[APP] - Production Deployment Document


Pennsylvania Department of Education

[APP] Deployment Document

Version 1.0

Prepared by


Center for Data Quality and Information Technology

333 Market Street

Harrisburg, PA, 17126

Last Updated Date: April 1, 2014

About this document

This document describes the system configuration and implementation requirements for [APP] Application and applicable web services to move to deployment environment. This document is focused on [APP] Application specific details. Microsoft and other system software product deployment, maintenance, upgrades are not part of this documentation.

This document is useful to developers, project team members and whoever is doing deployment and maintenance of [APP] application.

Version History

|Version |Updated By |Updated Date | Description |Reference |

|1.0 |Sharon Clark |4/1/2014 |Updated server naming standards, |Sections 1, 2, 4.1.1, 5.1.1, |

| | | |software versions, and DBA steps |7.2 |

|1.1 | | | | |


The following are sources of information for this document:

|Source |Information |

|[APP] High Level Design Document | |


1. Deployment Overview 1

2. System Hardware/Software Requirements 2

2.1 Internet Server/Web Server 2

2.2 Database Servers 2

3. Check System Hardware and Software 3

3.1.1 Check Hardware/Software installed on the machine 3

3.1.2 Check the Database Connectivity from Web Server 3

4. Database Deployment 4

4.1.1 Database Deployment 4

4.1.2 [APP] Batch Job Deployment 4 Deploying the SSIS package 4

5. Application Deployment 6

5.1 Configuring Web Site 6

5.1.1 How to Create & Configure a Web Site 6

5.1.2 How to Create a Application Pool 9

5.1.3 Specify Application Pool for the web site 9

5.1.4 Hosting Web Application on more than one Server 10

5.2 Registering third party DLL 10

6. Configuration Files (Web.Config) 10

6.1 Settings for [APP] Application: 10

7. Appendix 11

7.1 Summary of steps for Deployment team 11

7.2 Summary of steps for DBA team 11

Deployment Overview

The following system hardware needs to be checked as part of [APP] deployment:

Production Servers:

|Server |Purpose |Network Setup |

| Ex: |Production Web Server |IP: |

|EDCTCIS | | |

| |Production Database |IP: |

|EDCTCSQ | | |

Naming standard for Server Names at Managed Services Lite (MSL) is:

ED – EDucation

IS - Internet (Web) Server

SQ - SQL Server

S - Staging

P - Production

Naming standard for Server Names at PDE is:

ED – EDucation

WEB - Internet (Web) Server

SQL - SQL Server

D - Development

T - Test

P - Production

The following applications/web services need to be deployed/configured as part of [APP] deployment:

|Application |Description |Server |Responsibility |

| Ex: APP | |Web Server |Deployment Team |

| Ex: | |PDE Web services Web |Deployment Team |

|APPWebService | |Server | |

| Ex: eGrants Batch| |[APP] DB |Database Administrator |

|Job | | | |

The following databases need to deployed/configured as part of [APP] deployment:

|Database |Description |Server |Responsibility |

| |[APP] database | Ex: EDCTCSQ | |

System Hardware/Software Requirements

1 Internet Server/Web Server

Software Requirements:

➢ Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP 1

➢ Microsoft .NET Framework v 4.5

➢ IIS 7.5

Hardware Requirements:

➢ 4 GB RAM

➢ Load balanced servers etc.

2 Database Servers

Software Requirements:

➢ Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP 1

➢ Microsoft SQL Server 20__

Hardware Requirements:

Check System Hardware and Software

1 Check Hardware/Software installed on the machine

2 Check the Database Connectivity from Web Server

Using Data link Properties test the database connectivity from the web servers.

1. Create APP.udl on the desktop of Web Server

Right click on the desktop ( New ( Text Document

Type APP.udl ( click Yes to change the file extension

2. Double click to open the APP.udl

a. Click on the Provider Tab

i. Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

b. Click on the Connection Tab

i. Select or enter a server name: EDCTCSQP

ii. Enter information to log on to the server: Select the radio button “Use a specific user name and password”

Enter User name and Enter password…

iii. Select the database on the server: APP

iv. Click on the “Test Connection” button

c. Click on OK.

