDCs and DDC have allocated budget, scholarship wear provided to CWDs, Small and cottage Industry Office have started consultation with CBR programs to provide vocational trainings for youths and persons with disability, DWO have started taking lead role in organizing International Disability Day, CBR program is implemented in 13 more Districts,

Interim Constitution has recognized disability as a marginalized group of people in Nepal. Representation of PWDs in Constitutional Assembly is a crucial issue and a very strong advocacy is in process to include in the inclusive list of the assembly.

□ 38 Village Disability Rehabilitation Committee (VDRC) are established and in all VDRC are lead by PWDs and family members.( Target 37 VDRCs) and they have started to plan and implement disability program in the VDCs. They started to mobilized the VDC fund, support CWDs in education, conduct survey, initiatives for Disability Card and awareness raising and conduct vocational trainings


□ Government and NGOs have expanding CBR activities to 13 more districts.

□ In total 9,619 various disability IEC awareness materials (Calendars, Posters, Booklet, Bulletin, Pamphlet, training materials, CD, Reports & stickers) were produced and disseminated and local FM and TV stations and national / local news papers covered disability issues and news in relation to the RCRD partner's efforts and success.

Objectives – 2 Access to Education:

To Increase access of yet un-reached children with disabilities to mainstream quality education and special need education at CBR project areas.

Sub-Ojbective 2.A:

To prepare children for schools by strengthening their functional capacities, psycho-social health, resilience and minimum basic skills needed for school enrollment to facilitate their development to the optimum towards self-reliance.

Sub-Ojbective 2.B:

To increase the enrollment of children and youth with disabilities in mainstream quality education, ECD to higher education, support children to increase the quality of education performance and prevent drop out.

Sub-Ojbective 2.C:

To create a disabled - friendly environment and facilities for the children with disabilities in the schools.

Sub-Ojbective 2. D:

To create opportunities and facilities of various sports, games and other entertainments.

Ojbective 3:

To create opportunity and access of youth with disabilities to vocational training and livelihood skills.

Achievements :

RCRD and partners have taken initiatives to prepare the families, children and youths with disabilities, teachers and schools to increase the access to education of CWDs. the organization has facilitated inclusive education trainings for teachers and students, supported to create disability environment creating ramps, toilets, educational materials and scholarship. RCRD and partners are running 1 deaf school ( 24 children ), 3 transitory schools ( 55 children) and 1 preprimary schools ( 48 children ) for children with intellectual disability and 2 play groups in VDCs. The partners have taken intensive action to work with families of CWDs such as home visits, counseling, facilitating different types of rehabilitation therapies to enhance functional skills, referral services for treatment and assistive devices. As a results;

Access to education: 610 ( Male 379 and Female 231) children with disabilities have enrolled in 202 schools ( 176 general schools and 26 special and resources classes), 12 deaf children has access to inclusive mainstream school in Bhaktapur. Reports shows that 87.39 % of school age children are enrolled in the school education, 96 % had passed their level and drop out is decreasing significantly Ed. year B.S.2063/64. 4 more schools constructed disability friendly toilet and ramp in Bhaktapur and 9 in Lalitpur were maintained by school themselves.

◆ Non-discriminatory practices: Mini study carried out in the school shows that only 2 children felt bad behavior (Teasing) from their friend among 240 students with disability. A study on 72 schools in Patan shows no reporting of teasing by other students.

◆ Rehabilitation work to prepare CWDs for Education: Number of registered children has reached 3,525 (registered in Dec. 2007) including 184 new CWDs identified; 1694 CWDs having regular rehabilitation facilities, medical cure for 924 for decreasing the effect of impairment and improve body structure and function, assistive devices for 175 and enhanced functional capacities; 506 in mobility. 301 in communication, 403 in self care and 265 in learning and applying knowledge.

◆ Base line survey have been completed in all VDRCs and new children with disabilities were identified in the RCRD program Districts. The data system would be available and updated in the all VDRCs.

Vocational skills : 84 grown-up young persons and parents of CWDs developed various vocational skills. 9 more youths with disabilities were placed in job.

◆ Participation and inclusion: 443 children with disabilities were participated in various social activities such as game and sports, dance, exposer and educational tour, talents show, picnic and social cultural activities.

Ojbective 4:

To ensure meaningful participation of children and youth with disabilities and their organizations at different levels and to empower them to claim their rights.

Achievements : RCRD partners are facilitating and supporting 15 inclusive child clubs. As a results;

□ Inclusive child clubs have included more than 61 children with disabilities in 15 child clubs and some of them are leading the child clubs. Some grown up youth has represented in the District Child Welfare Board and District Development planning in Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. This year these children also campaign on inclusive education through street drama in the Bhaktapur.

□ Consultation with children's groups in organizational matter of planning and review activities is a regular phenomenon. CWDs has demand to increase support to child clubs and RCRD partners has agreed to increase more resources to support child club activities.

