Dear Staff Members:





Judith Pitter, Principal

Dr. Deborah Brown, Intern Principal


PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME…………………………………………………..…………4

ACCIDENTS - STUDENT/STAFF………………………….…………………………5


AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM………………………………………………………….5

ANTI-BULLYING PROGRAM………………………………………………………5-6




AUDIO VISUAL MATERIALS……………………………………………………....7-8

BULLETIN BOARDS……………………………………………………………………8

BUS TRANSPORTATION……………………………………………………………...8


CHILD ABUSE REPORTING……………………………………………………….…9

CLASSROOM CARE…………………………………………………………..……9-10







CONTAGIOUS DISEASES……………………………………………………………13

COPY MACHINE……………………………………………………………………...13


CUMULATIVE RECORDS (CUMS)……………………………………………...14-15



DISMISSAL OF CHILDREN………………………………………………………20-21

DRESS CODE…………………………………………………………………………...21

EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN………………………………………………………21


END OF YEAR CHECKLIST………………………………………………………….22




FACULTY MEETINGS………………………………………………………………...24

FAX MACHINE………………………………………………………………………..24

FIELD TRIPS………………………………………………………………………..24-26

HALL PASSES………………………………………………………………………….26

HEALTH RECORDS…………………………………………………………………..27



INTERIM REPORTS…………………………………………………………………...28




LOST AND FOUND…………………………………………………………………...31

LOUNGE POLICY……………………………………………………………………..31

LUNCH PROGRAM…………………………………………………………………...31

LUNCHROOM EXPECTATIONS………………………………………………...31-33


MONIES COLLECTED………………………………………………………………..34

OPENING EXERCISES………………………………………………………………..34




PEST CONTROL……………………………………………………………………….35

PONY EXPRESS………………………………………………………………………..35



REPORT CARDS …………………………………………………………………...35-36



SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL……………………………………………………37

SCHOOL ADVISORY FORUM………………………………………………………37

SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES……………………………………………………..37-38

SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER…………………………………………………………38


TELEPHONE CALLS………………………………………………………………….38




TORNADO PRECAUTIONS………………………………………………………….40






WORKER'S COMPENSATION………………………………………………………42

STAFF ACCEPTANCE PAGE………………………………………………………...43

SBBC Homework Policy 6306……………………………………….…Addendum #1

Dear Staff Members:

This handbook is to assist you in understanding and fulfilling your job as a staff member at Plantation Elementary. It has been designed to answer many questions staff may sometimes ask. General and specific information is alphabetically provided.

Teachers are requested to keep this handbook on their desktop and refer to it. Most questions concerning school policies or operational procedures can be answered by referring to the handbook. If you still are uncertain, please feel free to see us.

Plantation Elementary School's philosophy is based on the premise that students can and will learn. While pupils differ in their abilities, all children need to develop basic skills, think critically, and write creatively to become productive members of society.

As a staff member, it is your responsibility to read and adhere to information and directives within this handbook.


Judith Pitter Dr. Deborah Brown

Principal Intern Principal


If a student or teacher is injured, you are to report this to the office immediately and complete an accident form. Every injury, however slight, is to be reported to the office as a protection to you and to the school. Accident reports must be completed for every situation no matter how slight and they must be written in pen. All items must be completed or the report will be returned. See the office staff for student accident reports and staff accident reports.

When a student suffers a minor injury on school grounds, the teacher in charge may render such help as is advisable under the circumstances and then send the student to the office for additional aid if necessary. The teacher is responsible for contacting the parent about a child's injury. It may be done during planning time or if a serious injury occurs, coverage should be secured so the call can be made immediately.

When a student/person appears to be injured, or has been involved in any type of accident in your classroom, make the child/person comfortable. Immediately call the office. Do not move the injured party until a member of the administration/support staff has made the decision that the child's/person's injury will not be compounded by movement. A call to 911 is an administrative decision.

If any injury to an employee is not reported within twenty-four (24) hours, s/he may not be covered under Workers' Compensation.


The schools of Broward County are accredited by the Florida State Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Overall school improvement is the underlying reason for school evaluation and self-study projects. Every year, the school will develop goals that relate to the SACS self-study and school improvements.


Plantation Elementary provides afterschool care through a private provider. YMCA offers an after school program on the grounds. A list of other after school facilities is available in the office.

Students participating in an after school program are to be dismissed at 1:55p.m. It is the responsibility of each teacher to see that students are dismissed at the appropriate time to catch their bus. Under no circumstances should any students be dismissed from the classroom before the bus bell, unless called by the office.


The School Board of Broward County has established an Anti-Bullying Policy for all Broward County students and staff that prohibit bullying and harassment – by anyone, to anyone!

The Policy defines bullying as: “Bullying means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. It is further defined as: unwanted purposeful written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior, including but not limited to any threatening, insulting or dehumanizing gestures, by an adult or student, that has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment or cause long term damage, cause discomfort or humiliation; or reasonably interfere with the individual’s school performance or participation is carried out repeatedly and is often characterized by an imbalance of power.”

The acronym used by the District to identify bullying is whether the behavior is:

R – Repeated

I – Imbalance of Power

P – Purposeful

Further information is available in the Student Code of Conduct or the websites, or


From the State Fire Prevention Code Requirements: “The artwork and teaching materials shall not exceed 20 percent of the wall area in a building that is not protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.”

“The Fire Prevention Committee of the Fire Chief’s Association of Broward County Safety Department have agreed that if Flame Retardant Paper meeting the requirements of NFPA 701 is used for the artwork and materials on classroom walls, then the area of coverage can be doubled from 20% to 40% of the wall area in a building that is not protected throughout by an approved automatic fire sprinkler system.”


General assemblies are usually held at the need or desire of the faculty and students, and often evolve from activities initiated in the classroom.

Specific assemblies will be called by the administration to provide information.

Be sure to arrange for the use of the cafeteria and/or stage area with the Assistant Principal. This is needed to properly plan and to avoid conflict. Notify the custodial staff of your plans if you need their help, certain equipment, or materials.

When assemblies are held and your class is invited, make sure you accompany them to the assemblies and supervise their behavior while they are there. If it is the "special" teacher's time with your class, s/he will be responsible.

Assemblies should be educational and classroom teachers should prepare the students prior to attending the assembly. Follow-up should be conducted when returning to the classroom. This is also an excellent opportunity to discuss and teach proper etiquette.

Students should: walk in quietly; be seated; give attention to the speaker as they wait for the program to begin.

Teachers should monitor students and encourage appropriate behavior.


It is the responsibility of the instructional personnel to keep accurate attendance records for classroom use and for transmission to the front office.

Attendance must be taken daily and recorded by 8:15 a.m. You are required to follow this timeline.

Absences and tardies should be carefully entered on the Daily Attendance Report. This is a legal document using the Pinnacle System.


1. Attendance records will be monitored by the office and teachers are to keep timely and accurate records daily.

2. When a child is absent, please mark the appropriate codes:

E: Excused

U: Unexcused

T: Tardy

Any student who arrives to school after your attendance will have their attendance changed by the office personnel.

3. Do not make any changes on the attendance without first notifying our Informational Management Technician (IMT).

A student absentee log is available in the IMT’s office and can be reviewed by you at anytime.

After three consecutive absences, please call the student’s home to inquire about the absences and complete a student absent report. If no information is available, complete a Social Worker sheet.

Any excessive or questionable absences should be reported to an administrator and noted on a social worker referral form. The parents will be contacted by administration concerning absences or tardies.


The Media Clerk serves as the coordinator of Audio Visual materials and equipment.

Many materials and services are available through the County Material Center, BECON, and the Graphics Department. Discuss any needs or ideas with the media clerk or with the principal.

Students should also be instructed in the proper use and care of all A.V. materials used within the classroom. Students should never be allowed to move A.V. carts containing heavy equipment.

