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9.00 – 9.30 |

9.30 -10.30


10.30 – 10.45





11.00 – 12.00




1.00 |

1.00 – 1.55 |

1.55 – 2.50 |



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|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Literacy -

To explore punctuating speech

In this lesson, we will explore punctuating speech first sentences. We will also consider how we can select vocabulary to make our speech sentences more precise for our reader.


Escape the wind farm

Using the set of clues related to our topic of electricity, find the missing code needed to escape the wind farm.


Maths- adding Fraction models

|LUNCH |1.00 pm Feedback for Science (discussion of missing code)

Spellings – To revise the spelling of words ending in –cial

Work through the PowerPoint, writing down your own sentences from the spinner, and then complete the word jumble worksheet |

2.20-2.50 P.E with Mr Parkinson. Ensure that you are dressed appropriately to complete a physical task. Invitation link will be sent out separately. |Reading for enjoyment: remember to record in your records | |


|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Grammar – continued practice

To learn how to use the colon in a sentence

Read through the PowerPoint which reinforces how to use colons within a sentence. Complete the worksheets, and then check your answers which are provided. (Grammar worksheets: Colons 1-3)

|Literacy – To develop our understanding of punctuating speech

In this lesson, we will develop our understanding of punctuating speech by learning about speech second sentences. We will then apply our knowledge of writing speech sentences by adding these to our character description.

| |Maths – To add fractions with denominators that are multiples of the same number.

| |1.00 pm Virtual input for History (if needed)

Topic – History

LO: To find out about different punishment methods that were popular during the Tudor period.

Work through the PowerPoint and study the ‘Guess the Tudor object’ provided on the worksheets. Annotate the sheets with your responses to –

• What questions do you have about this?

• What do you think it was used for?

Then finally, write your responses to the questions which helps you analyse and compare the Tudor Justice System with previous eras. (use information provided within the slides, your own reactions or even research in to the topic further) | | |


|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Literacy – Deduction ‘Who stole the missing painting?’

It’s time to step into Detective Dunnit’s shoes and solve the case of missing painting. When you have read through the text, make a note of each suspect in the table below. Then, make a note of their alibi. Think about where they said that they were at the time of the crime and what they said that they were doing. |Grammar –

To learn how to use the semi-colon in a sentence

Read through the Powerpoint which reinforces how to use semi-colons within a sentence. Complete the worksheets, and then check your answers which are provided. (Grammar worksheets: Semi-Colons 1-3)

| |Maths – To subtract fractions with denominators that are multiples of the same number.

| |1.00 pm Virtual input for Art (if needed)

Art and design – Art

LO: To explore how lines and fonts can express ideas.

Look through the PowerPoint which analyses how lines and fonts can express ideas. You will be introduced to Keith Haring’s work and how his impressions of different sounds, emotions and

movements were conveyed through the lines he used in his work.

Task 1: Use Worksheet 3A to write words or short phrases about yourself. What makes you unique?

What hobbies do you have? Which people are important to you? Is there anything from your culture which makes you special?

Task 2: Use the words you have generated about yourself to make an outline of yourself to create a calligram. You can follow the steps on the Challenge Cards to support the process. Try varying the size and font you are using to write the words. You can also experiment with different pressures and thickness of you writing too.

| | |Thursday |Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required


Building Tension and suspense.

Read through the short extract of ‘The curse of Cogston House.’ Using different coloured pencils, highlight the different features used to help create tension and suspense. |Times table Rockstars

(If you need a reminder of your password, please email me on the Badger email address and I will forward it to you) | |Maths – To add and subtract fractions reasoning problems

| |Welfare Calls (This will not apply to all children)

ICT – E-safety

Lo: I can find similarities and differences between bullying and cyberbullying.

I can identify good strategies to deal with cyberbullying.

Read through the PowerPoint, and then complete the sheet which looks at cyberbullying.

| | |Friday |Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Literacy- online/paper based task

Details will follow.

|Punctuation exercises - online/paper based task

Details will follow.

| |11.00 – Virtual input session to French

Details will follow.

| |Review of the week and Celebration assembly

Year 5 – 1.00 – 1.25

Year 6 – 1.35 – 2.00 |

Mathletics session

| | |

The sessions in red are a virtual opportunity to meet. These are obviously not compulsory, but your child may find them beneficial. Links to your email will be sent prior to each session that your child is invited to. Please do contact me if there are any problems. The Badger class email is your first port of call if you or your child require any assistance. I will be looking at emails regularly throughout the day, and will aim to respond asap.

Although virtual session will need to remain static, the timings and order of other tasks are only a guide. Work will be available on the class website each week, and I will contact you to let you know when it has been updated. Different work schedules may be more fitting with your family and this is fine.

In terms of feedback, each group will have a designated virtual feedback time. During this session, we will discuss work that they may have completed that day, or pieces of work that they feel particularly proud of. I will also aim to address any misconceptions or difficulties that may have arose. However, you are also more than welcome to forward examples or photographs of work or activities completed at home, via our class email. For these I will aim to respond and if appropriate, give next steps. I can also award ‘Marvellous Me’ badges or celebration awards for work that has been completed well. These images and notes may also be forwarded on to Mr Creasey, who may use these on our fortnightly newsletters to share our home learning with others. If you do not wish these to be forwarded, and would prefer them to be only viewed by myself or Mr Gooch, please ensure that you note this on the email.

On Thursday afternoons, I will be carrying out welfare calls. If you require a call, please email me and I will endeavour to call you. Please note that the number may be withheld.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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