Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran ChurchMLC Meeting – 10/16/17AGENDAOpening devotion and prayerMinutes Previous month (Attachment I, page #2)Financial Report Previous month (Attachment II, page #4)Old BusinessMinistry TeamsYMT (Attachment III, page #9)CMT (Attachment IV, page #11)Stewardship (Attachment V, page #12)Trustees (Next meeting will be in new building) Task ForceDiscovering Our Future TogetherJim NordTSPBeckenhauer ConstructionLCEF/Frontier BankEagle DistributionNPSReportsBLM (Attachment VI, page #15)Voter’s meeting to approve loan September 30, October 1 (results)Yes - 286No - 8OtherNew BusinessVoter’s meeting2018 Budget (Attachment VII, page #16)Scope and cost of new constructionGround breakingCircuit 500 Reformation on November 5th Worship 3:00 at CLSDinner 5:00 at new buildingFall harvest dinner on the 28th of SeptemberFrank BrinkClosing prayer (Next meeting Monday November 20th at 5:30)(Attachment I-Last Minutes)Opening devotion and prayerThose present were: Pastor Lee Weander; Jason Doele; John Pile; Joe Cipra; Mike Wilke; Todd Mink; Dennis Beltz; Su Fisher; and Kent McCallumThose absent: Kyle KorthMinutes Previous month (Attachment I, page #2)A motion was made by Wilke to accept the minutes from the last meeting, seconded by Beltz, motion approved.Financial Report Previous month (Attachment II, page #4)-Pay off the new building on November 17th (Frontier Bank) -Close with the school system on September 28th -Motion was made to approve the Financial Report by Doele and seconded by Cipra. Motion approved.Old BusinessMinistry TeamsYMT (Attachment III, page #9)CMT (Attachment IV, page #10) – planned out, doing very wellStewardship (Attachment V, page #11) – New Stewardship team, strong team, meeting once a month to raise an additional $1 million.Trustees (Next meeting will be in new building) - meeting on maintenance and concerns for winter and getting ready for construction.Task ForceDiscovering Our Future TogetherJim NordMeeting 2nd Monday of the monthOpen to allTSP finishing up the design and specs. Getting closer to starting construction, final bids from contractors.TSPFinished Design Development phase New construction time line (Attachment VI, page #13)Beckenhauer ConstructionContinuing to develop GMPNeeds that appear to be outside of budget at this timeParkingSanctuary – No changeLCEFClosing Date (TBD) – finalizing documents to finish financing for bridge loan and start constructionDocuments being collectedBridge loan 1 million dollars +/- To be paid in full within 3 years of start (October 17, 2017)Long term loan 2.5 million dollars3.75% (5 year adjustable rate)20 year loanEagle DistributionWill vacate building on or before September 30th Truck wash building (mechanical wash equipment removed)Need to do a walk through in the bldg. with an Eagle Rep. to check for damage and problems, and document fixes, etc.NPSPurchase agreement (Attachment VII, page #14) – church lease and purchase agreement set. Sign and delivered on Sept. 28th. A few changes on leaseLease (Attachment VIII, page #19)Closing date September 28th Documents and material being collectedVoter’s meeting ReportsBLM (Attachment IX, page #23)OtherNew BusinessThank you – I just wanted to drop a quick note to tell you and all of Our Savior how grateful my family is for the tuition support for Alaina to attend Christ Lutheran. Without the support, we'd be unable to send her to a Lutheran school.? Thank you so much!?LCEF loanVoter’s meeting to approve loan September 30, October 1MLC vote to approve loan - $3,520,515 – Beltz made a motion to approve, seconded by Cipra. Motion approved.Circuit 500 Reformation on November 5th Worship 3:00 at CLSDinner 5:00 at new buildingFall harvest dinner on the 28th of October -Frank Brink - A motion was made by Doele on Pastor Brink’s salary to be $350 per month, retroactive to January 2017, seconded by Cipra. Motion approved unamiously.Closing prayer (Next meeting Monday October 16th at 5:30)Respectfully submitted,John PileSecretary (Attachment II-Last Month’s Financials)(Attachment III-YMT)MLC October 2017 Family Life -2yr old -18years olds Members and Visitors989 = 2yr old – 12th Grade in system 1272 = 0yr old – 12th Grade in the system 188 = 9th-12th graders in the system118 = 7th and 8th graders in the system Weekly Average Attendance XOS = 126Weekly Average Attendance