The answer may surprise you

I have studied and taught on the end-times—the time before the second coming of the Jewish Messiah, and onward into eternity—since at least 1963. Since 1986, it has become my focus, to prepare people for life in the Kingdom of Elohim (God) on earth. In the early 1990’s I had a class on end times at Grace Temple Church in Fort Worth, Texas. I was a diligent researcher on every area of politics, economics, religion, and history—all tying the Word into end-time events. I had taught this class for two years. One night, at a communion service at the church, I silently prayed, as I knelt with my cup and wafer, “Father, I’ve given these people everything I can possible give them to help their knowledge of end times. What am I to teach them now?” Immediately, the Father answered me in a booming audible voice that shook me to the core: “PREPARE MY PEOPLE FOR TABERNACLES”. I had taught on the Festivals since 1963, and I knew what He meant. I was to stop being an information peddler and concentrate on, with the information, exhorting as many as possible to prepare to meet Him--to prepare for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah.

To tell on myself: I was always careful, even in my youth, to study the Word in its entirety on any given subject, so as not to be deceived by the teachings of man. However, I did not question my belief on the resurrection of the “just”—the set-apart ones. I taught as I was taught by man, that the church would be taken out of the world before the coming of a seven-year tribulation--that the church would banquet in heaven, while the Jews and all other unbelievers went through a horrible torture for seven years, so that some could be saved by their endurance. I taught as I was taught--that the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Yahuweh the Father) would be taken out of this world, along with the church, for it was He who restrained evil in the earth. I took the verses here and there and allegorized the Scriptures like all others in my denomination, and taught what looked to be really right. I parroted the well-known teachers of the day, because I trusted them. I did not know that they were parroting some other person they thought was right. “The blind lead the blind and they both fall into the ditch”.

When I began going to the whole Word (Genesis to Revelation), and read things in context, a totally different picture emerged. I found out that the righteous would be left behind, and the wicked removed. In Noah’s day, he and his family were spared in a boat, and the wicked all died. Lot was removed from Sodom and fled to a cave in Edom, and all the residents of Sodom, Gomorrah, and other cities surrounding them were destroyed. The wicked were taken, and the righteous preserved. Enoch and Elijah were both taken up into heaven without experiencing death. There was no time of judgment, or tribulation, or any trouble surrounding their being taken out. They cannot be used as examples of “the rapture”.

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I have come to realize that the only way that men can spread their deceptions

many times, is to allegorize the Scriptures--making them say whatever the teacher wants said. This was called the Alexandrian School of Scripture interpretation, from Alexandria, Egypt, in the second century. They taught that if you allegorize, or spiritualize the Scriptures, you can make them say anything you want. If you take one sentence here and one sentence there, you can put them together and create whatever doctrinal belief you want. This method of interpretation was gobbled up by the Roman Church, then the Protestant Church, the Evangelical Church and the Charismatic Church. That is why we have about 5,000 denominations and organizations all calling themselves “Christian”. If a group disagrees with the Pastor, there are church splits on top of that. If someone has an idea, they simply find verses to back their ideas, and always they will find the gullible to believe them. Thus doctrines have

been created that are not even in the Bible at all.

Christians who are lazy, and won’t study the Word for themselves, or are

blinded by idolizing certain teachers and preachers, are duped, deceived and lied to—and set up for destruction in this life, and the life to come.

In this article, I want to warn as many as possible, that the results of living an escapist lifestyle with an escapist mentality--a life of comfort, ease, fear and cowardice—a self-centered life that causes most people in the free world to listen to deceptions and lies and whatever “tickles the ear”.

In the last days, people are going to conferences, seminars, study groups, church meetings, and listening to all sorts of sermons on T.V., on the internet, reading books and magazines, all loaded with deceptions, lies and traps—just so they can find someone to make them feel comfortable in their chosen “belief-box”.

Please hear me out on this, because I am not out to change anyone’s mind—I am out to save eternal souls. In this article, I show beyond the shadow of a doubt, that what is called “the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine” is nothing more than a well-planned Satanic set-up for destruction.

The American gospel of “pray this prayer and go to heaven” that is devoid of repentance, devoid of responsibility to Elohim and His Covenant, devoid of any responsibility to anything except codes created by each individual person. There is little to no respect for the Messiah of Israel, let alone respect for the Father Yahuweh, the Creator--the Elohim of Israel. In all of my 56 years of knowing Him as my Savior, Master, and Friend, I have not known any Christian who obeyed the commands of Messiah Yahushua, let alone any commands of the Father. Yet, Yahushua said: “If you love Me keep My commandments”. His commandments were the Father’s commandments.

This doctrine of escapism into heaven while the world goes through seven years of hell, has led to the new age movement coming into the church today, and people flocking to a gospel that is totally foreign to what the Apostles taught and what was left to us by Yahushua the Messiah of Israel. Yahushua means: “I AM salvation”. He came in His Father’s Name. His Father’s Name is:

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“Yahuweh”—“I AM the eternal One Who breathes”.

The “I AM” belongs to Yahuweh and His Messiah (Son) Yahushua exclusively. But, in the modern new age church teaching that is going forth by the gurus of modern Christianity on T.V., in churches, in books, videos, magazines and etc., is saying that we can call ourselves the “I AM”. This is pure Greek Gnosticism—the same lie that Lucifer told Eve in the Garden of Eden—“You shall be as gods”. Lucifer, in Genesis 2, told Eve that she didn’t have to obey Yahuweh, but that she could eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and be a goddess. That tree is Lucifer’s tree. The Tree of life is Yahuweh’s tree. Because the modern free-world church, especially in America, is teaching that we can be gods, that we can create with the words of our mouth, that we can have whatever our flesh desires by faith in our faith, churches are becoming overflowing with those filled with greed and the lust of the world system and

the pride of life—seeking to get from God what they want. Thus the big name preachers are becoming multi-millionaires on the self-seeking of their listeners.

Many say: “Give to my ministry and you’ll get your miracle”. They play on the sufferings of their hearers. They play on the fears and troubles of their hearers. Thus they do not warn anyone of impending world holocaust, even as World War III looms on the horizon and America is being plunged into the judgment of a righteous Yahuweh.

Here’s a brief history of the origin of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine: In 1830, in Port Glasgow, Scotland, ONE church was experiencing ecstatic manifestations. They assumed this was a move of the Holy Spirit. People were going into trances, having visions, having dreams, getting prophecies, going into ecstasy emotionally—all about the second coming of Jesus. There was such a stir that other churches came to find out what was going on. They did not know the Word, which says that He does “nothing in a corner”. He deals with all of His servants when He brings revival, not just one church in one place. Messiah warned about people who would come and say that “Messiah is here; Messiah is there”.

