


Hope United

Methodist Church

East Flat Rock, NC 28726



Ages 0-5-year-old

Monday - Friday

6:30 AM– 5:30 PM



1) Welcome Letter

2) Enrollment Procedures, Parent Involvement

3) Fees, UMC Ministry Statement

4) Daily Schedule, Nutrition, Holidays & Vacations, Board Members

5) Disabilities, Inclement Weather, Absences, Labeling, Insurance, Toys, Birthdays

6) Health Requirements, Caring for Mildly Ill Children, Recording Accidents,

7) Nap Time, Safe Arrival & Departure of Children, Suspected Child Abuse and / or Neglect, Substitute Caregivers, Field Trips

8) Goals & Objectives of the Center, Activities & Experiences Offered by The Center

a. Physical Development (small muscle)

b. Social, Emotional, & Self-Help Skills

9) Language Development

a. Cognitive Development

b. Faith Development

c. Physical Development

10) Small Muscle Development

a. Small muscle development

b. Other Opportunities

c. Special Events Are…

Dear Parents, [pic]

We would like to begin by saying, “Welcome”. We are very pleased that you have chosen us to teach, love, and protect your child. We strive to provide your child with an atmosphere of loving acceptance, an environment that makes learning an exciting experience.

“The greatest business of any generation or church is the education of its children.… Ours is the awesome and fascinating responsibility for a time to be the mentor and guide of these children. We must have a hand in forming the character that these immortal souls will take. A child‘s earliest impressions are the most lasting, and the earliest influences that act upon his life are the most powerful in determining its outcome. Remember the solid impression of the bedside prayers of your mother, the earliest words of counsel from your father, or the influence of a beloved teacher. These children are constantly receiving impressions from us, their parents, teachers and friends.

When Jesus wanted to show His disciples the standard for the ideal Christian, He “took a child and set him in the midst of them.” (Mark 9:36)

Jesus said “let the little children come, do not stop them coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)

Our goal is to have your child develop physically, socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We look forward to a lasting relationship with you and your child with the help of all our faithful staff and of course, the help of God.

As we all work together, we want to help your child achieve all that he or she is capable of, with God’s help.

God Bless,

Director and Staff

Tomorrow’s Hope CDC


Call the Director between 9:00 – 5:00 PM.

Check to see if there is a space that is not filled.

Either parents or guardians are encouraged to visit the center at any time you wish, to determine if you would like to have your child in our program. However, if you wish to discuss business with the Director at the time of your visits, it would be advisable to make an appointment.

When it is determined that you want our program for your child and space is available, both parents or guardians are encouraged to bring the child for a pre-entry visit to acquaint him with the center, his/her room, and his/her teachers. The Parent’s Handbook will be discussed so you will understand your responsibilities, opportunities, and those of the center and staff. Fill out the necessary forms (applications, medical information forms, picture release form, field trip permission slip, School Food Service Eligibility Form and Disciplinary form). Discuss fees with the director, determining the time and frequency of payment. Arrange for the physical examination and obtain the record of shots your child has received. A doctor-signed statement of general health is required within 30 days of date of enrollment.

Determine the date your child will start coming to the center, the hours the child will be cared for, and who will be the persons responsible for bringing and receiving the child. If there is no immediate opening, you will be placed on a waiting list, if you wish. All applications are kept in chronological order.




Life is a developmental process with each stage built upon or related to the previous ones. We believe that the early years of a child’s life are crucial ones for learning trust, self-esteem, confidence and developing faith.

These are best taught in relationships with other children and sensitive, qualified, loving adults. We also believe these qualities of trust, self-esteem, faith, and confidence are essential to the Christian faith and important in any chosen religion. While we are appreciative of other religious preferences, we are unashamedly Christian in our belief, orientation, and procedures.

We believe we can be helpful in the wholesome development of children and can enhance family life. We pray and will work to be a Center where children may grow both tall and wise and know they are loved by God and people.


We provide ramps, restroom facilities, and tables for children in wheelchairs etc. If your child has a disability or chronic illness please schedule an appointment with the Director to make special preparations for your child’s care.


