Disconnected client application is a web application ...

CEMDPS Disconnected Client Installation Instructions

This document contains installation and setup instructions for the CEMDPS Disconnected Client Application.

The CEMDPS Disconnected Client Application is a web application deployed on Apache Tomcat server version It also contains Sun JDK version 1.4.1. The database used for the client application is Microsoft Access. The client application is accessed using Internet Explorer.

Requirements of the CEMDPS Disconnected Client

Before using the CEMDPS Disconnected Client you must have the following:

• A DEP Greenport account (username and password) and assigned access to the CEMDPS Online application.

• The ability to extract files from a zip file onto your local computer.

Initial Setup of the Disconnected Client Application

Step 1 – Installing the Disconnected Client Application

The disconnected client application is contained in a zip file called cemdps_client.zip. This file will be made available to you through download from a DEP website or by receiving it on a CD or DVD. Once in possession of this file, it will be copied and unzipped to a location your local computer where you want the application to run from. You must have a file archive and compression utility (or zip utility) for Microsoft Windows (WinZip, PKZip, etc.) in order to install the application.

To copy and extract the disconnected client application:

1. In Windows Explorer, right-click on the downloaded cemdps_client.zip file and extract the contents to an installation folder on your hard drive (Recommended installation folder: C:\Program Files). The extraction creates a folder called cemdps_client underneath the installation folder.

Step 2 – Downloading Configuration and Code Files

Note: You must have a valid DEP Greenport account and access to the CEMDPS Online application prior to initiating this step.

Contact the Continuous Emission Monitoring Section (Bureau of Air Quality, Division of Source Testing and Monitoring) if you do not have a valid Greenport account and wish to begin using the CEMDPS Disconnected Client application.

To start using the disconnected client application, the application needs:

• The current configuration of the facility, which is stored and maintained on the DEP server in the CEMDPS Online application.

• The internal DEP codes, which are also stored and maintained in the DEP server.

The process of downloading these files and updating your client application is called synchronization.

To download the most recent configuration and code files from the DEP server:


1. Log on to the DEP Greenport (depgreenport.state.pa.us)


2. Click on the CEMs button to enter the CEMDPS Online application.


3. Click on the Create Synchronization Files link that appears in the menu panel displayed on the left side of the Facility Home Page. Clicking this link takes you to the Download Synchronization Files page, which contains the following two links:

• Configuration Synchronization File and

• Internal DEP Codes Synchronization File


4. Click on the Configuration Synchronization File link to download the latest configuration file. The File Download dialog asks if you want to open or save the file.


5. Click the Save button to save the configuration file to your computer.


6. Navigate to the location on your hard drive where you want to save the file and click the Save button. The saved file is named ConfigurationXX.dep, where XX is the CEMDPS facility ID.

The next step is to download the internal DEP codes file.

7. Back in the Download Synchronization Files page, click the Internal DEP Codes Synchronization File link to download the latest internal DEP codes file.


8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to save the internal DEP codes file to your computer. The saved file is named InternalCodesXX.dep, where XX is your CEMDPS facility ID.



9. At the completing the download of the configuration and codes file you must logout of the CEMDPS Online application. Click on the Logout link in the bottom right hand corner of the page.

10. Logout of the DEP Greenport.

Step 3 – Starting and Synchronizing the Disconnected Client Application

After downloading the configuration and internal DEP codes files, you must start the client application and load the current files. This process is called synchronization.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Program Files\cemdps_client folder and double-click the batch file called startserver.bat. This starts the Tomcat server and displays a command window.

Important Note: Do not do anything else until the server completes the initialization process. The command window will display a line similar to the line below when it has completed startup.


The command window must stay open while you work in the disconnected client application. Do not close the command window until you are finished using the application.


2. In the cemdps_client folder, double-click the batch file called LaunchApplication.bat. This will start the CEMDPS Disconnected Client application.


3. Click on the Synchronize Internal DEP Codes button to open the page called Internal DEP Codes Synchronization.


4. Click the Yes, I would like to continue checkbox to continue the synchronization process and overwrite your current internal DEP codes with the file you downloaded in the previous section (Step 2 – Downloading Configuration and Code Files).

5. Click the Browse button and navigate to the internal DEP codes file you downloaded from the online CEMDPS application. The file is named InternalCodesXX.dep, where XX is your CEMDPS facility ID.


6. Click the Open button. The file and path display in the Internal DEP Codes Synchronization File text box in the Internal DEP Codes Synchronization page.


7. Click on the Synchronize button. Once the synchronization is complete, a confirmation message appears in the Internal DEP Codes Synchronization screen.


8. Click on the Disconnected Client Setup link at the top of the confirmation page to return to the client application’s introduction page. The next step is to synchronize configuration data.


