SCHEME OF WORK – an overview

Scheme of Work – English as a Second Language Stage 4


This scheme of work is based on a 12 week term, with each module being covered in 4 weeks. Each unit should, therefore, be covered in 2 weeks based on the provision of 5–6 hours of classroom English per week.

|TERM 1 |TERM 2 |TERM 3 |

|Module 1A: Me and Others |Module 2A: Public Places |Module 3A: Far Away |

|Unit 1 Family and Friends |Unit 7 Around Town |Unit 13 Food around the World |

|Unit 2 Routines |Unit 8 Landmarks and Museums |Unit 14 Australia |

|Module 1B: For Fun |Module 2B: Getting There |Module 3B: Physical World |

|Unit 3 Cartoons and Comics |Unit 9 Going Places |Unit 15 Body and Movement |

|Unit 4 Only a Game |Unit 10 Finding your Way |Unit 16 All about Animals |

|Module 1C: Different Times |Module 2C: Stuff |Module 3C: Another Year |

|Unit 5 All in a Week |Unit 11 At the Shops |Unit 17 In or Out |

|Unit 6 Day and Night |Unit 12 What are Things Made Of? |Unit 18 End of Our Year |

Module 1A: Me and Others

Unit 1: Family and Friends

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Ug10 |Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a | | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| |when writing independently | | | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about when you send cards and messages to |Worksheet: Have you ever sent ….. | |100–120 minutes |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |family and special friends. |[tick/X] | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading different cards and messages | | | |

|4Rm1 |of short simple texts on general and curricular | |Multiple-matching tasks | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use basic quantitative pronouns some, any, |Focusing on use of quantitative pronouns | | | |

| |something, nothing anything on a limited range of| |Worksheet: completing missing pronouns | | |

|4Ut5 |general and curricular topics | |in message extracts e.g. | | |

| | | |I have lots of comics. Do you want ___ | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence |Talking about short greetings and responses. |? | | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing | | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |Worksheet: matching/finding responses | | |

|4S4 | | |to what others say | | |

| |Use with some support appropriate layout at text |Writing and replying to short cards messages/notes| | | |

| |level for a limited range of written genres on | |Guided writing prompts for different | | |

| |familiar general and curricular topics | |scenarios | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Wo3 | | | | | |

|4Ld2 |Deduce meaning from context in short, supported |Listening to the problems that different friends |Multiple –matching | |100 -120 |

| |talk on an increasing range of general and |are having. |Which friend needs | |minutes |

| |curricular topics | |- to see a friendly face | | |

| | | |- to rest | | |

| |Use common verbs followed by infinitive | |- someone to help etc. | | |

|4Ut6 |verb/verb + ing patterns use infinitive of |Focusing on verb + infinitive and verb + ing | | | |

| |purpose on a limited range of general and |patterns e.g. like, enjoy, prefer, I’d like |Worksheet completion, matching and | | |

| |curricular topics | |dialogue building tasks | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Provide basic information about themselves and | | | | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range |Talking about what you enjoy doing with friends |Worksheet: activity ranking | | |

|4S1 |of general topics | |enjoy ....don’t like so much | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Ask questions to find out general information on | | | | |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular |Asking about the best place to go – learners | | | |

| |topics |mingle and exchange information. |Worksheet: name best place to go | | |

|4S2 | | |swimming/for an ice-cream to eat out | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence |Guessing what someone is doing in a game of |etc. | | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing |‘charades’ | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |Individual learner charade cards: e.g. | | |

|4S4 | | |skateboarding in the park, eating in a |Divide class into teams and | |

| | | |fast food restaurant |keep scores | |

|4Rd2 |Understand with little or no support specific |Reading short texts about what young people are | | |100-120 |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts |good at |Multiple-matching and yes/ no/doesn’t | |minutes |

| | | |say task | | |

| |Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer | | | | |

|R4g3 |in short texts on an increasing range of general |Focusing on asking tag questions | | | |

| |and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use questions, including tag questions to seek | | | | |

| |agreement, and clarify on a limited range of | | | | |

|4Ut3 |general and curricular topics |Asking about learners’ talents |Worksheet: matching, completing tasks | | |

| | |You’re a good musician, aren’t you? | | | |

| |Ask questions to find out general information on |around the class. | | | |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | |Worksheet: put the name of the person | | |