Each teacher is issued numbered pieces of equipment which may be kept in the classroom until the end of the school year. Please avoid using masking tape to label A.V. equipment. Equipment needing repair should be returned to the Media Center.

Faculty members may check out A.V. equipment and other types of equipment to use off campus by completing a property pass and by receiving written approval from the principal. Staff members will be responsible for the return of this equipment.

Maps should be checked regularly to make certain that they are securely fastened and are not in danger of falling on anyone thereby causing serious injury.


Decorating the teaching/learning areas with student work is encouraged. Please do not use the windows to display art or classroom work. Use tacks, pins, staples on the bulletin boards provided. Do not tape or staple displays to the walls, doors, etc. You may use sticky tack to mount artwork on the walls, etc.

Standards to be maintained for displays and bulletin boards:

1. Correct spelling

2. Simple, uncluttered

3. Pertinent to curriculum or management procedures

4. Complete in a reasonable amount of time

5. Student or teacher made (preferred)

6. Remain up for a reasonable amount of time

7. Displays may include but are not limited to:

a. Classroom management procedures

b. Student of the week

c. Student of the month

d. Character Trait of the Month

e. Good work papers in all areas of curriculum

f. Composition/Creative writing board

g. Handwriting center

8. Have titles and borders

9. Displays must be of publishing quality


Broward County provides bus transportation for students living more than two (2) miles from the school. It is the responsibility of each teacher to see that students are dismissed at the appropriate time to catch their bus. Under no circumstances should any students be dismissed from the classroom before the bus bell or held in the classroom after the dismissal bell, unless instructed by the office.

Detailed information such as schedules transportation forms, etc. will be provided at the beginning of each school year. A list of names and bus numbers of your students should be posted in your room. This is to be updated on a monthly basis. One copy also needs to be in the office.


It is imperative that each teacher has an updated copy of his/her teaching certificate on file in the school. Teachers new to the school must bring in a copy of their certificate.

Anytime a teacher receives an updated certificate, please bring it to the office for copying. By State of Florida Statute, it is the responsibility of each teacher to keep his/her certificate current. Failure to do so will result in non-renewal of your contract.



To comply with appropriate Florida law which makes it mandatory to report child abuse, and/or neglect, any teacher or other school employee who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or other person responsible for the child's welfare, or that a child is in need of supervision and care and has no parent, legal custodian or responsible adult relative immediately known and available to provide supervision and care, shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Department of Children and Families at the statewide toll-free hotline: 1-800-96-ABUSE and immediately notify the principal and the Child Abuse designee (The Guidance Counselor is the Child Abuse designee).

In addition to the above requirement, reports alleging that the perpetrator of the abuse, abandonment, or neglect is an employee of the school district, shall also be made directly by the hotline reporter to the local law enforcement jurisdiction. The principal shall notify the Board’s Professional Standards & Special Investigative Unit so a joint investigation can be conducted.

The school employee shall consult with the school-based Child Abuse Designee regarding any questions related to child abuse or neglect. The confidentiality of anyone calling the child abuse hotline is protected.

Florida law provides penalties: “Any person who willfully or knowingly makes public or discloses any information contained in the child abuse registry or the records of any child-abuse case…may be held personally liable. Any person injured or aggrieved by such disclosure shall be entitled to damages.”


It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to establish a neat, attractive environment for learning. This will encourage proper pupil respect for neatness and order.

Teachers should have all books, chairs, workbooks, scraps of paper, or pieces of crayons picked up by students before dismissal time. Teachers should maintain an orderly classroom by having students keep books and materials off the floor. These little things help to make the rooms easier to clean and model the character traits of respect and discipline.

Teachers should not use nails, screws, glue, and/or staples for attaching items to walls or woodwork. Ask for help from our custodial staff in this area. Please use only bulletin board space for displaying student work.

Students should not put their feet on the walls. Students should not mark on/in their desks. Remind students that all four legs of the chair should be on the floor. A number of chairs are broken due to students tipping or leaning back on them. All chairs should be placed in a down position during the entire school day. This should be done first thing in the morning.

Our custodial staff is charged with the responsibility of maintaining our building in a clean and attractive manner. They may be expected to empty trash cans, sweep daily, dust, clean as needed, supply soap and paper towels to classrooms, and cooperate with any reasonable request made by the instructional staff.

Students should not be asked to empty garbage cans because of danger to them by using the garbage Dumpster.

Discuss any maintenance or cleaning problems with our Head Custodian and/or the Lead Custodian, the Assistant Principal or the Principal.


Students who become ill or are in need of medical attention should be sent to the clinic. When a child becomes ill, the office will contact the parents and the teacher will be notified if the child is to go home. Names of all students who are sent to the clinic will be entered on the clinic log. The type of treatment/ medication will be noted. If a child is injured and received a cut, broken skin, a bite, or swelling due to a bump or abrasion, the teacher is responsible for contacting the parent immediately and an accident report needs to be completed.

Any child who is dismissed early because of illness must be picked up in the office and signed out by a person whose name appears on the emergency dismissal form. The teacher will be notified if a student is being dismissed.

No medication (including cough drops) for students should be kept in the classroom. Medication may only be dispensed by the administrator, school nurse or designee in the front office. This is done only upon written consent from the student’s parents and physician on an authorization for medication form.

General first aid, for an emergency situation, is available for any student or employee of the school. If you are not sure if a child’s injury is serious do not send them to the office. Call and someone will come to you.


A Collaborative Problem Solving Team (CPST) provides multi-disciplinary services to the teachers and students in order to help ensure greater success on the part of students. The CPST meets on a regularly scheduled basis to address identified problems and suggest possible interventions.

The team may include the Principal, Assistant Principal, classroom teacher, School Psychologist, Social Worker, District personnel, Curriculum Specialist, Reading Resource Specialist/Coach, Guidance Counselor, Exceptional Student Education Specialist, Support Specialist, and the Community Liaison. Other school personnel join the team as the need arises.

Referrals are made to the CPST by any staff member, a parent, or anyone who has observed a need. The referral forms are available from the Guidance Counselor.

Rationale for the referral may include but not be limited to:

• Academic concerns

• Behavioral concerns

• Emotional concerns

• Health concerns

• Need for social services

• Possibility of retention

• Improper placement of a student


Committee assignments are normally made at the beginning of each school year. Participation on a school committee is a requirement aimed at utilizing teacher's knowledge and expertise toward improving academic and social programs at Plantation.

These responsibilities should be shared among the faculty and all staff members. All staff members will serve on at least one committee.

Special committees or task forces will also be formed as needed to study different topics during the school year.


Regular faculty and grade group meetings are important for coordinating activities in a well-organized school. Staff meetings will normally be held on once per month and/or will be called as needed. Please listen to the afternoon announcements or refer to the CAB Calendar for updates. Grade level meetings will be held weekly. Minutes are to be turned in to the office manager following the meetings. Forms may be obtained in the office.

Each staff member is expected to attend meetings unless there is an excused absence. Excused absences must be preapproved by Administration. If you miss a meeting, it is your responsibility to obtain the information disseminated and discussed at the meeting. A staff meeting is a professional meeting and your actions and conduct should always be professional.

Routine information is passed on to teachers through CAB, by regular written bulletins, grade chairpersons, posted announcements, or intercom. Be sure to check your email, voicemail, the CAB Calendar, and your mailbox every morning and afternoon before you leave school. If you have an emergency call, the office will try to locate you. It is possible that a message will have to be taken and every effort will be made to find you.

Our Plantation Newsletter should be distributed to students when received. Newsletters will be sent home monthly.

All communications such as letters to parents, field trip notices, etc. must be cleared though the principal's office before being sent home. A copy will be kept on file with the front office staff.

An intercom call is to be answered by the teacher only. When replying to the office via the intercom, please be aware that parents and visitors may be present in the office.

