Notes: - UnitNet Inc

Print this page and paste on inside cover of Instructor’s Guide:

Hello everybody! Thank you so much for coming! My name is ____________ and I am so excited to meet you all today!

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to our HOSTESS! (Give gift to hostess) Now _______ loves you every day, but especially today because she gets free stuff for you coming! So … if you’re feeling a little bit jealous, and you’re thinking, I want free stuff, that’s my goal. Make sure you BOOK your follow-up appointment with me at the end & invite your friends so YOU can get FREE products, too!

So let me give you an overview of today. First, I’m going to tell you a little bit about Mary Kay so you know more about the company you’re supporting by being here. Who likes FREE stuff? Great! I’ll tell you about myself & why women do Mary Kay, and we’ll play a game for door prizes! Then we’ll talk about good skin care while we play with products, and at the end I’ll meet with each one of you individually to talk about your specific skincare needs. Who is excited to learn how to keep your skin healthy and looking young? Yay! Our goal today is to introduce you to Mary Kay skincare and customize a skincare program for you. Nobody wants to look old before your time, right?

We’ll do a little cheek & lip color, but we’re not doing eye makeup today, so leave yours on. Who’d like to learn more about color like how to do a smoky eye or change your look from day to night, play up your best features? (like ______ did)? Ok, make sure at the end to book a follow-up appointment with me when we talk individually.

So, before I introduce you to Mary Kay, I’d like to get to know you all a little better. Let’s go around & say how you know _____ (the hostess) and what you do in real life.

Print this page and paste on page 3 of the Instructor’s guide:

It’s great to meet all of you, and now let me introduce you to Mary Kay Ash. Did you all know she was a real person? If you open your beauty book to the first pages, you can see her picture. She founded our company on the Golden Rule and the importance of giving back to others & that is why we change the lives of women and children around the world every day. Did you know that when you host a Mary Kay party, you’re partying with a purpose? You support a company that does well by doing good: caring about the environment, fighting domestic violence, cancers that affect women and so much more. Did you know we don’t test on animals? We are committed to eliminate animal testing and help other companies learn alternative testing methods. We are also always looking for ways to be green—our manufacturing plant actually just went zero landfill!

And did you know that every Mary Kay consultant owns her own business? Buying from me (your beauty consultant) is not like buying from a huge organization. When you buy products from me, you support a small business owner and your local community, you support a real person…you support my goals and dreams and my family. In return I will give you some of the best customer service you have ever received in your life. You can buy from me online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call me anytime & ask questions. I keep a file of what you like and I can tweek or update your skin care & color products as needed year round. I check up on you regularly to make sure you love what you are using & have everything you need. I’m like your personal shopper! Because we want to make sure we are totally taking care of you, we joke that Mary Kay consultants are like husbands, you can have more than one, just not at the same time. Plus, our company is founded on the golden rule & we’d never want to take customers from each other.

Print this page & paste on page 4 of the Instructor’s Guide:

Did you know that if you purchase a Mary Kay product and decide you don’t like it, you can trade it for anything else of equal value? We never want MK products in your little box or drawer of buying mistakes--you are our best possible advertisement! That is why you will get to try the products before you buy them. That is why we will check up on you in a couple of weeks at your follow-up appointment. And if you do end up with something you don’t like, it doesn’t matter to us if you got it yesterday or a year ago, you can trade anything you are not using for something you would rather have. Did you all know that?

Well I want you to remember, so I’m going to have you all take a little oath…Raise your hand and repeat after me:

I promise…….

To return anything…….

That I am not completely satisfied with………….

Yay! You took the oath! You can’t buy anything if you didn’t and you don’t even get to take home your doorprizes. Of course you don’t have to buy anything today, but if there is something you want to take home with you, we can take MasterCard, Discover, Visa, American Express, Cash, Checks, payment plans, and husband unawareness plans.

So, speaking of doorprizes, who wants to earn some? Ok. Have you ever wondered why women do Mary Kay? There are lots of reasons, and I’ll share mine with you and then we will play a little game & earn some prizes. I started because of _____________________________, but what I’ve really fallen in love with is _________________________________. Right now my goal is ________________________________ and you guys can help with that by _____________________. Every party I hold is getting me one step closer.

Print this page & paste on page 5 of the Instructor’s Guide:

Now who likes free stuff? Who wants to win some door prizes?