| |topics | |in the class who you think can break | | |

|4S2 | | |dance/ | | |

| |Write with support factual and imaginative | |is a good skateboarder/ | | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| |is a musician etc. | | |

| |places and objects | | | | |

|4Wc1 | |Writing an e-mail to a friend introducing another | | | |

| | |member of class |Guided writing template | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ld4 |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |Listening to instructions on how to make a hand | |Bring puppet making materials|40–60 minutes |

| |instructions |puppet of themselves | |display opportunity | |

| | | | |and opportunity to use | |

|4S1 |Provide basic information about themselves and |Sharing information about themselves in a mingling| |puppets in future | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range |activity using the puppets |Worksheet completion: |communication tasks | |

| |of general topics | |My full name is … | | |

| | | |I look … | | |

| | | |I’m good at … | | |

Module 1A: Me and Others

Unit 2: Routines

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rd2 |Understand with little or no support specific |Reading about the routines of two well-known |Multiple-matching/fact or opinion tasks| |100-120 minutes |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts |people | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Recognise the difference between fact and opinion| | | | |

|4Rd1 |in short, simple texts on an increasing range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use quantifiers many much , a lot of ,a few | | | | |

| |use determiners including any no each every on | | | | |

|4Uf1 |a limited range of general and curricular topics |Focusing on determiners and quantifiers in talking|Worksheet: multiple-choice/text | | |

| | |about routine activity |completion tasks | | |

| |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level | | | | |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand with little or no support specific |Talking about how much/how little/how often you do|Worksheet : | | |

|4S6 |information and detail in short, simple texts |things |I have fizzy drinks _____ | | |

| | | |I watch TV ____ |If ‘internet’ guide to | |

| | | | |primary sites | |

| | |Reading short texts or doing internet research |Worksheet : table completion | | |

|4Rd2 | |about average children statistics | |Possible display | |

| | | |Chart showing averages learners put |[possible activity using | |

| | | |names on, below or above the line |personal puppets from | |

| | | | |previous unit] | |

|4Ug2 |Use a growing range of common noun phrases |Focusing on time and location |Worksheet: sentence matching and text | |100–120 |

| |describing times and location, on a limited range|noun phrases |completion tasks. | |minutes |

| |of general and curricular topics | |at lunchtime at break after lunch in| | |

| | | |the playground etc. | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | | | | |

|4Ld1 |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |Listening to pupils from another country describe|Grid completion/multiple-matching tasks| | |

| |familiar topics |their school routine | | | |

| | | |Worksheet relating to previous | | |

| |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a | |listening | | |

| |growing range of general and curricular topics |Talking about what is the same/different in our |same/different | | |

|4S7 | |school |start of the day | | |

| |Write with support a sequence of short sentences | |clothes/music/lunch etc. | | |

| |in a paragraph on a limited range of general and | | | | |

| |curricular topics |Writing a description of school routine in an |Guided writing template | | |

|4Wa2 | |e-mail to send to pen pal in a school in another | | | |

| | |country | | | |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about when your routine changes |Worksheet: learners match routine | |100–120 minutes |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |changes to incomplete reasons e.g. | | |

| | |Learners then discuss in pairs another reason why |There’s no school – | | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of written |the routine might change. Then read this out and|There’s snow | | |

|4Wa3 |work across the curriculum with some speed and |other groups guess which routine they mean |There’s no TV – | | |

| |fluency | |It’s broken | | |

| | |Listening to voicemails about changes in plan | | | |

| |Understand the main points of supported extended | | | | |

| |talk on a range of general and curricular topics| |Multiple-matching tasks | | |

|4Lm1 | |Improving punctuation and correcting a poorly | | | |

| |Punctuate written work at text level on a limited|written | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics with some | | | | |

| |accuracy when writing independently | |Short text to be corrected | | |

|4Wo2 | | | | | |

| |Use with some support appropriate layout at text | | | | |

| |level for a limited range of written genres on |Writing a short note to your teacher explaining a | | | |

| |familiar general and curricular topics |change | | | |

| | | |Guided writing template | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Wo3 | | | | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to family members, friends and |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|daily and school routines and a range of module learning objectives |speaking and writing tasks | | |

