Your Child’s Day

8:05-8:55 Arrival/morning breakfast/open centers:

An adult brings the student into the classroom; signs them in: each child is greeted warmly and encouraged to put away their belongings and wash their hands before eating or playing. The student can choose to eat morning breakfast or choose centers. Parents check the “Parent Board or the Sign in Table” for any needed information. After students clean up, go to the bathroom if needed, we then prepare for Morning Group Time.

9:00 - 9:20 Morning Group Time

We discuss the theme for the week, sing (music and movement), read, share ideas together and participate in instructional activities. Helpers are chosen and Center choices are made.

9:20-10:55 Center Time/Small Group Activities:

. Centers choices may include:

Blocks Manipulatives

Computer Math & Science

Creative Art Reading (Books)

Sand & Water Music and Movement

Housekeeping/dramatic play Listening (books w/ tapes)

Writing/ print discovery

Through the use of the Creative Curriculum, the students have an opportunity to continuously make choices and to become involved in areas of interest both inside and outside. Center time is a time for sharing experiences, story sharing, and discoveries. It is also a time for special events. After centers, students clean up, go to the bathroom if needed, and prepare for outdoor play.

11:00-11:30 Outdoor Play:

Students engage in structured and unstructured gross motor play (weather permitting). Water, bathroom, and rest breaks are given during this time as needed. We go outside as long as there is no active precipitation. If there is active precipitation, students play in the classroom. Students are encouraged to bring a variety of materials outside.

11:35-12:05 Lunch

Lunch is eaten in the classroom. Children are encouraged to make healthy choices. Once students have finished eating, they help clean up. Students are taken to the bathroom if needed, and prepare for quiet activities.

12:05-12:30 Story/Sharing Time/Quiet Activities:

Reading, table toys and quiet music is played to transition over to rest time. Students use the bathroom if needed and wash their hands prior to rest time.

12:30-1:30 Quiet/Rest Time:

Students are encouraged to nap during this time but, they are not required to sleep. Reading a book quietly is an option for non-sleepers.

1:30- 2:30 Snack/Recall/Centers/Outdoor play: Read Note Below!!

Afternoon snack is given to the students. While students are eating their snack we’ll discuss our school day (What did we learn today? When, how, and why questions). After snack the students may move into a center of choice. (NOTE: Afternoon outdoor play time is from 2:00-2:30)

2:35 Departure

A responsible adult signs out and picks up the student from the classroom at the end of the school day.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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