Tomorrow’s Hope is usually open in bad weather. However, if we have snow, and ice or a prediction of snow and ice please listen to our local radio stations and local television stations. We will also leave a message on our answering machine. 697-6847. If driving conditions are questionable please do not risk your safety or the safety of your child. We try our hardest to open in bad weather. At times the driving conditions are too treacherous for the staff or children. If this be the case it is a paid day.


If a child is ill with a fever of 101 or greater, diarrhea, vomiting, untreated conjunctivitis, impetigo, ringworm, head lice, and scabies, your child is considered infectious to the other children. To prevent the spread of infection we must request that child be picked up. Your child must be free for 24 hours FROM ALL THE ABOVE before returning back to the Center. You will be given 30 minutes to have your child picked up. Your child will be taken to the Director’s office till you arrive.

We try to keep strict sanitary condition. All the children and staff wash their hands after each bathroom visit or before any food is served.


We ask that the child’s medical report be on file prior to admission, but imperative that it be completed within 30 days. Each child will have in its file a medical report, which will include.

* The child’s immunizations (which must be kept up to date)

*Description of any disability, sensory impairment, developmental variation, seizure disorder, emotional or behavioral disturbance that may affect adaptation to childcare.

*Assessment of the child’s growth by the child’s teacher.

*Results of screenings, vision, and hearing.

*Special instructions for the caregiver


While at the Center if your child is hurt in any way members of our staff are trained in first aide and CPR, all accidents will be handled in this way…

*The Director will be notified

*If the accident does not require medical attention the staff will do the proper first aid, the director will fill out an incident report, you will be notified on your daily cuddle grams.

*If your child requires medical attention you will be notified immediately. If you are not available, we will contact all emergency numbers on the Emergency Information Records.

*If the accident requires immediate attention, we will call 911and a staff member will accompany your child till you arrive.

*Any accident that requires medical attention a report is submitted to our state consultant.



Each child is given the opportunity

for a nap every day. Rest away from

the conflict and involvement with a

roomful of children and teachers is

absolutely necessary for the emotional

growth of a child. Nap is usually from

12:00 - 2:00 PM. All children need to

rest quietly on their mats. All do not

go to sleep. Linens are provided.


• To help your child recognize himself as a worthwhile person, leading to a positive self-concept, to assist the child to become a well – functioning adult.

• To provide the best child care possible for each child. To provide warmth, love, safety, care for health, intellectual stimulation, conversation, rest and a place to grow.

• To establish communications with parents in order to insure a satisfying experience for home and Center. This will include parent meetings, parent conferences, newsletters, enlisting suggestions and guidance in school functions.

• To help each child grow physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. To help him obtain his greatest potential.

With the above goals, we will endeavor to help a family with their child’s development, providing some of the experiences that a working family does not have time to provide. We cannot assume the role of the family, and will not try to. We will try to enrich the child’s life in other ways. Each member of the staff will have contact with your child almost every day. Each adult is supportive of your child, knows the child as an individual with individual needs and personally. This gives each child a feeling of security with and caring from a number of adults. The diversity of adult personalities broadens the child’s understanding of himself as a worthwhile person. The staff has one major goal…enabling each child to succeed as a well – functioning person.


The staff and the curriculum of the Center offer opportunities for your child to participate in play

experiences that enable them to develop in physically, socially, emotionally, and in self-help and language skills., cognitively,

Physical development (small muscle)

peg board puzzles manipulative toys of all kinds

play dough and clay stacking toys fitting one piece within another

finger plays puppets music

eating cooking collage scissors

Social, Emotional, and Self-Help Skills

activities for these developments are…

dramatic play housekeeping conversations discipline

opportunity for exploration and discovery games music

sharing caring for pets leadership opportunities

taking care of dolls preparing foods together health care

dressing & undressing bathrooming personal grooming imagining

self – reliance individualism cuddling and touching resting

expression of feeling giving and accepting praise dreaming

handling injuries or crises manners wishing

concern for others recognition of birthdays

exploration of other cultures experiencing safety and security


We talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. We learn to listen. We learn to follow directions. Speech and hearing therapy are sought if needed. Word games, music, telling a story about your picture, writing a book about yourself and your family, discussing each discovery and every experience, sharing, answering questions individually, speaking up in the group, and mealtime conversation help each child develop language. Language development occurs minute by minute each day in each setting.


