Appendix A: CIMI Glossary Map - Mayo Clinic

CIMI Glossary1st January 2012ATermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapArchetype-An archetype is a re-usable, formal model of a domain concept. An archetype is expressed as a computable set of constraint statements, on an underlying reference model (URM). Concepts that can be modelled using archetypes include weight measurement, blood pressure, microbiology results, discharge referral, prescription, diagnosis. CIMI archetypes will be represented as an instance of the ‘Archetype Object Model’.Also Known As: Detailed Clinical Model, Clinical Information Model, Clinical ModelopenEHR Foundation webisteInformation ModelArchetype Definition Language ADLADL is a formal language for expressing archetypes. It provides a formal, textual syntax for describing constraints on any domain entity whose data is described by an information model (also known as the ‘underlying reference model’). The ADL syntax is semantically equivalent to the AOM, and represents one possible serialisation of the AOM. The current version of ADL is known as ‘ADL 1.5’.openEHR Foundation webisteFormal Language, Standards and SpecificationsArchetype Object ModelAOMThe AOM is the definitive expression of archetype semantics, and is independent of any particular syntax. The AOM is defined as an object model, using a UML class diagram. It is a generic model, meaning that it can be used to express archetypes for any reference model in a standard way. Version 1.4 of the AOM was standardised in ISO-13606:2. The current version is known as ‘AOM 1.5’.Also Known As: Constraint Model, Constraint Formalism, Constraint Modelling FormalismopenEHR Foundation webisteInformation Model, Standards and SpecificationsArchetype Query LanguageAQLArchetype Query Language (AQL) is a declarative query language developed specifically for expressing queries used for searching and retrieving the clinical data found in archetype-based EHRs. AQL expresses the queries at the archetype level, i.e. semantic level, other than at the data instance level. This is the key in achieving sharing queries across system boundaries or enterprise boundaries.openEHR Foundation webisteFormal Language, Standards and SpecificationsBTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapBinding-The term 'binding' denotes the structural relationship between 'the information model' (modelled using archetypes) and the ‘terminology’. There are three main types of terminology binding:Semantic BindingName BindingValue BindingAlso Known As: Terminology BindingopenEHR Foundation websiteTerminology BindingCTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapCardinality Constraint-A cardinality constraint limits the number of instances that can exist for a given data item in a clinical model – for example ‘0..1’, ‘1..Many’.MOH HoldingsInformation ModelCIMI Reference ModelCRMThe CIMI Reference Model is the Underlying Reference Model on which CIMI’s clinical models (i.e. archetypes) are defined. This reference model defines a rigorous and stable set of modelling patterns, including a set of complex datatypes, information patterns (e.g. data, qualifier, state), and structural patterns (e.g. composition, entry, tree). All CIMI clinical models (i.e. archetypes) will be defined by constraining the CIMI reference model. The reference model is intended to be instantiated with patient data, which conforms to the constraints defined by the associated clinical model.Also Known As: Underlying Reference Model, Reference ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelClass-A Class is a collection of attributes that pertain to a specific encapsulated concept. Classes can have relationships to other classes, within a Class Diagram.HL7 SAIF-IFInformation ModelClass Diagram-A class diagram in UML is a type of static diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing its classes, attributes, operations and the relationships between the classes.WikipediaInformation ModelClassification-A terminology that is hierarchically arranged.HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyClinical Data RepositoryCDRAn operational data store that holds and manages clinical data collected from service encounters at the point-of-service locations, for example: hospitals, clinics, etc.Canada Health Infoway EHR GlossaryRepositoryClinical GovernanceA governance framework through which the high clinical quality of all clinical artefacts (including clinical models/archetypes) is maintained, during creation, storage, verification, maintenance, and distribution, by, for and on behalf of CIMI.MOH HoldingsGovernanceClinical Information ModelCIMAn abstract representation of the structured clinical information (including relationships, constraints and terminology), which describes a specific clinical concept – e.g. a blood pressure, a Discharge Summary, or a Medication Order.Also Known As: Archetype, Detailed Clinical Model, Clinical ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelClinical Document ArchitectureCDAThe HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is an XML-based markup standard intended to specify the encoding, structure and semantics of clinical documents for exchange.HL7 websiteStandards and SpecificationsClinical Information Modelling InitiativeCIMIAn initiative established to “improve the interoperability of healthcare information systems through shared implementable clinical information models.”Scope of CIMI (CIMI)OrganisationClinical Information Modelling Initiative SpecificationsCIMI SpecificationsCIMI specifications are those specifications adopted or published by the CIMI, including the CIMI reference model, the CIMI constraint formalism, and the CIMI data types.MOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsClinical Interoperability-The ability of diverse clinical systems and organisations to work together.MOH HoldingsRequirementsClinical ModelCMAn abstract representation of the structured clinical information (including relationships, constraints and terminology), which describes a specific clinical concept – e.g. a blood pressure, a Discharge Summary, or a Medication Order.Also Known As: Archetype, Detailed Clinical Model, Clinical Information ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelClinical Modelling LanguageCMLA language used to define clinical information models. Examples include:Archetype Definition Language (ADL)Unified Modelling Language (UML)Ontology Web Language (OWL)MOH HoldingsInformation ModelClinical Model RepositoryCMRA data store that holds clinical information models, and associated artefacts, in an agreed sharable format.MOH HoldingsRepositoryClinical Requirements-Requirements that relate to clinical needs – including clinical practices, standards, guidelines, principles or other clinical concepts.MOH HoldingsRequirementsClinical Verification-The act of reviewing, inspecting or testing, in order to establish that a specification meets appropriate clinical safety and quality standards.Wikipedia + MOH HoldingsRequirementsCode System-A code system provides a set of codes, which are each associated with a predefined meaning.MOH HoldingsTerminologyCommon Terminology Services 2.0CTS2CTS2 is a specification that provides a standard interface to disparate terminology sources. The Information Model specifies the structural definition, attributes and associations of Resources common to structured terminologies such as Code Systems, Binding Domains and Value Sets. The Computational Model specifies the service descriptions and interfaces needed to access and maintain structured terminologies.HL7 