One very shy young girl--17 years old--by the name of Margaret McDonald, had a vision of the second coming. She was in an ecstatic state when she got this vision. Because of the publicity, a man named Kenneth Darby came to interview Margaret. She wrote down her vision and he took it. He twisted some of it, and created an entirely new doctrine—that Christians would escape for seven years to heaven, while the earth was plunged into turmoil.

He forgot to read the whole Word on the subject. To promote this doctrine, which I’m sure he saw as a money-maker, he took a verse here, and a verse there out of context, allegorized the Scriptures where things didn’t fit his way, and sold it also to a lawyer named C.I. Scoffield in the United States. In order to make this doctrine fit, Scoffield created what is called “Dispensational Theology”. He broke the six thousand years of man on the earth into seven “dispensations”, or periods of time. This way, he could set apart the seven years and not connect it to the coming of Messiah with the wrath of the Father.

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Unscrupulous manipulation of the Word of Elohim, to say the least!

This one doctrine has become a billion-dollar-a-day industry—to also say the least. Men are getting rich on this lie. I’ve seen many of these fantasy books about the coming of Jesus in airports, alongside other occult fantasy books. I’ve read Margaret’s vision. You have to stretch a lot of things to get a pre-tribulation rapture out of it. (See the Note at the end of this article for a book to read that gives the details of this hoax—excellent resource material from someone who went to Port Glasgow to find the truth).

The escapist doctrine became an exclusive American doctrine. Everywhere in the world, where this doctrine has gone—it has brought devastation to the purity of the Truth of the Scriptures. Man easily buys into escapism, but that IS NOT the nature of the Father.

Messiah’s humanity wanted to escape the stake. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He said, “If it be possible, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done”. Human weakness craves escape. But, human weakness is not what the Father honors! If we will pray this same prayer, He will give us His peace to go through anything. It is a matter of submission to Him.

This doctrine, because it appealed to the flesh of man, became popular right


This doctrine is a totally man-made invention and the nature of the Father and the whole of the Word does not even allude to this type of mentality!

The manipulation of the Word is easy when one does NOT interpret it in its

Hebraic setting.

The Bible is about one people group, a Covenant with that people group, and the salvation of that people group. Anyone could always get in on this Covenant, from Exodus 12 onward, IF they adhered to the requirements of the covenant. That has not changed. Remember that it was the Greeks, from the mid-first century, and later the Romans, who changed the truth into a lie for the comfort of pagans and lukewarm believers. It was the Greeks who broke away from the teachings of the Apostles, throwing away Yahuweh and His Covenant Instructions. It was the Greeks who called themselves Christians, who created the religion of Christianity, which was institutionalized by the Romans. What Yahushua left us at His ascension and what His Apostles taught is almost totally diametrically opposite to what the church of today teaches!

I was watching the news a few days ago, and they had a special on the phenomenon of women scheduling their babies to be born when they wanted the baby to be born, via C-section. One very arrogant, flippant young woman was asked why she chose to have a C-section. Her reply: “I just didn’t want to go through labor. I don’t have to go through labor if I don’t want to, and I chose not to”.

While C-section does get the baby into the world, it is a sample of the increasing attitude towards by-passing Yahuweh’s ways for man’s ways. This includes genetically altering foods—eliminating seeds—or creating seeds that

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only produce one crop only—(not able to reproduce),and the experimentation

with cloning, and babies created in test tubes. Yahuweh’s life is reproduced by seeds. Because of the homosexual agenda for world domination, which is part of Lucifer’s agenda, the elimination of natural seeding for children is being worked out by scientists. There is talk of creating your own baby as you want it to be—by DNA manipulation.

Taking the easy way out—the comfortable way—the way that appeals to the flesh—that’s the motto of the Gnostic world of Lucifer. Only thing that Lucifer is not saying is that at the end of this road is the lake of fire, which he is destined for, and all who follow him are destined for. Lucifer, whose name means the “illumined one, the shining one, the light-bearer” is really Satan in nice clothing. He has duped the world’s people since he duped Eve, into thinking that they can be gods, and that they do not need Yahuweh, the Elohim (God) of Creation. If man can believe he came from an ape, then he can do what he wants without judgment. If he believes that the earth is 65 million years old, and was created by a “big bang”, he doesn’t have to be responsible

to a Creator. If “sin” against a righteous Elohim is removed, then there is no fear of judgment for sin, no need to stop sinning, and no need for a savior either. Modern education is educating our children in relativism—that there are no absolutes, therefore they are responsible to make their own value-

judgments. The pre-tribulation doctrine fits well into this thinking. If a person can pray a prayer and go to heaven, and be raptured out of any trouble, then of course, the world will accept that kind of doctrine. There is no required responsibility to anyone—not even to the One who saved them. That is why

Jesus, Christ, God, Lord, have no respect. How can anyone respect anyone who lets them get away with wrong? The cheap grace doctrine has offered salvation on a silver platter with no teaching of responsibility to a righteous Elohim—especially not to the Elohim of Israel—Yahuweh.

There are at least 300 references to the resurrection of the just and the resurrection of the damned in the Tenach (acronym for Torah, Prophets and Writings—miscalled the “Old Testament”). There are many references to the resurrection of the just and the damned in the Messianic Writings, (miscalled “the New Testament”). In all Biblical references to the resurrection, there are only TWO resurrections--one at the coming of Messiah Yahushua (as in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, I Corinthians 15:51-58, Philippians 3:20-21, John 5:28-25, Matthew 24:29-31 with Revelation 11 and 19—all AFTER THE TRIBULATION) and one at the end of the 1,000-year reign of Messiah, when the Father comes to judge the wicked and cast them into the lake of fire. This judgment is talked about in both the Tenach and the Messianic Writings.

Matthew 24: “And immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken, and then the Son of man shall appear in the heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with

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power and much glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a

trumpet, and they shall gather together His chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other”. This passage matches hundreds of verses in the Tenach, and throughout the Messianic Writings as to timing and events.

John 5:28-29, Messiah speaking: “Do not marvel because the hour is coming in which all those who are in the tombs shall hear His voice and shall come forth—those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have practiced evil to a resurrection of judgment”. Two resurrections: 1,000 years apart (1 day in His timing).

Revelation 20:4-6, John speaking: “And I saw thrones—and they sat on them and judgment was given to them—and the lives of those who had been

beheaded because of the witness they born to Yahushua and because of the Word of Elohim, and who did not worship the beat, not his image, and did not receive his mark upon their foreheads, or upon their hands. And they lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years…Blessed and set-apart is the one having part in the first resurrection. The second death possesses no authority over him but they shall be priests of Elohim and of Messiah and shall reign with Him for a thousands years.”