Gradual lengthening of the large group time increases your child’s attention span. During that time your child will…

listen to stories have dramatic play learn finger plays and poetry computers

play group games march and dance learn words and their meanings

learn about themselves learn numbers learn the function of things

discuss science discriminate sizes learn about time

learn about nature learn about the five senses study nutrition

learn shapes learn about measuring identify community helpers

learn about families sing and make music…talk…follow directions…and many others.


This is a program, which expresses the mission of the church. As such, it recognizes the responsibility for age appropriate curriculum for the development of faith. The example of Christian living that the child sees in the caregiver is a major part of the curriculum. God’s love is shown through kindness and gentleness, touching and holding. Recognizing the uniqueness of each child (God’s creation) and helping the child know his own specialness teaches God’s grace. Songs of praise and saying the blessing gives the child a chance to give thanksgiving. Stewardship is taught by taking care of equipment and the environment. Knowing about the orderliness of God’s world (sunrise-sunset), meeting member of the congregation, and extending care to others in our community will broaden your child’s concepts about his/her faith.


Large muscle development: The playground offers a place to…

run hop skip jump

swing on a rope climb balance slide

ride pull push dig

pour throw kick roll

Indoor equipment offers many of the same types of experiences for everyday indoor use and is especially useful on days of inclimate weather. Block building, sand and water play, ladder climbing, throwing bean bags, marching and dancing with lummi sticks are some of the indoor developmental tools for large muscle development.

Small muscle development:

Small muscle development is attained through…. art media –crafts-coloring-writing

Each group will be taught the above activities on a level appropriate to that group’s age. These learnings will also take place on a one-to-one basis between one child and one teacher at other times of the day.

Pictures, bulletin boards, filmstrips, records, and Public Library’s program, special days and celebrations are other methods of introducing this type of learning.


Screening- there are opportunity for yearly developmental screenings. Vision- (Vision Research Corporation), Dental- (Smart Start funded program), PREP Program has two phases: A PREP educator screens your child in three key areas of development.  These include:

• Motor and Concept Skills

• Social and Language Skills

• Vision and Hearing

The Henderson County Health Consultant will assist in a development assessment “Ages and Stages”. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social Emotional (ASQ:SE) is a first level screening tool that is designed to identify children who may be at risk for social or emotional difficulties

The ASQ:SE does not diagnose serious social or emotional disorders; rather it should be seen as first step aid in identifying young children who may benefit from more in-depth evaluation and/or preventive interventions designed to improve their social competence, emotional competence, or both.

Nutrition is taught at each mealtime as new foods are introduced. Study of foods, preparation of foods, tasting parties, etc. are included.

Safety practices are learned through moving from one area to another, fire drills, awareness of signs such as street signals, poison labels, learning to watch where you’re going, street crossing, and knowing when to call the teacher for help. Tomorrow’s Hope participates in Enhanced polices that is available to you. We have an Enhanced Emergency Evacuation Plan, An Enhanced Discipline Policy, Enhanced Health Rules for attendance, Field Trip Policy, Medication Administration, etc. All these policies are to ensure the highest safety practices for your child.

Health habits are taught with washing hands and faces, using the water fountain, eating, resting, and wearing appropriate clothing, good eating habits and bathrooming.


• Fall Festival Party

• Valentine’s

o Sharing our Love

• Thanksgiving Drama and Feast

o Giving Thanks

• Christmas

o hearing the Christmas story about the Baby Jesus



















PARENT INVOLVEMENT- We at Tomorrow’s Hope value the involvement of parents. It shows you care and are willing to help. At times you may be asked by your teacher to provide an item for a special project, to cut out certain items, etc. We will keep you well informed of your child’s day with a daily Cuddle gram, events that we will be sponsoring, events that the Henderson County Childcare Resource and Referral will be sponsoring, monthly newsletters of event, etc. We also will have special events such as covered dish meals with a program provided by your child. Any volunteers are more that welcome on any of these events.