Youth Ministry (Conf, Jr and Sr high) = 284Baptism Follow up As a way to connect families after their child’s baptism Trish, Christine and the Pastors have begun to start by celebrating with the families through a postcard, more ideas have been discussed as well. Postcard from Baptizing pastor 1-2 weeks following baptismHappy Baptism Birthday postcard sent from one of the ministry staff beginning of the month to all 1 year baptisms (children and adults) PCE 2017- 2018 year 57 kids for CLS and 16 for LHNEYouth Ministry Transform 3:18 - School Year Activities: Jr High Sundays 9:15-10:15 3 main leaders, 1 AID20 in attendance first two weeks Sr High Sun 9:15-10:15 4 main leaders – 1 AidExpect 20 youth first two weeksHigh Small Groups Wednesdays 7:45-9:00pm 4 groups this year, 30-40 people a weekMoved to Family Life Center and added Worship; space was needed, allows for better fellowship time and teaching with worship addedConfirmation – 76 youth total in 1st and 2nd year class41 Confirmands meet September 13-Oct 4 4 times class and small groups, interviews, the Rite of Confirmation October 29 Evaluation: Sound and space in room not effective for teaching 40 people. Next year add parent and youth meeting in August to spend September on topics not collecting papersFundraisers – September begins Donuts, Pies October, Envelopes Spring, Lenten Meals SpringMilestones – Confirmation October 29Keychains sophomore November 12 Graduates May - date TBDEvents – October 22nd 6-8pm Fall Event – Jr and Sr HighNovember 29th Sr High Vets HomeNovember District SR Youth Gathering – November 17-19December 3rd Cookie Delivery – Jr and Sr highJanuary 19-20 lock in – Jr and Sr HighFebruary Sr high Vets HomeMarch UNL service Sunday – Jr and Sr HighMarch 16-17 Confirmation Retreat (with Mt Olive, Grace and Christ Lutheran)Youth Ministry SUMMER 2018Mexico Mission Trip –July 20-27 2018LVR Colorado Trip –July 21-28 2018Girls Book Club – 7th-12th grade girls, Wild Wednesdays –every Wednesday events , Sr High Bonfires – Every Sunday Goals?(Attachment IV-CMT) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY- Trish WeanderMLC UPDATENOVEMBERXOS, Xplore Our Savior Sunday school Theme verse for the year “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” –Psalm 139-16 Offering plans collect quarters a continuation of the 3 year Point Me CampaignCHILDREN’S MINISTRY STATS 540 Two Yr Old-Grade Six Baptized Members in system55 Two Yr Old-Grade Six Non-members in systemVOLUNTEERS96 Volunteers 4 more needed, encourage those you come into contact with by sharing the highlights you may have experienced with Children’s Ministry CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM (Children’s Ministry Board of Director’s) Meets first Tuesday of monthMeetings include looking at past, present and future plans for kids at OSL8 MembersCMT and myself will begin going to New Member Class and possibly Baptism meetings to connect with parents of Two Year Olds-Grade SixCHURCH SERVICE INVOLVEMENTOct 22 XOS SingsNov 24 XOS Sings at Reformation Service ROOM 56 EXPANSIONOct Fall Activity Hayrack Ride and BonfireCALENDAROCT3 Children’s Ministry Team Meeting22 XOS Sings24 RM 56 Fall Event Hayrack Ride and Bonfire29 Christmas Program, Nativity Pageant, practices beginNOV5 XOS Sings at Reformation Service5, 12, 19, 26 Christmas Program Practice BUILDING TEAMSCHILDREN’S MINISTRY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN TEAM where we will save quarters, create coloring pages, bulletin boards, Point Me arrows, Point Me Pledge Collection arrow, rhymes, chants, songs, and devotions to encourage ownership of our new church within families of young children (1/2 of the congregation)? (Nancy Schulz, Paula Gascoign, Georgette Sweeney)CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ARCHITECT TEAM work with architects to create new Children’s Ministry Wing (Jacob Kooi, Sara Barritt, Niki Petersen, Bobby Sweeney, Wendy Signor)DESIGN TEAM brainstorm how to decorate the new Children’s Ministry Wing with themes for each age group (2 Yr Old/Parenting, NPK, 1-4 and RM 56)? (Niki Petersen, Cori Kolmar, Traci Vauble, Erica Pilger, Jacob Kooi, Bobby Sweeney, Wendy Signor, Rebecca Munson)PRAYER TEAM pray over our Children’s Ministry, our teams, and this transition.? Send prayer notes to team members via text, email and snail mail.? Periodically attend Team