When sending students to the office with a question, please send a note and the response will be made to you in writing to avoid any miscommunication. Students traveling in hallways must travel with a buddy and have a hall pass.

Be sure to read all notices that are sent home with students.


Conferences are an important part of reporting pupil progress to parents and can be a great help in furthering home-school understanding. Teachers should contact parents by phone during the first two weeks of school to introduce themselves and set a positive tone for the year.

School Board Policy #5104 states "Conferences with parents or guardians are required as part of the reporting system. Teachers will request at least two (2) conferences per year per student. The school shall request a conference between the classroom teacher and the parent on or before May 1 for each student being considered for retention." Therefore, teachers should hold conferences with all parents and the conference form should be completed and signed by all persons in attendance at the conference.

The first conference should be held by the end of November and the second by the end of April. Additional conferences should be scheduled to document exceptional concerns and interventions. Try to arrange conferences at school where you can sit down and show work samples, textbooks, and discuss the child's progress in-depth. These may be scheduled on teacher planning days, before and after school. If parents are unable to come into the school, phone conferences should be written up, and then sent home for parent's signature. At the end of the school year, conference forms will be filed inside the cum folder.

Conferences involving unusual concerns should be referred to the principal. When it becomes necessary for other school personnel to attend a conference, such as Special Area Teachers or Exceptional Education Teachers, make plans in advance to avoid conflict.


Confidentiality of student information should be observed at all times. Teachers should not discuss a student's behavior, academic progress, or health problems in the hall, office, teachers' lounge or other social places.



No one may attend school with a contagious disease. This includes, but is not limited to: Florida sores, ringworm, chicken pox, head lice, scabies, and conjunctivitis (pink eye).

A student or staff member suspected of having a contagious disease is to be sent to the office immediately. Many of these diseases spread rapidly and are not recognized by parents. Teachers are not to diagnose such disease, but must report all suspected cases immediately. Diagnosis is to be done by the appropriate medical personnel. Persons who have been absent due to a contagious disease may not return to school without clearance from the appropriate medical personnel and the school office. If a student enters your classroom, he/she is to be sent to the office immediately and not re-admitted without approval from the office stating a doctor's note has been submitted.

Do not put yourself in jeopardy of contracting these contagious diseases by not following these procedures. All staff members are required to wear gloves when treating any injury involving body fluids, blood, or contagious diseases.


All staff has reasonable access to the media center copy machine; however, materials may be copied by selected paraprofessionals who have been properly inserviced on the copy machine. The loading and unloading responsibilities are likewise limited to the office staff, paraprofessionals and other trained personnel.

All materials to be copied must have administrative approval.


Book Copyrights

Reproduction of copyright material without prior written approval of the author or Publishing Company is a violation of copyright laws and can result in extreme personal fines.

Video Tape Copyrights

Videotapes with copyrights cannot be shown over closed circuit television unless there is prior written permission from the producer. However, they may be used for planned direct instructional activities if they are part of the educational program and reflected in lesson plans. Appropriate videos may be rented for showing in individual classes. If more than one teacher is planning to use the same video, it must be done in individual rooms using individual VCRs. When renting the video, state on the video store order form that video will be used in an instructional setting.

Please remember - videotapes and DVDs may only be used if they are a part of the educational program. They may not be shown for entertainment purposes. Videotapes must be used in "face to face" instruction rather than closed circuit TV. Videotapes must have prior approval of administration.

No staff member should be asked to violate copyright laws.


Cum folders and pupil progression records must be maintained in compliance with School Board Rules and Policies. These are documents, which, if subpoenaed, would provide information in court concerning the child's academic progress, educational history, and attendance.

Each teacher must have a cumulative folder for each student enrolled in his/her classroom. Requests for records of students transferring from public schools in the county or within the state are made through the main office. A Florida Cumulative Record must be completed for students enrolling from out of the state of Florida or out of the country.

Our office staff will be reviewing all cum folders as soon as they are received and before they are sent to another school. Please make sure that all dates are entered and correct. A list for the cum review will be provided. The Guidance Counselor will be the last to receive and then invite the teacher to her office for review.

Each teacher should review cum records as soon as students are assigned or received.

A Broward County Cum Folder should be completed as soon as out-of-state records arrive or within five (5) days after entering our school.

When a student officially withdraws from your class, please submit all necessary documentation within three (3) school days so the office may complete the withdrawal process.

Folders are stored in the record room in the administrative offices. Cums must be signed out individually by teachers and signed in when they are returned. Folders must be returned within 3 days to the office.. At no time should a cum folder be handled by a student.

Procedures for completion of the cum folders are issued by the County Office.

General procedures are:

1. A cum folder should be kept up-to-date and maintained in an orderly manner.

2. Cum folders are considered as legal documents and transferred in two ways:

a. To another county public school, if the student moves within the county.

b. To our microfilm center, if the child moves from the county or to a private school within the county.

3. Cum folders are open to parent's review and copying. Please remember this when writing information that goes inside them such as interim reports or conference forms.

4. At the end of the year, the folder must accurately show attendance, grades, reading level, and teacher signature.

5. Standardized test data must be properly recorded.

6. Cum folder should include, but not be limited to:

a. Checklist and all items on it

b. Most recent assessments

c. Pertinent information from previous schools should not be discarded

d. Health records - immunization record, physical exam, height/weigh chart, and vision/hearing screening forms

e. Parent conference forms

f. Student conduct and discipline code booklet signature pages

g. Any test profile cover sheets (not entire test booklet)

h. Registration forms

School Board Policy prohibits the removal of cum folders from the school. Cum folders are to be checked out individually from the office, and not as a class set.


A daily schedule should be visible in your classroom. The schedule should show each curriculum area; day per week, and time periods devoted to that curriculum area. These should also be kept in your plan book.

Curriculum Standards of Service Florida Sunshine State Strands and Benchmarks Board and the state should be incorporated in your plans. (School Board Policy #6001.1)

A. A student day shall consist of three hundred thirty (330) minutes of regularly scheduled instruction in the basic skills areas required by state statutes (reading, writing, mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, health, physical education, art, music and computer education, unless otherwise noted). Indoor/outdoor physical activities shall be provided daily. Each student shall receive regularly scheduled instruction in art, music, and physical education by a specialist.

B. Critical thinking skills instructional focus must be included in the content areas and throughout the day where applicable.

C. Each teacher will be responsible for instructing three hundred (360) minutes a day.

D. Each teacher will perform such other duties and assignments as required.

E. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) staffing and review committee may modify the standards of service for an individual exceptional student if it is determined that modification would be in the best interest of the student. A decision to modify the standards of service shall be documented on the student's IEP.

F. Appropriate units of instruction in substance (drug/alcohol) education will be required at each of the elementary grade levels.

G. All elementary students will receive instruction in computer education basic skills as defined by the district.

H. District adopted basal textbooks shall be used as primary resources for the instructional program. Other instructional materials may be used as supplementary resources.

Accountability procedures shall be established through a district-wide management system, standardized tests, state testing, the District's Standards of Service, and other accountability procedures.


Discipline guidelines are established in Policy #5301 and the school elected Proactive Discipline Plan as follows:

The principal, or in his/her absence, the person in charge of the school, shall have the responsibility for maintaining overall discipline within the school setting. The principal shall share with the teacher the responsibility for maintaining proper school conduct and morale. Further s/he may delegate to the teacher such responsibility for control and direction of the students s/he considers desirable. When and where such responsibility has been delegated the teachers shall be supported in any reasonable action they may take.

Each pupil in a school, during the time s/he is being transported to or from school at public expense, during the time s/he is attending school and during the time s/he is on the school premises, shall be under the authority of the principal or principal designee, and under the immediate control and direction of the teacher or other member of the staff or of the bus driver to whom such responsibility may be assigned by the principal.