websiteTerminology, Repository, Standards and SpecificationsCompositional Grammar-A formal grammar used to compose SNOMED CT expressions that can be carried in [messages], in the Concept Descriptor (CD) data type.IHTSDO (“Compositional Grammar for SNOMED CT Expressions in HL7 Version 3”)Terminology Binding, Standards and SpecificationsConcept-A Concept is an abstract thought about a thing, or?things, in the world. It the basic unit of communication and each concept represents an atomic unit of thought that references a concrete or abstract thing. A single concept may be represented using either a single code, a defining expression or a structure of other concepts from which this concept is defined.In SNOMED CT, each concept is uniquely identified by a concept ID, and a Fully Specified Name (FSN). SNOMED CT concepts may be formally defined in terms of their relationships with other concepts.HL7 SAIF-IF / IHTSDOTerminologyConceptual Information ModelCIMAn abstract model focusing on the ‘conceptual perspective’. CIMs may not define attributes and when they do, they do not define specific codes or code systems from which semantic types might originate. CIMs maintain maximal reuse capability. They allow a domain expert to provide requirements in their language and allow a terminologist, downstream in the development process, to assign appropriate value sets or code-system content to each abstract semantic type.HL7 SAIF-IFInformation ModelConstraint Formalism-A formal specification used for describing constraints on the Underlying Reference Model. The Constraint Formalism is used to express clinical information models (i.e. archetypes). Also Known As: Constraint Model, Constraint Modelling Formalism, Archetype Object ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelConstraint Modelling Formalism-A formal specification used for describing constraints on the Underlying Reference Model. The Constraint Formalism is used to express clinical information models (i.e. archetypes).Also Known As: Constraint Model, Constraint Formalism, Archetype Object ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelConstraint Model-A formal specification used for describing constraints on the Underlying Reference Model. The Constraint Formalism is used to express clinical information models (i.e. archetypes).Also Known As: Constraint Model, Constraint Formalism, Constraint Modelling Formalism, Archetype Object ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelCorporate Governance-The processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions which have an impact on the way [CIMI] is controlled. Organisational governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. It guarantees that [CIMI] is directed and controlled in a responsible, professional and transparent manner with the purpose of safeguarding its long-term success.Also Known As: Organisational GovernanceWikipediaGovernanceDTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapData-The raw material from which information is derived. In order to allow information systems to use data to address most healthcare use cases, we must first convert it to information by defining its context with associated meta-data.HL7 SAIF-IFRepositoryData Element-A data element is an atomic unit of data that has precise meaning or precise semantics. WikipediaInformation ModelData Type-A data storage model or template that defines the attributes for a specific type or range of values. It acts to formalize the requirements for data of specific types so that all of the attributes needed to process the data are known by a receiver.HL7 SAIF-IFInformation ModelDescription (SNOMED CT)-A description (in SNOMED CT) is a term or name assigned to a particular concept, which has a unique identifier (i.e. the Description ID). Each concept may have multiple descriptions associated with it. Each description is either a Fully Specified Name (FSN) or a synonym. Synonyms may also be the Preferred Term (PT) of a concept in a particular realm.MOH HoldingsTerminologyDesign PatternDPDesign patterns are full logical models for which the meaning of data can be represented in a clinical information system (both in the user interface and in storage levels) with more than one split between the information model and the terminology model. Also Known As: Isosemantic ModelsIHTSDOTerminology BindingDescription LogicDLDescription Logic is a family of formal knowledge representation languages. A DL models concepts, roles and individuals, and their relationships. The design of OWL and SNOMED CT are both based on Description Logic.WikipediaTerminologyDetailed Clinical ModelDCMA Detailed Clinical Model (DCM) is an information model of a discrete set of precise clinical knowledge which can be used in a variety of contexts. DCMs provide the data element specification and attributes, including the possible values and types of the attributes, and where possible a model and technical implementation specifications needed to convey the clinical reality in a fashion that is understandable to both clinical domain experts and modelers.Also Known As: Constraint Model, Archetype, Clinical Constraint Model, Clinical Information Model, Clinical ModelHL7 websiteInformation ModelDL-Based Reference Terminology-A high quality controlled terminology, where each concept has a formal, logical definition, usually provided by an ontology, which is consistent between and within systems, has consistent meaning over time, and has deterministic (computable) meaning. The objective of a DL-based Reference Terminology is to be widely used, where the meaning is useful, able to be communicated-to and understood-by many average health care providers without reference to inaccessible, hidden or private meanings. SNOMED CT is an example of a DL-based reference terminology.HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyETermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapEuropean Committee for StandardizationCENCEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications.CEN’s 31 National Members work together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs).CEN websiteOrganisationeXtensible Markup LanguageXMLXML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is defined in the XML 1.0 specification produced by the W3C.WikipediaFormal LanguageFTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapFast Healthcare Interoperability ResourcesFHIRFast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced "Fire") is an MnM project, initiated in September 2011. Prior to it becoming a HL7 project this work was known as Resources for Health (RFH), a "fresh look" proposal by Grahame Grieve, which he made made on August 18th, 2011. FHIR defines a set of “Resources” that represent granular clinical concepts. The resources can be managed in isolation, or aggregated into complex documents. A workflow management layer provides support for designing, procuring, and integrating solutions. Technically, FHIR is designed for the web; the resources are based on simple XML, with an http-based RESTful protocol where each resource has predictable URL. Where possible, open internet standards are used for data representation. Also Known As: Resources For HealthHL7 websiteStandards and SpecificationsFirst Order Predicate LogicFOPLFirst-order predicate logic is a formal system used in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. While propositional logic deals with simple declarative propositions, first-order logic additionally covers predicates and quantification. WikipediaInformation ModelFormal Language-A formal language is a set of words—that is, strings of