Module 1B: For Fun

Unit 3: Cartoons and Comics

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Lo1 |Recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in |Listening to narrated events in a comic strip|Comic strip with speech bubbles | |100–120 |

| |basic, supported talk on an increasing | |missing. Learners match speech to | |minutes |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |bubbles in line with events they | | |

| | | |hear. | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including | | | | |

|4Lg1 |some extended talk, on an increasing range |Listening and ordering a comic strip sequence|A jumbled comic strip sequence | | |

| |of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | |Individual comic strip pictures. | | |

| |Use past continuous forms for background | |What were the other people doing ? | | |

| |actions on a limited range of general and | | | | |

| |curricular topics |Focusing on past continuous forms to talk |Worksheet: completing and matching | | |

|4Uf8 | |about background actions |tasks. [main events /background | | |

| |Read with some support an increasing range | |actions] | | |

| |of short fiction and non-fiction texts with| | | | |

| |confidence read with and enjoyment |Reading and ordering a jumbled comic story |Worksheet :jumbled lines to order | | |

| | |opening sequence | | | |

| |Use with some support appropriate layout at| | | | |

|4Rg2 |text level for a limited range of written | |Each group of learners gets one or | | |

| |genres on familiar general and curricular | |two subsequent images to describe | | |

| |topics |Writing a short section of a comic strip |from story in previous activity | | |

| | |story | |possible display opportunity | |

| | | |Guided writing : question prompts | | |

|4Wo3 | | | | | |

|4Lg1 |Understand supported narratives, including |Listening to the openings of well-known |Worksheet: | |100–120 |

| |some extended talk, on an increasing range |fairytales and matching them to the stories |Hansel and Gretel/Ali Baba | |minutes |

| |of general and curricular topics | |Goldilocks and the Three Bears /Snow | | |

| | | |White etc. | | |

| |Relate basic stories and events on a range |Telling other learners who do not know them | | | |

|4S8 |of general and curricular topics |the stories | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: prompt with book covers | | |

| |Use defining relative clauses with which |Focusing on relative clauses | | | |

| |who that where to give details on a | | | | |

|4Ut11 |limited range of general and curricular |Writing down relative sentences in a |Matching and completion tasks. e.g. | | |

| |topics |fairytale quiz |That’s the house where the dwarves |Project various iconic items from | |

| | | |lived. |the stories. | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of | | |half-eaten apple | |

| |written work across the curriculum with | | |mirror | |

| |some speed and fluency |In teams learners write down answers to | |large jars | |

|4Wa3 | |projected prompts. | |broken chair etc. | |

| | |e.g. Those are the jars where the thieves | | | |

| | |hid. | | | |

|4Lg2 |Identify rhymes and repetition |Listening to and talking about words that |Worksheet: Find a word that rhymes | |80–100 |

| | |rhyme |with : | |minutes |

|4Rg1 |Recognise, identify and sound with some | |cat/mouse/dog etc. | | |

| |support a range of language at text level |Reading a rhyming Reader story e.g. Peter Pan| | | |

| | |or the Wizard of Oz and learning to recite |Worksheet: Find a word that rhymes | | |

| | |certain sections |with hair that ends -ear | | |

| | | | |Project/reveal lines | |

| | |Show animated clips from film and have groups|Worksheet or projection of lines to |one at a time | |

| | |of learners recite memorised passages over |remember, complete, rhyme anagrams to| | |

| | |them |solve | | |

|4S8 |Relate basic stories and events on a range |Talking about which characters are from which|Worksheet: jumbled images of | |40–60 |

| |of general and curricular topics |story |characters from five or six well | |minutes |

| | | |known stories | | |

| |Use simple perfect forms of common verbs to| | | | |

|4Uf2 |express what has happened [indefinite time]|Focusing on the Perfect form to talk about |Worksheet: images characters from | | |

| | |what’s just happened |above stories e.g. Pinnochio, [nose | | |

| | | |grown] | | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of | |Cinderella [hopping] | | |

| |written work across the curriculum with | |Pinnochio has just ____ |Project descriptions e.g. Oh look | |

|4Wa3 |some speed and fluency |Writing down what’s just happened in a story |Cinderella has just ___ etc. |there’s a royal coach outside. | |

| | |e.g. The Prince has just arrived. | |[Cinderella] | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |play in teams/keep scores | |