In Revelation 2-3, we read about seven congregations which are typical of the churches of today. The church of Philadelphia is the marked remnant that is alive and remains. The church of Smyrna is the group who will be martyred yet will rule and reign with Him. But, in all of these letters to the seven churches, the messages end with blessings to “those who overcome”. Friends, if there is nothing to overcome, and we all fly away into bliss, then we have no rewards as a result of overcoming. One of the rewards is that we will rule and reign with Him. The American church is shouting and jiving about ruling and reigning with Him, and yet they have not overcome anything to gain this privilege. And I ask: By what rule or law will they rule and reign? -- The Torah, of course—the teachings, instructions and rules of righteousness of the Kingdom of Heaven that He graciously gave to us in the first five books of the Bible. If they are “lawless” here on earth, and don’t obey Him, then they certainly won’t be rewarded with rule with the King in the life to come! Let’s get real here! Read these letters and see what you have to overcome in order to be rewarded in the Kingdom.

Matthew 24:13: “He who shall have endured to the end shall be saved” -- The end of what? -- The end of the tribulation period, the end of the age. The end of our faith is the salvation of our souls: I Peter 1:5-9.

Revelation 14:12: “Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones, here are those guarding the commands of Elohim and the faith of Yahushua”. Look at verses 12-20—it is around the time of the second coming—the harvest of the earth—all in context. These are the set-apart ones who endure because they are Torah-observant and know Him. Look at Revelation 12:17—these are those keeping His commandments and their faith in Messiah. What is their reward? – It is found in

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Revelation 21:22-22:14—they are given the privilege (as Revelation 3:7-14 tells us—the church at Philadelphia) of living in His presence and partaking of the Tree of Life forever. (Modern translations have changed Revelation 22:14 to suit their purposes—go to the KJV for the most ancient translation from the Greek).

It is not automatic that all live in the City because they prayed a prayer sometime in life, and jumped and jived in church. There are three places where mankind can live in eternal life—1) on the new earth, 2) on the new earth, but with the responsibility of representing those on the new earth, and 3) those who live in the City which hovers over the new earth, because they are sealed unto Him from obedience. See also: Revelation 12:11-17. Only the Bride lives with her Bridegroom—the guests and attendants have their homes

other places. This is just logical—and the Father is very logical.

Our theology from man has distorted eternity terribly. In fact, one day, out of my own remembering, I listed 30 things that we were taught from our evangelical teachers that are not even in the Bible. That’s why – Please do not receive your knowledge from someone’s theology that they got from someone else!

The whole Word speaks one thing: After 3 ½ years of great trouble – “Jacob’s troubles”—the Messiah comes to separate out His people, and destroy the wicked, bind Satan, and establish His Kingdom on earth! “Jacob’s troubles”: Not the JEW’S TROUBLES. The idolatrous “House of Israel”, to which most of us belong were so bad that the Father had to divorce the ten northern tribes. Judah sinner greatly, but they were never divorced. So, do not be so smug if you relegate the Jews to seven years of hell on earth, while the good Christians banquet in heaven. I’m sorry friends but let’s be real: This is a VERY ANTI-SEMITIC DOCTRINE. (To understand in simple language the two houses of the tribes of Jacob, and Ezekiel 37—the restoration of the two houses in our day—please ask for my article: Who Are The Ten?)

The troubles of the house of Israel and the house of Jacob include most of the people on the earth—for all of Jacob’s literal, biological seed scattered into all nations from 1,000BCE, and most of the world’s peoples are akin to Jacob. That is why the promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that their children would be as the stars of the heavens and the sands of the seas in number.

The “tribulation”, which begins with the sitting of the world ruler on the Temple Mount, is “only” 3 ½ years long—and our Savior said that He’d shorten that time-period or else all flesh would be destroyed.

On my 1-page study sheet Nuclear Holocaust—I give the Scriptures that refer to total nuclear destruction of this planet. This time-period is mentioned in the books of Daniel and Revelation.

Scriptures regarding this 3 ½ year period: Revelation 11:2 and 13:5 (“forty-two months”). Daniel 12:10-12 (1,290 days or 3.58 years by the 360-day lunar calendar) and Revelation 11:3 (1, 260 days – exactly 3.5 years by the 360-day

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lunar calendar). There is a space between the stopping of the sacrifices and the anti-messiah’s setting up of the abomination that makes desolate on the Temple Mount—his own throne most likely—Daniel 12:11-12/Matthew 24:15. Daniel 12:12 speaks of 1,335 days. (3.71 years).

The words “time, times and half a time” of Daniel 7:24, Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 12:14: This expression has always been considered to mean 3 ½ years—as in one year, two years and ½ a year. But, with further investigation, we see that the word for “time and times” is the same word used in the Hebrew in Genesis 1:14 and in I Thessalonians 5:1-10, regarding the seven festivals of Yahuweh—the “mo’edim” (Hebrew) or “kiros” (Greek), having to do with exact to-the-second appointments with Yahuweh. These festivals (Leviticus 23) are the appointments for the plan of salvation. We are children of light—therefore, we can know the times and seasons—I Thessalonians 5. We know that the Festival of Trumpets, the fifth festival, is when Messiah returns—

the words throughout Scripture are all the same. So this philosophy of people who do not read the Word that He can come anytime is not Scripturally correct. The Father is not haphazard about anything!

But, my point is, that Revelation 12:14, in talking about the set-apart remnant who will be hidden in Edom--which also includes the Bride--it is very possible, as some others pointed out, that the Bride will not be in the wilderness for more than one festival cycle--between one and ½ years long. I have a very informative article regarding the preservation of all of His remnant in the wilderness entitled Important Instructions on the Re-gathering and the Preservation of the Tribes of Israel in These Last Days.

Note: My purpose in mentioning all of these articles is not to inundate you with my stuff, but to help you, if you want help, in further study of these things. Use my articles as springboards for your own study.

The seventieth week of Daniel, found in Daniel 9:25-27 must be understood from a Hebraic standpoint. In fact, if end-times are not understood from their Hebraic prospective, then slick, fast-talking Christian prophecy teachers can deceive many with their theories and allegories of the Scriptures. And fool people they do! Big time! They themselves are deceived and “the blind leads the blind into a ditch”.

I plead with you: Read the Prophets over and over and over with Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the Revelation—they dove-tail. In them you can understand the Father’s nature, and His thinking, and His heart. He is broken hearted over what He must do to separate out the obedient remnant from the wicked. He says in Ezekiel 18 “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked…so turn and live!”

The seventieth week is divided into two periods of 3.5 years each. Hebraic understanding is that from the “middle of the week” simply means anywhere

from the middle point to the end, or even after the end of the “week”—seven year period.

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In my article The Shimittah Year Prophecy, I include information about the stopping of the Oslo Accord smack dab in the middle of that seven year treaty. The Olso Accord (which was a renewal of the Luciferic plan of the U.N. from 1947, and the plans of the Illuminati) was made on September 13, 1993, and

“that which is continual” (the morning and evening sacrifices of Exodus 29:38-43/Daniel 12:11-12) was stopped on March 13, 1997.