The Board shall do everything within its power to protect and support the principal and teachers in their disciplinary role. This shall include legal support in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 230.234. In addition, the Board shall assist members in bringing about penalties for the disruption of school functions or assault upon the instructional staff as set forth under Florida Statutes Sections 231.06 and 231.07.

Corporal punishment will not be utilized to discipline children by anyone employed by the School Board of Broward County.


All suspensions or expulsions shall be made in accordance with Florida Statues and Board Policy #5006, as well as the SBBC Discipline Matrix. Please follow the proactive discipline Plan when referring a child to the principal.

The following rules shall be observed:

1. A teacher may not suspend a child from class or school. However, in cases where an emergency situation develops, the teacher will take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect the students. The use of reasonable force necessary to isolate a disruptive student from the classroom shall not constitute corporal punishment as defined in accordance with section 232.27 Florida Statues, and shall not be used as a basis for the suspension of any member of the school staff holding anyone liable for such an act unless force used is degrading or unduly severe as to its nature. It is recommended that teachers remove other students from a situation when a student becomes out of control and call the office for assistance. The teacher's first responsibility in this case is the safety and well being of the students who are not disruptive. This does not mean that the disruptive student is to be left totally alone, but is does mean that all other students must be removed from danger. After the students are safe, the office is to be contacted.

Teachers are not to contact parents to come and pick up a child for inappropriate behavior. There is no such thing as an informal suspension. All suspensions, internal or external, are to be done by administration following proper procedures. Teachers are to contact parents and inform them of inappropriate behavior before a referral is sent to the office. Only in cases of fighting is there to be an immediate referral made to the office.

2. A Behavior Assistance Team shall be established to deal with extremely disruptive behavior. The BAT should be comprised of the classroom teacher, administration, guidance counselor, ESE Specialist, social worker, and psychologist. This team shall be utilized only when a situation arises that endangers a disruptive student, his classmates, or the staff of the school. This team will meet within five (5) days to determine placement of the student.

3. A teacher may not deprive a student from attending art, music, PE, science or media for disciplinary reasons. A student may not be denied attending a field trip by the teacher, unless this is a consequence that is part of a behavior contract between school, student, and parent.

4. Do not send a student to the office with his/her referral and expect office personnel to keep him/her. Complete the referral and an administrator will call for the student at a later time (this does not mean necessarily that we will get to the student the same day that the referral is made). There is inadequate space to house disruptive students in the office.

5. Student Removal and Placement Review Committee: In reading this document, teachers are informed about the availability, the procedures, and the criteria for removing a student from class and the establishment of the Placement Review Committee. The Placement Review Committee shall be organized according to procedures in Florida Statue 1003.32 and Board Policy.

Though the principal has the responsibility to maintain overall school discipline, the teacher must handle the majority of his/her discipline problems.

When a referral must be completed, the teacher must fully explain the reason for the referral. Do not advise the student of the action that will be taken by the principal/assistant principal. All areas of the online referral are to be filled out. Consequences will be determined based on the Broward County Discipline Matrix. Parents will receive a copy of the teacher’s guidelines to success along with a copy of the Code of Conduct, which includes a copy of the Discipline Matrix.

Parents are to be sent a copy of class rules, consequences, and rewards at the end of the first week of school. A copy of these items is to be submitted to the office at the same time. A parent acknowledgment will be given to you by the office. Each student must have a school and county acknowledgment on file in his/her cum folder. Without this acknowledgment, the teacher is leaving himself/herself open for debate and the parent has the right to claim lack of knowledge of the rules.

The lessons plans for the first three weeks should include teaching school procedures as well as class rules, consequences and rewards. Rules are to be re-taught and reinforced on a monthly basis and after each holiday or extended break. This is to be included as a part of your lesson plans.

Students new to the school are to be given a copy of the rules that were sent home during the first week. An acknowledgment is also required of these students. Parents of new students are to be informed of the rules, consequences and rewards as well.

Schoolwide discipline techniques shall include but not be limited to the following proactive interventions:

1. Talk with student.

2. Set up behavior contract.

3. Confer with parent(s).

4. Reasonable punishment (corporal punishment is not acceptable). Punishment shall not be degrading or unduly severe.

5. Counseling with Guidance Counselor.

6. "Time-out" locations established within the room or another classroom.

7. Conflict Mediation

8. The student will be referred to administration, if the problem persists, as a last

resort. Administration will follow the County-adopted Discipline Matrix in

handling referrals.


All teachers are to escort their students out to the walkways at dismissal time. Students who remain past dismissal time should do so only upon parent permission and teacher's request.

Students are not to be dismissed early or released to the custody of anyone without clearance from the front office. Adults coming to remove a student from school must utilize the STAR procedures.

When a student brings a written request for early dismissal for any reason, it must be approved by administration.

In the event of an emergency, the decision for early dismissal is made by the Superintendent of Schools. All schools are notified of this decision and a public announcement is made by local media (radio/television) to parents and the community. Each student in your classroom should have an emergency dismissal form. Please discuss with your students the instructions given by their parents as to where the students are to go if there is an emergency dismissal. The Emergency Dismissal forms should be filed in the Safety Folder, properly labeled. When the dismissal procedure is changed it needs to be in writing from the parent or guardian and shared with the office.


It is generally accepted that neatly groomed, appropriately dressed students tend to behave well than in cases where no attempts are made to encourage proper dress. Students will be expected to adhere to the Student Discipline Code and Conduct Booklet in matters of dress. Please notify parents when students are dressed inappropriately. Additionally, students are to adhere to the school-wide unified dress code.

Teachers must set a good example in matters of grooming and appropriate dress. Good grooming is taught by example. All staff members must dress in a professional manner and use good judgment in the selection of attire.

Students must always wear shoes when in the classroom or outside on the playground.

EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN (refer to the red Staff Emergency Plan)

Code Red Threat/Incident inside facility, NO MOVEMENT - Lockdown

Code Yellow Threat/Incident outside facility, Activate SAFE Team - Lockdown

Code Blue Medical Emergency - Activate SAFE Team

Code Black Bomb Threat - Evacuate

Code Orange Evacuate

Code Green All Clear

Code Brown Threat/Incident within the facility - Shelter-in-Place


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help employees solve personal problems that may or may not affect job performance. The School Board recognizes that employees experience problems such as marital or family conflict, abuse of alcohol and/or drugs, stress, and many other difficulties. Any employee may call EAP for assistance at any time. The administration need not be consulted or advised of such calls.

With help, most employees can solve their problems and lead happier, more productive lives. Supervisors are encouraged to refer employees to the EAP for humanitarian reasons and when work performance problems arise that do not seem to be caused by the work situation itself.

The department phone number is 754-322-9900. All referrals are held in the strictest confidence. There will not be any reference to an EAP referral on an Employee Evaluation or Record of Counseling.


You will receive a list of end-of-year requirements during May. The following list will give you a general idea of the requirements.

1. Cumulative Folders are to be updated.

2. Grade books and lesson plans are to be turned in to the office.

3. Prepare student articulation cards and submit to the office.

4. Turn in room key.

5. Rooms are to be neat and orderly to facilitate summer term activities and cleaning. All displays are to be removed from the bulletin boards. Student and teacher desks are to be thoroughly emptied and cleaned.

6. Submit "Report of monies collected book".

7. Submit additional forms and equipment as requested.


Procedures for emergency exit should be posted in each room and should be understood by the faculty and student body. The signal of an evacuation drill will be announced as according to the “CODE.” All procedures identified with the CODE should be followed as outlined in the Safety Handbook.

No talking is permitted during the drill!

Teachers should take their Safety Packet and emergency dismissal forms, which would include telephone numbers. Attendance should be taken once the students are lined up outside.

If your exit is blocked due to fire, use the nearest exit. Teachers should discuss alternate routes with students.