symbols drawn from a common alphabet. Formal languages are often used as the basis for defining programming languages and other systems in which the words of the language are associated with particular meanings or semantics.In the context of CIMI, examples of formal languages include the Archetype Definition Language (ADL), Unified Modelling Language (UML), Object Constraint Language (OCL) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML).Wikipedia + MOH HoldingsFormal LanguageGTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapGovernance-Governance relates to consistent management, cohesive policies, guidance, processes and decision-rights for a given area of responsibility. Types of governance relevant to CIMI include:Clinical governanceTechnical governanceOrganisational (or corporate) governanceWikipediaGovernanceHTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapHealth Level 7HL7Founded in 1987, Health Level Seven International (HL7) is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services.HL7 websiteOrganisationHL7 Standards and Specifications-HL7 and its members provide a framework (and related standards) for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. These standards define how information is packaged and communicated from one party to another, setting the language, structure and data types required for seamless integration between systems. HL7 standards include:HL7 version 2HL7 version 3Clinical Document ArchitectureReference Information ModelHL7 websiteStandards and SpecificationsHL7 version 2HL7 v2HL7’s Version 2.x (V2) messaging standard is the workhorse of electronic data exchange in the clinical domain and arguably the most widely implemented standard for healthcare in the world. This messaging standard allows the exchange of clinical data between systems.HL7 websiteStandards and SpecificationsHL7 version 3HL7 v3Health Level Seven Version 3 (V3) is a suite of specifications based on HL7’s Reference Information Model (RIM).?The Version 3 Normative Edition represents a new approach to clinical information exchange based on a model driven methodology that produces messages and electronic documents expressed in XML syntax. The V3 specification is built around subject domains that provide storyboard descriptions, trigger events, interaction designs, domain object models derived from the RIM, hierarchical message descriptors (HMDs) and a prose description of each element. Implementation of these domains further depends upon a non-normative V3 Guide and normative specifications for: data types; the XML technical specifications (ITS) or message wire format; message and control “wrappers;” and transport protocols.HL7 websiteStandards and SpecificationsITermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapIHTSDO Standards and Specifications-Standards and specifications that have been published by the IHTSDO. IHTSDO standards and specifications include:SNOMED CTCompositional GrammarMOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsInternational Classification of Diseases and Related Health ProblemsICDThe ICD is a medical classification, published by the World Health Organisation, which provides codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances, and external causes of injury or disease.WikipediaTerminologyInternational Classificaiton of Diseases and Related Health Problems – 9th RevisionICD-9The 9-th revision of the ICD, which was published by the World Health Organisation in 1977.WikipediaTerminologyInternational Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems – 10th RevisionICD-10The 10-th revision of the ICD. This code set allows more than 155,000 different codes and permits tracking of many new diagnoses and procedures – a significant expansion on the 17,000 codes available in ICD-9.WikipediaTerminologyInternational Health Terminology Standards Development OrganisationIHTSDOThe IHTSDO is a not-for-profit association that develops and promotes use of SNOMED CT to support safe and effective health information exchange.IHTSDOOrganisationInformation ModelIMA structured specification of the information requirements of a project. An information model expresses the classes of information required and the properties of those classes, including attributes, relationships and states.HL7 (EHRS)Information ModelInterface Clinical ModelICMA clinical model that represents the information structures, constraints and terminology intended for display in a clinical user interface.MOH HoldingsInformation ModelInterface TerminologyITAn Interface Terminology assists entry and display of information and provides consistent data entry. HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyInternational Organization of StandardizationISOISO is the world’s largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 162 countries, on member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. ISO websiteOrganisationInformation-Information is "data-in-context". It is the context of data and its unambiguous organization into a hierarchy of information models that contributes to the properties of semantic interoperability when shared among information systems. For information to be computable (and therefore useful in decision support or secondary analysis) it must be discrete, structured and typed.HL7 SAIF-IFRepositoryInformation Exchange-An Information Exchange (IE) is when data is exchanged between trading partners, there is a requirement for describing an information model (IE static semantics) and behaviour model (IE dynamic semantics) about the data and how the systems will move the data over the connections between them.HL7 SAIF-IFRepositoryInteroperability-Interoperability is the ability of diverse systems and organisations to work together (i.e. inter-operate). Types of interoperability identified here include:Physical interoperabilitySyntactic interoperabilitySemantic interoperabilityClinical interoperabilityWikipediaRequirementsISO-11179ISO-11179“Information technology - Metadata registries (MDR)”, including: “Part 1: Framework”. Published in 2004.“Part 2: Classification”. Published in 2005.“Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes”. Published in 2003.“Part 4: Formulation of data definitions”. Published in 2004.“Part 5: Naming and identification principles”. Published in 2005.“Part 6: Registration”. Published in 2005.ISO websiteStandards and SpecificationsISO-13606ISO-13606ISO-13606 Health informatics - Electronic Health Record CommunicationStandards and SpecificationsISO-13606:1ISO-13606:1“Health informatics – Electronic health record communication – Part 1: Reference model”. Published in 2008.Standards and SpecificationsISO-13606:2ISO-13606:2“Health informatics – Electronic health record communication – Part 2: Archetype interchange specification”. Published in 2008.Standards and SpecificationsISO-13606:3ISO-13606:3“Health informatics – Electronic health record communication – Part 3: Reference archetypes and term lists”. Published in 2009.Standards and SpecificationsISO-13606:4ISO-13606:4“Health informatics – Electronic health record communication – Part 4: Security”. Published in 2009.Standards and SpecificationsISO-13606:5ISO-13606:5“Health informatics – Electronic health record communication – Part 5: Interface specification”. Published in 2010.Standards and SpecificationsISO-13972ISO-13972“Health informatics – Detailed Clinical Models”, including:“Part 1: Quality processes regarding detailed clinical model development, governance, publishing and maintenance”. Committee draft in 2011.