In my article Have You Ever Wondered About Daniel 9:24-27, I explain why I believe that the Oslo Accord was the “Covenant with Death” of Isaiah 28—and it being the seven year period of set-up for the last 3 ½ years. I’m not alone in

this belief—for even many rabbis in Israel say that Oslo (and the Geneva Accord which backed it up) was the “Covenant with Death”.

According to the Hebrew understanding of this passage, the 3 ½ years could very well have already taken place, and now, we await the last 3 ½ years under the “anti-messiah’s” rule. I really believe strongly that many of the things that the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine teachers are having their followers watch for, so that they can time the “rapture”, have already happened.

As we progress in our hearing and reading and studying, He will reveal what we need to know, when we need to know it. We don’t need some book or chart or someone’s opinion to base our faith on—we need to hear these things directly from the Spirit of Yahuweh Himself, in order to be locked into absolute Truth.

It’s fun to fellowship and to speculate with people who have done their homework on their own and studied, and who hear from the Spirit of the Father. But, I do not base my hope on speculation! I don’t base my hope on what some big-named teacher says! I want to only hear from the Spirit of Yahuweh, and not be led off track by speculative theories from those who do not even keep the Covenant with Yahuweh. We must not base or thinking on opinions, theories or speculation, but from the solid Word. “He will show us things to come” as He said, when we need to know them! (John 16:13 is so comforting!)

Don’t get fearful from the many false prophecies now on the internet. Many of these big-name people do not even know the Father. Today, January 23, 2006, according to many of these “prophets” hearing out of their own heads, we’re supposed to have an attack in America on several cities and be blown up. We are not going to be blown up today. The Bible clearly tells us when we’re to expect final judgment. The Father tells all of His prophets the same things—as per Amos 3:7. Listen to the Father, not the Internet! It will save you a lot of sleepless nights. With His information comes strength, truth and peace!

I’m not out to form any group, or organization (I’ve done that), but to lead people to do their own research—NOT ON THE INTERNET OR BY READING SOMEONE’S BOOK OR WATCHING SOMEONE’S VIDEO—but by downsizing and simplifying their lives so that they spend many hours a day in the Word with Him. My heart is not to convince you of anything except to know Him and be ready to meet Him!

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I cry out with Amos: “Prepare to meet your Elohim!”

I strongly believe, from my own research and His Word to me personally, that the seals were opened on September 29, 2000—which I explain in The Shimittah Year Prophecy. Seals open the scroll of the Revelation. The first five seals are

in progress strongly. The scroll itself is about the trumpets and the vials and the eternal state of both the just and the damned.

I do believe from what He is telling me in my spirit that we are much further along than we think, because events do not happen in chronological order in Revelation as much as they happen side by side.

That means that the “marking” of the set-apart ones has been completed. I have written on this marking from all of Scripture. Without the marking of His set-apart ones, there is no way that they can be alive and remain at His coming.

We’re in a time-tunnel--almost to the last seven-year cycle, which runs from the Feast of Trumpets 2007 until either Planet X comes close to earth to fulfill many prophecies, or we enter the Jubilee (both come within a few months of

each other). Many ancient calendars end in 2012 because of Planet X. (Our

brother, Jim Rector, has written a very well-researched article on this tenth planet). It is interesting that the coming of Planet X matches so many Scriptures about the result of the pull of such a huge planet coming so close to the earth—as Isaiah 24:17-23. I have collected many Scriptures that talk about “few” being saved, and “all flesh” being destroyed. Are you going “tilt” when I mentioned Planet X? This is not a sci-fi thing--this is real—NASA has pictures--there are ten planets in our solar system not nine.

I’ve been gathering information on the years 2006-2012 for a very long time—and it is all stable, scientific and realistic information, which fits perfectly with ALL THE WORD’S PROPHECIES. So, again I say, “We’re in a time-tunnel” and at the end of the tunnel is the glorious appearing of our Savior and Master and Bridegroom—Yahushua ha Machiach! HALLELUYAH!

What is going on now is a repeat of what happened under the Greek/Syrian ruler Antiochus Ephiphanes (167BCE) when he came in to Hellenise the Levant (Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria—modern day countries). He tried to force the Jews to worship the statue of Zeus that he placed on the Ark in the “Holy of Holies”, after he sacrificed a pig on the altar of Yahuweh. These things are returning. In my article Hanukkah, I explain all of this.

Revelation 12:6: It is exactly 3 ½ years that “the woman”—Israel—would be

cared for in Edom (the wilderness—the mountains--across “the wings of a great eagle”—which is in the topography of the Dead Sea—the Lisan Peninsula).

We must also remember that He cannot come at any time. The nature of Yahuweh is not like that. “He has appointed an hour in which He will judge the world in righteousness” (Acts 17:31). In all the many passages in the Bible about the return of Messiah as King to rule and reign, He comes with the wrath of the Father. Isaiah 63:1-6 is just one example. Revelation 19 is another.

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He comes with the wrath of a righteous Father. We are called to get out of the way of His wrath, lest we partake of it. Lot’s wife partook of His wrath because she would not get out of the way. We are not “appointed to wrath”, but if we don’t get out of the way, we’ll be in it. (I Thessalonians 5:1-11)

Revelation tells us that at the blowing of the seventh and LAST TRUMPET that He comes to take over the kingdoms of this world, and to bring judgment on the wicked. The “last trump” refers to the seventh trumpet, and also refers to the “last trump” of Hebrew festival of Trumpets.

I Corinthians 15:51-52: “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep (a Hebraic picture of death) but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed”. HalleluYah!

Read carefully Revelation 11:14-19, and watch the wording. Verses 15 and 18:

“And the seventh angel sounded (the seventh trumpet—last trumpet—is blown), and there came to be loud voices in the heavens saying: `The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Master and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever.’” “And the nations were enraged and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead to be judged, and to give reward to Your servants the prophets and to the set-apart ones, and to those who fear your Name (Malachi 3:15ff) great and small, and to destroy those who destroy the earth”. (Italics mine)

The “last trumpet” also refers to the Feast of Trumpets. It is over two days, and everyone waits for the blowing of the “last trumpet”, announcing the opening of heaven for the righteous to enter. This is Hebraic understanding.

We cannot interpret end-time prophecy with a Greco-Roman mindset. The coming of the Messiah will occur on one of two days at the blowing of the last shofar, at the Feast of Trumpets—(on Tishre 1—the new year from creation—Tishre 1 on the Hebrew calendar). That is why He said, “No man knows THE DAY OR THE HOUR”. There are always two days on the planet. That expression: “No man knows the day or the hour” is a reference to the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Teruah. That means that you can know within 2 days. Noah was called into the ark seven days before the flood. In interpreting the Word, unless symbolism is explained somewhere else—it is literal. He was not in the ark seven years—only seven days.