If the alarm goes off during the lunch period, students should leave their lunch trays in place and file out through the nearest exit.

Students will be instructed to give immediate attention to their teacher for instructions on the proper exit routes to be used. Students and teachers are to wait for the all-clear signal (a long ring of the bell) before re-entering the building.

Fire drills are conducted 10 times a year. The first evacuation drill shall be held within the first five- (5) days after the opening date of school. Each teacher is to walk his/her students through fire drill procedures the first day of school.


Broward County Schools uses Broward Instructional Development and Growth Evaluation System (BrIDGES) for the evaluation of teachers. The iObservation Instrument may be used for the data collection for teachers.

BrIDGES includes two phases: Documentation Phase

Developmental Phase

All annual contract teachers and any professional service or continuing contract teacher whose certificate will expire in June of the current school year will be in the Documentation Phase. These teachers will be formally observed by an administrator for at least 30 minutes in the first semester. A Performance Development Plan will be established when necessary. The completion of the development plan must take place by the end of the school year.

Professional Service and Continuing Contract teachers who are not renewing their certificates will be in the Developmental Phase for professional growth. During this phase, they will be observed informally. Goals for professional growth may be accomplished at this time. Administrators will not necessarily watch these teachers teach an entire lesson but will evaluate their performance on behaviors which are observed throughout the year. A BrIDGES summary will be completed by the end of the year. All evaluation procedures will follow the guidelines established in the teachers' contract.


It is the responsibility of the school personnel to help screen and to identify exceptional students. Students with potential exceptionalities should be referred by teachers to the principal or ESE Specialist.

There are classes at Plantation Elementary for Varying Exceptionalities, Speech, and Gifted students.

Florida State Department of Education guidelines and District Procedures must be met before a student is accepted into any exceptional student program.

Referral forms must be accompanied by documented and dated anecdotal records. There must be documented evidence of three interventions tried with the student. Also, a parent conference form must be completed.

Feel free to discuss any concerns you may have about referring a student with the ESE Specialist, Reading Coach Specialist, Assistant Principal, or the Principal.


Faculty meetings will be held monthly at the principal’s discretion and in accordance with the BTU contract. Please check the school calendar for faculty meetings. All faculty members are expected to attend. If you cannot attend, administration must be notified.

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to discuss the agenda items with your team chairperson. Absent team chairpersons should discuss agenda items with the school administration.


The FAX machine should be used only for official school business. No personal materials may be faxed.

Confidential materials, such as psychological reports, IEP's and school records, may only be faxed with the principal/assistant principal's permission and an identified person at the receiving end.


Field trips should occur only as an outgrowth of, or supplement to, some aspect of the curriculum.

Teachers' judgment should be employed in deciding whether or not an excursion is desirable in terms of distance, expenses, and ease of supervision.

No trip should be taken without proper teaching and planning in terms of purpose, procedures, and follow up.

Written parent permission must be obtained on an Authorization for Trip form. No student will be permitted on a field trip without that permission. Permission slips or monies will not be accepted on the day of the trip. Please do not send students to the office to obtain permission. Field trip authorization forms must include admission and transportation fees. These forms must be on file in the bookkeeper office prior to departure from school for the field trip and must be kept for audit purposes.

Requests for bus service must be made several weeks in advance. See our bookkeeper to make arrangements for a bus. County buses are usually available between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Transportation charges are non-refundable. Whenever admission fees are non-refundable, teachers must indicate this on authorization form.

If a private bus company is used, it must appear on the Board Approved List and insurance validity must be checked with Risk Management.

In order to have correct information for billing, Transportation has requested that an administrator or school designee sign a form provided by the driver. This will include:

Time Left School ____AM____PM Date___________Signature

Time Returned ____AM____PM Date___________Signature

For accurate billing and accounting purposes, please make sure these times are correct before signing.

A Weatherbug phone will be provided by the school and available for use during the field trip. A list of students for each bus shall be provided to the driver and front office immediately prior to departure for the trip (School Board Policy #6303). The driver may not leave school unless list is provided.

The transportation of students in trams on public highways during a field trip is prohibited. Trams do not meet any of the passenger car safety standards--not crash protected nor do they provide seat belts. Use of trams in controlled environments such as Flamingo Gardens would be allowed.

There must be a minimum of one (1) chaperone for every ten- (10) elementary students. All chaperones must be cleared, if they are not School Board employees, two weeks in advance. Siblings of chaperones are not permitted on field trips. Teachers are responsible for soliciting chaperones. All chaperones must have a Level 1 or Level 2 security clearance from the Safety Department before consideration to attend a field trip.

Responsibility for student behavior rests entirely upon the chaperones. Only in emergency situations should the bus driver need to be concerned with the students' conduct.

If private cars are used, planning and coordination are very important. A driver must be properly insured, present a valid driver's license, show proof of insurance to the principal's office, must be a responsible adult, and the vehicle must be listed on the approved list.

Be sure to advise the principal of your intentions before plans are finalized and students informed. Final plans must be submitted in writing to the principal before students and parents are notified and money collected. In order for your field trip to be approved, field trip requests must be submitted on Field Trip Authorization Forms.

Funds collected by teachers from students must be recorded in a pre-numbered report of monies collected envelope. This envelope will be used for any collections under $15.00, i.e. field trip funds, picture collection, etc. According to county auditing procedures, these books/envelopes must be signed out as needed. All monies collected must be turned in to the Bookkeeper by 10:30 a.m. Monies must be turned in daily. A pre-numbered receipt book will be issued for collections $15.00 and above.

Advise the cafeteria manager at least two (2) weeks in advance if your field trip plans will take you from the school during your regular lunchtime. This will allow the cafeteria staff to order special items for bag or box lunches if needed and prevent over ordering the regular lunch items. Five days school days before the trip, please let the cafeteria know exactly how many bag lunches (students and adults) and how much milk you will need. The cafeteria should be involved in your planning.

If you have any problems concerning the inability of any child to pay for the field trip please see the Principal or designee. Prior to planning a field trip, be sure to read and be in compliance with School Board Policy #6303. Teachers should provide a list of names to the office of students who are not going along with the names of the teacher who will be responsible for them.


Students are NEVER to be out of the classroom without a pass. Students should be assigned a buddy to run errands. Each teacher is responsible for making two- (2) hall passes for students to use when doing errands such as taking the attendance count to the office, escorting students to the clinic, etc.

Any student(s) found in the hallway or rest room without a pass will be taken to the office and the teacher will be notified.


There should be a health record sheet for each child. Chronic illnesses should also be recorded on a student's health record sheet.

Records or information concerning a student's health should be placed in the health folder immediately. A complete list of all students with health concerns or needs is on file in the school clinic.

The office staff will make a list of students with special health problems or concerns. The office, physical education teacher, the classroom teacher, and all specials teachers will be informed of health problems or concerns.


Homework should be given to every child from Monday through Thursday to meet the needs of the students and should be an extension of their school activities. Time to do the assignments should not exceed 10 minutes per grade level. Students should be encouraged to do voluntary homework, such as working on projects or scrapbooks. Homework assignments must include:

Reading comprehension skills

Problem solving activities

Math application

The following guidelines will assure those homework activities result in a satisfying session:

Assignments should be on the student's independent level and be followed up with direct instruction from the teacher.

Directions should be clear and precise

Copies should be clear and readable

Homework emphasis should be on strengthening skills taught in the classroom, as well as teaching students' responsibilities. Homework should be checked by the teacher and immediate feedback should be given. (See Policy 6306 -Addendum #1).


Parents are given the opportunity to enroll students each fall in school insurance plans.


Board Policy 5104 states, "Not later than midway between marking periods, an interim report shall be sent to the parents of students who are experiencing difficulty," including but not limited to the following:

• Failing

• A drop of two or more grades

• Unacceptable behavior

• Excessive absences or tardiness

Forms can be obtained from Pinnacle. This report must be signed and returned to school. It is the teacher's responsibility to make sure the parent has signed the report. If the interim is not signed and returned, a copy should be sent in the U.S. Mail or with the School Social Worker.

