



Skills this week:

Reading: comparing and contrasting two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. Some text we are using are “Little Red Riding Hood” & “Pretty Salma”, “The Three Little Pigs” & “The Three Geese”, “The Ugly Trucking” & “The Ugly Duckling”

Math: adding three digit numbers with and without regrouping

Language: opinion writing

Science: changes in matter, different types of matter like liquids, solids, gasses

Spelling: Short e sound can be spelled with ea in some words

Writing: responding to journal prompts

Mrs. Peacock’s Newsletter

January 25-29, 2021


Upcoming Events

January 29 Pajama’s ($1.00)

February 12 Valentine’s Party

February 15 & 16 Student Holiday

March 2 Read Across America (Dress as your favorite storybook character)

March 12 Super Hero Celebration (Dress as your favorite super hero character)

March 15-19 Spring Break


• Your child needs to bring a healthy snack and water daily.

• Please check your child’s planner and blue communication folder every night.

• Signed papers go home on Tuesdays. Please sign and return them the next day.



1. dive (verb)- to go head first into water with your arms stretched out in front of you.

2. enemy (noun)- a person or animal that doesn’t like, or wants to harm, another person or animal.

3. frighten (verb)- to scare a person

4. herd (noun)- a group of animals. They feed or travel together.

5. pack (verb)- to put things into a container, such as a bag, box, or suitcase.

(noun)- a group of something, such as animals, people, or things.

6. prove (verb)- to show that it is true

7. seal (noun)- a sea animal that has thick fur and flippers. It can swim and live in cold places.

(verb)- to close it up tightly.

8. smooth (adjective)- something that is flat and even, not rough and bumpy.

9. soar (verb)- to fly very high in the air.

10.steady (adjective)- it continues and doesn’t change much


1. spread 11. healthy

2. bread 12. heavy

3. head 13. thread

4. ahead 14. instead

5. breath 15. threat

6. sweat 16. wealthy

7. ready 17. even

8. weather 18. evening

9. feather 19. ever

10. health 20. never

Weekly Homework:

Monday- Math sheet, Math facts, Reading, and Language

Tuesday- Math sheet, Math facts, Reading, and Language

Wednesday- Math sheet, Math facts, Reading, Language, and study for spelling test

Thursday- Math sheet, Math facts, Language, Reading, and study for vocabulary test

Test this Week

Thursday- Spelling

Friday- Vocabulary and Facts


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