TEACHER Mrs. Janet Silmon THEME /UNIT January 5, 2015

Martin Luther King Project

Breakfast in the Classroom 7:30 – 8:00 Daily Happy New Year (


| |1/5/15 |1/6/15 |1/7/15 |1/8/15 |1/9/15 |

| |Pledge to the flags |Pledge to the flags |Pledge to the flags |Pledge to the flags |Pledge to the flags |

|8:00 |SS.K.10A – Identify the flags of the US |SS.K.10A – Identify the flags of the US |SS.K.10A – Identify the flags of the US |SS.K.10A – Identify the flags of the US |SS.K.10A – Identify the flags of the US |

|to |and Texas. K.10.B – Recite the Pledge of |and Texas. K.10.B – Recite the Pledge of |and Texas. K.10.B – Recite the Pledge of |and Texas. K.10.B – Recite the Pledge of |and Texas. K.10.B – Recite the Pledge of |

|8:45 |Allegiance as a class. |Allegiance as a class. |Allegiance as a class. |Allegiance as a class. |Allegiance as a class. |

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|Opening |Journal Writing |Journal Writing |Journal Writing |Journal Writing |Journal Writing |

|Activities |Attendance |Attendance |Attendance |Attendance |Attendance |

| |Restroom Break |Restroom Break |Restroom Break |Restroom Break |Restroom Break |

| |Morning Message: Students will dictate |Morning Message: Students will dictate |Morning Message: Students will dictate |Morning Message: Students will dictate |Morning Message: Students will dictate |

| |morning message to teacher and write on |morning message to teacher and write on |morning message to teacher and write on |morning message to teacher and write on |morning message to teacher and write on |

| |board. |board. |board. |board. |board. |

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| |Professional Development | | | | |

| |Day | | | | |

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| |Read Aloud – | | | | |

| | | |Read Aloud- Today is Monday | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Read Aloud – The Wonderful Book | |Read Aloud – What the moon Sees |Read Aloud –Marvin Gets Mad! |

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|8:45 |Music |P.E. |Computer Lab |Music /Library |Science |

|To | | |12:25-1:20 | |PLC |

|9:30 | | | | | |

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| |Math |Math |Math |Math |Math |

|9:35 |9:35 – 10:00 Math Whole Group |9:35 – 10:00 Math Whole Group |9:35 – 10:00 Math Whole Group 10:00-10:45|9:35 – 10:00 Math Whole Group |9:35 – 10:00 Math Whole Group |

|to |10:00–10:45 Math Workstations |10:00–10:45 Math Workstations |Math Workstations |10:00-10:45 Math Workstations |10:00-10:45 Math Workstations |

|10:45 |Whole Group: Calendar, Number talk, |Whole Group: Calendar, Number talk, |Whole Group: Calendar, Number talk, |Whole Group: Calendar, Number talk, |Whole Group: Calendar, Number talk, |

| |Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, |Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, |Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, |Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, |Number of the Day, Problem of the Day, |

|Compare |Shape of the Day. Unit |Shape of the Day. Unit : |Shape of the Day. Unit : 16- |Shape of the Day. Unit : |Shape of the Day. Unit : |

|Represent | |Uni16 – Students will be able to count |Uni16 – Students will be able to count |Uni16 – Students will be able to count | |

|Generate | |forward and backwards up to 20 with or |forward and backwards up to 20 with or |forward and backwards up to 20 with or |Uni16 – Students will be able to count |

|Match | |without objects. |without objects. |without objects. |forward and backwards up to 20 with or |

|Count |Professional Development |Key Concepts ; Representation Number | | |without objects. |

|More/Less | |Relationship |Key Concepts ; Representation Number |Key Concepts ; Representation Number | |

|Set | |Guiding Question; How can you represent |Relationship |Relationship |Key Concepts ; Representation Number |

|Equal |Workstations: rotate daily |(show) a number? 16.1 count to 50 by |Guiding Question; How can you represent |Guiding Question; How can you represent |Relationship |

| |Counting 1-10 |ones. |(show) a number? 16.1 count to 50 by |(show) a number? 16.1 count to 50 by |Guiding Question; How can you represent |

| |Decomposing numbers to 6&7 Independent | |ones. |ones. |(show) a number? 16.1 count to 50 by |

| |Work | | | |ones. |

| |Representing Numbers |Workstations: rotate daily | | | |

| |Different ways of making the number 10 | |Workstations: rotate daily |Workstations: rotate daily |Assessment Module1 |

| |Math games |Counting 1-10 |Counting 1-10 |Counting |Workstations: rotate daily |

| | |Writing 1-10 |Writing 1-10 |Writing 1-20 | |

| | |Independent Work |Independent Work |Independent Numbers 1-20 |Counting 1-10 |