The pre-tribulation rapture doctrine teaches that the fifth Festival—the Feast of Trumpets is the “rapture”. Then the coming in wrath is at the Feast of Atonement – seven years later. I taught this for years without questioning. One day, I realized that the Festivals were to-the-second appointments. So, I was wrestling with this seven year thing. I asked the Spirit of the Father about it. He very quietly spoke to me, “NOT SEVEN YEARS—SEVEN DAYS”. I was literally surprised at His answer to me.

There are seven days between the finish of the Feast of Trumpets until the Day of Atonement. He comes to raise the righteous at the Feast of Trumpets—it is

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the “first resurrection” of Revelation 20:1-6. He judges the nations, and saves all of Israel at the same time on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)—that is what the Day of Atonement is all about—the national salvation of all of the tribes of Israel, along with the judgment released on the nations who have hurt His people (Joel 3 and Matthew 25:31-32 for examples of many passages of

Scripture. The Bride is in the wedding chamber with her Bridegroom for those seven days. Let’s look at this from Hebraic understanding, and not add to the Word or take from it. I do have an article: The Ancient Jewish Wedding Ceremony. Our Messiah is following this all through Scripture.

Deuteronomy 4:2: “DO NOT add to the Word which I command you, and do not take from it, so as to guard the commandments of Yahuweh your Elohim which I am commanding you”. This is repeated throughout Scripture.

Revelation 22:18-19—Messiah’s words: “For I witness to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to them, Elohim shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Elohim shall take away his part from the Book of life, and out of the set-apart city, which are written in this Book”.

In I Thessalonians 4:16-17 we read the foundation Scripture of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine: “Because the Master Himself shall come down

from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of an arch-angel, and with the trumpet of Elohim, and the dead in Messiah shall rise first. Then we, the living, who are left over, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Master in the air—and so shall we always be with the Master”. This

blowing of the shofar is the “last shofar” of three, blown at the Feast of Trumpets. We do get changed into His image—there is a catching up to meet Him. Rejoice my brothers and sisters—we will get a new body! (Philippians 3:20-21)

This “meeting the Master” is a term that is used in His parables, as of the

servant who goes out to meet the Master who has returned from his long journey. He doesn’t go on a journey with the Master, but greets him on his return from His long journey in a “far country”, and escorts the Master back into the house. The Master does not come to take the servant away somewhere.

Speaking more on the word “harpazo”: It is used for “caught up” in I Thessalonians 4:17. It is not used in any other reference in the Bible regarding the taking out His people to Himself. All other words used a gentle words—sweet words—as a Bridegroom lifting up His Bride and carrying her over the threshold into their new home. They are precious words, loving words. But “harpazo”—no. The other two references are in Acts 20:29 and Matthew 7:15. The word “harpazo”, in the original Greek text used to interpret Scripture, means: to seize by force, as savage, ravenous wolves that snatch the prey violently in order to devour and destroy it. Uh… what is this word doing in a passage about a Bridegroom coming to lift up His Bride into His presence?

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I Thessalonians 4:17 is THE foundation verse for the whole teaching on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. In the 1960’s this “rapture” was called “the great snatch”. What the dear sincere Christians did not realize is that this “snatch” was a snatch of a ravenous wolf. I really believe that this word,

taken from the Greek at some point in time, was inserted as a laugh in the mouth of Satan himself. Because, this doctrine above all other lies and deceptions will cause a mighty falling away, when those who don’t get raptured out turn and deny Him, out of fear, anger, disillusionment and bitterness.

I have heard pastors say: “If Jesus doesn’t rapture me out before the tribulation, I’m going to deny Him, because HE ISN’T THE JESUS I THOUGHT HE WAS”. I say, with great sorrow and regret, that I also said this at one point.

Now, my passion is to prepare people to NOT deny Him during the 3 ½ years known as “the tribulation”—for without Him we have no hope of eternal salvation!

Corrie Ten Boom visited China at one point in her ministry. She met with an elderly Bishop of the persecuted church who was in China when Mao took over with the Communist revolution. Mao came in and slaughtered Christians, and destroyed anything to do with religion, culture and education. The believers

had been taught that they would be raptured out before any tribulation. They thought that Mao was the anti-christ and that the tribulation had come. They denied Jesus as their savior by the thousands. This Bishop told Corrie to tell the people of the West that this rapture doctrine was a hoax, and that they needed to prepare to go through the tribulation time. Now, there are millions of our precious brothers and sisters in the Savior, who are suffering horribly. They have a different attitude. They see it as their joy to suffer for Him.

Proverbs 2:20-21: “So walk the way of goodness, and guard the paths of righteousness, for the straight shall dwell in the earth, and the perfect be left in it; but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth and the treacherous ones PLUCKED OUT of it.” WHO IS PLUCKED OUT? WHO IS TAKEN AWAY? -- The wicked. The righteous remnant remains!

Psalm 37:29 “The righteous shall inherit the earth and dwell in it forever”. He made the earth for His people. His Land is Israel. He will not abandon His Land or His people—not for one second.

Matthew 13:30, 39-41, 49: Tares are shown in among the wheat. Tares look like wheat, but they are weeds that deplete the soil of valuable nutrients needed for the proper growth of the wheat. At the time of harvest, the tares grow taller than the wheat, and are evident. Therefore our Master says regarding the tares and the wheat: “Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest, I shall say to the reapers `FIRST GATHER THE TARES AND BIND THEM IN BUNDLES TO BURN THEM, THEN GATHER THE WHEAT INTO MY BARNS’”. “…The harvest is at the end of the age and the reapers are the angels. As the tares are gathered and burned in the fire. So shall it be at

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the end of this age. The Son of man shall send out His angels, and they shall gather out of His Kingdom all the stumbling-blocks and those doing lawlessness.” “Thus shall it be at the end of the age, the angels shall come forth, and separate the wicked out of the midst of the righteous and shall

throw them into the furnace of fire, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth”. What is “lawlessness”? We see in Matthew 7:23 that people are not

allowed into the Kingdom because of lawlessness—even those who have ministered in His Name—doing miracles.

“Sin is the transgression of the Torah”. (I John 3:4) The Torah is the Covenant law of the kingdom of heaven. If we want His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, we guard His instructions and teachings (Torah) on earth in our own lives. The Ten Commandments (not nine) are the terms of the marriage covenant between Elohim and His people. They are what the Bridegroom wants in a Bride. Torah means: Instructions and Teachings (Hebrew). In the Greek the same word is “nomos”—it means: Teaching, and to feed or graze animals. Yahuweh is the living Torah. Christianity came along and threw out Yahuewh’s tree of life. Thus Christianity promotes “lawlessness” or “torah-lessnes”. It does not teach people to obey the Covenant responsibilities of right-standing in the Kingdom of heaven. If we are citizens (Philippians 3:20-21) of heaven, then we are responsible to guard the rules of citizenship.

