Wheaton – Warrenville South High School

Wheaton – Warrenville School District 200

Senior Rhetoric

Student Expectations:

1. Students will demonstrate proficiency in five to seven different writing styles/genres that may include:


Literary Criticism*


Causal Analysis

Comparison - Contrast



Process Analysis

Division and Classification


College Application Essay

World of Work Writing

*Required Essays

2. Students will develop prewriting strategies in order to discover audience and to find purpose and focus of the essay.

3. Students will demonstrate knowledge and use of the basic skills of writing that will include proper thesis statements, body paragraphs, beginnings and endings, effective sentences, and word choice.

4. Students will be reading and analyzing in order to produce similar writing forms and techniques

5. Students will demonstrate the ability to locate research sites, to evaluate credibility and usefulness, and to incorporate this research into their essay.

6. Students will learn drafting and revision techniques and implement those skills through critical evaluation of their own work, peer-editing and teacher feedback in order to discover strengths and weaknesses in writing as well as what is needed to make a strong essay.

Suggested Texts:

Steps to Writing Well, Eighth Edition

The Norton Sampler

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus

The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk Jr., E. B. White,

Curriculum Overview

This is a college-bound writing course. The goal of this course is to improve writing skills. Students will write a series of essays demonstrating a variety of higher-level composition strategies that are used not only in the academic community but also in the workplace. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to develop their own sense of style and voice as a means of evaluating and selecting strategies that are best applied to a given assignment.


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