We are going to play a game called “Fun or Not Fun.” Now, there is only one right answer and that is “FUN.” Just in case you forget, I’ll hold up a sign that says, “FUN,” when I ask a question. So I am going to tell you the most popular reasons why women do Mary Kay and you just need to say if they sound Fun or Not Fun. And what is the right answer? (FUN) that’s right! So the #1 reason women do Mary Kay is:

1. Money-does earning $25 to $35 an hour to start, while you are figuring things out sound FUN or Not Fun?

2. How about Free Cars- FUN or Not Fun?

3. Getting to pick who you work with, FUN or Not Fun?

4. Being your own boss & deciding how much you want to earn, how much you want to work, where you want to work, FUN or Not Fun?

5. Having the flexibility to work around the things that are most important to you in life, FUN or Not Fun?

6. Tax benefits like writing off a portion of your rent/mortgage, power bill etc., FUN or Not Fun?

7. Working with a company that encourages you to put your priorities in the order of Faith, Family, Career, FUN or Not Fun?

8. Earning diamonds, free trips & many other fabulous prizes as perks of your job, FUN or Not Fun?

9. Starting a whole business for $100, FUN or Not Fun?

Great job! Now I have 10 tickets for the first 10 questions you ask me about Mary Kay, and then we’ll do a doorprize drawing. (Answer questions, do drawing.)

Print this page & paste on page 6 of the Instructor’s Guide:

Don’t be sad if you didn’t win—I can enter all of you in my unit’s $100 shopping spree drawing tonight! Do you guys want to do that? Ok. At the end of the party I will give you guys feedback forms so I can find out what you liked best & what you’d like to try next, and so that my director can check up on me to make sure I did a good job. Make sure you fill them out completely because that is how you get entered!

So let’s move into the skincare part of our party, and try some of our awesome products!

We all want beautiful skin, don’t we? Let’s turn the page and look at skincare through the ages.

Print this page & paste on page 7 of the Instructor’s Guide:

Let’s start by having you feel your face. We are going to feel it again at the end & see if we can see a difference. Now, I’m going to have you pull your mirror out of your tray. Hold it straight out in front of you. That is how you look right now. Hold it up. That’s how you looked a few years ago. Now hold it down by your feet. Yeah...that is how you are going to look in a few years without Mary Kay!

So let’s talk about wrinkles. Who knows at what age the wrinkling process begins? On average at 22. You will see your first wrinkles at:

25: forehead and laugh lines

30: crow’s feet around your eyes

40: line from ear to neck

50: nose, chin and earlobe creases

55: neck folds

65: wrinkles deepen

75: overlap and crisscross

Wait, there’s hope...

Would you like to learn how to slow down some of these things or reverse a little of the damage that’s already happened? Did you all know there are 5 steps to keeping your skin looking young and healthy? Well, take notes...I’m going to quiz you on these in a minute. Let’s turn the page.

Print & paste on page 8 of the Instructor’s Guide

1. First you want to wash (cleanse) your face every day, twice a day. Who knows how much your skin ages when you fall asleep with make-up on? (14 days). How would your skin look if you did that every night for a year? If you’re not wearing makeup, I don’t know the stats for just falling asleep with dirt on our face, but would you agree that it is a bad idea to use your pillowcase as a washcloth?

2. You also want to exfoliate to remove dead surface cells that dull the skin. Did you know that as you age your skincell turnover slows down making your skin look dull and ashy?

3. Freshen to tone the skin and refine pores. Did you know that your pore size actually gets bigger as you age?

4. Moisturize to hydrate for soft, smooth skin. Were you aware that one of the leading causes of premature aging is lack of moisture?

5. Protect the skin from sun and environmental damage. Do you all know where Montana ranks for skin cancer? (3rd in the nation).

Now who would be excited about using a skincare system that not only took care of all 5 of those steps, but also helped slow down the aging process? Great! So let’s talk about some of our skincare options. First, the Miracle Set, which fights the early signs of aging. After two months of using it, our customers report an average 56% reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and a 37% increase in skins firmness as well as softer, more supple skin and more even skin tone. Wow! Anytime you can cut your wrinkles in half in 2 months has got to be a miracle, right? Thus, the name. Now what that means if you don’t have wrinkles yet, is that it will take twice as long to get them. Who could get excited about that?

Print & paste on page 9 of the Instructor’s Guide

Second, let’s turn the page and look at the Timewise Repair Set, which I think of as a painless facelift because it reduces the appearance of deep lines & wrinkles, promotes elasticity & firmness & helps to even skin tone. It is the latest & greatest in keeping your skin looking young & healthy, and who wouldn’t love that it smells like all of its wonderful botanical ingredients even though it is unscented?