“Part 2: Quality attributes of detailed clinical models”. Committee draft in 2011.Standards and SpecificationsISO-18308ISO-18308“Health informatics – Requirements for an electronic health record architecture”. Published in 2011.Standards and SpecificationsISO-8601ISO-8601“Data elements and interchange formats – Information interchange – Representation of dates and times”. Published in 2004.Standards and SpecificationsIsosemantic Models-A set of models, which capture exactly the same semantics (or meaning), but in a different way. Isosemantic models may, for example, use a different level of pre and post-coordination.Also Known As: Design PatternMOH HoldingsInformation ModelISO Standards and Specifications-Standards, specifications and technical reports that have been published by ISO, or are planned for publication by ISO.MOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsJKTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapKey Concept-The main concept of interest in a clinical model, about which the other attributes and relationships provide additional information. In the context of a SNOMED CT compositional grammar expression, this is also known as the ‘focus concept’.MOH HoldingsTerminology BindingLTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapLogical Information ModelLIMA LIM is a “design time” representation of a domain's data, organized in terms of entities modelled as classes and relationships and may be independent of any particular terminology or implementation. These abstract models can be used to define information requirements from which more specific constrained information models are derived. For a specific run-time environment LIMs are used to generate IIM instances.HL7 SAIF-IFInformation ModelLogical Observation Identifiers names and CodesLOINCLOINC is a dataset of universal identifiers for laboratory and other clinical observations to facilitate exchange and storage of clinical results or vital signs for patient care and research.TerminologyMTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapMetadata-Metadata (‘data about data’) is defined as data providing information about one or more aspects of the data, such as:Means of creation of the data Purpose of the data Time and date of creation Creator or author of data Within the CIMI clinical model repository, metadata will be recorded about each clinical information model, including the originating organisation, authors, date created/updated, requirements, purpose, use, misuse, versioning information, implementations and general comments.Wikipedia + MOH HoldingsInformation ModelMetamodel--A metamodel (‘model of a model’) is an abstract representation of the characteristics and properties of a model. Every model always conforms to (or is an instance of) a unique metamodel. One of the currently most active branch of Model Driven Engineering is the approach named model-driven architecture proposed by the OMG. This approach is based on the utilization of a language to write metamodels called the ‘Meta Object Facility’ (or MOF). Typical metamodels proposed by OMG include UML, SysML, SPEM or CWM.WikipediaInformation ModelMeta Object FacilityMOFThe Meta-Object Facility (MOF) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for model-driven engineering. MOF is designed as a four-layered architecture. It provides a meta-meta model at the top layer, called the M3 layer. This M3-model is the language used by MOF to build metamodels, called M2-models. The most prominent example of a Layer 2 MOF model is the UML metamodel, the model that describes the UML itself. These M2-models describe elements of the M1-layer, and thus M1-models. These would be, for example, models written in UML. The last layer is the M0-layer or data layer. It is used to describe real-world objects.WikipediaStandards and Specifications Modifier-A modifier is an attribute that changes the meaning of a clinical concept in a way that changes the semantic hierarchy (or ‘axis’) of the code. The resulting modified meaning is not a subtype of the original meaning of the code, and is therefore not classified as a ‘qualifier’. “Family history of”, “Planned” and “Not done” are all examples of modifiers.IHTSDO websiteTerminology BindingNTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapName Binding-The relationship between an element or attribute in the information model and its name. The name involved in the name binding may be either a simple string or a description from a terminology, such as SNOMED CT.MOH HoldingsTerminology BindingOTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapObject Constraint LanguageOCLThe Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language for describing rules that apply to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed at IBM and now part of the UML standard. The Object Constraint Language is a precise text language that provides constraint and object query expressions on any MOF model or meta-model that cannot otherwise be expressed by diagrammatic notation.WikipediaInformation Model, Formal Language, Standards and SpecificationsObject Management GroupOMGOMG’s mission is to develop, with our worldwide membership, enterprise integration standards that provide real-world value. OMG has been an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium since 1989. OMG’s modeling standards, including the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Model Driven Architecture (MDA), enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of software and other processes, including IT Systems Modeling and Business Process Management. OMG’s middleware standards and profiles are based on the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and support a wide variety of industries. OMG websiteOrganisationObject Management Group SpecificationsOMG SpecificationsOMG specifications are those specifications published by the OMG, including the Meta Object Facility (MOF), and the Unified Modelling Language (UML).OMG websiteStandards and SpecificationsOntology-A purpose driven systematic representation of domain concepts and their relationships to other concepts.HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyopenEHR FoundationopenEHRThe openEHR Foundation is an international not-for-profit foundation, working towards:Making the interoperable, life-long electronic health record a realityImproving health care in the information society.It does this by:Developing open specifications, open-source software and knowledge resources Engaging in clinical implementation projectsParticipating in international standards developmentSupporting health informatics educationOrganisationopenEHR Specifications-openEHR specifications are those specifications published by the openEHR Foundation, including: Archetype Definition Language (ADL), Archetype Object Model (AOM), the openEHR reference model (RM) and the Archetype Query Language (AQL)MOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsOrganisation-OrganisationOrganisational Governance-The processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions which have an impact on the way [CIMI] is controlled. Organisational governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed. It guarantees that [CIMI] is directed and controlled in a responsible, professional and transparent manner with the purpose of safeguarding its long-term success.Also Known As: Corporate GovernanceOrganisational Requirements-Requirements that pertain to the organisational needs. Organisational requirements may relate to the organisational structures, activities of individuals and groups, power structures, obligations, responsibilities, control, autonomy, values and ethics of the anisational RequirementsRequirementsPTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapPhysical Information ModelPIMA PIM is a “run-time” implementation-specific information model representation of a domain's data, organized in terms of entities/classes modeled as schemas (e.g., template) and specific relationships and is bound to a particular terminology and implementation technology.HL7 SAIF-IFInformation ModelPhysical Interoperability-The physical connections that allow information to move from place to place – e.g. an Ethernet cable or a wireless network.Clinical Architecture Healthcare ITRequirementsPrimitive Concept-A concept which has not been fully defined in terms of other concepts.