One copy of the interim report should be placed in the student's cum folder, one sent home, and one kept in the teacher's files. Following the interim report, a parent conference is an opportunity to enlist the assistance of parents before the end of the marking period.

In the event that a student's behavior and/or grades drop after the regular interim report issuance date, the teacher(s) involved must send an interim report before that student can receive an F, or have a drop of two letter grades on his/her report card.

A copy of the interim report must be attached to the report card when submitted to the principal for review. Report cards with F or a drop of two letter grades in academics and/or behavior must have an interim report or they will be returned to the teacher for correction.

An interim report must be given before the report cards are submitted to the office.


Keys are issued to a teacher and are not to be used by anyone but the teacher, unless approved by the principal. Teachers are not to allow students to use their keys under any circumstances.

It is a violation of School Board Policy to duplicate school keys. Teachers are financially responsible for any key lost during the school year.


For each child who is classified as bilingual (ESOL), an ESOL folder shall be completed by the ELL Committee. Required forms will be completed by this committee and will be maintained in the record room with there cum folder.

Lesson plans must reflect and identify the ESOL strategies for specific students.


Plan books and grades are important parts of documentation and every teacher must have both.

Organized and detailed lesson plans are required of each teacher. These should be recorded in the Teacher Plan Book and made out one week in advance in order to assure continuity. Group designation, basal text, and supplementary materials should be listed.

These specific details should be included:

1. Date of each weekly set of plans.

2. Name of book and teacher manual page number for each instructional group in reading and math.

3. Time schedule for each instructional group and each subject area.

4. Specify your lunchtime as well as instructional planning (art, music, PE and media, etc.).

5. Please check items that you complete in the plan book for the benefit of a substitute.

6. Highlight at the top of page(s) for weeks you have any special duty/assignment. This is a reminder to yourself as well as a means of assisting your grade chairperson to be sure your duty is covered.

Lesson plan books must remain at school. A sub folder will be completed and left for the substitute should an unexpected absence occur. The folder will be kept by the Team Leader. It shall contain a minimum of 2 days worth of lesson plans.

Every teacher will maintain grades electronically via Pinnacle. There should be a section for each academic subject and the teacher is responsible for instructing and grading on a report card. There should be a sufficient number of grades for each academic subject to determine an average and give the appropriate letter grade using the numerical scale of the report card.

Contact Language, Article 6, Section O: “Electronic Grade Books – The electronic grade book will be used in lieu of the traditional paper grade book when functionally possible at the work location. The Teacher of Record will input a minimum of three (3) grades by the Interim Period. By the end of each quarter, the grade book will reflect a minimum of nine (9) grades. Recording grades in the areas of related arts and advanced placement subjects will vary.”

(Feel free to discuss acceptable grading procedures with the principal/assistant principal).

Grades should reflect daily work, board work, workbook pages, homework, textbook tests, teacher-made tests, and quizzes. Grades should be labeled so that incomplete assignments can be identified and areas of weakness easily detected.

In reporting student performance for third through fifth grade, letters (A, B, C, D, and F) are used which represent the equivalent numerical grades as shown below:

"A" Superior Progress........................... 100 - 90

"B" Above Average Progress................ 89 - 80

"C" Average Progress........................... 79 - 70

"D" Below Average Progress................ 69 - 60

"F" Failure............................................. 59 or below

Teachers will use the numerical scale to determine a letter grade. Letter grades will be placed in the grade book and averaged at the end of the grading period. When averaging, use 5 or more to go to the higher grade.

Plus and minus signs for academic grades shall not be used in marking the report card.

First and Second Grade report cards should reflect student progress by indicating:

1 = Mastered skills independently

2 = Learning skills with assistance

3 = Area of concern

NA = Not applicable

Teacher plan books and class records are to be available during observations /evaluations.

At the end of the school year, Lesson Plan Books are filed in the office for state audit trail purposes.


Lost and Found articles are kept in a box under the front office counter. All lost items should be turned in promptly. Students should be encouraged to check with the office for their lost items.


The use of the school lounge is primarily restricted to the paid employees of Plantation Elementary School. In compliance with Federal Regulations, the school has been designated as a non-smoking building.

Information concerning students in our school is confidential and has no place in a group conversation especially in the staff lounge.

Each person should help to keep the lounge clean. The refrigerator will be cleaned out on Friday and perishable food discarded. Students should not be sent to the lounge or cafeteria to buy food for teachers or to pick up their mail.


1. Each teacher will be released for a duty-free lunch period.

2. Teachers leave for their lunch break when the first child in their line reaches the inside cafeteria door.

3. PICK UP YOUR CLASS ON TIME – This is the key to making our lunch program successful!

4. NEW! Parents are welcomed to have breakfast or lunch with their child on an occasional basis. Schools are not public restaurants and cannot provide meals to parents on a daily basis. Wednesdays are the chosen days for our school. The same would apply to children not enrolled in school, but who accompany the visiting parent. Since these children are not eligible for reimbursed meals, their meal cost is the same as for adults.

Also, parents should encourage children to go through the breakfast line alone and be assisted by the food service staff, which is the same staff that will assist their children through the lunch line. Under no circumstances are parents to remove and/or eat food from their child’s plate.


Goal: The lunch line and lunch area will be a safe and clean environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.

Rules and Expectations:

Coming to Lunch and Lunch Line:

1. Students will walk quietly to the lunch area and stand in lunch line.

2. Children will buy lunch before they sit down.

3. While in line, children will keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.

4. Children will use quiet voices in the lunch line.

5. Students will follow adult directions to their table.

6. Students should use the restrooms prior to lunch.

Cafeteria Area Procedures:

Children will:

1. Stay in their seats and raise their hands to get help.

2. Eat quietly and use good manners.

3. Always walk in the lunch area.

4. Use quiet voices when talking.

5. Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.

6. Treat everyone with respect.

7. Eat only their own food.



Check for Good Manners

When classes receive 4 checkmarks demonstrating the following:

√ Enter cafeteria quietly

√ Wait in line quietly to receive lunch

√ Stay seated and speak quietly

√ Upon exiting, clean area, dispose of trays and wait in line quietly

The entire class receives tiger bucks. However if only a select few follow all rules, then they will receive tiger bucks.

Consequences for Infractions:

1. Verbal reprimand

2. Redirection – have the student try it again

3. Misbehavior in lunch line – have student go to end of line

4. Student will be relocated if problems persist

5. Excessive noise from any given class – report to classroom teacher

6. Use office referral only for physically dangerous behavior, illegal behavior, or for overt insubordination.

Reinforcement Procedures:

1. Positive attention and friendly interactions from adults

2. Verbal praise for following the lunchroom rules and expectations

3. Verbal praise for adhering to cafeteria rules.

4. Each teacher should provide positive reinforcement when the class receives a point.

5. When lunch procedures run smoothly for a fairly long period of time, the administration will congratulate the students during morning announcements.

Supervision Responsibilities:

1. All supervisors are responsible for supervising in a warm, friendly manner and for moving throughout the cafeteria.

2. If a student violates a rule, use a respectful and firm voice to inform the student of what he/she should be doing. Point out the appropriate behavior the student should be engaging in.

3. For repeat infractions, implement a mild consequence such as redirection or time out.

4. The student will eat by him/herself the next day.

5. If a student refuses to follow your directions or argues, calmly inform the student that he or she can choose to follow your direction or be referred to the office.

6. If a student refuses to go to the office, make no attempt to physically move the student. Call the office.

7. Teachers will pick up students from the cafeteria.

Teaching Responsibilities:

1. Lunch rules and expectations will be reviewed.

2. Reprimand students for misbehavior.

3. Use of reward system.


Materials & Supplies

Supplies are made available to teachers for the instructional program.


