DAILY MINNEAPOLIS, Patent medicines differ Qgjg^-fe^ss One has Saturday ...



MINNEAPOLIS, THIS IS DIFFERENT. - .oOtnhPeeartheanhstasrmeaesdoincaibnleesnOesdns,ieffeIhras GRA- ND Qgjg^-fe^ss NOTE AND COMMENT. reputation another has Strange that this talk about a new One has confidence, ball park and about Elmer Foster's re-

born of. --another" FAUST UP TO DATE! ' turn to the Minneapolis team should

" tDjOwnie's? appear at the same time. Can it be

The Republicans Take the

Contest Cases as They Find Them.

- has only hopes." that the need of a larger ground bears

Don't take it for granted any relation to Mr.Fosters head?

So They Ignore the Prece-

that all medicines LYCEUM-:-THEATER ! Yerxa Bros, were lined $3 yesterday

dent Set by the Hidden-

, sMcKEE rupted years for providing light bread.

w. as


The Bijou :Theater


. Frank L. Stetson, ex-chief of the fire

of thousands of cured and department, does' not resemble the al-

the Phcenix Act-Polit-

happy and dermen who paid off old scores against place him in at least one particular. The fire-

ical Gossip.

Dr. Pierces Golden Med- men put a watch on Frank, that he


ical Discovery and Dr. public

not has

forget- the put a watch


Events of a Day Gathered


. Pierces Favorite LAMBETH CHOIR! that those officials may not forgot them-

Prescrip- selves.


%: W% tion the side of the Ifthat lightning rod case had come

VigilantGlobe Representatives.

comparison they belong. MONDAY 12th. up in the district court last spring the

agent would have stood

And there isn't ninghis case. Some of

a chance of the judges


at that lime disposed to look favorably

territory, hardly upon lightning rods.

Messrs; Lqye, Bradish and Durnam


able to see through a brick

there is a hole in it, but

in the wheth- country they can be induced to believe' that the

That name of "Faust Up to Date," as wrong side of one case' is the right'; side

its people realize it applied to the

Grand, is a

-- but have and Faust smokes

production now at tiie

misnomer. cigarettes

The modern

ami wears wide

in them that're happier Howard Big Burlesque Company! trousers, with fawn-colored overgaiters.

because of their discovery Agreat change lias come over genial

- Ed Murphy. Last night, as lie entered

and their effects. the lobby of the Lyceum theater, a di-

Think of this in health. minutive newsboy happened to stumble

into his path.

RBlct Think of it in sickness. ASKYOUR GROCER FOR | "Keep out of papa's

Ed's stern 'ccmmaiid.

And then think whether The Celebrated Theo Hays laugh, and

way, sir." was Then he heard he went out for

the cigars. Itwas a girl, and weighed

afford make the you eight pounds.

ot another precisely similar.

As announced in the Globe yester-

day morning, the aldermen who consti-


majority of .the council comcontested elections, decided,

Wednesday evening, to not allow Enoch

Hidden, recount

the >of


contestant, a In; the >first

place, they took Mr.Hidden's case out

of he

his hands entirely must submit to

and resolved that having his allega-


mistakes whereas

in but three

he was pre-

pared to prove that there irregularities and errors in

had all



atrfifaolrd if thtaeke mtahkeersrisk CHOCOLAT WANTED-A NAME.

precincts they hail

of thus

the Second scaled the

ward. When

case down to

Ed Murphy, the juniormember of the

give back your money firm of Giesaman & Murphy, the show they do if they do printers, has at last become recognized

. benefit MENIER as a citizen and taxpayer, and articles

you. from him now. in regard to any matter


to ex-


with which council, the and papers.

tphoTeywheewyr etrroeefusvseeensddtedltoobrysputhemersmoconitnsy

the witnesses upon whom he relied for

Annual Sales Exceed \ that causes him to become indignant

- willbe received and published by the

local press along with the other bright,

Dr.BRINLEY, 1 30 MILLIONS.Lbs. contributors' littlemitt'sovei

plume. Yesterday he wasout

that de purchasing

proof of


his ease. with that.