-TerminologyPostcoordinated Concept-A concept which is defined using an expression or structure in terms of two-or-more other concepts from within a terminology set. A postcoordinated concept does not have a predefined unique identifier within the given terminology set. Post-coordinated concepts can avoid the need to create large numbers of predefined concepts within the terminology set. However, many systems can only accept pre-coordinated concepts, or structural representations of postcoordinated concepts. HL7 SAIF-IF ++TerminologyPrecoordinated Concept-A concept, which is defined in terms of two-or-more other concepts, within a terminology set, and which has been assigned a unique identifier.HL7 SAIF-IF ++TerminologyQTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapQualifier-A qualifier is an attribute that changes the meaning of a clinical concept, such that the resulting qualified meaning is a subtype of the original meaning. Laterality=”Left”, Severity=”Mild” and Finding Site = “Knee” are all examples of qualifiers.MOH HoldingsTerminology BindingRTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapReference Clinical ModelRCMA clinical information model that represents a shared understanding of a distinct piece of clinical knowledge. The reference clinical model can be mapped to other region-specific, project-specific or use-case-specific models.MOH HoldingsInformation ModelReference Information Model (HL7)HL7 RIMThe Reference Information Model (RIM) is the cornerstone of the HL7 Version 3 development process. An object model created as part of the Version 3 methodology, the RIM is a large, pictorial representation of the HL7 clinical data (domains) and identifies the life cycle that a message or groups of related messages will carry. It is a shared model between all domains and, as such, is the model from which all domains create their messages.HL7 websiteInformation Model, Standards and SpecificationsReference ModelRMA Reference Model is an information model which defines a rigorous and stable set of modelling patterns upon which the clinical models (i.e. archetypes) are defined. Modelling patterns defined in the CIMI reference model include a set of complex datatypes, information patterns (e.g. data, qualifier, state), and structural patterns (e.g. composition, entry, tree). All clinical models (i.e. archetypes) will be defined by constraining the reference model. The reference model is intended to be instantiated with patient data, which conforms to the constraints defined by the associated clinical model.Also Known As: Underlying Reference Model, CIMI Reference ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelReference Set-The Reference Set mechanism, in SNOMED CT, provides a standard way to refer to a set of SNOMED CT components (i.e. concepts, relationships, descriptions or reference sets). Reference Sets can be used to configure different views of SNOMED CT by constraining searches or representing short lists of terms for a data entry field. They can also be used to meet other requirements including checking that a concept id falls within a permitted set of values for a field in a data structure or message (e.g. to represent an HL7 value set).Also Known As: Value SetIHSTDOTerminologyReference TerminologyRTA reference terminology is a set of formally-defined concepts that function as a ‘hub’ to which codes from different systems can map.MOH HoldingsTerminologyRelationship-A relationship is an association or link between two clinical concepts. Relationships can either exist within the clinical model (i.e. structural relationships) or within a terminology (e.g. SNOMED CT). MOH HoldingsTerminologyRepository-A repository is a location for storage. Types of repositories that are relevant to CIMI include: Clinical Data Repository – for storing clinical data about specific patientsClinical Model Repository – for storing clinical information modelsTerminology Server – for storing clinical terminologyMOH HoldingsRepositoryRequirement-A requirement is a statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a system for it to have value and utility to a user.WikipediaRequirementsResource Description FrameworkRDFRDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. RDF extends the linking structure of the Web to use URIs to name the relationship between things as well as the two ends of the link (this is usually referred to as a “triple”). This linking structure forms a directed, labeled graph, where the edges represent the named link between two resources, represented by the graph nodes. W3C websiteStandards and SpecificationsResources For HealthRFHThe former name for what is now called ‘Fast Health Interoperability Resources’ (pronounces “fire”).Also Known As: Fast Health Interoperability ResourcesMOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsSTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapSemantic Binding-The relationship between an element or attribute in the information model and a terminology concept that represent its meaning.MOH HoldingsTerminology BindingSemantic Interoperability-The ability of two or more systems to automatically interpret the information exchanged meaningfully and accurately in order to produce useful results as defined by the end users of both systems.WikipediaRequirementsSNOMED CTSCTSNOMED CT (Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms’) is a clinical terminology which is considered to be the most comprehensive, multilingual healthcare terminology in the world.TerminologyService Oriented ArchitectureSOAService Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. It provides a uniform means to offer, discover, interact with and use capabilities to produce desired effects consistent with measurable preconditions and expectations. [OASIS]SOA represents an open, agile, extensible, federated, composable architecture comprised of autonomous, QoS-capable, vendor diverse, interoperable, discoverable, and potentially reusable services, implemented as Web services. SOA can establish an abstraction of business logic and technology, resulting in a loose coupling between these domains. SOA is an evolution of past platforms, preserving successful characteristics of traditional architectures, and bringing with it distinct principles that foster service-orientation in support of a service-oriented enterprise. SOA is ideally standardized throughout an enterprise, but achieving this state requires a planned transition and the support of a still evolving technology set. [Thomas Erl][WikipediaStandards and SpecificationsSPARQL Protocol and RDF Query LanguageSPARQLSPARQL (pronounced "sparkle") is an RDF query language, which was made a standard by the RDF Data Access Working Group (DAWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium. SPARQL allows for a query to consist of triple patterns, conjunctions, disjunctions, and optional patterns WikipediaFormal Language, Standards