No faculty member may purchase any item for which he/she expects reimbursement without clearance from the principal. Requests for supplies and materials not available within the school may be made at any time to the principal via the bookkeeper. Requests will be granted or denied on the basis of available funds.

Teachers turn in supply request forms to Team Leader.


All monies to be collected in the name of the school must first have written authorization by the principal. A Monies Collected Slip may be obtained from the Bookkeeper to request expenditure of monies.

Turn in monies collected to the bookkeeper on a daily basis before 10:30 a.m. This includes but is not limited to monies collected for field trips, etc. It is the intent of the Auditing Department that the school pays all expenditures by school check only. Auditors check all forms for correct procedures and information. All monies collected must be funneled through school internal accounts. These collections are to be recorded on a Monies Collected Form. Always keep a copy of this form for your records. All monies collected envelopes must be turned in to the Bookkeeper daily for auditing purposes.


Opening exercises will be conducted via the intercom and closed circuit television by students, teachers, and administration. It is the duty of the individual teacher to make sure that all students are included.

Taking attendance, lunch count, collecting homework and similar activities should not be done during opening exercises.


Paraprofessionals and T.A.s play a vital role in the instructional process and should be actively involved in the school program. Paraprofessionals will be available to assist teachers with their programs. Budgetary restrictions, SACS requirements and school needs will control the number of paraprofessionals.

Under the supervision of instructional staff, paraprofessionals and T.A.s assist in the preparation of instructional materials, supervise students in the cafeteria, work with individuals and small groups of children, supervise students arrival, and dismissal from school, and other responsibilities. Their main function, however, is to assist with the reinforcement of academic progress.



Parties are a learning activity and a very important part of a child's growing up. However, classroom parties should be limited to four per school year: fall, winter, spring and end-of-year. Good manners and habits must be stressed. Requests for special parties should be cleared with the teacher and the office. Parties are held the last hour of the child's day.


Plantation Elementary’s Parent-Teacher Organization operates in lieu of a PTA.


Staff members are asked to rotate all stored supplies to keep roaches from nesting. Please discard all food trays in the SOMAT machine. Keep any food items in tightly covered containers. Report any infestation to administration immediately.


Messages and small materials are moved between schools and central office by means of a truck delivery route called "The Pony." Special brown envelopes are available for this in the office. Use black ink in addressing envelope to send something to another school or department. Personal items are not to be sent in the pony.


Every teacher should read and comply with "The Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct" and "Standards of Competent Professional Performance".


Daily 15-minute periods of structured physical activity is required for all students by SBBC policy on non-PE days.


Report cards are sent home each nine weeks to all students in Grades 1 - 5. Kindergarten report cards will be sent home starting the second nine weeks. The calendar shows the date on which the reporting period closes and the date on which report cards are to be issued. Report cards will be turned in to the grade level team leader and administration to be checked before going home.

When report card envelopes are returned, be certain to check for parent's request for conferences and/or comments.

Teachers are reminded that reporting procedures accomplish more when they are done with care and when they reflect positive information concerning the student's progress. Refer to the booklet, "Evaluating, Reporting, and Recording Pupil Progress in the Elementary Schools" for guidelines to use in evaluating student progress.

SPECIAL NOTE: School Board Policy stipulates that a student must be in attendance twenty-five (25) days in a Broward County School during a quarter in order to receive grades for that period. If a student transfers from school "x" and has been there 13 school days and here at Plantation Elementary 12 days, we are required to give a report card.


1. Planning and organizing for instruction

Each teacher is expected to provide a classroom situation that will promote maximum progress and growth of individual students. Teachers are expected to utilize effective and desirable instructional procedures in reaching that goal.

2. Supervision of pupils

Instructional personnel are responsible for the general well being of students entrusted to them. Students are to be supervised at all times in the instructional areas, as well as in the hallways and cafeteria. If it becomes necessary for you to leave your students, another instructional employee should be left in charge or you should notify the office so that someone can monitor your class. There should never be a time when students are unsupervised.

3. Work schedule

Instructional personnel are required by law to work 196 days, 180 of which must be devoted to full-time instruction.

All instructional personnel will work their full contracted time.

Every teacher is to be in his/her classroom at 7:55 a.m. for the first bell.

Any school personnel who needs to leave early for any reason must notify and receive approval from administration. A sign-out sheet must be completed. This is for your protection in case of accident.

4. Work standards

It shall be the principal's responsibility to see that each member of the instructional and non-instructional staff of the school carries his/her fair share of the total professional program of the school.

Each teacher shall be required to keep his/her lesson plans and grade book up-to-date, complete, and available.

Each teacher is expected to comply with School Board Policies in addition to the rules designed for our school. School Board policies and directives are located online. Please take time to become acquainted with School Board policies that pertain to you.


Decisions concerning promotion or retention are to be made after all state & district criteria for promotion is received (see Board Policy 6000.1).


A School Advisory Council (SAC) is in place at Plantation Elementary School. The team consists of parents, teachers, non-instructional representative, community/business representative, and the school principal. SAC meets at various times during the school year to discuss the school's programs, achievements, and goals.

For more information/suggestions, please see the Administration, a member of the School Advisory Council or the district website.


The School Advisory Forum (SAF) meets once a month to promote communication between stakeholders, the school, and community. We encourage all staff members to participate.


Each teacher is expected to comply with School Board Policies in addition to the rules designed for our school. School policies and directives are located online. Please take time to become acquainted with School Board policies that pertain to you.

Any questions about School Board policies may be directed to administration.


A School Social Worker who is employed by the School Board serves our school. The School Social Worker will make home contacts to discuss school concerns such as attendance, lack of student welfare or neglect, obtaining parent signatures, and other school/student related items.

To have the services of the School Social Worker, a referral form needs to be completed and turned in to Guidance Counselor. These forms may be obtained from the Guidance Counselor when needed. The School Social Worker is at the school on a weekly basis.


We will continue to use the "Substitute Finder System," an automated means of requesting a substitute teacher. You, as the teacher, are responsible for phoning in your request for a substitute.

There is a priority list of substitutes available. You can request a specific substitute only if you call at least 24 hours in advance of your absence.

In order to fill your absence, using a touch-tone telephone, you are to call the given number 754-321-0050 and code in your need according to the specific directions. See manual and handouts from inservice training.

On those occasions when you are unable to reach Substitute Finder, the office must be notified as far in advance as possible, but no later than 6:30 a.m. When calling, please state the reason for your absence.


Telephones are to be used primarily for school matters. Please limit personal calls to and from school. Messages will be taken for all staff members and placed in their mailbox or e-mail.

Although cell phones have become a daily part of culture, they are to be used minimally for emergencies.

School Board Policy #3201 prohibits the use of school telephones for making personal long distance calls.

Telephone directories are readily available and should be used instead of using directory assistance. The school must now pay for directory calls.


Temporary duty shall be defined as the employee performing his/her duties in a different location than the regular assignment. Temporary Duty Authorization forms are available from the Office Manager and Bookkeeper. TDAs are required for all out-of-county workshops, conferences, and conventions, or after school inservice. It is also required for in county inservice and workshops where funds are being requested from our school's budget. Completed Temporary Duty request forms must be given to the office manager or bookkeeper for processing ten (10) days prior to the workshop/event.

Documentation is to be attached to the TDA.


The County Assessment Department coordinates a series of standard tests to be administered at specific dates for purposes of diagnostic and prescriptive evaluation. Instructional personnel will be asked to cooperate with prescribed procedures.


Textbooks are available from the state adopted book lists. Purchase orders are handled through a central textbook center. Each school receives a yearly budget for purchase of books based upon enrollment. This budget includes a designated amount, which may be used for supplemental materials that are not state adopted.

