English II First Research paper - Chicago High School for ...

English II First Research paperAs we begin the course in world literature, you will expand your knowledge of the literary world by researching a famous author from a foreign country. The author may come from any country besides the United States and may be from any era. Try to choose an author you find interesting or an author whose name you have heard but know nothing about. This will help the research process be more interesting. Besides simply citing facts from the author’s life, you must explain why this author is renowned or noteworthy. This must be addressed in your thesis statement. The following is a list of famous writers from different regions of the world. You may research one of these, but you are not restricted to this list.EuropeDylan ThomasGeorge ElliotVirginia WoolfJames JoyceW.B. YeatsAsiaJhumpa LahiriLeo TolstoyFyodor DostoyevskySoutheast AsiaHa JinAnchee MinHaruki MurakamiAfricaChinua AchebeCyprian EkwensiWole SoyinkaNadine GordimerMiddle EastNaguib MahfouzKhaledHousseiniLatin AmericaOctavio PazJulia AlvarezGabriel Garcia MarquezQuestion that must be addressed: Why is this author noteworthy?The following information must be included in your paper:The author’s name, date of birth and death, and country of originFamous worksWhat makes him or her noteworthyThesisMLA citationsMLA works cited pageThe essay must be in the following format:12 point fontTimes New RomanOne inch margins all around3-4 pagesTyped in black ink onlyMLA formatSourcesYou must utilize at least three sources for you essay. No more than one should be a reference material. Reference materials include dictionaries and encyclopedias. Only reliable sources should be used in your bibliography cards and essay. Wikipedia and websites without authors are not reliable sources. Reliable sources can be found on the school’s online databases.PlagiarismPlagiarism is the theft of other’s intellectual property. It is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. Any plagiarized essays will receive an automatic zero and students should expect a two hour detention and a call home. You are now sophomores and know what plagiarism is, so do not do it! There is no excuse for plagiarizing. If you have any questions about correctly citing a source, feel free to ask me or consult the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers or the OWL Purdue.Deadlines8/16/12- Topics due (10 points)8/21/12- 6 MLA bibliography cards due (24 points)Week of 8/27/12- rough draft meeting (20 points)9/4/12- Research paper due (105, -5 points if rubric is missing)Total points: 159 pointsAll assignments must be submitted on the due date at the beginning of the period. Any assignment received after your class period and before 3:00pm will be deducted 50%. No assignments will be accepted after 3:00pm. If you have an excused absence, you must email me your assignment by 3:00pm; otherwise, the assignment will be considered late and will receive a zero.Research Paper RubricCriteria532Introduction and conclusionX3The writer clearly introduces the topic with an attention-getter and ends with a clincher in the conclusion.The writer states the topic in the introduction and summarizes the topic in the conclusion.NO POINTS if missing.ThesisX2The thesis answers the question and summarizes the three main arguments of the paper.The thesis answers the question but does not state the main arguments.The thesis does not address the question.NO POINTS if missing.Question answeredX2 Sources are used appropriately to answer the question completely. Information from sources are listed but not synthesized to answer the topic question. Sources used do not answer the question.NO POINTS if missing.In-text citationsX2In-text citations are used appropriately throughout the paper and are formatted correctly.In-text citations are used appropriately throughout the paper but are not formatted correctly.NO POINTS if missing.Transitions X2Writer uses clear, sensible transitions between each piece of evidence.Writer uses some decent transitions between each piece of evidence.Writer uses poor transitions. NO POINTS if missing.Language usageX2Writer effectively uses audience appropriate vocabulary, grammar, mechanics, and expression. Writer effectively tailors his/her message to fit the audience. No use of slang, texting language, or personal pronouns.Writer attempts to use audience appropriate vocabulary, grammar, mechanics, and expression. Writer tailors his/her message to fit the audience. Writer uses slang, texting language, or personal pronouns once.Writer ineffectively uses vocabulary, grammar, mechanics, and expression. Writer does not tailor his/her message to fit the audience. Writer uses slang, texting language, or personal pronouns throughout the essay.Works citedX2Works cited page is formatted according to MLA standards.Works cited page is mostly formatted according to MLA standards.Works cited page is not formatted according to MLA standards.Verb tensesX2Correct verb tenses are used throughout the paper. Tenses are consistent.Correct verb tenses are used throughout most of the paper. Tenses are usually consistent.Correct verb tenses are sometimes used in the paper. Tenses are usually inconsistent.3 sourcesX2 Three different sources are used and cited appropriately.Two different sources are used and cited appropriately.One source is used and cited appropriately.MLA formatX2The entire paper is formatted according to MLA rules. Some of the paper is formatted according to MLA rules.No points if the paper is not formatted in the MLA format.Total /105English II First Research Paper TopicComplete this handout and return by Thursday August 16, 2012. If you decide to change the topic of your essay, you must get it approved no later than August 27, 2012.Name_______________________________________________Period_____________The author for my first research paper is ____________________________________. My running thesis is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.To be completed by the instructor:137160381000Both the research topic and thesis are approved.137795203200013779538227000The (research topic/thesis) is appropriate, but the (research topic/thesis) needs revision.Neither the research topic nor the thesis is ments:Total points:_________/10Bibliography cardsAs you conduct research for your paper, you will encounter different sources that may appear to contain pertinent information for your essay, but after further investigating your sources, you may decide to not use all of them. This is a normal part of the research process and should be recorded. Using bibliography cards to keep track of sources you find, even those not used in your paper, will make writing your works cited page much easier. Note: The sources recorded on your bibliography cards do not need to be included in your research paper.All bibliography cards must be submitted inside a sealed envelope with the student’s name and period.Each bibliography card must be numbered and include a complete MLA citation for your source. It should also include the location of the source. If the source is a book, write the call number. If it is an article, write the name of the database or journal.Due date: Tuesday August 21, 2012Due: 6 bibliography cards. Each card is worth 4 points:One point for being a reliable sourceOne point for correct citationOne point for correct formatOne point for note or summary-711200148590Book’s call number name of database.00Book’s call number name of database.438150053340Number the sources.00Number the sources.Sample bibliography card730 1 C-643890102235Full MLA citation00Full MLA citationChatwick, Stephanie. The Wonderful and Untold Life of Homer. Chicago: New Books, 2011. Print.493331537465Write a note about the source.00Write a note about the source.Note: This book has great information on the facts about Homer’s life. Chapter 3 is especially helpful in explaining his childhood.Total points: 24 ................

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