Module 1B: For Fun

Unit 4: Only a Game

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rf1 |Read and follow with limited support |Reading instructions for an unfamiliar board |Set of instructions and board game |Bring dice/counters etc. to class |100–120 |

| |familiar instructions for classroom |game [e.g. snakes and ladders] and learning | | |minutes |

| |activities |how to play | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ld1 |Understand most specific information and |Listening and plotting on a game of snakes |Snakes and ladders board | | |

| |detail of short, supported talk on a wide |and ladders where players end up | | | |

| |range of familiar topics | | | | |

| | |Focusing on the use of zero conditional to | | | |

| |Use if clauses (in zero conditionals |talk about rules |Worksheet: completion task rules of |Pre-teach the names of cards Ace, | |

|4Uf11 | | |card game |Queen, Jack etc. | |

| |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges |Talking about how to play the game Pontoon |21/pontoon | | |

| |on a growing range of general and |while playing | |Bring sets of cards to class | |

|4S7 |curricular topics | |If you have an ACE, it counts as 11. | | |

| | | |If your total is more than 21, you |Pre-teach words twist/stick/bust | |

| | | |lose. | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing|Reading short texts about playground games in|Multiple-matching, yes no doesn’t say| |140–160 |

| |range of short simple texts on general and |different countries. |tasks | |minutes |

| |curricular topics by using contextual clues| | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Identify rhymes and repetition | | | | |

| | |Listening and completing different skipping | | | |

|4Lg2 |Punctuate written work at text level on a |rhymes | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular | |Text completion tasks | | |

|4Wo2 |topics with some accuracy when writing |Punctuating unpunctuated skipping rhymes | | | |

| |independently | | |Bring rope for skipping | |

| | | | | | |

| |Relate basic stories and events on a range | |e.g. Tarzan’s underwear, | | |

| |of general and curricular topics |Chanting skipping rhymes while the classmates|Peas with honey | | |

| | |skip | | | |

|4S8 |Write with support a sequence of short | | | | |

| |sentences in a paragraph on a limited range| | | | |

| |of general and curricular topics |Writing an e-mail to friend telling them | | | |

| | |about a new game you have learnt. | | | |

|4Wa2 | | |Guided writing template | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Display opportunity | |

| | | | |[perhaps part of larger games | |

| | | | |display] | |

|4Rf1 |Read and follow with limited support |Reading and following instructions for how to|String, tape and marbles to arrange |Bring string, tape and |100–120 |

| |familiar instructions for classroom |begin a game of marbles | |marbles to class |minutes |

| |activities |[Ringer] | | | |

| | | | |Images of how playing area should | |

|4Ut8 |Use conjunctions so, if, when , where, |Focusing on conjunctions |Worksheet : complete summary of basic|look to project | |

| |before, after to link parts of sentences | |rules of game with conjunctions | | |

| |on a limited range of general and | | | | |

| |curricular topics | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: matching language that | | |

| |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence |Talking about the language of games |means the same thing e.g. | | |

|4S6 |level during, pair, group and whole class | |I didn’t win/I lost. | | |

| |exchanges | |Whose turn is it?/Who goes next? | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at |Playing ‘ringer’ and talking about turns and | | | |

| |sentence level to unexpected comments on an|rules | | | |

|4S4 |increasing range of general and curricular | | | | |

| |topics | | | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to cartoon and comic stories and |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|characters, games and rules of play and a range of module learning |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|objectives | | | |

Module 1C: Different Times

Unit 5: All in a Week

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about adjectives that describe feelings |Worksheet: matching adjectives to | |100–120 |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |feeling sketc.hes/faces | |minutes |

| | | | | | |

| |Use make somebody/something + adjective on a |Focusing on make somebody/something + adjective |Worksheet: Name something that makes | | |

|4Ug5 |limited range of general and curricular topics |structure |you sleepy etc. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Provide basic information about themselves and | | | | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range | | | | |

|4S1 |of general topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | |Worksheet: multiple-choice image task. | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of | |circle the amount/number that’s good | | |

| |familiar topics |Listening to a nurse talking about staying healthy|for you | | |

|4Ld1 | |[how much of something per week |e.g. fizzy drinks/ vegetables/sweets | | |

| |Use with some support familiar paper and digital |is good/OK] |etc. | | |

| |reference resources to check meaning and extend | | | | |

| |understanding | |Research cards for different groups | | |

| | |Researching on-line how much |e.g. sleep, salt, | | |

|4Rd3 |Understand with little or no support specific |of something you need |water etc. with specific questions to | | |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts | |answer | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of written | | | | |

| |work across the curriculum with some speed and | | | | |

|4Rd2 |fluency | |Poster template | | |

| | |Making a good for/not good for you poster | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Wa3 | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading descriptions of different TV programmes |Multiple-matching and check the meaning| |110–130 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |and matching them to type of programme |of the highlighted words tasks | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use with some support familiar paper and digital | | | | |