After your child has been enrolled for 30 days the Director will request a conference to see if we meet your expectations or you might have any other concerns. After the initial conference periodical, you will be asked to meet to make sure we meet everyone’s expectations. If you are in need of any additional conferences with the Director and or teacher, we would be happy to set up a conference at any time.

If you have any concerns or problems please see the Director. The Director will be glad to assist you with any questions.


A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 will be charged at the time of enrollment and each year to cover cost of insurance and supplies. This fee will be due before the first day of preschool each year.

Since fees are our only regular source of income, fees must be paid promptly.

Cost of care for infants in the infant room is $170 a week. All other children are $155.00

The entire fee is charged whether or not the child attends every day, even if the child is sick or the family is out of town or if the center is closed due to inclement weather.

Fees are due on the first day of the week in which care is given. If you choose, (after conference with the director) to pay by the month, the fee is due on the first school day of the month. If the fee is not paid on the second day, service will be ended.


a. There is a $1 per minute late fee if you pick up your child after 5:30 PM. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up by 5:30. The state rules if a child is not picked up it is considered abandonment.

Rule is ……………….

• One instance is a warning

• Second instance is $1 per minute

• Third instance is automatic dismissal (We do understand there are circumstances that can occur. It must be considered an EMERGENCY not personal business. If you are in an accident, if you have a flat tire, etc. provide documentation dated and timed.

Thank you we must do this to be fair to our employees.

If we receive a returned check there will be a $25 service fee charge. If this happens more than two times, we ask that you pay in cash.

We do have a cut off time your child can be brought in 10 AM. We do have a 9 ½ hour limit per day. If you child is in attendance over 9 ½ hrs. Charges will be added as late charges.



11:15 Lunch

Nap follows lunch until 2:00

2:30 –3:00 Afternoon snack

3:00 – 5:15 Outdoor play

5:30 Center closes


6:30 AM Center opens

8:30 AM Breakfast is served

9:00 – 10:00 Group time (centers)

10:00 –10:30 Free Play & Outdoors

(Weather Permitting)


The Center is under the direction of the Day Care Committee.

Following is a list of the membership of the Committee:

Mike Helms

Pam Helms

Mrs. Gale Hoots

Mr. Steven Dodd

Rev. Jeremy Morris

Mrs. Nancy Hyatt

Mrs. Laura Sampson

If you ever have a concern, please call the church office 697-6846 or 697-6847 and we will be glad to give you any phone numbers for the board members.

The director is responsible for operating the Center with the direction and approval of this committee.

Offered at our center is Computer Pals twice a month. Please see the Director for more information.

NUTRITION – Children need enough food for proper growth and normal development. Calories needs to children differ due to body size, growth spurts, and levels of physical activity. We provide breakfast (if your child arrives at 8:30 am), lunch (Our meal components are milk, meat and meat alternates, vegetables, fruits, grains and breads). and an afternoon snack (crackers, low sugar cookies, etc. and juice). We participate in the USDA Food program. We do not participate in the “Opt Out” program that is offered. Please see attached is the Food Guide Pyramid and our rotating food menu.


We are closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the day after), Christmas Day (and a week during Christmas). Two teacher’s workdays a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Plenty of notice will be given. You will be given a yearly calendar by Jan. 1s of each year will all closings. Since we have the same expenses year-round you are expected to pay for each week. We have staff that work 52 weeks a year, so we operate on child care fees 52 weeks a year.


We are concerned about the children. If they are absent, we would like to know why. Please call us and let us know.

If a child is absent, the fee continues in order to reserve his/her space. Staff has to be paid and the costs of operation continue whether or not the child is here.

If a child is absent 10 days, care will be terminated. Reapplication can be made, but registration will be again due. Termination will not be necessary if contact has been made with the center and the absence is determined to be necessary.




TOYS: We ask that your child not bring toys to school except on special days. We do not allow GUNS OR OTHER WAR TOYS at any time. Your child’s teacher will inform you when it is his or her day for show and tell. Please limit toys to small items that can be left in their cubicles.