and SpecificationsStandards and Specifications-A (technical) standard is an established norm or requirement about technical systems. It is usually a formal document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes and practices. A specification is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product or service. WikipediaStandards and SpecificationsSyntactic Interoperability-The ability of two or more systems to communicate and exchange data.WikipediaRequirementsTTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapTechnical Governance-A governance framework through which the high technical quality of all artefacts (including clinical models/archetypes, reference model, constraint formalism and terminology) is maintained, during creation, storage, verification, maintenance, and distribution, by, for and on behalf of CIMI.MOH HoldingsGovernanceTechnical Requirements-Technical requirements pertain to the technical aspects that the system must fulfil, such as performance-related issues, reliability issues and availability issues. In the context of CIMI, technical requirements also relate to the technical specifications to which artefacts must conform.Agile Modelling +MOH HoldingsRequirementsTemplate-A template is a constraint specification applied to one or more archetypes. Templates are used to create definitions of content such as a particular document or message, required for specific use cases, such as specific screen forms, message types or reports. Templates are defined using the same constraint formalism as archetypes – i.e. the AOM. Typical examples include ‘acute care discharge summary’, ‘GP referral’ and radiology report’.openEHR website and documentsInformation ModelTerm-A word describing an idea, concept or thing, e.g. “dog” (preferred English term), which may have alternate designations, e.g., “hund” (German) or “canis lupus”HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyTerminology-A set of terms, concepts and codes in a specific subject field whose meanings have been defined or are generally understood. The purpose of a terminology is to provide a clear and unambiguous way to describe concepts so that two or more individuals can gain a shared meaning of those concepts. Terminology MUST be able to distinguish when two items are the same and terminology SHOULD be able to distinguish precisely how non-identical items are similar and different. A terminology is composed of concepts along with synonymous terms, properties and various relationships.HL7 SAIF-IFTerminologyTerminology Binding-The term 'binding' denotes the structural relationship between 'the information model' (modelled using archetypes) and the ‘terminology’. There are three main types of terminology binding:Semantic BindingName BindingValue BindingAlso Known As: Terminology BindingopenEHR website and documentsTerminology BindingTerminology Expression Language-A formal grammar used to create expressions from one or more references to a terminology – for example, compositional grammar.MOH HoldingsTerminology BindingTerminology ServerTSA terminology server is a piece of software providing a range of terminology-related software services through an Applications Programming Interface to its client applications. WikipediaRepository, TerminologyTerminology Value Binding-The identification of the valid concepts that may populate a given attribute in a given class. Terminology bindings may be defined using an intensional definition (i.e. rules which define the set of valid concepts), an extensional definition (i.e. a list of valid concepts), or reference to a terminology reference set or value set.Also Known As: Value BindingHL7 SAIF-IFTerminology BindingUTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapUnderlying Reference ModelURMThe Underlying Reference Model is an information model which defines a rigorous and stable set of modelling patterns upon which the clinical models (i.e. archetypes) are defined. Modelling patterns defined in the URM include a set of complex datatypes, information patterns (e.g. data, qualifier, state), and structural patterns (e.g. composition, entry, tree). All clinical models (i.e. archetypes) will be defined by constraining the reference model. The underlying reference model is intended to be instantiated with patient data, which conforms to the constraints defined by the associated clinical model.Also Known As: Reference Model, CIMI Reference ModelMOH HoldingsInformation ModelUnified Modelling LanguageUMLUML is a standardised general-purpose modelling language, created and maintained by the Object Management Group. UML is used to specify, visualise, modify, construct and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software-intensive system under development. UML includes a set of graphic notation techniques to create visual models, including:Structure diagrams (e.g. class, component, deployment, package and profile diagrams)Behaviour diagrams (e.g. activity, UML state machine and use case diagrams)Interaction diagrams (e.g. communication, interaction overview, sequence and timing diagrams)In the context of CIMI, the phrase ‘UML model’ will most commonly refer to a UML class diagram.Wikipedia + MOH Holdings.Formal LanguageUnified Modelling Language ProfileUML ProfileA profile in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) provides a generic extension mechanism for customizing UML models for particular domains and platforms. Profiles are defined using stereotypes, tag definitions, and constraints that are applied to specific model elements, such as Classes, Attributes, Operations and Activities. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that collectively customize UML for a particular domain or platform.WikipediaFormal Language, Standards and SpecificationsUse Case-A use case is a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role (known in UML as an ‘actor’) and a system, to achieve a goal. There are multiple ways of documenting use cases, including:Common style (Title, Main Success Scenario, Extensions)Casual use case structure (Title/goal, Primary Actor, Scope, Level, Story)UML use case diagram (originally based on Ivar Jacobson’s Objectory notation)WikipediaRequirementsVTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapValue Binding-The identification of the valid concepts that may populate a given attribute in a given class. Terminology bindings may be defined using an intensional definition (i.e. rules which define the set of valid concepts), an extensional definition (i.e. a list of valid concepts), or reference to a terminology reference set or value set.Also Known As: Terminology Value BindingHL7 SAIF-IFTerminology BindingValue Set-A value set represents a uniquely identifiable set of valid concept representations (e.g., terms, codes), where any concept representation can be tested to determine whether or not it is a member of the value set. Value set complexity may range from a simple flat list of concept codes drawn from a single code system, to an unbounded hierarchical set of possibly post-coordinated expressions drawn from multiple code systems.Also Known As: Reference SetHL7 SAIF-IFTerminology, Terminology BindingWTermAbbreviationDefinitionSourceGlossary MapWeb Ontology LanguageOWLOWL is a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies. The languages are characterised by formal semantics and RDF/XML-based serializations for the Semantic Web. OWL is endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and has attracted academic, medical and commercial interest. W3C announced the new version of OWL on 27 October 2009. This new version, called