Tech and Web Design Final Exam Teacher Outline

Tech and Web Design Final

Description: Students demonstrate their RESEARCH and PRESENTATION skills by producing and presenting a 7-page website on an emerging technology. Students will work in teams of three.

Your project will consist of a research phase, a web design phase, and a presentation phase.

Project Selection:

You will choose your technology topic from the list in this document. Only one group will be able to choose a given topic from the list. We will randomly determine which group gets to select first within their given hour.

Research Phase:

• Groups will create a Google Doc that contains their research. Each person on the team must be invited and contribute to the Google Doc.

• Your research must address the following areas:

o What is the technology?

o Describe how the technology works in detail.

▪ What are the major components

▪ A diagram may be useful

o Discuss why the technology is significant.

o Speculate how the technology might be used in the future, different from what it was originally designed to do. These are your original thoughts based on what you have learned about your technology.

o Locate at least six images related to your technology.

• Google Doc must include a bibliography that cites any/all resources for your project. You must have a minimum of 5 resources. You may only use one general/non-academic or professional resource (i.e. Wikipedia, Ask, Websters, Dictionary, etc.) You need to cite a resource for all images as well. Please use APA format.

Research is due on Monday, January 5th, 2016.

|1. Atmospheric carbon dioxide removal |

|2. Bioacoustic sensing |

| 3. BioBrick |

| 4. Fullerene |

|5. Grapheme |

| 6. Needle free diabetic care |

| 7. Personal Genomics |

| 8. Phase Array Optics |

|9. Quantum Dot |

| 10. Sapien transcatheter aortic valve  |

| 11. Single atom magnet |

|12. Amorphous Metal |

|13. Arcology |

|14. Contact lens that detects glaucoma |

|15. Eden Project |

|16. Electronic aspirin |

|17. Exascale computing |

|18. Ferro Liquid Display |

|19. Green Bullet |

|20. Human microbiome therapeutics |

|21. Interferometric Modulator Display |

|22. LiTraCon |

|23. Magnetorheological fluid |

|24. Microchips that perform single cell analysis |

|25. Molecular assembler |

|26. Nano sponges |

|27. Nanowires |

|28. Nantenna |

|29. Neuromorphic Chips |

|30. Nootropics |

|31. OLED Displays |

|32. Oncolytic Virus |

|33. Optical computing |

|34. Organic Light-emitting transistor |

|35. RNAi Therapy |

|36. Spintronics |

|37. Synthetic biology |

|38. The Blue Brain Project |

|39. T-rays |

|40. Utility fog |

|41. Virotherapy |

|42. Vitrification |

Tech and Web Design Final Presentation and Website Requirements

Basic Website Requirements:

• Create a folder in H:/Tech and Web called Final. All files for this project should be stored in this folder.

• Create a page_layout.html file that includes div tags for the different sections to the pages in your website.  You will be using a block-style form with a header, a navigation, and content division.

• Create an external styling sheet for your website. All styling (fonts, colors, alignment) must be done in CSS.

• Select some type of color theme and plan ahead as to what color/style background you will be using for your pages.  Your website should not take up the whole screen. In your styling sheet, set the width of your website to 900px. Use a background image of your choosing. Include a banner and means of navigation.

• Link your external style sheet to each of your webpages

• OPTIONAL: Once the basic layout of your website has been completed, your, copy the file six different times.  Rename them according to the different pages in your website (For example:  index.html, intro.html, explain1.html, explain2.html, significant.html, future.html, bibliography.html)

• CSS3 Requirements

o Download your own font and include the appropriate @font-face and .nameoffont class styling to incorporate in your site. Use this font for your entire website.

• Other styling requirements:

o Tables

▪ Centered

▪ Background color for header cells has to be different than background colors for data cells-all tables should use same color scheme throughout website

o Bullet Points

▪ Must be square

o Use the same banner and navigation technique on each page.

Include the following webpages:

1. Homepage

a. Include a picture centered below the navigation

b. Include “something” to draw the audience in such as a catch phrase/saying/enticing question

2. Introduction and Description of Technology-What is the Technology?-no paragraphs or complete sentences allowed

a. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

b. Include a picture-centered under the sub-title

c. Use a bulleted list containing 5-8 items (Note: Major bullets and sub-bullets count as a single item. Do not use complete sentences only words or phrases)

3. Explain how Technology works-Page 1-no paragraphs or complete sentences allowed.

a. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

b. Include a picture-centered under the sub-title

c. Use a bulleted list containing 5-8 items (Note: Major bullets and sub-bullets count as a single item. Do not use complete sentences only words or phrases)

4. Explain how Technology works-Page 2-no paragraphs or complete sentences allowed.

a. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

b. Include a picture-centered under the sub-title

c. Include a diagram that explains how your technology works. This can be something you construct or found during your research.

5. Why is the technology significant-no paragraphs or complete sentences allowed.

a. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

b. Include a picture-centered under the sub-title

c. Use a table or organize the information

i. Be sure table headings are labeled

ii. Headers must be a different background color than the data cells.

6. What does the future hold with this technology?

a. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

b. Include a picture-centered under the sub-title

c. Use a bulleted list with at least 5 items

7. Citations/Bibliography-AMA Format

a. Include a picture

b. Include an appropriate centered sub-title for this page

c. 5 minimum – use a numbered list

Presentation Requirements:

1. Students should dress and behave appropriately for the presentation

2. Students should use “best practices” for effective presentations.

a. Maintain eye contact

b. Clear, loud speaking voice

c. Organized

d. Not memorized

e. Not read directly from slides word for word

f. No notecards

3. All sources must be cited

4. Presentation was more than 7 minutes but less than 8 minutes.

A detailed rubric with points assigned will be available next week!


Topic Choices


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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