But In

they were not

the face of posi-

tive proof that there had been irregu-

larities and mistakes and illegal count-

ing of ballots in the three selected pre-

soothing syrup and sich like in vast cincts, they went further and declined

quantities. He

MINNEAPOLIS WANTS an eight-pound

has become a father of

girl Wednesday even-

to consider That was

his case at all. one side of one



ing at his residence. '2015 Third avenue upon which these three Daniels ruled.

south. "1tell you." said Ed yesterday, Now for.the other.

G1 sapebaigkipngrintainboguotffitcheetamkeasttebrr,ain"sr,unbnuitntgo


After formally disposing of den-Barrows case yesterday

the Hed-


'pet a suitable would drive

name for your the philosophy of

youngest, a Hum-

in accordance with the decision reached the night before, the committee took up

. . boldt to distraction. Iwent over the the Brvervs. Brazie contest from the

long iist

RETOUCHEK- nothing

of female names and found

that' suited everybody.

Fifth ward. While waiting for the. city attorney to appear the case" was in-

Then 1 took .up the dictionary, formally'discussed by the attorneys, the


might proved

committee and the contestants. A. D. Smith, Breyer-8 attorney, said that

- a pot resource. Then l ran through when his client went into the case he

BPBP NERVOUS - * BANK the names in the Bible frond Aaron to did so relying upon a certain statute

Zurisbad. That failing, 1glanced over which provided tor the producing anil

ULUILII till the names in (Week and Latin his- opening of ballot boxes ...and the


- then

from Abalus to mythology, from

Zygopolis, and Abaris to Zeus,

counting contested

oefletchteionv.oteBs utthseirnecien,.lieiairenvienrgy

but nix--no good. _So I'm still on my that that statute had been repealed,

BOARD- hunt. It may be hard work to find a

site for the world's fair, the north pole

there, was nothing left but to rely upon the sense of justice and fairness of the

or WillieTascott. but these things are committee. It was only fair that the

- .-. BOARD-- mire trifles to getting a name to suit votes in all the precincts should be

everybody for the flower of the family." counted. One of the most specific

-- charges made by Breyer. was that in the;

FO- X i


The following programme will be

- rendered by the Danz complete orches-

Ufi IOI-nd tra at the Grand opera house this after-

Fifteenth precinct the forty-six votes,

credited to Brazie and the nineteen

credited to him should have been re-

hvaevrseed.thaBt raozniee

said he was willingto precinct counted, and *

noon, when the third of the midweek would consent, ifthat irregularity were

H111I 111 IIIII - SIXTH concerts willbe given:

found to exist, to a recount of.the whole

tirimdStarch-- "Prochct".

Meyerbeer ward. Mr. Breyer would not consent to

- - Overture-- "Mnritana"

Wallace any such imposition. The-whole ques-

. fc'clccUon-**Chimes of orjusjidy".Plaiiquette tion should not be allowed tohinge upon

- MAIIA----M-- K ---- -- -------------- " J?PViV/,zullctzcLtoentPoolktae-"8by>1lvua



Scbuman Strauss

. Paraphrase-- "BlueBells ofScotland"Luneey.;

Spanish Fanfasie-- 'i.a Paloma" ....Missuu

Inaddition to this the Ladies' Schubert

that one nrecinct. For instance, ac-

cording to such an agreement, even if the recount showed error on the part of ncthroeetdsjiuhtedodgwestthoatBetlrheaecztiBieor,ne,ytehyreentvotieMfs rht.haedByrbaedzeiined

"' _ quartette will render several vocal se" lections. IiI111 I McKee-Rankin. in "The Canuck,"

- I111 1 continues to do good business at the

. l\I I i^ Lyceum. The. engagement closes to-


morrow evening.

-?- ~*M|ftS

Mr.Breyer thereupon ': announced that

Reserved seats for the Lambeth

R. H. HEGENER, Scotch Choir concert can be had at W.




... J. Dyer &Bro.'s music store or at the,

Lyceum box office. There was a good sale of seats yesterday.