The next skincare set we are going to look at is the Botanicals Collection. It features a separate cleanser, toner, mask & moisturizer. It is customizable according to your skin type, contains no dyes or fragrances. It is perfect for anyone who is not quite ready for age-fighting products or anyone with extremely sensitive skin.

Our newest skincare line is Clearproof Acne Solutions. It has a cleanser & toner that have salicylic acid, which is an acne medication. There is an acne treatment gel with benzoyl peroxide for spot treatment, and a wonderful non-drying moisturizer that helps control shine.

We also have a wonderful men’s line with a manly gray cleansing bar, eye cream & moisturizer w/spf that are all anti-aging along with shaving cream, aftershave and even a body-spray.

So let’s pick a skincare system that you’d like to try and I’ll have our hostess go wet the washcloths. Are you ready to pamper your face? Great!

So to start, pat a little water on your face, and then massage your cleanser on in an upward and outward motion. Next, remove your cleanser with a warm, wet washcloth.

Print & paste on page 10 of the Instructor’s Guide

Now we are going to do a fun little experiment today…One of your hands is going to get a special treatment. We are going to do everything we do on your face on the back of one of your hands and see if we see a difference at the end. So go ahead and cleanse the back of one of your hands.

Next we want to make sure & take care of our eye area skin! It’s very delicate & needs its own moisturizing product. If you are using the repair set, it comes with an amazing one that reduces puffiness, brightens dark circles, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and firms as it moisturizes.

If you are using one of the other skincare lines, you can choose from the Firming Eye Cream which firms your eye area skin, lightens dark circles and reduces the appearance of fine lines or Age-Fighting Eye Cream which fights fine lines and moisturizes, depending on your needs.

I’ll put some on your tray & you can pat it around one eye using your ring finger...ok...wipe your finger off on your washcloth. We’ll let it sit for a minute to see if we can see a difference between your eyes.

Print & paste on page 11 of the Instructor’s Guide

So what’s next? If you are trying the Repair Set, we’ll do the Lifting Serum, Miracle Set—the day solution w/spf, Velocity—moisturizer, or Botanicals—Toner (or Mask if you have time). Don’t forget your special hand! (Walk them thru the steps of their skincare system).

Print & paste on page 12 of the Instructor’s Guide

Now for our final step in good skin care. Who remembers what it is? That’s right! Protect! Go ahead and flip to the next page and what do we see? Foundation!

How many of you have thought of foundation as a way to protect your skin? I know I hadn’t. I thought it was going to be nasty, clog my pores, and give me zits. And it can! You want to make sure you are using a non-comedogenic foundation – which basically means it is non-pore clogging. If it doesn’t say non-comedogenic on the box or label it WILL clog your pores.

If it is non-comedogenic, it’s like a protective shield over your face. If you think about all of the air pollutants, dirt, cigarette smoke etc. that are in the air, that is exactly that same stuff that settles into your pores if you are not protecting them with a good non-comedogenic foundation!

Think of your pore as a V – shape (demonstrate with two of your fingers). The foundation sits on top (set hand on top of V from other fingers), and protects anything from getting into your pores. Then when you wash it off all of the dirt and pollutants come with. Wow! Huh?

We have a ton of different types from liquid to mineral powder, age-fighting to oil control. So let’s apply the one we picked out earlier. Go ahead & dot it on your nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead and then blend. It is safe to use around the eye area, but you will want to pat it on with your ring finger.

Print & paste on page 13 of the Instructor’s Guide

There are 2 things that I especially love about this foundation. First, it is layerable. You can apply a light layer to your whole face to protect your skin, then go back and put a little more anywhere you want extra coverage. I also love is that it is transfer resistant. That means it won’t come off on your clothes when you are changing or on your friends when you hug them!

I am going to give you a contrasting color to smooth on the backs of BOTH of your hands. Does anyone see a difference? Tell me what you see.

Exactly...everyone sees how great their face looks after applying foundation and they just have to have it, but you can see that it will not look the same at all if you don’t take care of your skin underneath it.

So let’s flip the page again...

Print & paste on page 14 of the Instructor’s Guide

We have tons of supplemental products for any other skincare needs you might have. We don’t have time to try them all, but if there’s something you have a question on, let me know when we talk individually & you could try it at your next appointment.