Database Deployment

1 Database Deployment


The following database(s) have to be deployed

|Database |Server Location |Server Name |Database Version |

|APP |PDE | Ex: EDCTCS |SQLServer 20__ |

2 [APP] Batch Job Deployment


1 Deploying the SSIS package

The SSIS package created contains a file with an extension ‘. .SSISDeploymentManifest’. Double click on the file and follow the screen instructions.


1. Click Next

2. Select ‘SQL Server Deployment’ from the options provided and click ‘Next’

3. Select a folder to deploy and click ‘Next’

4. Click ‘next’

5. A configuration file is seen, and in the ‘Configurations’ section select ‘Property’. Modify the following colored in Red:



6. Click ‘Next’ and ‘Finish’.

Application Deployment


1 Configuring Web Site

1 How to Create & Configure a Web Site

1. Start Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:

a. From the Start Menu: Settings ( Control Panel ( Administrative Tools ( Internet Services Manager. OR

b. Right Click on the My Computer (Server Machine Name i.e. EDCTCIS) and select manage ( Opens Computer Management screen ( Expand Services & Application ( Expand Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. Click on the Web Service Extensions folder ( On the right hand side make sure following Web Service Extension are “Allowed”

|Web Service Extension |Status |

|Active Server Pages |[pic] Allowed |

| v1.1.4322 |[pic] Allowed |

| v2.0.50727 |[pic] Allowed |

If not right click on the Web Service Extension & click Allow

3. Create the Web Site for APP:

a. Select the Web Sites folder from the left hand side pan

b. Right click on the Web Sites and select New ( Web Site

c. It will open Web Site Creation Wizard. Click Next on the wizard

d. Web Site Creation Wizard ( Web Site Description:

i. Enter the name of the website “APP”. Click on the Next button.

e. Web Site Creation Wizard ( IP Address and Port Settings:

i. Enter the IP address to use for this Web Site: Select (All Unassigned)

ii. Leave the TCP port as the default entry of 80.

iii. Enter the host header for the site. This should be the full web address for the site without the “https://” e.g., [APP].state.pa.us.

iv. Click on the Next button.

f. Web Site Creation Wizard ( Web Site Home Directory:

i. Click on the Browse button to Browse for the Folders.

ii. Select the APP folder from

iii. Make sure that the “Allow Anonymous access” to this Web Site checkbox is Checked

iv. Click on the Next button.

g. Web Site Creation Wizard ( Web Site Access Permissions: Allow the following permissions

|Permissions |Allow |

|Read |Checked |

|Run scripts (such as ASP) |Checked |

h. Click on the Next button & then on Finish button to complete the Web Site Creation.

4. Web Site “APP” and will be visible under Web Sites folder.

5. Set up Permissions for Web Site “APP”

a. Right click on the Web Site APP & select Permissions

b. Make sure following permissions are set up

|Permissions |Allow |

|Administrators |Full Control |

| Machine Account (EDCTCISP\ASPNET) |Read & Execute |

| |List Folder Contents |

| |Read |

|CREATE OWNER |Special Permissions |

|Internet Guest Account (EDCTCISP\IUSR_EDCTCISP) |Read & Execute |

| |List Folder Contents |

| |Read |

|SYSTEM |Modify |

| |Read & Execute |

| |List Folder Contents |

| |Read |

| |Write |

|USERS |Read & Execute |

| |List Folder Contents |

| |Read |

| |Special Permissions |

Note: If you are setting up the permissions very first time on the fresh server, most likely you may have to Add only two (2) Permissions i.e. ASPNET & Internet Guest Account & set up the permissions. Use “Add…” button to add the permissions.

c. If the permissions are missing or not setup, then setup the same using the Add button. For Example:

i. Click on the Add button to open the “Select Users or Groups” dialog box

ii. In the window for the “Enter the object names to select”, enter the name ASPNET & click on the “Check Names” button.

iii. Click on the OK button.