BIRTHDAYS: are very important to preschoolers and we are happy to cooperate with the parents during morning or afternoon snack times. We do ask that you let us know ahead of time so we can plan accordingly. Parents are welcome to assist with parties. These goodies must be purchased from a store bakery.

LABEL all items your child brings to school such as clothing, books, tapes, and toys. We cannot be responsible for lost items.

*Children must come in full dressed for the day. (unless it is P.J. day) Children should wear lose, comfortable clothing that can be washed and is appropriate to the season. Shoes must be worn at all time. Please do not let your child wear opened toed shoes, lose fitting sandals or boots. Please bring a complete outfit, including shirt, pants, underwear, and socks to be left in your child’s cubicle. Please be sure and change that outfit with the seasons. Occasionally a child will have an accident, spilt drink etc., and need to change their clothes.

* Infants bring, diapers and wipes.

INSURANCE: School accident insurance is provided for each child and is paid by the yearly registration fee. Our policy is with Penny Insurance Company.

VERBAL MESSAGES are not acceptable if delivered by the children. Please send a written note.

PARENTS WILL BE REQUIRED to give two weeks notice when withdrawing their child from our program. Failure to do so will necessitate your paying the 2-week fee.


Every child must have a physical examination by a doctor prior to entering the center.

A record of immunizations must accompany the physical examination. You are responsible for seeing that your children receive their shots as needed.

Prescribed medication can be given only when the following conditions are met: The prescribed medicine is in the original container, has the child’s name, the doctor’s name, and the dosage plainly printed on the druggist’s label. No over the counter medication will be administered without written note from the doctor with dosage.

We have only temporary emergency isolation facilities. When children get sick at the center, we can isolate them until a responsible adult can be reached. Please do not bring children to the center if they have a fever, have had diarrhea or have been vomiting during the previous night. We cannot take care of them all day. A teacher or the director must stay with the sick child, and that leaves jobs undone.



We do have a cut off time for your child 10 AM.

For the safely of all children, parents are to bring their child/children into the center and come inside to pick their

child up in the afternoon.

Release of children will be made to parents, guardians, or those persons authorized in writing by parents or guardian. If for some reason you are unable to call for your child, please notify us in writing, ahead of time, as to who will be picking up your child. Please let that person know he or she will need to bring a picture I.D. if we do not know them. Please remember this is for the protection of your child.



All professionals (including doctors, teachers, day care staff, etc.) are required by state law to report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect.

If abuse or neglect is suspected by a staff member, the director will call the Department of Social Services and report the suspicion to a case manager. The case manager will investigate the report (possibly taking pictures of the child at the center) within twenty-four hours. The case manager will report the findings back to the center director.


Going to the park gives a different play setting.

It offers different equipment, which also serves to develop different muscles.

We have in place a Field Trip Policy that you will be given upon admission.

It will include a Field Trip Permission slip when you enroll your child.

Field trips may include

• Church Sanctuary (practicing for programs)

• Computer Pals (private program)

• East Flat Rock Park


When there is a staff person absent, a substitute will be called unless a floater or the Director is able to cover the vacancy.

Applicants for substitute staff meet the requirements of a teacher’s aide. They are required to have a current physical examination. Those with experience in the program will be called first.

Any parent may apply for this position if they are not currently employed. Ask the Director for an application if you are interested.

We are a Tobacco Free Child Care Facility

(Policy prohibits the use of all tobacco everywhere, by everyone, at all times.)

• Easter Egg Hunt

• Cowboy day

• Indian Day

• Pajama Day

• Graduation

At Tomorrow’s Hope CDC we like to gather as one big happy “Family.” Every year we celebrate

• Graduation…the children who leave us and go to “Big School”. We have a special program for all the children in the Center to participate in from the nursery to Pre –K classes. We join afterwards in the Church Fellowship Hall for what kids love most – “A Pizza Party”. Everyone is welcome to attend.

• Tomorrow’s Hope CDC’s Anniversary – “July” with fun activities, for all the family.

• Thanksgiving Feast. All the children will perform and all families are invited to attend our Thanksgiving feast provided by the center.

We encourage and support Family Unity.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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