9. Click the Synchronize Configuration Data button to open the Configuration Synchronization page.


10. Click the Yes, I would like to continue checkbox to continue the synchronization process and overwrite your current configuration file with the file you downloaded in the previous section (Step 2 – Downloading Configuration and Code Files).

11. Click the Browse button and navigate to configuration file you downloaded from the online CEMDPS application. The file is named ConfigurationXX.dep, where XX is your facility ID.


12. Click the Open button. The file and path will display in the Configuration Synchronization File text box in the Configuration Synchronization page.


13. Click on the Upload button. Once the synchronization is complete, a confirmation message appears in the Configuration Synchronization page.


Step 4 – Using the Application

Once the installation and synchronization are complete, you can start using the application.

1. If you are not already on the application’s introduction page, click the Disconnected Client Setup link at the top of the page to go to the introduction page.


2. On the introduction page, click the Enter Application button. This opens the home page of the CEMDPS client application, which is similar to the CEMDPS Online home page.


3. The CEMDPS Disconnected Client home page (listed above) is the starting point for entering and updating monitoring plans and test and reporting data.

Stopping the Disconnected Client Application

1. To exit the Disconnected Client application simply close your browser by selecting File/Close from the menu or by clicking on the X in the top right corner of the browser screen.

2. To stop the server command window, double-click stopserver.bat in the cemdps_client folder on your hard drive to close the client application.

Note: Under the normal Windows environment, you can close the client application simply by closing your browser and the server command window. In some systems, closing the server command window may generate an error. If your system creates an error message when closing the command window, double-click stopserver.bat in the cemdps_client folder on your hard drive to close the client application.

Common Disconnected Client Application Procedures

The procedures under Initial Setup above must all be completed the first time you install and use the CEMDPS disconnected client application. The following sections contain common procedures and other information pertaining to using the client application after the initial setup.

Starting the Client Application

Follow the steps below whenever you want to start the client application:

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Program Files\cemdps_client folder and double-click the batch file called startserver.bat. This starts the Tomcat server and displays a command window.

Important Note: Do not do anything else until the server completes the initialization process. The command window will display a line similar to the line below when it has completed startup.


The command window must stay open while you work in the disconnected client application. Do not close the command window until you are finished using the application


2. In the cemdps_client folder, double-click the batch file called LaunchApplication.bat. This will start the CEMDPS Disconnected Client application.


3. To begin using the system click the Enter Application button. This opens the home page of the CEMDPS client application, which is similar to the CEMDPS online application’s home page.


Stopping the Disconnected Client Application

1. To exit the Disconnected Client application simply close your browser by selecting File/Close from the menu or by clicking on the X in the top right corner of the browser screen.

2. To stop the server command window, double-click stopserver.bat in the cemdps_client folder on your hard drive to close the client application.

Note: Under the normal Windows environment, you can close the client application simply by closing your browser and the server command window. In some systems, closing the server command window may generate an error. If your system creates an error message when closing the command window, double-click stopserver.bat in the cemdps_client folder on your hard drive to close the client application.

Synchronizing the Disconnected Client Application

After the initial setup of the client application, you must periodically synchronize the application with the CEMDPS online application as internal DEP codes and your facility’s configuration changes. Specifically, perform a synchronization when:

• Your request for changes to your facility’s configuration has been approved or certified by DEP (e.g.: addition of a new CEMS)

The sections of this document entitled Step 2 – Downloading Configuration and Code Files and Step 3 – Starting and Synchronizing the Disconnected Client Application contain the procedures for downloading the latest internal DEP codes file and configuration file from the online CEMDPS system and applying them to your disconnected application.

General Notes on using the Disconnected Client Application

1. Using the Disconnected Client application to process multiple facilities.

The Disconnected client is limited to processing configuration and report data for one facility at a time.

In the situation where multiple facilities need to be processed, a second Disconnected Client application should be installed on the local hard drive.

Use facility specific folder names under the Program Files folder on the C:\ drive when installing the application for multiple facilities.

2. Installing new versions of the Disconnected Client application.

Current work on a monitoring plan or quarterly report data must be uploaded to the CEMDPS Online system before installing a new version of the Disconnected Client application.

When a new version of the application is installed the database is refreshed back to empty. Data that existed before the upgrade will be purged.

Depending on the nature of the upgrade, the database can be moved to a safe location before the upgrade and moved back to the cemdps_client folder after the upgrade.

3. The Disconnected Client does not support the attaching of supporting documentation files.

If it is necessary to provide DEP with supporting documentation, these files should be uploaded to the CEMDPS Online system after uploading monitoring plan or report data that was generated using the Disconnected Client.


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