Quiz Chapter 4: Physical and Cognitive Development in Infancy

Quiz Chapter 4: Pregnancy and Birth


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or

answers the question.

1. Heather is in her fifth week of pregnancy. At what stage of development is the child growing within her?

a. the natal stage

b. the zygote stage

c. the fetal stage

d. the embryonic stage

2. The process termed cellular differentiation, which takes place during the embryonic period, leads directly to the development of the

a. blastocyst and embryo.

b. amnion, chorion, and body stalk.

c. chorionic villi, placenta, and amniotic fluid.

d. ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

3. The nervous system begins to appear in the ________________ week.

a. second

b. third

c. sixth

d. seventh

4. During the __________________ month of prenatal development, the mother begins to feel movement from the fetus, which is now beginning to turn its head and push with its hands and feet.

a. third

b. fourth

c. fifth

d. sixth

5. Which of the following statements concerning fetal sensory ability is NOT correct?

a. The fetus responds to sound as early as the fifth month of development.

b. The fetus develops tactile responses as early as the third month.

c. The fetus has taste receptors, but demonstrates an aversion to sweet tastes.

d. The fetus demonstrates sensitivity to light beginning with the sixteenth week.

6. Which of the following is true of morning sickness?

a. It serves no purpose and is potentially damaging to the fetus.

b. It is really not very common and a majority of women do not suffer from it.

c. Women who experience morning sickness are significantly more likely to miscarriage.

d. Morning sickness is actually beneficial in that it protects the fetus and the mother from infection and dangerous chemicals.

7. As Abbie planned for her pregnancy, she was careful to stay away from pollutants,

chemicals, and infectious disesases that could cause fetal abnormalities. She is avoiding _______________.

a. developmental toxoplasmosis

b. neonatal threats

c. fetal poisons

d. teratogens

8. Toxoplasmosis is caused by a microorganism transmitted by many animals, especially

a. dogs.

b. birds.

c. rabbits.

d. cats.

9. At which point is it possible for a mother infected with AIDS to pass the virus on to her child?

a. during delivery

b. during pregnancy

c. while breast feeding

d. All of these are correct.

10. During the early 1960s, the drug __________________ was popular as an anti-nausea measure, but it led to children born with partial limbs or no limbs.

a. diethylstilbestrol (DES)

b. phencyclidine

c. darvon

d. thalidomide

11. Children born with alcohol-related birth defects have brains that do not function normally, which leads to certain problems such as poor time management and

a. single-mindedness.

b. reduced attention span.

c. overly aggressive behavior.

d. addictive behaviors.

12. Which fetal diagnostic technique is used to gather information about chromosomal abnormalities and provide information about the child’s sex?

a. amniocentesis

b. fetoscopy

c. chorionic villi sampling

d. alpha-fetoprotein test

13. Which of the following is part of stage one labor?

a. crowning

b. dilation

c. expulsion

d. afterbirth

14. Cindy felt “blue” for a week or so after she gave birth to her son. Her doctor assured her this was a normal part of pregnancy and birth for a lot of women. What is this condition called?

a. Leboyer syndrome

b. postpartum depression

c. Lamaze effect

d. natal dysthymia

15. When the baby cannot fit through the birth canal or if the attending physician feels the baby is in trouble and needs help, she or he will perform a

a. forceps delivery.

b. cesarean section.

c. Lamaze delivery

d. breech delivery.

16. When a baby is delivered feet first rather than head first, it is known as a

a. breech birth.

b. cesarean birth.

c. forceps delivery.

d. anoxic delivery.

17. If oxygen deprivation occurs during the birth process or after the umbilical cord is cut, this may cause the baby to suffer anoxia, which can lead to

a. pulmonary problems.

b. brain damage.

c. kidney and liver problems.

d. skeletal muscle damage.

18. If oxygen deprivation occurs during the birth process or after the umbilical cord is cut, this 105. A possible incompatibility between the blood types of mother and child is called

a. anoxia.

b. the Rh factor.

c. the Ph factor.

d. maternal discordance.

19. Lamaze’s childbirth strategy involves

a. a calmer environment to ease the shock of birth.

b. prepared childbirth focusing on relaxation procedures and breathing instructions.

c. home birth under the guidance of a midwife.

d. hospital birth with the assistance of an anesthesiologist.

20. Women who take fertility drugs to become pregnant and have had more than one child, may run the risk of having babies who

a. suffer from anoxia.

b. are born with Down syndrome.

c. are born prematurely.

d. suffer mild mental and growth retardation.


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