?deNrmoawnicBradziieg'ns ityblohoaddwabseeunp.tamHpiesreadl-

Only a few more performances will

BSSEHnflfiHEfi __ be given by the Howard Burlesque com-

pany at the Pence. To-day a profes-

with. He panted for vindication. His very soul yearned for a recount of that

Fifteenth precinct as a starved tomcat

sional matinee will be given, when

. every professional is invited. Hurl-

burt's horse show, which opens next

Monday, will undoubtedly do a large

A^ business as the seats are selling rap-

- Idly,


yearns' for a piece of sausage. Aid. Bradish voiced the longings of the good cdcoionuccntott.r'sthTehhebeaayrltl,wotaesnredocifotutwhneatesFddiefbcteiyde.etnhdteh.tcopormree--mittee, and while the recount did not

JAS. F. "The Paymaster," which opens at the

. MENTION. LfoyrcaenumentghaegaetmerenntextlasTtuinegsdafyiveevneignhintsg,

show been

that: the reversed,

totals on alderman had it did show that Breyer

had received- twenty-two votes, three

- is breaking the ,record at Milwaukee more than had been accredited to him.

this week for remarkable business. The cast is saiu to be stronger this year than

Then A.D. Smith spoke up:

"Now," said he, "Imove that the.


committee proceed to count all of the

The given


soon by Miss

for a recital to be Mena lleegaard,


pianist, assisted by Miss Julia May.

both members of the Northwestern con-:

votes cincts.


in the other discrepancy of

fourteen prevotes has

been found

found, ami if that -in every precinct

proportion Mr,Breyer

is is

... servatory faculty, is as follows:


Andante Spianato and Polonaise Allin a Garden Fair

Chopin Mr. Jamison opposed this. He conWatson tended that because an error had been

Message of the Kose....


, PSaognea'tsa.

Op. 53 Song-- -'Lea




. a. berceuse

b. Invitation to



.Weber Weber Tausig

found in the Fifteenth precinct itraised

no presumption

Mr.Smith said

oferror in the others.

that if Aid. Brazie was

disposed to do the fair thing he could

not object toall the other votes being

wives Annual Red-P'igure Mark-Down counted. Aid.Lackey, ofthe committee,'


?grow j-aar in t"he light* The Plymouth Clothing House.

then moved that the committee proceed to recount the votes in the remaining precinct?, beginning with the first. Aid.

heir works, especiallyof MINNEAPOLIS GLOBULES.



Ingtn'.iutt, the

the committee,

only other seconded

Democrat on" the. motion.

sp"qlge?j|||||^ if t9T27he,3b7a?n.k'?iclearing* yesterday amounted


Aid. Bradish and Aid.Durnam did not indoisjit. They were in favor of ad-

heyuses-APOLI ?: The police

ris a^solid c&ke scouring Itinoenxweciuthtivthee

commission met yesterday, but session, and matters in connec-

morale of the department were

journing until 2 p. m., so that they could

secure City Attorney Russell's attend-

ance. Ald/Lackev. held that inasmuch

of discussed. '--iS-VP?&BtK----W_&&--P?. as the committee; had opened one box

oe^p used County Treasurer iPeterson says that all and counted the ballots in one precinct,

f-ord.ll cleaning.* Checks sent to

certified? before

his othce they will

for taxes must be be accepted. This

, -MJ^^^^^^^^^/IA.S tLUVeL. 0 LHdpurposes. Allgrocers keeplrt; isbecause ofhis

the signatures.




y; _\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0


- * * Sergeant

Vi Ik and Office rMorrissey

b-flD'O^i/JOT yesterday dragged a wagonload ot -'bums''

tthheroyughwerteh:evierntutiarellywacrodm, apselltehde,retowgaos

just as much one precinct

agsroaunnodth- erf.o.r

investigating y y.^yyy

But the 'committee adjourned until

uUn 0 LUO I out of "Liver" Brown's saloon

Washington avenue. They are

on South

all petty

2 p. m. When

they met





thieves and vagrants.

V V DID John Olsen and Charles Gaylor,' the coat

thieves arrested by Sergeant Kirkham and

ONCE AWEEK! Officer JlcNevins, were sent to the work-

\,,^>o^ . hGoauysleoryfeostrenrdianye,tyO, llsieen

*^"^ tensive petty lareenist.

for thirty days having been an

and ex-



of"a good dinner was discerni-

Republicans that they


czar business a little too far. The late

election proved that czarism is not

profitable in this land where aces are

- - __________ bpongYandWer. \ .pwaChrtohmiweefnilJtl,tluaanklgteehotIhusegnhpoltCaytaeeptto. fpHrKaempianirnletedoyn,intoothfsetaNdteeo- .

11 is seeing to the position for the present.