|4Rd3 |reference resources to check meaning and extend | | | | |

| |understanding | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use pronouns some, any, something, nothing | | | | |

| |anything on a limited range of general and |Focusing on pronouns something, nothing, anything| | | |

|4Ut5 |curricular topics | |Worksheet: question completion | | |

| | | |Do you watch ___ every day? | | |

| |Ask questions to find out general information on | |Is there ___ you always watch with your| | |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | |parents? | | |

| |topics |Talking about your typical TV viewing week. | | | |

|4S2 |Provide basic information about themselves and |Learners ask and answer questions about their |A TV week grid/ schedule to complete. | | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range |schedules. | | | |

| |of general topics | | | | |

|4S1 | | | | | |

| |Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a | | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| |when writing independently |Writing a description of a well-known TV | | | |

| | |programme. | | | |

|4Ug10 |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a|Learners write down eight facts about a programme | | | |

| |range of language at text level |in groups of three. They read these out one | |Keep scores winning points | |

| | |at a time. |Encourage learners to use reading texts|for correct guesses /losing | |

| |Link with some support sentences into a coherent | |above as a guide |them for incorrect ones | |

| |paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on | | | | |

|4Rg1 |a limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | |Writing out and ordering facts into a whole | | | |

| | |descriptive paragraph for display | | | |

| | | | |Display opportunity | |

|4Wo1 | | | | | |

|4Ut2 |Use determiners including any, no, each, every on|Focusing on the use of determiners any, no, each,|Worksheet: completion tasks | |100–120 |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics |every |John watches three hours of TV ___ | |minutes |

| | | |night. How much does he watch ___ week?|Learners note down mental | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | | |arithmetic answers | |

|4Ld1 |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |Listening and working out ‘weekly’ problems | | | |

| |familiar topics | | | | |

Module 1C: Different Times

Unit 6: Day and Night

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about what ‘lights’ in the dark are for |Worksheet: images of | |100–120 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges | |torch, lighthouse, bicycle lights, | |minutes |

| | | |candles, fireflies, runway lights, | | |

| |Use infinitive of purpose | |street lights | | |

|4Ut7 | | |life-vest lights, police siren lights | | |

| |Use conjunction so…. to link parts of sentences |Focusing on the use of the infinitive of | | | |

|4Ut8 |on a limited range of general and curricular |purpose/conjunction ‘so’ |Worksheet: completion and matching | | |

| |topics | |tasks | | |

| | | |e.g. so cars can see you | | |

| |Recognise the difference between fact and opinion|Reading about ‘fireflies’ | | | |

|4Rd1 | | | | | |

| | | |table completion | | |

| |Understand with little or no support specific | |yes, no, doesn’t say task | | |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts on | | | | |

|4Rd2 |an increasing range of general and curricular | | | | |

| |topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some | | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general | | | | |

| |and curricular topics |Listening to the song Fireflies |Worksheet: lyric completion | | |

|4Lg1 | |by Owl City |e.g. earth turns stay awake fall |Pre-teach some words e.g. fox| |

| | | |asleep |trot, insomniac | |

| | | |Worksheet: chorus to sing along to. | | |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about day and night animals |Worksheet: Which animals come out at | |100–120 minutes |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |night? | | |

| | | |Bees, rats, chickens, cows, foxes, | | |

| |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level | |bats, owls, mice, pigeons etc. | | |

|4S6 |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |Talking about which animals you hear in the night | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: owls, mosquitoes, cockerels| | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some | | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general |Listening to the first part of a night-time story:|wolves, ducks etc. . |Perhaps use the abridged | |

|4Lg1 |and curricular topics |e.g. The owl who was afraid of the dark | |version | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, | | | | |

| |after to link parts of sentences on a limited |Focusing on conjunctions in telling stories | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Ut8 | | |Worksheet: summary of so far story to | | |

| |Punctuate written work at text level on a limited| |complete with | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics with some |Writing out and putting punctuation into an |conjunctions | | |

| |accuracy when writing independently |extract of the story | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Wo2 | | |Worksheet: short extract including | | |

| | | |dialogue with no punctuation | | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support a an increasing range of | | |Pre-teach unfamiliar words |80–100 |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |Reading second part of the night-time story | | |minutes |