| | |Representing Numbers 1-10 |Representing Numbers 1-10 |Representing Numbers 1-20 |Writing 1-10 |

| | |Different ways of making the number 9&10 |Counting Mats |Counting Mats |Independent Work |

| | |Ten Frame Counting |Ten Frame Counting |Ten Frame Counting |Representing Numbers 1-10 |

| | | | | |Counting Mats |

| | | | | |Ten Frame Counting |

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|10:55 | | | | | |

|to |L |U |N |C |H |

|11:25 | | | | | |

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|11:25 | | | | | |

|to |Recess/Water-RR Break |Recess/Water-RR Break |Recess/Water-RR Break |Recess/Water-RR Break |Recess/Water-RR Break |

|11:55 | | | | | |

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|11:55 | | | | | |

|to |Quite Time |Quite Time |Quite Time |Quite Time |Quite Time |

|12:25 | | | | | |

|THEME | |

|GENRE | |

|Type of | |

|Writing | |

|Guided |Can you give me a rhyming pair for the following words? |

|Questions |Can you separate the spoken syllables found in the following words? |

| |Can you retell the events in a story in your own words? |

| |Can you identify the characters as a person or animal in a story? |

| |When writing a sentence what are two important rules to remember? |

| | |

| |Word Study: |Read Alouds : 2-3 Books |Reading Mini-Lesson |Writing |Small Group – Teacher work in pairs of |

| |(PA/Phonics/Vocabulary/Spelling) |K.1F-Students will identify different |(Comprehension Strategies) |K.16A.ii-Students will understand and use|students to review targeted skills mini |

| |K.2C-Students will orally generate |parts of a book. |*What was the problem in the story? |nouns (people and animals and places and |lessons, reinforce or assess student’s |

| |rhyming words. | |*Who are the important characters in the |things). |understanding of the writing process |

| | | |story? |K.2A-Students will practice writing a | |

| | |K.10-D-Students will use titles and |*What could you hear, see, feel, or smell|sentence. | |

| |K.3A-Students will identify common sounds|illustrations to make predictions about |as you read/heard the story? | |Evidence of Learning: ELAK.17B-Capitalize|

| |that letters represent: Short vowel sound|text. | |K.16A-Understand and use personal |the first letter in a sentence. |

| |:/Ii/ onset rime –ib-id-it-ip | | |pronouns (e.g. I =, me in the context of |ELA-7C; Use punctuation at the end of a |

| | | |K.10B-Students will retell important |reading and writing ,and speaking |sentence. |

| | | |facts in a text, heard. or read (graphic |Resources : Reading Street Unit 5 ,Vol. | |

| |K.3D-Students will identify at least 25 | |organizer –what happened in the |2, T.E.Page:436,453,480,494,508 |Assessment: Writing Use rubric to assess |

| |HFW- short /e/ words. |K.LA.k.6A Identify elements of a story |beginning, middle and end) | |students writing. |

| | |including the setting, character, and key| | | |

| | |events. | | |Effective Practices: Students are |

| | |Big Idea (theme) of a well-known folk | |Grammar / Research |actively engaged. |

| | |tale, fable, and other genre) connect to |Fables: Give students an example of a |K.19B-Students will research the life |Exit Ticket |

| | |personal experience. |list of fables .animals are the main |cycle of pumpkins |Graphic Organizer Response signals |

| |K.5D-Students will identify and sort | |characters that act and speak like | |Structure Peer Conversation. |

| |different words relating to pumpkins | |humans. | | |

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|Resources: |Reading Street- A Bed For Winter |Reading Street- A Bed For Winter |Reading Street – Abed For Winter |Reading Street – Abed For Winter |Reading Street – A bed For Winter |

|HISD |Neuhaus House – Alphabet Arc | |Neuhaus House= Alphabet Arg |Neuhaus House= Alphabet Arc | |

|Adoptions |Saxon Phonics – Letter activities |Neuhaus House – Alphabet Arc |Saxon Phonics |Saxon Phonics |High Frequency Words |

|Etc. | |Saxon Phonics | | |Neuhaus House- Alphabet Arc |

| | | | | |Saxon Phonics |

| |Workstations /Small Group Instruction |Workstations /Small Group Instruction |Workstations /Small Group Instruction |Workstations /Small Group Instruction |Workstations /Small Group Instruction |

|12:30 |/Guided Reading |/Guided Reading |/Guided Reading |/Guided Reading |/Guided Reading |

|to | | | | | |

|1:00 |Read to Self- Students reading |Read to Self- students reading |Read to Self-Students reading |Read to Self-Students reading |Read to Self-Students reading |

| |independently. |independently. |independently. |independently |independently |

|Language Arts| | | | | |

|Phonics Whole|Work with Words-Students working on |Work with Words -Students working on |Work with Words- Students working on |Work with Words- Students working on |Work with Words- Students working on |

