Please review the following web site and make comments as ...

Case Study Peer Review

Please review the websites assigned to your group, discuss, and write comments as indicated. You will

then e-mail your comments to the group working on that case study. The point of this exercise is to give

constructive feedback to other groups to help them make their case studies compelling and clear. Please

provide the level of effort that you would expect others to provide to your case study!

Link to web sites at:

Name of Web Site Reviewed: Students’ GTF:

Students Working on Web Site:


Is the building described well? Do the questions about the building lead into the project? How could the introduction draw the reader in more effectively?


Is the hypothesis clear and testable? If not, describe what could make it more so.


Is the methodology reasonable? Is it sufficient to test the hypothesis? If not, describe what could make it more so.


Is the data presented in an understandable format? Is there a direct connection drawn between the hypothesis and the data? Comment on how this area could be improved.

WEB DESIGN (Please remember that the case study you are reviewing is at a preliminary stage.)

List any links or graphics that do not work. Is the web site easy to navigate and well-organized? What improvements can you suggest?


Is the case study compelling? Does it work as a whole? What suggestions do you have for further development of this project?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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