| |confidence and enjoyment | |Multiple – matching/text summary | | |

| | | |completion tasks | | |

|4Ut1 |Use questions What else/next? | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use past continuous forms for background actions |Focusing on simple past and past continuous | | | |

|4Uf8 | |questions |Worksheet: direct comprehension | | |

| |Use simple past regular and irregular forms on a | |questions | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Uf5 | | | | | |

|4S8 |Relate basic stories and events on a range of |Talking about things you do to get ready for bed. |Worksheet: tick the things you do: | |40–60 |

| |general and curricular topics |Telling another learner your night time routine. |brush teeth , drink something | |minutes |

| | | |say good night, read something , comb |Display opportunity | |

| |Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text |Writing a poem entitled |your hair, turn off the light etc. | | |

|4Wa1 |level with support on a limited range of general |Night Time | | | |

| |and curricular topics | |Worksheet : prompts e.g. | | |

| | | |I can see/I can’t see | | |

| | | |I can hear/I can smell | | |

| | | |I feel/I know etc. | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to times of day and week and |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|different daily and weekly activities and a range of module learning |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|objectives | | | |

Module 2A: Public Places

Unit 7: Around Town

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S2 |Ask questions to find out general | | | | |

| |information on an increasing range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing|Reading signs from public places and working |Multiple-matching and | |100–120 |

| |range of short simple texts on general and |out where you would see them |multiple-choice tasks | |minutes |

| |curricular topics by using contextual clues| | | | |

| | |Reading incomplete signs | | | |

| |Use might may could to express |and completing them |Worksheet: range of words to | | |

| |possibility on a limited range of general | |complete signs/notices | | |

|4Uf9 |and curricular topics |Talking about different types of place around | | | |

| | |town |Worksheet: matching collocations | | |

| |Deduce meaning from context in short, | |post mall | | |

| |supported talk on an increasing range of | |car centre | | |

| |general and curricular topics |Focusing on the use of modal verbs to talk |town park | | |

|4Ld2 | |about possibility. |leisure hall | | |

| | |Learners speculate about what these things are|shopping office etc. | | |

| | |and which place you might see them. | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: dialogue completion. | | |

| | |Listening to conversations and deciding where | | | |

| | |around town the people are |Sketc.hes of things such as bottle | | |

| | | |bank, flag pole, ticket barrier | | |

| | | |etc. | | |

| | | | |Recycle images of places | |

| | | |Multiple-matching tasks |from previous tasks | |

|4Ut1 |Use questions, including What time?/What |Focusing on questions you might ask/ be asked |Worksheet: If the answer is ___, | |100–120 minutes |

| |else?/next? on a limited range of general |in public places. |what’s the question? | | |

| |and curricular topics |Learners model short dialogues |a _______ ? | | |

| | | |b No that’s all thanks. | | |

| |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges | |a _______ ? | | |

|4S7 |on a growing range of general and |Talking about where the questions might be |b No not very, about | | |

| |curricular topics |asked |two kilometres. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use of quantitative pronouns some, any, | | | | |

|4Ut5 |something, nothing anything on a limited |Focusing on the use of pronouns some, any, |Worksheet: dialogue | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics |anything etc. |completion/matching | | |

| | | |a I don’t have ___ to do. | | |

| |Understand with little or no support | |b See what’s on TV. | | |

| |specific information and detail in short, | | | | |

|4Rd2 |simple texts on an increasing range of |Reading different advertisements for things on|Multiple-matching tasks | | |

| |general and curricular topics |for young people in town | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use with some support appropriate layout at| | | | |

| |text level for a limited range of written | | | | |

| |genres on familiar general and curricular |Writing: exchanging e-mails with a friend you | | | |

|4Wo3 |topics |are visiting for the weekend |E-mail prompts: |Possible display with images| |

| | | |explain no visit to water park [as |from previous task | |

| | | |planned] | | |

| | | |ask what else can do | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Write reply to email you receive | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence |Talking about different types of vehicle |Worksheet : completing vehicle | |120–140 minutes |

| |level during, pair, group and whole class | |words on | | |

| |exchanges | |a tally chart. | | |

| | | |ca _ , __an , lorr_ , | | |

| |Use future forms will for predictions |Focus on making predictions |emergenc _ vehicl_ etc. | | |

|4Uf4 | | | | | |

| |Give an opinion at sentence level on an | |Worksheet: complete with your | | |

| |increasing range of general and curricular |Conducting a traffic survey |predictions : | | |