Every child should have a textbook! If you do not have enough textbooks, please notify your team leader immediately so those textbooks can be ordered. Additionally, students and parents will be notified on the procedures to access electronic textbooks on line to be utilized at home.

It is the student's responsibility to keep the books in good condition. Assessment for lost or damaged textbooks should be charged when there is evidence of abnormal wear and/or unnecessary damage.

Teachers are asked to number books and assign students a number so that the books can be accounted for. Teachers will complete inventories at the end of the year to account for manuals, resources, and student books. The following is listed in schoolbook Policy:

A = Excellent or New

B = Good

C = Fair

D = Poor

F = Salvageable


All personnel on the school premises should be assembled at the far side of the classroom, away from the large windows. Personnel in classrooms located in an area without an inside corridor should be assembled in an interior hallway.

All staff members will respond to the specific command to assume the protective position facing interior walls.

The public address will be used to sound the command. The following announcement will be made: "All students and staff, report to your assigned areas. This is a tornado drill. Everyone down, crouch on elbows and knees. Hands over back of head."


School Board Policy #4202 prohibits a teacher from receiving reimbursement for tutoring a student in any of his/her classes. A teacher tutoring a child not in his/her class may not use school facilities or materials for this tutoring without receiving written permission from the principal. This permission may be given by the principal after conferring with the concerned teacher. An exception to this policy is made in regard to music teachers.


Each member of the instructional staff should consider that it is his/her responsibility to report any incidents of property damage by students or others so that restitution may be gained and repairs made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, materials, and furniture, or to the building property.

To help limit vandalism, here are some helpful hints:

1. Lock your classroom door when leaving the room.

2. Students should not handle classroom keys.

3. No money should be kept in the classroom.

4. Do not bring large sums of money to school with you. Purses should be kept out of sight, in a locked desk drawer or file cabinet.

5. Notify the main office whenever you see a stranger or older student on school grounds.


Adult visitors are always welcome but are required to register through the STAR system in the front office. Please remember to always be friendly and polite to all parents and visitors. A friendly "Hello" or "Good Morning" helps build good community relations.

Do not admit a parent to your classroom that has not received a badge from the front office.

Unknown or suspicious persons observed in the building or on the grounds should be investigated as part of our responsibility to the students. Notify the principal's office immediately.



Those teachers wishing the assistance of a volunteer should relay this to the volunteer coordinator

All persons wishing to volunteer their time are to fill out a volunteer application online at . The Safety Department must give a security (Level 1 or 2) clearance before any further consideration is made. When the person has been cleared, a teacher will be assigned and a schedule suitable to both persons will be worked out. Work done by volunteers is to be coordinated by the classroom teacher.

Volunteers are not to teach new concepts, but rather they are to reinforce what the teacher has already taught. Volunteers are never to be left alone to supervise classrooms.

All volunteers are to report to the office to check in and receive a badge before going to the classrooms. Volunteers should sign out before leaving campus.

Many benefits are derived from the work performed by volunteers. They should be treated with the utmost respect and made to feel appreciated.

High school students wishing to volunteer for service hours must must complete forms in the office.


When learning of a pupil's plan to withdraw from school, the classroom teacher should:

1. Notify the office so that transfer papers can be typed.

2. Collect all books and school property in the student's possession.

3. Investigate library or cafeteria charges.

4. Pencil in all available data on the cum folder.

5. Send completed cum folder and report card to office within two (2) days of a

student's withdrawal.

6. Teacher must sign attendance card and return to front office.


Any work-related accident must be reported to the office on the day of the accident. Specific instructions must be followed in filing any claim and only doctors approved by Worker's Compensation Insurance can be seen for treatment. Any delayed claim of more than twenty-four (24) hours may not be honored. See the Office Manager to report accidents and initiate the necessary process.



The School Board recognizes the importance of assigning meaningful and

quality homework to students.

Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and

assessed tend to have higher achieving students. Homework fosters student

achievement, independence, and responsibility and serves as a vital link

between school and home. Therefore, it is the policy of Broward County Schools

that meaningful and quality homework is required at all grade levels in all


Authority: F.S. 230.22 (1) (2)

Policy Adopted: 2/12/70;

Policy Amended: 9/5/74; Amended Policy Approved: 9/15/98

Amended Policy Approved: 2/18/09



Homework is defined as meaningful and quality work assigned to

students that is intended to be completed during non-instructional



Homework should:

a. Reinforce principles, skills, concepts, and information taught in

the classroom.

b. Be meaningful and appropriate to the ability and instructional level

of students.

c. Support creative, logical, critical and analytical thinking.

d. Foster self-discipline, self motivation and the wise and orderly use of


e. Be adequately explained by teachers and clearly understood by


Note: Assignments that require going to the public library will include a

weekend to accommodate working families.


Administrators shall:

a. Communicate SBBC policy in regards to homework and its

appropriateness to parents, teacher and students.

b. Provide teachers the time for professional development when

utilizing homework as a strategy for learning.

c. Monitor the effective use of homework given by teachers.

d. Support and allow time for the collaboration among teachers,

students, and parents in the effective implementation of the

homework policy.

e. Provide teachers with access to all essential tools.

Teachers shall:

a. Set clear standards and expectations for the quality of work based

on the needs of students.

b. Create an effective system for communicating homework guidelines

for parents and students.

c. Review homework and provide timely and appropriate feedback

regarding the completion of assignments as a step toward mastery of


d. Coordinate projects so that all students have access to research and

resource materials including textbooks and digital tools such as

flash drives, electronic textbooks and websites.

e. Assign homework that is academically challenging and

developmentally appropriate to the student’s level of competence.

f. Design quality homework, which is relevant to the curriculum

and/or tied to mastery.

g. Allow for varied learning styles by including choices in types of

assignments when possible.

h. Provide students with a reasonable estimate of the amount of time

necessary to complete each homework assignment.

i. Provide specific written explanation, rubric or model, of long term

assignments so that the requirements, expectations and timelines

are clearly understood by the students.

j. Provide students the opportunity to ask questions to clarify

assignments before leaving class.

k. Evaluate group projects based upon a predefined rubric which

includes individual student participation and group process and

allow time in class for individuals and groups to work on projects.

l. Collaborate between teachers at the secondary level regarding when

homework would be assigned. There should be a balance of projects

so they are not assigned at the same time.

m. Be considerate when assigning homework due the day after a

religious holiday and district assigned school breaks and weekends.

n. Ensure that students receive feedback on each assignment so that

students comprehend their level of understanding of the learning.

o. Create an effective mechanism or system to communicate homework

assignments. If appropriate and accessible place homework

assignments on the teacher’s website for further clarification.

p. Suggest time limits on homework at the elementary level.

q. Modifications for ESE and ESOL students will be addressed through

the IEP or the student’s PMP.

Students shall:

a. Understand that homework is part of the course requirement.

b. Ask questions to clarify homework assignments before leaving class.

c. Complete and submit homework assignments by the due date.

d. Complete all assignments honestly in accordance with the teacher’s


Parents shall:

a. Provide a suitable environment for homework.

b. Remind students that homework is their responsibility.

c. Guide or assist in homework when unusual difficulties arise but

never do the homework for their child.

d. Encourage students to ask their teacher(s) clarifying questions

concerning their homework.

e. Communicate with the teacher(s).

f. Monitor activities so that sufficient time is provided for homework.

g. Prohibit cheating, plagiarism and any other dishonest practices in

the completion of homework.

Authority: F.S. 230.22 (1) (2)

Rules Adopted: 2/12/70;

Rules Amended: 9/5/74; Amended Rules

Approved: 9/15/98

Amended Policy Approved: 2/18/09

Plantation Elementary


I have read and understood the Faculty Handbook which contains the policies,

procedures, and guidelines for Plantation Elementary.

Name (Please Print) ____________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________

Date _________________________________________________


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