OWL 2, soon found its way into semantic editors such as Protégé and semantic reasoners such as Pellet, RacerPro, FaCT++ and HermiT. WikipediaFormal Language, Standards and SpecificationsWorld Wide Web ConsortiumW3CThe World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. W3C’s mission is to lead the Web to its full potential.World Wide Web Consortium websiteStandards and SpecificationsWorld Wide Web Consortium Standards and SpecificationsW3CW3C standards and specifications are those specifications published by the W3C, including Web Ontology Language (OWL), SPARQL, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and Resource Description Framework (RDF).MOH HoldingsStandards and SpecificationsXYZAppendix A: CIMI Glossary MapClinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI)324929581915Governance00Governance27660603384550032708851310640Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI)00Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI)1587500513080Organisation00Organisation4020185643255001393190942975002967355988695009429751293495Standards and Specifications00Standards and Specifications56159401303020Terminology00Terminology24777701581785004794885158178500147828018649950029673551790700004497705186499500402018518669000015767052066925Formal Language00Formal Language48215552045335Repository00Repository32632652487930Information Model (IM)00Information Model (IM)274447026073100047732952607310004773295-254000496697036195Requirements00Requirements4585335136525006299835166370006673850762000603440584455Terminology Binding00Terminology Binding47732951270002607310161925Conceptual Information Model (CIM)00Conceptual Information Model (CIM)Information Model474408573660Physical Information Model (PIM)00Physical Information Model (PIM)742315-635Class Diagram00Class Diagram8362952071370Clinical Modelling Language00Clinical Modelling Language744918523488650075672952804795Data Element00Data Element464883518408650079171802071370openEHR Reference Model00openEHR Reference Model6697980263334500720026525761950017976854217035Archetype Object Model (AOM)00Archetype Object Model (AOM)1966595388683500254004227830ISO-13606:200ISO-13606:210648953886835001480820209550001959610278765Meta Object Facility (MOF)00Meta Object Facility (MOF)5403850200660ISO-1117900ISO-1117941922707277100027774908407400056381657626350044157902633345004131310263334500-2743202698115Cardinality Constraint00Cardinality Constraint22663152890520Detailed Clinical Model (DCM)00Detailed Clinical Model (DCM)490220042170350053498754044315Archetype00Archetype43414954746625Interface Clinical Model00Interface Clinical Model4370705444881000348361044488100026682704789805Reference Clinical Model00Reference Clinical Model33782003886835Clinical (Information) Model (CIM)00Clinical (Information) Model (CIM)3111503260090007854953324860Constraint (Modelling) Formalism / Model00Constraint (Modelling) Formalism / Model3613785165735Logical Information Model (LIM)00Logical Information Model (LIM)3490595260350044157901238250059791603369310Data Type00Data Type5925185840740Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM)00Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM)59226452071370Underlying Reference Model (URM)00Underlying Reference Model (URM)4912360234886500236029523488650033883602071370Information Model (IM)00Information Model (IM)154940012896850076568301289685ISO-13606:100ISO-13606:17200265169862500742315727710Unified Modelling Language (UML)00Unified Modelling Language (UML)3131185174688500157670526333450019665951228090Metamodel00Metamodel6697980140271500-45910550165Object Constraint Language (OCL)00Object Constraint Language (OCL)2800358953500-459105154940First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL)00First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL)480441038735Metadata00Metadata782320127635003962401327150047688501371600033782001841500496760534290Isosemantic Models00Isosemantic Models674370016097250070262751890395Template00Template332168555372000Repository4327525304165Data00Data161671013335Information00Information2941320177800004285615145415005621020258445Terminology Server (TS)00Terminology Server (TS)3164840245110Repository00Repository4688840211455002941320160655006468110160655004290060160655001640840254635Clinical Data Repository (CDR)00Clinical Data Repository (CDR)6693535254635Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)00Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)444754047625Clinical Model Repository (CMR)00Clinical Model Repository (CMR)2422525170180001660525396240Information Exchange00Information Exchange5225415-4445004511040528955Archetype Definition Language (ADL)00Archetype Definition Language (ADL)Terminology38354002068830Terminology00Terminology29070302364105005363210236664500365188517094200066789301056005ICD-1000ICD-106117590108204000477456512103100020389851556385005111115185864500521716024936450017481552493645003495040257492500775970029921200079470252992120Value Set00Value Set828992535274250062426852761615Terminology Binding00Terminology Binding68395853804920Reference Set00Reference Set787527043383200069151504365625002984502912745Concept00Concept145415026314400022485353035300Interface Terminology00Interface Terminology542925175260Term00Term6576060137795ICD-900ICD-96033135509270004615180699135ICD00ICD3307080187960Classification00Classification40678107493000025488901147445LOINC00LOINC13830302087880SNOMED CT (SCT)00SNOMED CT (SCT)62953902090420Terminology Server (TS)00Terminology Server (TS)130937010350500514985241300Description00Description5315585143510Ontology00Ontology78752702540Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)00Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)-65405049530Relationship00Relationship138303015684500782129521971000847725590550049993553130550084772523177500-654050101600Reference Set00Reference Set4412615810895Code System00Code System43516551958975003232785195897500406781031115004695825444500033070801397000Reference Terminology00Reference Terminology395478026390600024307802370455DL-Based Reference Terminology00DL-Based Reference Terminology43160952332990Description Logic (DL)00Description Logic (DL)16021058286750016021051316355Primitive Concept00Primitive Concept1163320889635006172202077720Post-coordinated Concept00Post-coordinated Concept38036583058000-4813301482090Pre-coordinated Concept00Pre-coordinated Concept60248802370455Intensional Reference Set00Intensional Reference Set77597002370455Extensional Reference Set00Extensional Reference Set711009574358500Terminology Binding4707255473075Information Model00Information Model1019810416560Terminology00Terminology2902585297180Semantic Binding00Semantic Binding24371308597900036220408597900041852859785350050457101309370Name Binding00Name Binding6261101309370(Terminology) Value Binding00(Terminology) Value Binding28486101309370Terminology Binding00Terminology Binding73958451703705Modifier00Modifier427736017856200036220401812290003904615183134000139890517475200028486101871345004372610160845500215011015894050054108352023745Design Pattern00Design Pattern-527052088515Design Pattern00Design Pattern678624524568150037947602265680Value Set00Value Set16973552311400Terminology Expression Language00Terminology Expression Language69068952727960Qualifier00Qualifier5923280258572000418528528276550050457102956560Key Concept00Key Concept386270538157150028486103253740Reference Set00Reference Set296291037947600018465804384675Intensional Reference Set00Intensional Reference Set37280854432935Extensional Reference Set00Extensional Reference Set17011652881630005657853341370Compositional Grammar00Compositional Grammar6569710208280Isosemantic