Certifications Search Web Service


Consumption Instructions: Get Certification Information Web Service

Last Revised: April 25, 2008

Get certification information

The Certifications Search Service is a SOAP-based (Simple Object Access Protocol) API that allows users to search a database of occupational certification information by occupation, industry, or keyword. Results include certification name, occupation, industry, certifying organization's contact information, requirement information, and renewal information.

• Request Parameters

• Response Fields

• Errors

• Examples

SocCertifications Method

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|Parameter Name |Value |Required? |Description |

|soccode |String |Required |This value is the 6 digit occupation code that the system will use to search the|

| | | |certifications database. |

|userID |String |Required |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services |

| | | |registration process. |

Response Fields

The response includes information about the general response, as well as specific information for each field in the response XML. The results are sorted by alphabetically by organization name and certification name.


The response includes the following information about the overall set of results in the response.

|Node |Attributes |Description |

|CertificationList | |Root node, contains all results |

|Soccode | |Search string used by the system to generate results |

|Organizations | |Contains all results (Certifications node) from the named organization |

|OrganizationId | |The ID of the certifying organization |

|OrganizationName | |The name of the certifying organization |

|Certifications | |Contains all matching certifications for the current organization |

|CertificationName | |Name of the matching certification |

|CertificationId | |CareerOneStop internal record ID (used to get certifications details) |

|OccupationCount | |The number of soccodes associated with the certification |


|[pic]Error |Description |

|"Please provide a 6 digit SOC code in the |The soccode sent in was either empty or was not 6 numeric digits. |

|format 999999" | |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userID is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |

|"Please provide a 6 digit SOC code in the |The soccode was not in the proper 6 digit format. |

|format 999999" | |

Example Queries: SocCertifications Method

Use Case #1

A user would like to see all certifications related to the soccode “472041” (Carpet Installers).

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Request |Value |

|Parameter | |

|soccode |472041 |

|userID |123456789012345 |

SOAP(1.1) Request

POST /webservices/certifications/certifications.asmx HTTP/1.1

Host: qa.acinet.local

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""




Refer to the following table for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

SOAP(1.1) Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length



  American Heart Association


  Heartsaver First Aid








  Computer Fundamentals (WIN 2000)




  Reading Comprehension - English






  Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification


  Applied Microbial Remediation Technician




  SCI/SPI/SEN - Carpet Inspector







getCertificationsByName Method

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|Parameter Name |Value |Required? |Description |

|name |String |Required |This value is the keyword string the system will search the certifications |

| | | |database’s certification name field with. |

|userID |String |Required |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services |

| | | |registration process. |

Response Fields

The response includes information about the general response, as well as specific information for each field in the response XML. The results are sorted by alphabetically by organization name and certification name.


The response includes the following information about the overall set of results in the response.

A missing node in the return data indicates no data is available

|Node |Attributes |Description |

|CertificationList | |Root node, contains all results |

|Organizations | |Contains all results (Certifications node) from the named organization |

|Organization | |Organizational node, contains organization information and all certifications |

| | |provided by the organiztation |

|OrganizationName | |Name of the certifying organization |

|OrganizationId | |ID of the certifying organization |

|OrganizationAddress | |Address of the certifying organization (if available) |

|OrganizationWebPage | |Web page of the certifying organization (if available) |

|Certifications | |Certifications Node, contains all certifications for the current organization |

|Certification | |Contains all certification information |

|CertificationId | |CareerOneStop internal certification ID |

|CertificationName | |Name of the certification |

|Acronym | |Acronym of the certification |

|Training | |Boolean value indicating if training is required to obtain the certification |

|Exam | |Boolean value indicating if an exam is required to obtain the certification |

|Renewal | |How often certification renewal is required (in years) |

|Experience | |Boolean value indicating if experience is required to obtain the certification |

|ReExam | |Boolean value indicating if reexamination is required for certification renewal |

|Cpd | |Boolean value indicating if the certification can be renewed through Continuing |

| | |Professional Development |

|Ceu | |Boolean value indicating if the certification can be renewed through Continuing |

| | |Education Units |

|Url | |Associated URL for the certification |

|OccupationCode | |The number of soccodes associated with the certification |


|Error |Description |

|"Certification name cannot be null or |The name sent into the web service was empty. |

|empty." | |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userID is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |

Example Queries: getCertificationsByName Method

Use Case #1

A user would like to see all certifications with certification names containing the keyword “carpet”.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Request |Value |

|Parameter | |

|soccode |carpet |

|userID |123456789012345 |

SOAP(1.1) Request

POST /webservices/certifications/certifications.asmx HTTP/1.1

Host: qa.acinet.local

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""



SOAP(1.1) Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

  Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification

  2715 E. Mill Plain Boulevard, Vancouver, WA 98661



  Carpet Cleaning Technician









  Carpet Color Repair Technician










  Carpet Repair & Reinstallation Technician











  Senior Carpet Inspector














getCertificationsByOrganization Method

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|Parameter Name |Value |Required? |Description |

|organization |String |Required |This value is the keyword string the system will search the certifications |

| | | |database’s organization name field with. |

|userID |String |Required |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services |

| | | |registration process. |

Response Fields

The response includes information about the general response, as well as specific information for each field in the response XML. The results are sorted by alphabetically by organization name and certification name.


The response includes the following information about the overall set of results in the response.

A missing node in the return data indicates no data is available

|Node |Attributes |Description |

|CertificationList | |Root node, contains all results |

|Organizations | |Contains all results (Certifications node) from the named organization |

|Organization | |Organizational node, contains organization information and all certifications |

| | |provided by the organiztation |

|OrganizationName | |Name of the certifying organization |

|OrganizationId | |ID of the certifying organization |

|OrganizationAddress | |Address of the certifying organization (if available) |

|OrganizationWebPage | |Web page of the certifying organization (if available) |

|Certifications | |Certifications Node, contains all certifications for the current organization |

|Certification | |Contains all certification information |

|CertificationId | |CareerOneStop internal certification ID |

|CertificationName | |Name of the certification |

|Acronym | |Acronym of the certification |

|Training | |Boolean value indicating if training is required to obtain the certification |

|Exam | |Boolean value indicating if an exam is required to obtain the certification |

|Renewal | |How often certification renewal is required (in years) |

|Experience | |Boolean value indicating if experience is required to obtain the certification |

|ReExam | |Boolean value indicating if reexamination is required for certification renewal |

|Cpd | |Boolean value indicating if the certification can be renewed through Continuing |

| | |Professional Development |

|Ceu | |Boolean value indicating if the certification can be renewed through Continuing |

| | |Education Units |

|Url | |Associated URL for the certification |


|Error |Description |

|"Certification organization cannot be null|The organization sent in was empty. |

|or empty." | |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userID is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |

Example Queries: getCertificationsByOrganization Method

Use Case #1

A user would like to see all certifications with certification names containing the keyword “vision”.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Request Parameter |Value |

|organization |vision |

|userID |123456789012345 |

SOAP(1.1) Request

POST /webservices/certifications/certifications.asmx HTTP/1.1

Host: qa.acinet.local

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""



SOAP(1.1) Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

  Mt. Vision Institute

  41 Bothin Road, Fairfax, CA 94930


  Pastoral Counseling Certification











  North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

  Children's Ministries Department, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600



  Advanced Children Ministry Certification













In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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