|Group |beginning sounds, middle sounds, and CVC |beginning sounds , middle sounds ,CVC |beginning sounds , middle sounds ,CVC |beginning sounds , middle sounds ,CVC |beginning sounds , middle sounds ,CVC |

| |words. |words |words |words |words |

| | | | |Read to Someone - Students partner read |Read to Someone - Students partner read |

| |Read to Someone- Students partner read |Read to Someone - Students partner read |Read to Someone- Students partner read |Knee to Knee Elbow to Elbow in their |Knee to Knee Elbow to Elbow in their |

|1:00 |Knee to Knee Elbow to Elbow in their |Knee to Knee Elbow to Elbow in their |Knee to Knee Elbow to Elbow in their |reading area |reading area |

|to |reading area. |reading area |reading area | | |

|1:45 | | |Listen to Reading- Students listen to |Listen to Reading- Reading students |Listen to Reading- Reading students |

| |Listen to Reading- students listen to |Listen to Reading- Students listen to |reading on IPAD, Computer, or Listening |listen to reading on IPAD, Computer, or |listen to reading on IPAD, Computer, or |

| |reading on IPAD, Computer, or Listening |reading on IPAD, Computer, or Listening |center |Listening center. |Listening center. |

| |center. |center. | | | |

| | |Work on Writing :Journal Writing Writing|Work on Writing - |Work on Writing- Work on Writing |Work on Writing- Work on Writing |

| |Work on Writing- Journal writing , |Center , Alphabet writing |Journal writing Work on Writing : Writing|Journal writing Work on Writing : Writing|Journal writing Work on Writing : Writing|

| |Writing Center , Alphabet writing | |Center , Alphabet writing |Center , Alphabet writing |Center , Alphabet writing |

| | |Work with Teacher-Work with Teacher- | |Work with Teacher-Guide Reading /Small |Work with Teacher-Guide Reading /Small |

| |Work with Teacher- Guide Reading /Small |Guide Reading /Small Group |Work with Teacher-Guide Reading /Small |group |group |

| |Group | |group | |Assessments: will use Reading Street |

| | | | | |assessments at the end of week unit. |

| | | Science | Social Studies | Science |.Social Studies |

| | |Science ; Weather and the Seasons |Objective; Students will be able to use |Science ; Weather and the Seasons |Objective: Students will be able to use |

| | |Essential Question: What is the weather? |maps and describe location. |Essential Question: What is the weather? |maps and describe location. |

|1:45 | |Vocabulary – thermometer, windsock | |Vocabulary – thermometer, windsock | |

|to | |What are the seasons? |Guided Questions: -How can someone tell |What are the seasons? |Guided Questions: -How can someone tell |

|2:30 |Professional Development |Vocabulary; spring, fall winter, summer. |where you are? |Vocabulary; spring, fall winter, summer. |where you are? |

| |Day | | | |Graphic Organizer: (Art Activity) – |

|Science | |Objective; Identify and describe weather |Graphic Organizer: (Art Activity) – |Objective; Identify and describe weather |Students are given a house and students |

| | |conditions. Observe and determine the |Students are given a house and students |conditions. Observe and determine the |will need to label and create a map |

|Social | |effects of the weather on human |will need to label and create a map |effects of the weather on human |showing how to get to their house. They |

|Studies | |activities. |showing how to get to their house. They |activities |may add the living room bedrooms, kitchen|

| | | |may add the living room bedrooms, kitchen| |etc... |

| | | |etc... | |Vocabulary: Over, under, near, far, left |

| | | |Vocabulary: Over, under, near, far, left | |right. |

| | | |right. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Enrichments Centers |Enrichment Centers |Enrichment Centers |Enrichment Centers |Enrichment Centers |

|2:30 |Free Choice |Free Choice |Free Choice |Free Choice |Free Choice |

|to |Reading Games Writing |Reading Games Writing |Reading Games Writing |Reading Games Writing |Reading Games Writing |

|2:45 |Drama Computer |Drama Computer |Drama Computer |Drama Computer |Drama Computer |

| |Math Tubs Science |Math Tubs Science |Math Tubs Science |Math Tubs Science |Math Tubs Science |

| |Block |Blocks IPad |Blocks |Blocks |Blocks |

| |Painting Easel IPad |Lego Blocks |Lego Blocks |Lego Blocks |Lego Blocks |

| |Lego Blocks |Puzzles |Puzzles |Puzzles |Puzzles |

| |Puzzles |Painting Easel |Painting Easel IPad |Panting Easel IPad |Painting Easel IPad |

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|2:45 |Dismissal Preparations |Dismissal Preparations |Dismissal Preparations |Dismissal Preparations |Dismissal Preparations |

|to |Dismissal |Dismissal |Dismissal |Dismissal |Dismissal |

|3:00 | | | | | |


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