In third world nations our brothers and sisters in the faith of Messiah are being slaughtered, tortured, put in horrible prisons, denied human rights, used as slaves in sweat shops, and enduring all sorts of horrible things for their faith. They ARE IN TRIBULATION. Yet, they look at it as their “schooling”—and they overcome. (Revelation 12:11) These are the martyrs who will rule and reign with Messiah (Revelation 20:6)--the ones of Revelation 14:12-16 and Revelation 7:14-17, who rule with Him.

Acts 14:22: “…it is through much tribulation that we must enter into the Kingdom of Elohim”.

II Timothy 2:12: “If we suffer with Him, we will also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will also deny us”. Are you prepared to remain faithful to death? Are

you prepared to NOT deny Him when faced with the death of your family? Third world believers under severe persecution are prepared. In fact, when they receive Messiah as Savior, they know that it could be their last day on earth. I’ve met with these people in China. I know their attitude—and it is like the attitude of the Apostles and disciples in the book of Acts. The number of these overcomers is estimated at over 100 million, and every day there are thousands that are born-again, with the understanding that they might die at any moment because they have prayed a prayer to receive Jesus. I was on a bus in Beijing in 1996, coming from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia into China. I leaned my head against the glass of the bus window. I opened up to the Father and asked Him to show me about the underground persecuted Church there. I expected to feel heaviness, sadness, grief and to cry. But, instead, I was shocked. I cried all right, but not from sadness or grief. I heard, in my

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spirit, the triumphant singing of 100 million voices proclaiming the victory of the Messiah to the world—joyful and gloriously free believers. Yes, they suffer horrendously, more than we can ever imagine. The average time that a pastor is in prison, in hard labor, with much torturous abuse, is 17 years. Yet, their joy is beyond belief. And, I return to America and see the fear, and the depression, and the escapist attitudes, and the lust for material possessions, and hear the complaining because of little petty inconveniences, and I’m sick in my spirit. Right now, I write through tears because the persecuted church (in about 40 countries worldwide) makes most Christians in the west look so terribly pathetic. The gospel of America is not their gospel—Luke 14:25-33 is their gospel. Go smuggle Bibles to the underground church, and you’ll understand what I mean. They don’t have a belief-system--they have reality.

I Peter 4:1-2: “Therefore, since Messiah suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but according to the desire of Elohim”.

Again, we’re back to birth—C-section by choice or natural birth by choice?

The nature of the Father is to bring about life by natural birth—the way He created birth to be. We sometimes call the time of the tribulation, “The birth pangs of the Messiah”. How can you know when He is preparing to come? We can know by timing the birth pangs. The pains are getting longer and stronger, and closer together. He has given us prophetic signs to watch for. The whole plan of salvation from beginning to end is pictured in the Festivals. World events are timed by the Festivals of Yahuweh. They are the “tracks of

righteousness” in Psalm 23:3. If we walk out the paths of these Festivals--the “paths of righteousness”--keeping also His weekly Shabbat as our covenant sign of identification with the Elohim of Israel, then we are not going to be shocked at His coming, but we will know about the timing from these “birth pangs”.

What is the tribulation? The word comes from the word “tribulum”. It is a farm instrument that puts pressure on the wheat or corn, to separate the chaff from the pure grain. Without tribulum, the chaff will remain! It is the love of our Father to give us the tribulum, so that we are freed from the chaff—the wicked. When the chaff is burned, or the tares (Matthew 13), then the righteous will have been set free by the tribulum’s pressure.

Lot was removed from Sodom so that He could destroy Sodom. Where was he removed to? Noah was removed so that the flood would not destroy him. Where was he removed to? The wicked are removed. The righteous inherit the earth. The earth was created for the righteous. Without the removal of the wicked, the Bride could not live in peace with her Bridegroom. Noah and Lot did NOT GO UP—THEY WENT OUT. We are being called OUT of this world system by

our loving heavenly Father, so that we do not get trapped in His wrath. (Revelation 18:4)

Who is “he who restrains”? The Bible says that Michael restrains—Daniel 12:1—then Michael “stands”—or steps aside--allowing the anti-messiah to come forth.

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If the Holy Spirit was “he who restrains until he is taken out of the way”, that means that the Holy Spirit will be taken up with the church in the rapture. That’s what I mistakenly taught. But, if the Holy Spirit, who IS YAHUWEH HIMSELF, is taken out of this world, then NO ONE can be saved, no one can live more than a nano-second. He cannot be removed. The righteous are martyred or remain alive until Messiah’s coming--the wicked are removed by death to eternal damnation.

In Matthew 4, Lucifer/Satan offers Messiah the kingdoms of this world. Satan is

the “god of this world”. He was not fooling—he had the right, given to him by Adam, to give the kingdoms of the world to Yahushua if He would worship him. It was the Word that restrained Satan and got rid of him—the Word from Deuteronomy. Yahuweh has allowed Satan to rule this world, so that only those who seek Him will find Him. We restrain Satan also by the use of the Word of Yahuweh in our mouths. It is an individual thing. We restrain Satan by our obedience to Yahuweh. But, James 4:7-8 says: “Submit yourselves to Elohim, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to Elohim and he will draw near to you”.

The early believers also knew that good law restrained Lawlessness. That’s why Paul said for us to pray for all rulers—so that law could remain. When the Torah is removed from the earth—and everyone becomes a god under Lucifer, then lawlessness will reign. The man of sin in II Thessalonians 2 is called “the

The whole world system’s leaders, under Lucifer, are now working furiously to get rid of Yahuweh and His Torah off of the earth, so that the lawless one can come. Obstacle: The settlers in Israel who observe the Torah, and the believers in Messiah Yahushua who observe and guard the Torah. Therefore, the targets for extinction are the settlers in Israel who seek the Messiah and guard the Torah, and the Torah-observant believers in Yahushua.

I fall in that last category. I know what I’m up against. Therefore I warn you.

Matthew 16:21-23: Peter wants Messiah to avoid the stake. Messiah calls him, “Satan”: “From that time Yahushua began to show to His disciples that IT WAS NECESSARY for Him to go to Jerusalem and to suffer much from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and to be raised again the third day. And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him saying, `BE KIND TO YOURSELF MASTER, THIS SHALL NOT HAPPEN TO YOU’. But He turned and said to Peter: `Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to Me--for your thoughts are NOT THOSE OF ELOHIM, BUT THOSE OF MEN’”.

Comfort, ease, selfish agendas, selfish ambitions, self-centered desires—all have nothing to do with the nature or the plan of the Father or the Son. Yahushua repeatedly tells us to “take up your stake and follow Me”. If we do not pick up the stake—the pole—the accursed tree—and follow in His footsteps

(He was despised, misunderstood, rejected, disgraced, humiliated, persecuted, hated, and on and on) then we are NOT HIS DISCIPLE (Luke 14:25-33). Messiah did not die and rise again so that we could all get rich and then escape off of the planet. That is the illusion of very weak and very carnal people.