- KbyinthneeyapwpaosinptrmomenotteodftRo utihigee.pjlace vacated

Among the many things

_police for identification is

brought Inby the a chest containing

large assortment ofbooks, letters and clas-

sical musid. It was found near Fifth street

held in higher esteem than kings, so when Aid. Lackey again moved that the ballots cast in the remaining four-

teen precincts be; counted," it was

atdhoepntebdeganu.nanimo'\u25a0u?". sly.-:' T:rh'e? recoy unt'

Until midnight the monotonous "Breyer 1, Brazie 1, tally Breyer," con-

tinued. City Clerk Haney read the bal-

and Second avenue

. dently teen left


- /B^^IMK%m\-SSBi^\ ON* atThhiceeavrcedhseoswnt htihosecaanldidonlbdoeaornstaes,ttehbeoiufnnosdrcriwtphtieitohnif,rinoen".,aMarntrssd..

C. O. Preach."


lots tally

and each sheet.

committeeman In the Tenth

kept a


Breyer gained ten votes and seven were

added to his total in another, but all


* Eugene Hay has recovered

?f pneumonia.

from an attack

_ . j* -- KENNEDY BROS-, Minneapolis, Hon. J. C. Oswald and familyhave left the

Minn. city to spend the winter inCalifornia.

-- -- Amasquerade ball will?be given at Nor-

"Banna hall by the Mystics Saturday evening.

i|Si^^^) BOWER H. XV.Malcolm gave a holiday reception to

OIIONSUMFfIOM the pupilsof the academy's juvenileclasses

11 Wednesday evening. The programme in-

: cluded iourteen numbers. Miss LillianGib-

the tallying showed that Brazie had

received Brazie's

p1l,u80r1alivtoyt,e6s1a. nTdhisBirseyaegr a1in,80f0o;r

Brazie of 3 votes. While the official re-

turns gave his plurality;as :? 68 he

never had but 58, as was discovered

by the city clerk's footings. While the recount did not change. the result, it established better feeling than would

have existed without: it. The Smith-

ATTIC IPg|B SHORTHAND SCHOOL ! son distinguished herself by daucing prettily Hayne case from the Second ward alone

and artistically. Last evening a reception to

- St* , the adult dancing class wasgiven, which was

V^Ji!H^ Jffi ' - ' largely attended.

remains to be settled. That willgo the way of the Burrows-Hidden vmatter. Smith never once thought of

_^mnM_Wif Said to Be Insane.

contesting the election until Hidden be-,

George VV. Wheeler, living at 180S

--- >^ffil^^^^rTi^' fourth avenue south, was celled up in

S^^ fl~wStf\ " '"- ' the central station last night on com-

gan proceedings against Barrows. The

committee and must

dothrtehwe :.soaumte

the Hidden case with Smith's.


Attorney Jamison told the committee

plaint of his wife. Wheeler is

*^^v?v crazy.. Until about six months ago run-on he was employed in the office

BATHE SORE FEE! ofthe secretary of state at St. Paul as

enrolling clerk. He was discharged,

- and has done < nothing since. Loss of

\u25a0work affected ? his mind. Yesterday


., ,, """ morning he became violent, and threat-

ened to killhis wife. Then he went to


he be \u25a0:;y

allowed the ? same y '\u25a0'\u25a0??. .-;? :/J

the St. James hotel, and. there acted

POKEXTRACT very queerly until arrested. He willbe

The Plymouth Clothing House

examined to-day.

Annual Red-Figure Mark-Down Sale.

BUILDINGTHE BIJOU, -? -y continuous ride, lie will-take up the ;ductors.'as was the practice before the try. A person who wants toknow when

Work ou the Interior Has' Already


Within two months the Bijou theater; willbe opened again. Butit willnot he the theater of old. It will be larger, more beautiful and better in every way. ?The insurance adjusters were at work allot yesterday settling, up the losses. They have practically completed their task, but have not -yet reported to Lambert Hays, the owner. They have, however, given permission to begin repairs on the ruined playhouse and the permission has been utilized. Twenty-five men and teams were busy a'l day yesterday clearing out the interior ,and hauling away the debris. So much progress was made tnat a performance could almost have been given in the house last night, except that the roof would have been of the wide open; administration order. Work on the new house willbe pushed just as rapidly.as : possible. If good weather should prevail, it is manager Hay's opinion that the theater willbe * re-opened by March 1. At any rate, it will be ready for oc-

,cupancy before April1. . y

transfer. slip


Iantd.isre.tuthronughtht e'\u25a0',

fare the


to the latter

scheme, if put into.'- operation, will,

check useless disposition of

issuing transfers.

a.; nTdo.

improper* the ;;poor,


however, itmay at times prove embar-

rassing/;?^ v




Ellen L".Barber has brought an action

against Calvin A. Tuttle to quiet-title

to some outlying acres. ??