Right now, let’s do Satin Lips! It’s a two step process. First we are going to apply a lip mask. Go ahead and rub that on your lips and then we are going to let it dry.

While it dries, let’s play another game! Who wants to win the last doorprize? Flip over your profile card and you will see a space where you can write in the names of people who would have fun doing what you did today. We can invite them to your party, or I can get together one-on-one with them, we will talk about that when we do your individual consultation.

So you want to write down as many people as you can think of. You can keep writing down into the pink area, so don’t limit yourself. The person with the most names & numbers written down in 2 minutes will win the last door prize. This is an open cell-phone test, so go ahead & pull out your cell phone so you don’t miss anybody. It’s not cheating. Ready, go!

(Time them & then do the door prize drawing). So let’s go ahead and wipe off the lip mask and rub on some lip balm.

Everybody’s lips nice & satiny? Now we get to play with color. Go ahead & flip to page 18.

Print & paste on page 16 of the Instructor’s Guide

So let’s start with powder. You can swirl it over your whole face with your cotton ball, but finish in a downward motion. We are brushing your facial hair down so the powder doesn’t highlight it and make you look like a fuzz face.

Time for another science experiment…I’m going to show you what powder does for your make up. (Draw 2 lines with eyeliner on the back of one hand, powder one line. Have them use separate fingers to smudge each line. Ooh & aah over how the one with powder stays. Then have them take off the eyeliner and powder with eye makeup remover. More oohs & aahs). OK, now let’s apply cheek and lip color (give everybody the same colors).

Our goal today was to introduce you to Mary Kay skincare and customize a skincare program for you. At your next appointment I will treat you to a color look just as customized. (Show current Looks, holding up the Look Book, romancing each one.) At your follow-up appointment, we will also check your skin’s progress and see if we need to trade anything out to make sure you’re experiencing the best possible results from your MK products.

And remember the great hostess gift I mentioned at the beginning of the party? If you share your follow-up appointment with a few of your friends, you can earn gifts and free product.

To cap off the product portion of our party, let’s do Satin Hands, but first, let’s feel your face. How does it feel? Doesn’t it feel so smooth and soft? Can you see a difference in the mirror? And that’s after using these Mary Kay products just once—just think how your skin will look and feel when you use it every day!

Print & paste on page 17 of the Instructor’s Guide

(do satin hands: greasy, gritty, wash, dry & handcream) wasn’t that awesome?

Now we get to have fun shopping! Who wants to take home some of the products you tried today? (smile, nod, raise hand) Keep in mind that you don’t have to buy anything, but if there is something you fell in love with, we can take Visa, Master-card, Discover, American Express, cash, checks, debit cards, payment plans & our famous husband unawareness plan.

So how many of you are bargain hunters? You can buy things individually, but when you buy things in a set, you get your best little deals & discounts. I know you guys have been eyeing the bag that all of the products are in. I absolutely love this bag! (Hold up yours & romance it). Do you want to find out how to get it as a free gift? Great! Flip over your placemat.

There are 2 ways you can earn one for free, first by hosting a party that we invite at least 10 new ladies to, or second, as a free gift today with your purchase, when you spend $199 or more. If you don’t want the bag, you could get a translucent powder & brush, or I could customize a different deal for you.

The other special today is to get your foundation half-price with the purchase of any skincare set.

And that’s not all...Who would be interested in a little shopping spree? When you hold your follow-up appointment with at least 3 friends who aren’t current Mary Kay users, you will earn free product equal to half of what you spend today. So on the Repair Set, for example, you would get another $99 in free product at your follow-up appointment!

Print & paste on page 18 of the Instructor’s Guide

So you get to determine the size of your shopping spree based on what you get today. Isn’t that fun? Any questions on the sets? Ok, so don’t worry about money—there’s never enough—just know, if you want it, I’ll help you figure out a way to get it.

So before we meet for your individual consultations, I would love to get your opinions on everything you tried. Let’s take just a couple of minutes to fill out your feedback form. (read through the form with them as they fill it out). Make sure you fill it out completely so that I can enter you in our $100 shopping spree drawing! And don’t be surprised if my director calls you to check up on how I did.

So, I will by using ________’s couch as my office for our individual consultations. Ok, (most excited guest’s name), let’s start with you. Step into my office on the couch and bring your feedback form and customer profile card. (Hostess’s name) can you find out if anyone has to leave early and have them go next? This is also a great time to serve refreshments. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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