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One more thing that remains to be seen—however it is possible--is the plan of the New Age Movement, along with Lucifer’s ultimate plans. It is about a plan that is quite old actually, a plan for a fake “rapture” to take place, and a fake Jesus to come, to deceive the Christians into thinking that Jesus has come. But, it will be the anti-messiah who comes. Believe it or not, the Luciferic elite world leaders are also in on this. The plan includes taking out certain Christians into “space”—and faking a “second coming”. We do have the technology for such a set-up.

I ministered in Africa at different times for seven years. I found that those pastors who embraced the American doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture had changed—they became worldly, greedy for money and buildings, keyboards and sound equipment. They wanted to be on T.V. like T.D. Jakes--a multi-millionaire. They began manipulating trips to America, getting money from Christians, buying fancy suits, diamond rings, and expensive shoes. Upon returning to Africa, they are welcomed as gods who have plundered the rich. They became arrogant, proud, haughty, flashy and cold. Once they had been willing to walk twelve hours into the jungle, with wild animals surrounding them, just to go to a village to preach the gospel. But, after America came in with its flashy TBN, and its “get all you can” gospel, that they became cruel and devious in their lust to get all they could. I had a few pure-hearted pastors tell me that they would not let their children watch TBN because it was “immoral”. TBN programming into Third World poor nations is the same exact programming that appears on American T.V.—thus exposing the pagan idolatrous culture of America to the world. The stoic looking youth in scanty clothes in supposed Christian music videos, the boys and girls holding hands and/or kissing in stories, even in children’s programs, the values that are considered wrong to the cultures of other nations are all “immoral” to the pure of heart in the Third World. But, to those enticed by this rich idolatrous display on TBN, what is “immoral” can be overlooked.

Revelation 22:18-19: The movies, books, and all the sci-fi fantasy that is being produced surrounding the book of Revelation and the coming of Messiah, puts the writers and producers in danger of having their names removed from the Book of Life. Yet, they don’t care—they’re making mega bucks. They are in great danger if they do not repent.

They, like a majority of the T.V. famous, are also multi-millionaires and many of them are in all sorts of occult things, paganism, and sex perversion. Many have united with the Vatican in a one-world religion. The Father told me about five years ago that TBN would be used by the one world leaders as the media to bring in the one world religion and spread it to the nations. It has since been found that I was hearing correctly. It is indeed spreading the unity of the one world religion, unity with the Vatican, around the world.

Tim LaHaye, author of the sensational “Left Behind” series, and his friends, started the secretive organization called the Council on National Policy. This is supposedly a conservative group of businessmen, politicians, and religious

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leaders. Yet, the affiliations of most of its members are Luciferic by and large. You can read their biographies on line. Their roster reads like Who’s Who in Evangelical and Charismatic circles. There is one name which stands out—Sung Myung Moon—the billionaire who has had members of the U.S. Congress in 2004 crown him in a government building in Washington DC as the Messiah—under the auspices of the Council on National Policy. Reason: This wicked man is giving millions of dollars to such groups as Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women of America, Rev. Jerry Falwell’s university, and the National Christian Broadcasters Association (Pat Robinson, etc.).

Beware: If you believe you’re going to escape, ask yourself “Escape from what”. -- Escape from martyrdom? Escape from having to prepare for His Kingdom by obedience and responsibility to His Covenant now? Escape because you fear anything bad happening. Escape because you live the good life, and don’t want to give it up? Escape because you want no responsibility to know Him, or to study His Word, or to obey Him in submission to His will? Did Messiah die so that we could get rich and then go on and rule in His Kingdom without even knowing the rules of that Kingdom? Analyze your motives for wanting to escape anything hard. You’ll find fear, cowardice, selfishness, and all sorts of evils lurking in your heart that you did not know were there. Time to repent! I want to see my Bridegroom too—as soon as possible. But, I am already enjoying His presence. He is “courting His Bride” right now—and manifesting His presence and His heart more and more to her. Therefore, I can wait until He is ready to come for me. In the meantime, I’m getting myself ready. The Bride makes herself ready. She doesn’t wait on some rapture to sugar-coat her and make her ready. She is realistically overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil RIGHT NOW!

It is Lucifer’s doctrine—Satan’s doctrine—that you shall escape and not have to bear the stake. Read the WHOLE WORD---SEE HIS PLAN—SEE HIS NATURE.

Stop running and hiding under the bed every time you hear that Al Quida is coming. The Bible doesn’t say that end-time Babel is destroyed by an Arab terrorist group. Study and prepare and toughen up—II Timothy 2:1-5.

I write this because I love you, and wish you true shalom—the perfect peace that only comes from knowing Him. The set-apart ones are the believers—the “elect” are the believers, and we see that they suffer greatly during the 3 ½ years of anti-messiah’s rule. Are you better than those who are now suffering martyrdom for their faith—because you are an American or a European?

It is time to either throw off deception and lies, or He will bring the great deception that will damn souls to eternal fire. II Thessalonians 2 tells us that if we do not LOVE TRUTH, then we will receive the deception that will fool, if possible, “even the elect”. (Matthew 24:24)

Nuclear holocaust is near. What the pre-tribulation rapture touting false prophets are telling you is “don’t worry—we’ll never have to suffer”. Yet, the Word tells us that the whole world will be utterly destroyed, if it were not for a very few (remnant) set-apart ones. The Word talks quite a bit about nuclear

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holocaust in the last days. And my friends, much of what the pre-tribulation rapture teachers are teaching you to look for has either already happened, or won’t happen until Messiah comes, and we are much further along than they are telling you. You cannot understand end-times outside of their Hebraic context. Within the Hebrew context, we are shocked at how soon we are to see the final things occurring.

I close with these admonitions:

I John 2:15-17: “Do not love the world, or that which is in the world. If

anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Because all that is in the world –- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but the one doing the will of Elohim remains forever.”

James 4:4: “Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”.

I John 3:1-3: “Behold what love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of Elohim! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved ones, now we are children of Elohim. And it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, as He is pure”.

“The pure in heart shall see Elohim”. Matthew 5:8

“Without set-apartness, no one shall see Elohim”. Hebrews 12:14

II Peter 3:10-14: “But the day of Yahuweh shall come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up. Seeing that these are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought we to be in set-apart behavior and reverence, looking for and

hastening the coming of the day of Elohim, through which the heavens shall be destroyed, being set on fire, and the elements melt with intense heat. But according to His promise we wait for a renewed havens and a renewed earth in which righteousness dwells.”

If your heart (your treasure) is in this world, you will perish with the world. If your heart is with Him exclusively, as a Bride’s heart is with her Bridegroom whom she loves, then you will be prepared when He comes. We must remove all “idols of the heart”, so that we are not like Lot’s wife. “REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE! (Luke 17:32)

Please prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Downsize your life, simplify it, and set your priorities in His Word and in His presence. Get rid of sentimentality, and strengthen your spirit. Be obedient to His Covenant, and

learn how to know Him intimately. Get your house in order and your life in order. He is coming soon! But, as we learn from Genesis 1, the night comes first, and then comes the day. Dawn always follows night. Read the whole Word—don’t be fooled by rich false prophets who take your money for their

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books, tapes, and ministry expenses, and leave you with cotton candy filled with gravel to eat.

