8th Grade Science Expectations - Mrs. Kuhlers

8th Grade Science Expectations

Mrs. Kuhlers


Schedule: I teach part-time and am at school in the mornings (8:00-11:30). I teach periods 1-4. If you need extra help or need to talk to me, you should plan to see me between 8:10-8:30 A.M. The easiest way to reach me is by email (akuhlers@). You can also call the school at 357-6114 and ask for me, or leave a message on ext. 2323.


Grading: Most daily assignments are worth about 10 points each. Projects that take longer than one day are worth more. Tests/Quizzes/Exams are typically worth 100 points and are graded by percentage correct. The middle school grading scale is as follows:

A+ 97% or greater C 73-76%

A 93-96% C- 70-72%

A- 90-92% D+ 67-69%

B+ 87-89% D 63-66%

B 83-86% D- 60-62%

B-         80-82% F 0-59%

C+ 77-79%


Homework: Most science assignments are completed in class. However, there may be occasions that require work to be completed outside class. Please see the homework policies in your planner/handbook.

Test Preparation: A study guide is provided at least one day prior to every test that is given. The study guides will be discussed and reviewed in class. Students who wish to receive good grades should take notes and use the study guide to review at home. Test dates are usually posted on Infinite Campus. Study guides can also be found at:


Absences: Most daily assignments are labs that need to be completed in the science room. Attendance is important! Students who miss class due to illness, appointments, or lessons will not receive credit for the activity, unless it is one that can be done outside the classroom on their own time. Students may also make arrangements with me to complete missing labs during ICU (8:10-8:30) within 1 week. However, a student can still earn credit despite missing an assignment. To earn points toward their grade, students may complete a Skills Iowa/Skills Tutor science lesson online that relates to the assignment they missed. In addition, they should get together with a friend or lab partner to discuss the results of the activity that was missed. All tests relate to the labs that are completed in class. Missing labs will not excuse a student from having to take a test over the unit. A missed test can be made up during a study hall, before school, or during ICU time. Please make arrangements with me in advance, so I can provide the study hall or morning supervisor with the test ahead of time.


Working together vs. copying/cheating: In science class, students often work in pairs or small groups. This increases learning as long as everyone in the group is working. Working together is encouraged. Copying another student’s work because you were gone, or didn’t finish the assignment is cheating and no credit will be earned.

Behavior: Students will be expected to demonstrate the 6 pillars of character. If students choose to misbehave, there will be consequences. All school rules apply in the science room. Safety is very important in the science room. Horseplay is not only disruptive; it’s dangerous.

 Movement About the Room: Students will be expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. Failure to do so may result in a tardy. You should sharpen your pencils and make sure you have ALL of your materials before the bell rings. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class time, please wait until instruction is completed. If you need to leave the room, you must have your planner signed before leaving.


Required Materials: Each day students must be prepared for class. Please bring the following items every day to class (lab books are to be kept in the classroom):

•        Your planner

•        Your science notebook/folder with paper

•        Pens and pencils

• Assigned work or materials

Daily Agenda: This will be posted weekly. Students are each expected to write down assignments, homework, deadlines, test dates, required materials, and other important information in their own planners. Planners are a STUDENT responsibility. Students are expected to use their planners in every class, every day.


Extra Credit: “Science in the news”

I do give extra credit for students who read magazine/newspaper articles and listen to/watch television/radio programs related to science. Students may receive extra credit by writing a 100-word (minimum) paragraph that includes the following: a summary of the information, description of how it relates to science, personal thoughts/ideas, and a reference to the resource of the information. Students may receive 10 extra credit points for each item that is turned in. These can be turned in at any time during the school year. Extra credit points may also be earned by completing extra Skills Iowa/Skills Tutor online science lessons.


contains links to several useful websites such as: Skills Iowa, FOSS Web, Infinite Campus, the CLMS KIMT weather station, and many more. Please take advantage of these resources when doing research, or if you have a question. The FOSS username for Clear Lake students is “clearlake” and the password is “lions.” There is also a link to my webpage. is the address for my webpage. It includes the study guides used in class as well as helpful links.

Let’s look forward to having a great year together!


Daily lab book grading:

+ = exceptionally well done, perfect or near perfect, above average effort (A+/A)

√ = completely done, few errors, average effort (A-/B+)

- = mostly complete, some errors, below average effort (B-/C+)

Ø =no credit due to absence or incomplete work, or little to no effort (F)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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