
Information Literacy Exercise

Student Handout

|This course is a part of the Business Core which is comprised of 13 courses that are taken by all business majors. |

|Courses in the Business Core have a dual purpose: |

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|To teach a specific part of the basic "body of knowledge" all business students need to know, and |

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|To make distinct contributions to students' overall professional and personal growth in one or more of six major areas: |

|analytical skills, communication skills, information technology/literacy, ethical discernment, global perspectives, and |

|professionalism. |

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|The School of Business Administration considers both the knowledge and the personal and professional growth to be |

|essential parts of preparing students for entry, advancement and success in the business world. |


This exercise is designed to contribute to the development of your information literacy by giving you experience navigating the Gutman Library web site, and developing the basic information literacy skills of “location and access” to information. It will introduce you to a number of library-based resources and to some websites on the public (free) web germane to your studies and professional lives. Students will work in teams. Each team explores a different type of resource, and will present to the class the most important points gleaned from their experiences with the various information resources investigated.


• Break into a total of FIVE teams. There will be 4-5 students in each team.

• Each team will be given a copy of the INFO-101 Group Information Literacy Exercise.

There are 5 different exercises, one for each team.

• You will work on the exercise during lab time, and present your findings to the class in a 4-5 minute Power Point and live demonstration of the assigned resources you have just used.

• Email the completed Power Point to londonm@philau.edu. Prof. London will retrieve the presentations for you at the instructor’s station, and your group can then present to the class.

• Complete the reverse side of this page for your own self reflection on this activity.

• In addition, please complete the Feedback From Student page and turn it in to your professor. We appreciate your comments.

N.B. Pay attention to your classmates’ presentations, as they are likely to teach you things you didn’t already know! Please behave professionally, and afford your classmates the same courtesies you would like to be extended to you.

Further Information

You may go to for more background information on the University’s Information Literacy Project and to for information about this particular activity.



Instructor’s Name________________________________ Today’s Date_____________

What did I learn from this exercise that I did not know before?

What seems the most useful to me personally?

What was I most surprised to learn?

I would like to learn more about:

Other thoughts:


Professor’s Name_________________________________ Date_____________________

Please give us your feedback on this activity.

Your candid answers will be very useful in refining the exercise.

1. Do you think you learned new things from this exercise? (Check one and write comments.)

_____ A lot Comments:

_____ A fair amount

_____ A little

_____ Almost nothing

2. Do you think this was a good use of time (i.e. a whole lab section) in this course?

_____ I think so Comments:

_____ Not sure

_____ I think not

1. How much of this material did you know before you did the exercise?

_____ A lot Comments:

_____ A fair amount

_____ A little

_____ Almost nothing

4. The most useful part(s) of this exercise were: (explain please)

5. The least useful part(s) of this exercise were: (explain please)

6. What changes would you suggest for this activity? (explain please)

7. Any additional comments:

Hand this page to your professor. Thank you for your input and participation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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