Mirigel &Ferguson have entered'suit

to enforce a lien against A. K. Tubbs et'

ah to set aside other claims.



Judge Lochren granted the divorce of

Mary .McGrath against her husband,

Pbeaetnricpke-ndMincgGrfaotrhs,oma emtiamttee.r that has

The damage suit -of N. F. Warner to recover $s,ooofrom the St. Louis and Duluth roads willgo to the jury this morning, the attorneys having finished their arguments. _SS(HBta?ipnpHfiSW

"Inthe suits by the heirs of the Morris estate against .several narties to quiet title to several pieces of land inNorth Minneapolis, a :verdict was rendered for.the defendants.

Introduction of collectors. ? Itis also ru- it is time to go to church looks at his

mored that ticket



all sy.ste.m' s

are soon? to" of the Mil\y? -y.. i

watch .and He does not

but looks at



*5not wait his watch


his watch to see if? the

bbeellll., bell

\u25a0 ! is right.' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?-{__^j^__f^s^S^~^_~^_--S

|; "_?? Prof. Downie onNapoleon.



hall was filled last night with;

listeners to Prof. Donald'[

lecture on Napoleon Bona-

Allthis means that the- bell has come

to be of no use. Itis kept out of senti-


for any advantages

In a city, or


in a

crowded population, :or where itis like-

qjprte given under the auspices of the

---2-___->CD__j-'-. MI-NT-NT


The oldest and only reliable advertising

medical office lv the city, as willbe seen consulting old flies ofths dally press.


Regularly graduated- and legally qualifier;


Kit--Wanted, a vegetable garone who understands greenhouse

athnedchitoytb. edAsd: dnreossothXerSOne, eGdlobaep,pMlyi;nnpelaacpeoliisn.

WAftTKOii Jong engaged InChronic, Nervous, and Skin

Diseases. A friendly talk costs nothing. It

. inconvenient to visit the city for treatment,

~ mobesdeircvianteison.sentCubryabmleailcoarseesxpgreusasr,anttreeeed,

from If



First-class retoucher de-

sires position or piece work. 200, Globe, Minneapolis.


mpdo..mu, b_.ttIo exf4yisoatsundcwae7nnBtooaty*scoop.m. meH, .o;sutSrastu--endclaaosyes,tbo2y1mt1oaialt..

itHiSCI'I-IAAHOI'S. BOOK LOST--Abank book con-

1 rgau Weakness, Falling


*'"""'?? LttC Physical Decay,

ot Energy, arising from




and Minneapolis. Finder please (?lobe office, Minneapolis, and

return receive


Indiscretion, Excess or Exposure, pro- ward.

ducing some of the following effects. Nervousness, Debility. Dimness of- Sight. .-"elf-Distrust, Defective Memory. Pimples on







one lo-

cated; table unsurpassed; modem improve-

ments. 1117 I'irst ay. south.

Ihe Face, Aversion to Society, Loss of

bition, 'Unfitness loMarry, Melancholy,


pepsia. Stunted Development, Loss of Power Pains in the Back, etc.. ara treated with un


Furnished rooms, with board, at 116 mx th st. southeast, near Central ay.; furnace heat; modem Improvements.

ALi: First-class saloon: cheap; location near center of city; good busi-

paralleled success.

_~\_ _T_\ _f\

Safely. trivalel'y-.Uspso*o*d*i*ly"'

ness. -Address R. J., Globe. Minneapolis. AUiK.vTfAIKUKKKSIMiand sbam-

i'I 1





;.,-\u25a0.\u25a0 is.. \u25a0


ay. north. .V.


**^fe"I /Tff*S_bt__.



school is but would

ngolat dalycDo*mapectoit-owrorkweirthwanityh

all good schools. No single effort Ineduca-

lgfil^n I, l]mSjn\

\u25a0 ! ................

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