□ CWDs of RCRD partners have participated and given input in various national and district level events to include childhood disability issues and allocation of budgets for their work.

Objective 5:

To analyze, identify and reduce gradually the incidences of the most common major childhood disability specific to CBR Project districts through preventive measures addressed to the root cause in collaboration with District Health Agencies / Institutions.

Achievements : RCRD partners have conducted a mini study on major causes of disability. as results ;

□ Cerebral palsy is developing as a main disability in the communities and among 102 children fever after birth is the main cause of disability ( 42 children),15 cases by unknown causes, 18 by injure and trauma, 9 by jaundice,10 premature birth, 2 in each by epilepsy, hereditary and dehydration and 2 by trauma in pregnancy period. A strategy will be developed to reduce the main causes of cerebral palsy in the 2008 prevention program.

□ Prevention: In total 5,054 children were benefited by the childhood disability prevention and protection measures offered by CBRs in collaboration with key government agencies, NGOs and local authority.

Objective 6: Organizational Development.

To mobilize resources to strengthen and sustain the organizations and increase credibility in its task to address the rights of children with

Achievements: RCRD partners have taken various initiatives to enhance organizational development of the partners, such as developed the skill and knowledge of staffs, volunteers, board members, review and updated rules, policies and constitutions, continuing the monitoring and review meetings and follow up visits, and looked for new funding agencies.

As a result :

◆ 33 RCRD and Partners staffs, volunteers and Board members has enhance their knowledge and skill in otology, clinic base physiotherapy, CBR Basic training, social mobilization, ECD, social audit and good governance, management communication, occupational therapy, training need assessment, account keeping and documentation. All the trained staff have started implementing skill in their job. We need to follow up of the above training to see the use and impact of the training in 2008.

◆ RCRD partners have endorsed the SCNN Child Protection Policy and created status of Immediate Past President in the existing Board in Patan CBR.

◆ Annual plan, progress report, budget, audit report were passed by Board and General Assembly. Formal Social Audit have been conducted and the views, issues and inputs from stakeholders were documented and will be addressed in 2008. Such as widening the membership provision, inclusive membership and staff, demand for parents focused income generation program etc.

□ Various external development partners were explored for multiple partnership of the RCRD and partners. RCRD have been informed to have collaboration in new program by 2 international organization. Bhaktapur CBR have been able to continue partnership with World Vision International and DEO have provided one more teacher in the resources class for Deaf unit. Patan CBR have been able to continue the existing partnership and exploring new partner

5. Emerging issues (further progress and information required in 2007)

Integration of childhood disability (inclusive education)

HIV mainstreaming and integration- RCRD and partners have included the issues in orientation and trainings for parents, child club members, field rehabilitation mobilizers, women groups, students and children with deafness.

Women’s participation in socio, political and development aspect + peace building

Conflict sensitivity approach – do no harm practice, inclusion, social auditing: All RCRD partners have conducted social audit this year.

Monitoring of child rights violations 1612 and CAAFAG

Change in working approach – what worked well and what did not worked

Establishment of VDRCs and self help group is very crucial step to mobilize local resources and developing ownership in the program.

Base line provide a clear picture to plan and monitor our own work.

Challenges faced and risks encountered

- Personal discretion in implementation of existing policies.

- Low priority and exclusion of disability issues by GOs, NGOs and INGOs

- Access to education for children with severe disability

- Protection of reproductive health of children with disability specially intellectual disability

- Sustainability of VDRCs

- Ensure volunteers and staff position, carrier and future as NGO.

- Government CBR program and VDRCs are still weak to be fully responsible to their local rehabilitation work

6. Financial performance and management (budget used, rules and procedures followed, audit observation implemented, cost effectiveness, internal control and management)

Financial rules and regulation, organizational policies and constitution are followed, internal control system were followed, audit observation are implemented and budget are fully utilized .

This year in total SCN budget RS. 76,10,000. we have expended Rs.76,09,590.64 that is 99.99 % of total budget.

7. Lesson learned and good practices (Also include overall 2-3 learning and good practices including case studies):

■ Participation of Staffs, children, parents and self-help groups and local authorities in planning and review

■ Social audit

■ Inclusion of HIV- AIDs and protection issues

■ Social Mobilization in the community level through Village Disability Rehabilitation Committee.

■ Working with GOs

Suggestions and Recommendations:

- Support RCRD partners staff to develop them as a professional staff.

- Support RCRD partners to develop skill of log frame and result oriented in planning.

- Support RCRD to follow up of training and trainees in the their field and organization.

- Support to expand and strengthening the Government CBR and VDRCs.


- We observe that most of the activities, out put and results are achieved more than targets.

- Plan and budget are reviewed and make changes as per situation and budget is utilized fully.

- Monitoring and reports were provided in time.

Annual Progress Report 2007

RCRD and CBR Partners


All Children can access to Inclusive Education

Submitted to SCNN

Submitted By: RCRD-Bhaktapur


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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