Models00Isosemantic Models65697101238250069068958509000Formal Language4505325218440Ontology Web Language (OWL)00Ontology Web Language (OWL)6186170249555Web Ontology Language (OWL)00Web Ontology Language (OWL)5259705457200005782945650240006716395955040eXtensible Markup Language (XML)00eXtensible Markup Language (XML)60293251235075002263775955040Unified Modelling Language (UML)00Unified Modelling Language (UML)37877751235075004505325955040Formal Language00Formal Language424624514579600028816301724660Archetype Query Language (AQL)00Archetype Query Language (AQL)41351205067300056515955040Unified Modelling Language Profile (UML Profile)00Unified Modelling Language Profile (UML Profile)1569720123507500272224588265SPARQL00SPARQL525970522479000578294516573500627380035560Object Constraint Language (OCL)00Object Constraint Language (OCL)4505325415925Archetype Definition Language (ADL)00Archetype Definition Language (ADL)6040120706755006727190426720Archetype Object Model (AOM)00Archetype Object Model (AOM)Organisation345122599695ISO Standards and Specifications00ISO Standards and Specifications694690320675W3C Specifications00W3C Specifications422465532067500720344085725IHTSDO Standards and Specifications00IHTSDO Standards and Specifications7032625213360001809115201295003475355230505International Organization of Standardization (ISO)00International Organization of Standardization (ISO)1809115621030World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)00World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)5145405503555International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO)00International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO)470281010356850042640257924800010490201366520openEHR Foundation00openEHR Foundation56794401366520Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI)00Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI)499237016465550034613851366520Organisation00Organisation317944518078450025730201647190004760595187007500422465519278600051034952162810Object Management Group (OMG)00Object Management Group (OMG)312293011087100034613852545080Health Level 7 (HL7)00Health Level 7 (HL7)78384401905CIMI Specifications00CIMI Specifications7203440318770001758950481965European Committee for Standardization (CEN)00European Committee for Standardization (CEN)87884022352000-356235594360openEHR Specifications00openEHR Specifications423672014224000034855151955165HL7 Standards and Specifications00HL7 Standards and Specifications68256151322070OMG Specifications00OMG Specifications6412865918210005369560-439420Archetype Query Language (AQL)00Archetype Query Language (AQL)536956098425004672965-36195003806825-538480Archetype Object Model (AOM)00Archetype Object Model (AOM)2790825-36195Archetype Definition Language (ADL)00Archetype Definition Language (ADL)7438390-463550Resources For Health (RFH)00Resources For Health (RFH)7301230-3619500Standards and Specifications587502010795Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)00Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)7847965148590Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)00Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)85947257112000078479651233170HL7 v300HL7 v34097020850900060198063500Compositional Grammar00Compositional Grammar2638425126365IHTSDO Standards and Specifications00IHTSDO Standards and Specifications66440056159500425704061595openEHR Specifications00openEHR Specifications21082002921000673671529210Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM)00Reference Information Model (HL7 RIM)-4254501129665ISO-1397200ISO-13972109855014179550017526001140460ISO Standards and Specifications00ISO Standards and Specifications78479651140460HL7 v200HL7 v237865051140460Standards and Specifications00Standards and Specifications58134251151255HL7 Standards and Specifications00HL7 Standards and Specifications733742514287500053105051417955003276600141795500176593518415ISO-860100ISO-860137172906350004672965111760006975475850900020955039370ISO-1830800ISO-1830850355506985CIMI Specifications00CIMI Specifications716661092710002503170565150015138401612900050355501612900067684651447800071666109525000504825011684000151384095250007952105127635Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)00Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)41624258255002503170-254000228600161925ISO-1360600ISO-136066184900113030Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)00Common Terminology Services 2.0 (CTS2)345757518415OMG Specifications00OMG Specifications1765935137795ISO-1117900ISO-11179151384015430500497967076200013728707620001223010412750070421546355001055370463550063449201751330SPARQL00SPARQL70116706350000060210706089650050355501189355Web Ontology Language (OWL)00Web Ontology Language (OWL)4582795207645Meta Object Facility (MOF)00Meta Object Facility (MOF)7708900478790007952105608965Resource Description Framework (RDF)00Resource Description Framework (RDF)73374256305550077412851313180eXtensible Markup Language (XML)00eXtensible Markup Language (XML)621728568580W3C Standards and Specifications00W3C Standards and Specifications35115501751330Object Constraint Language (OCL)00Object Constraint Language (OCL)43103801302385003511550753110Unified Modelling Language (UML)00Unified Modelling Language (UML)4257040103505001989455411480ISO-13606:500ISO-13606:5-53340068580ISO-13606:100ISO-13606:1-263525711200ISO-13606:200ISO-13606:24286251365885ISO-13606:300ISO-13606:319894551335405ISO-13606:400ISO-13606:4Requirements4581525151765Physical Interoperability00Physical Interoperability2482850163830Syntactic Interoperability00Syntactic Interoperability47383707258050010541001148080Semantic Interoperability00Semantic Interoperability34931351148080Interoperability00Interoperability424053017100550010541002245360Technical Requirements00Technical Requirements59677302245360Organisational Requirements00Organisational Requirements34931352245360Requirements00Requirements501713525425400025781002542540004240530280733500505714037064950060077353385820Clinical Verification00Clinical Verification35331403385820Clinical Requirements00Clinical Requirements59677301148080Clinical Interoperability00Clinical Interoperability257810014217650050272951459230003484880713740002849880381000156337074930Use Case00Use CaseGovernance92329062865Technical Governance00Technical Governance570865062865Organisational Governance00Organisational Governance336042062865Governance00Governance245681533401000488442033401000411543562484000648398566675005708650156845Corporate Governance00Corporate Governance3360420125730Clinical Governance00Clinical GovernanceAppendix B: CIMI Glossary SourcesSource NameAuthor/OrganisationWebsiteDateAgile Modelling websiteAgile Modelling28th Dec 2011Canada Health Infoway EHR GlossaryCanada Health 29th Mar 2010CEN 28th Dec 2011Clinical Architecture Healthcare ITClinical Architecture28th Dec 2011Health Level 7 (HL7) websiteHL7 -International Organization for Standardization websiteISO 20th Dec 2011MOH HoldingsLinda Bird, MOH 23rd Dec 2011Object Management Group (OMG) websiteOMG28th Dec 2011openEHR website and documentsopenEHR Foundation 28th Dec 2011Organisational RequirementsLinda Macaulay 28th Dec 2011Scope of CIMICIMIcsfe.sf /projects/clinical_information_modeling_in/18th Nov 2011Service Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF) Information Framework (IF)HL7wiki.index.php?title= Product_SAIF20th Sep 2011Standards Knowledge Management Tool (SKMT) GlossaryJoint Initiative Council (JIC)21st Dec 2011Wikipedia- 18th Dec 2011World Wide Web Consortium websiteW3C28th Dec 2011 ................

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