KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITYELEMENTARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENTLESSON PLAN FORMAT0160020Teacher Candidate: Courtney Stone Beca Haines Date: 12/3/16Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials Group Size: Whole class Allotted Time 40 min Grade Level 1st Subject or Topic: Summary of Weather Section 00Teacher Candidate: Courtney Stone Beca Haines Date: 12/3/16Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials Group Size: Whole class Allotted Time 40 min Grade Level 1st Subject or Topic: Summary of Weather Section STANDARD:3.3.1.A5: Become familiar with weather instruments. Collect, describe, and record basic information about weather over time. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):The students will be able to correctly answer review questions using their knowledge from the past lessons.Instructional MaterialsJeopardy gameSmart boardMarkersComputerThe Kids Book of Weather Casting by Mark BreenSubject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of additional content)Prerequisite skillsThe water cycle, wind, clouds, and weather toolsNew VocabularyThere is no new vocabulary Big IdeaStudents understand the different types of weather and how it affects usContentWeather toolsWindCloudsThe water cycleImplementationIntroductionThe teacher will go around the room and ask every student to list one thing that they learned from the last week in the lessons on weather.This will refresh their memories hearing other students speak about what they remember as well as finding their own.Development“Everyone take out your dry erase boards and markers!”“We are going to play a review jeopardy game today to prepare you for your test.”Each student will work individually and write their response on their own boardThe teacher will pull up the jeopardy game on the smartboardThe students will put a tally mark at the top of their board for each question they answer correctlyThe students will raise their boards once they respond to an answerWill go through until game is completeClosure“Great job class, we learned a whole lot about weather this week!”The teacher will play this video as a wrap up on the lesson Accommodations/Differentiation C.B. has a visual disability. We will have her sit with a partner and closer to the board.Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. FormativeJeopardy game2. SummativeUnit testReflective ResponseReport of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)Remediation PlanPersonal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)Resources (in APA format), Friestad, K., & Breen, M. (2000). The kids’ book of weather forecasting: Build a weather station, “read” the sky & make predictions with meteorologist Mark Breen and Kathleen Friestad ; illustrations by Michael Kline. Charlotte, VT: Williamson Publishing Co. ................

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