6. Set up SSL Certificate for Web Site “APP”

a. Remove Integrated Windows authentication:

i. Right click on the Web Site APP & select Properties:

ii. Select the tab “Directory Security”

iii. In “Authentication and access control” section, clicked on the “Edit…” button to Open & edit Authentication methods for APP.

iv. Uncheck Integrated Windows authentication.

v. Click on the OK button.

b. Set Up SSL Certificate

i. On the “Directory Security” tab

ii. In the “Secure Communications” section, click on the button “Server Certificate…” to open Web Server Certificate Wizard. Click on the Next button.

iii. It will open the “Web Server Certificate Wizard”

iv. Click on the Next button to go to “Server Certificate”.

v. Select radio button option “Import a certificate from a .pfx file”

vi. Click on the Next button to go to “Import Certificate”

vii. Create a folder, “Certificate Folder”, in a drive on webserver.

viii. Copy the certificate file APP.state.pa.us.cernew.pfx, on the Web Server into Certificate Folder.

ix. Click on the Next button to go to “Import Certificate Password”

x. Provide the password in the textbox.

xi. Click on the Next button to go to “SSL Port”

xii. In the textbox for SSL port this web site should use: enter 4101.

xiii. Click on the Next button to go to “Imported Certificate Summary”

xiv. Verify the Information, make sure that the Issued To filed is displaying the web site URL (APP.state.pa.us)

xv. Click on the Next button & then on the Finish button to complete the Web Server Certificate Wizard.

7. Verify the SSL Certificate for Web Site “APP”

a. On the “Directory Security” tab

b. In the “Secure Communications” section, click on the button “View Certificate…” to open & verify the Certificate that you have installed just now.

c. It will open the “Certificate” dialog box.

d. Verify the installed certificate & click on OK button to close the dialog box.

8. Set up Web Site Identification & Adding Host Identification:

a. On APP Properties, go to “Web Site” tab.

b. In the “Web site identification” section, click on the button “Advanced…” to open “Advanced Web Site Identification”

c. Opens “Advanced Web Site Identification” dialog box

i. In “Multiple SSL identities for this Web site” section, click on the “Add…” button to open “Add/Edit Web Site SSL Identification”

✓ In “IP Address:” dropdown Select (All Unassigned)

✓ SSL Port:4101

✓ Click on the OK button.

d. Click on the OK button.

9. Verify tab

a. On APP Properties, go to “” tab

b. Verify that the 2.0.50727 is selected in the Version: dropdown.

10. Enable the Content Page

a. On APP Properties, go to “Documents” tab

b. Make sure that the “Enable default content page” is checked

c. Make sure that the “default.asp” is the first page in the list box.

d. Click OK to close the APP Property dialog box.

2 How to Create a Application Pool

1. In IIS right click on the Application Pools folder and choose New ( Application Pool….

2. This will open the “Add New Application Pool” dialog box.

a. Enter “APP” in the Application Pools ID

b. Keep default setting for rest of the options

c. Click on OK button to close & create the new application pool.

3. This will create & display APP as a new Application Pool on left hand side window under “Application Pools”

3 Specify Application Pool for the web site

1. In IIS, open the Web Sites node.

2. Right Click on the APP & open APP properties

3. Go to the “Home Directory” tab

4. In Application Settings section – Select APP from the “Application pool” dropdown list.

5. Check to see if Application name: is “Default Application” if so:

a. Change (type) the application name to APP

6. Click on the OK button to close the APP Properties.

4 Hosting Web Application on more than one Server

Please repeat the steps in section 5.1 for the other web servers if any.

3 Registering third party DLL

Configuration Files (Web.Config)

1 Settings for [APP] Application:


1 Summary of steps for Deployment team

2 Summary of steps for DBA team

1.  Create the necessary SQL Logins as per PDE Naming Standards - AppName_AppUser,  AppName_RptUser, and/or AppName_WsvUser  (Ex:  IC_AppUser, IC_WsvUser)

2. Make sure the SQL Logins have been given the appropriate permissions on the required Databases and Database Objects. 

3.  If a new server, Create the ASPState Database to hold session state on SQL Server.  Use the following command to setup the database:

aspnet_regsql.exe -S servername -E -ssadd -sstype p



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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