meetings to lead us in prayer. (Carrie Gladden)MOVE TEAM plan and conquer the move of Children’s Ministry from one campus to the next (Jake & Robin Clausen & family, Bob & Mary McCormick, John & Kandi Pile, Chris & Kami Merkel & family, Eric & Sandi VanDriel & family, Tom & Andrea McGregor & family, Carmen Wolfe)CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CONSULTANT TEAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS meet with Jim Nord and will continue on this team as Children’s Ministry representatives (Eric Neemeyer, Wendy Signor, Nancy Schulz, Mark Clausen, Susan Macklin, Barb Carstens, Niki Petersen and Vanessa Sharp)(Attachment V-Stewardship)Our Savior Lutheran ChurchStewardship/Point Me Follow up AGENDA – 09/25/17Old BusinessPrevious month’s minutesTeam members-Joe Cipra-Brian Lewin-Skip Wingate-Ron Stauffer-Ben Conover-Troy Strom-Colleen Beltz-RJ Gall-Ryan Kimes-Steve Kimes-Roger Feuerbacher-Matt Sharp-Chuck OlsenOtherNew BusinessOfficersChairmanSecretaryGoalsOngoing Sunday to Sunday stewardshipBulletin (handout)Weekly publication of information – Contact communications team from point me campaign to see if they would be willing to assemble this on a monthly basis.Stewardship of TimeIn worshipCommunedBible StudySunday School/StaffOur Stewardship of Gifts – Troy will offer up a place to startReceivedDebt to retireAmount towards past debtStewardship CampaignCampaign GoalRec’d towards committed goal Amount paid out on projectAmount borrowed on projectFollow-up on the “Point Me” campaign – Work on secondary campaign focus on 140 family units who have supported OSL in 2017 and have not yet filled out a pledge card for the Point Me campaign“Relaunch” campaign November of 2017Other – LCEF demographic studyClosing prayer Next meeting October 23 at 7:00 pmStewardship TeamAugust 28, 2017MinutesSunday to SundayPublish – offering & expense every week – yearly shortPublish – “Point Me” numbersNewsletter or bulletinAdvertise online giving, help people sign upFinancial training for membersTell storiesMinistry itemsPersonal storiesPublish Data – Need a monthly progress reportFinancial planningQuarterly statementPoint meQuarterly Statement/NewsletterEducate people on how to get involvedRevisit pledges at 6 months or ground breakingInform $1.5 mil short (phase II)On ramp for new membersOn ramp for members who are not inAlternate pledge waysForms of giving stock (form)Pastor Lee – pastorlee@Joe Cipra - joe.cipra@; joesgreat8@Ron Stauffer – lakefun135@Colleen Beltz – ckbeltz@Steve Kimes - stevenkimes@Brian Lewin – bklewin@Ben Conover – bconover@RJ Gall - rgall@agri-Roger Feuerbacher - rcfeuer@Skip Wingate - skipwingate@Troy Strom – stromy5@; troy.strom@Ryan Kimes - ryankimes@; rkimes@ft.Matt Sharp - sharps@Chuck Olsen – chuck@(Attachment VI-BLM)Our Savior Lutheran ChurchBLM Meeting – 10/2/2017Meeting Minutes7:00 pm – Devotion & Prayer500, Reformation series.Minutes From Previous Meeting: Brandon motioned, Dale second. carriedOld BusinessPastor Talk:Pastor Lee: Kenny’s in college. Isaac had Homecoming. Trish doing good. New building coming along.Pastor Ryan: Home sickPastor Frank Favre: MIA, feeling better.MLC Report:Not much to report.Building:Building is sold and we are just renting. Took possession of new building last Friday. End of October should have final price. Priority list for the building.Talked about the building process.Members are able to do gift in kind.Kinda went over the numbers and what the estimates are.Next month we will know better numbers, and how we get the Traditional sanctuary done.Traditional is here to stay.Parking is essential also.Member CareBlue sheets and gift bags at the entrances for visitors.New BusinessVote was about 276 yes, to 8 nos.Review worship times next month.Christmas, Sunday is Eve, Monday is Christmas Day. Went over a quick schedule. Checking what the other Churches are also doing on that Sunday.Confirmation at LHNE Oct 29th, 10:30 am. Along with our other services. Setup the night before.Traditional Communion, stick to the normal way, east side clockwise, west side counter clockwise.BLM Present:P Lee, Clint B, John G, Dale C, Steve K, Bob Mc, Brandon M, Steve F, Perry M, Scott C, Jim D, Alan S, Rick B, Monday Nov 6th, next meeting.Adjourn 9:00 pm, Lord’s Prayer.(Attachment VII-LCMS) ................

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