Love and shalom in Him,


January 23, 2006

NOTE: For a thoroughly documented study on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church, from its roots in Port Glasgow, and its deceptive teachings, I highly recommend the book: The Incredible Cover Up by Dave Mac Pherson. Amazon

shows a rating of 5-stars. You can get it through Amazon books for as little as under $5.00--paperback used. The vision of Margaret Mc Donald is also included in this book. Learn the truth and get out of deception! The Spirit of Yahuweh just about put this book into my hands Himself one day when I was in a bookstore. He wants us to know the truth so that we can prepare. The cover is off of the incredible cover up!

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See Appendix A below…


The Secret Rapture of the Church

When I first accepted Jesus as my personal savior, I believed in the secret rapture of the Church. The reason why I believed this teaching was because the good people at my church believed it. After all, they were the source of the life-changing message of salvation. I assumed that the Church always believed the secret rapture and that it was the only view. But I had made a commitment to Jesus and His Word, not a denomination or a minister. As I searched the Scriptures and talked with other Christians I learned something about the secret rapture teaching which prompted me to rethink this important doctrine. Have you ever wondered where this idea came from and why? I would like to share with you what I have learned. (The following narrative is not original but has been pieced together from many sources - books, pamphlets and Internet searches.)

During the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther and the other reformers used a system of prophetic interpretation called the Historicist Method. Basically it taught that the beast, of Revelation 14:9:

1. Was active in the past.

2. Is active in the present.

3. And would be active until Jesus' second coming.

The Catholic Church became concerned over the success of the Protestant Reformation. It began a Counter Reformation to meet the Protestant challenge. The Counsel of Trent (1545-63) was called and, in one of its first decrees, rejected the Protestant principle of "Scripture alone" as the foundation of all doctrine. The Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) helped reconvert large areas of Poland, Hungary, and southern Germany. Their method of operation was "subtle casuistry" a specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead. In 1558, after 19 years of preparation, a Jesuit priest named Ribera published a 500-page documentary on Futurism, which became the thrust of the Counter Reformation. In response to the Historicist method of Luther, Ribera taught that:

1. The beast with the mark was not active in the past.

2. It is not active in the present.

3. It would not be active until the "end of the age."

4. Revelation chapters 4-18 would not be fulfilled until the "end of the age."

5. The Jews would be converted at the "end of the age."

6. The Jews were the remnant who would encounter the beast and the antichrist.

Ribera was the first to teach that all the events in the book of Revelation were to take place literally during the three and a half years reign of the Antichrist way down at the end of the age. Later, Emmanuel Lacunza, also a Jesuit priest, built on Ribera's teachings. He wrote a book, "The Coming of Messiah in Glory and majesty." He used the assumed name of Rabbi Ben Ezra, supposedly a Jew who had accepted Christ. He taught the novel notion that Jesus returns not once, but twice, and at the "first stage" of His return he 'raptures" His Church so they can escape the reign of the "future Antichrist." This book was first published in Spanish in 1812. It was accepted in the Protestant world and even found its way onto the shelves of the Library of the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, England.

A leading figure of the Catholic Apostolic Church of England and a most eloquent preacher, Edward Irving, translated Lacunza's book into English in 1827. Irving heard what he believed to be a voice from heaven commanding him to preach the Secret Rapture of the Saints. He began to hold Bible conferences throughout Scotland, emphasizing the coming of Jesus to rapture His Church. The question remained as to when was the "end of the age." The answer came through Margaret McDonald, a member of the Plymouth Brethren Church, in the 1830s. While in a trance she supported Ribera's system of interpretation and added that an event called the secret rapture would mark the "end of the age."

John Nelson Darby, a fellow church member of McDonald, borrowed from her revelation. He modified her views and then taught them under his own name. He developed and organized "futurism" into a system of prophetic teaching called "dispensationalism" with the so-called secret rapture at its center. He passed his teachings along in later years to a friend named C. I. Scofield, a Congregationalist preacher. In the early1900s these notes were published in the Scofield Reference Bible, still used by many Protestants. They had a tremendous impact upon the beliefs of many. Three million copies were published in the first 50 years. Through this Bible, Scofield carried the teaching of the secret rapture into the very heart of Evangelism.

It began as a Roman Catholic invention. The Jesuit priest Ribera's writings influenced the Jesuit priest lacunza, lacunza influenced Irving, Irving influenced Darby, Darby influenced Scofield, Scofield and Darby influenced D.L. Moody and Moody influenced the Pentecostal Movement. The Assemblies of God, the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world, had no publishing house in the beginning. They bought their Sunday School study materials from the Moody Press.

Since the 1830s Ribera's system of prophetic interpretation has been making inroads into America. After World War II the Protestant churches adopted this teaching. Today it has almost universal acceptance, with movies and books dramatizing its end time ideas. So what's the big deal? Does it really matter?

What happened in Christ's day is an illustration of the danger in false prophetic interpretation. At that time there were two beliefs about the coming of the Messiah:

1. The minority believed that the messiah would suffer as the Lamb of God.

2. The majority believed that the messiah would reign in power on David's throne and break the Roman yoke.

Five hundred years before Jesus came; it didn't matter which view you held. In fact, even 50 years before He came, it didn't matter, but when Jesus actually came, it made all the difference in the world. People who held the wrong view were the ones who ended up crucifying the Son of God. Jesus said to this group: "Ye know not the time of your visitation." They were mixed up in their interpretation of prophecy. Obviously, being alert when prophecy is actually being fulfilled is a matter of life or death.

Because prophecy is being fulfilled today, we must make a very important decision. Which method of interpretation. concerning the Second Coming of Christ, will we accept?

1. Ribera's view (Futuristic) taught by the Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches today.

1. The secret rapture comes first.

2. Beast with his mark is future (after the rapture).

3. The Jews will be the commandment-keeping remnant of Revelation 12:17.


B. Luther's view (Historicist) - taught by the Protestant Reformers.

1. The beast with the mark is here now.

2. He is expanding his influence worldwide.

3. The remnant people are here now.

4. They keep the commandments and know what the mark of the beast and his image is.

5. They are Christians with a message for the end time (Revelation 14:6 - 12)

False teaching regarding the manner of Christ's Second Coming is a dangerous deception. It can prepare the way for unwitting support of the antichrist, and enforcement of the mark of the beast. They may say "We can't be enforcing the mark of the beast because it is a future event, after the secret rapture, which hasn't occurred yet." The Bible teaches that such a counterfeit coming will take place and that, "if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24:24. Will you be deceived? Or will you be like the Bereans who "searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so." Acts 17:11




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