
30th June 2017

Dear Parents/guardians,

On Monday 11th September, the children of the current years 3 4 and 5 will be visiting Minstead Study Centre, in the New Forest.

The day will involve taking part in series of activities which are designed to encourage co-operation and team building. The children will have various activities to complete as part of the day; these will include outside art installations, caring for chickens and sheep and a walk into the nearby forest.

The trip will fall within the school day but we request children dress for the occasion: wellie boots, comfortable long trousers and long sleeve tops. Long sleeves and trousers are to help protect against ticks. (Children will be required to check their own bodies on return to home to ensure they have not been bitten by a tick.) Waterproof trousers and coats if the weather is forecast to rain and hats/sun protection if sunny.

We ask for a contribution of £10.00 which will cover the cost of coach travel and the equipment needed for the activities at the study centre.

Children will require a packed lunch (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please). Please ensure the lunch is brought in a ruck sack so that it can be carried to the different locations during the day. If you are entitled to free school meals and would like the school to provide a packed lunch please indicate on the permission slip below.

Yours sincerely

Miss Gallimore

Miss Mulley

Mrs Ancill

I give permission for my child, _______________________________ to visit Minstead Study Centre on 11th September 2017.

My contact number for the day will be:________________________________________

I have made the school aware of any medical / dietary issues.

My child does/does not suffer with travel sickness.

My child is entitled to free school meals and I would like the school to provide a packed lunch.

Yes / No

I enclose £10 to cover transport costs.



Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Moakes Head Teacher: Mrs. Penny Bullough Chair of Governors:

(B. Ed Hons, M. Ed) (B.Ed.Hons, MSc. Ed) Mr R Guy



Ashford Crescent,




SO45 6ET

Tel: 023 80842143

Facsimile: 023 80849356


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