|4S3 |topics |from a window/playground etc. |We won’t _____ | | |

| |communicate meaning clearly at sentence | |There will be more ___ | | |

| |level during, pair, group and whole class |Talking about whether their |pedestrians. | | |

| |exchanges |predictions were correct |The buses ______ full. | | |

| | |and using data to make a bar chart about | | | |

|4S6 |Link with some support sentences into a |number of vehicles that go past school per |Learners use tally chart from first| | |

| |coherent paragraph using a variety of |hour. |activity to note traffic | | |

| |basic connectors on a limited range of | |observations for about 20 minutes | | |

|4Wo1 |general and curricular topics |Learners write a paragraph on results | |Possible display opportunity| |

| | | |Bar chart to complete. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Guided writing template | | |

Module 2A: Public Places

Unit 8: Landmarks and Museums

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rd2 |Understand with little or no support specific |Reading short texts about local landmarks [not |Multiple-matching task | |60–90 |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts on |named] and matching them to numbers of the map | | |minutes |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | |Worksheet: local landmarks on a map | | |

| |topics |Ordering a short jumbled text about a local place |[numbered] | | |

| | |of interest | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Rewriting the jumbled text by adding information |Worksheet: jumbled text | | |

| |Link with some support sentences into a coherent|to it |with conjunctions highlighted | | |

|4Wo1 |paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on| | | | |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics| |Worksheet: information to add e.g. | | |

| | | |information that can be added in the | | |

| | | |form of relative clauses | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about the kind of things you find in |Worksheet: Which things might you see? | |80–100 minutes |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |museums |weapons/coins/clothes/toys | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand the main points of an increasing range| | | | |

|4Rm1 |of short simple texts on general and curricular |Reading about the Vikings and their way of life | | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues | |Yes/no/doesn’t say task | | |

| | | |Fact or opinion task | | |

| |Recognise the difference between fact and opinion| | | | |

| |in short, simple texts on an increasing range of | |Worksheet: images of exhibits | | |

|4Rd1 |general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence | | |Possibly project images of | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing | | |exhibits | |

| |range of general and curricular topics |Talking and speculating about what museum |Worksheet : | | |

|4S4 | |exhibits [Viking] could be and what they’re made |Exhibit 1 | | |

| |Use might may could to express possibility |from |It might be … | | |

| | | |I think it’s made of … | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Focusing on the use of modal forms [possibility]. | | | |

|4Uf9 | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading in which learners match museum exhibits | | |100–120 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |from their culture to exhibit descriptions |Multiple-matching tasks | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Read with some support an increasing range of |Researching an exhibit from learners’ culture | | | |

|4Rg2 |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |using the internet | |Guide to primary friendly | |

| |confidence read with and enjoyment | |Cards with different ancient objects |sites | |

| | | |on. | | |

| |use be made of | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet : | | |

|4Ug4 |Use adverbs of definite time :on a limited range | |When was it made? | | |

| |of general and curricular topics | |What was it made from? | | |

| | | |Who used it? etc. | | |

|4Uf3 |Write with support factual and imaginative | | |Possible display opportunity | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| | | | |

| |places and objects | |Guided writing template | | |

| | |Writing a short description of the exhibit | | | |

|4Wc1 |Relate basic stories and events on a range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | |Possibly project images of | |

| | | | |exhibits | |

| | |Telling the rest of the class about your exhibit. | | | |

| | |But including one false fact. | | | |

|4S8 | |[other learners guess the false fact] | | | |

|4Ld5 |Understand an increasing range of unsupported |Team quiz on world landmarks |Quiz visuals and questions |Prepare quiz in different |40–60 |

| |basic questions on general and curricular topics|[Where is it?/What’s it called? etc.] | |rounds |minutes |

| | | | |[mainly visual] | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to places to go around town and |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|buildings landmarks and museums in cities and a range of module learning|speaking and writing tasks | | |

|objectives | | | |

Module 2B: Getting There

Unit 9: Going Places

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about the best way to go places |Worksheet: What’s the best way …..go |Pre-teach: on foot by bike |100–120 minutes |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges | |to shops? |etc. | |

| | | |go to the countryside? | | |

| |Use a growing range of adjectives and comparative|Focusing on comparison of adjectives. | | | |

|4Ug2 |and superlative adjectives [both regular and | | | | |

| |irregular] on a limited range of general and | |Worksheet: completion task: It’s | | |

| |curricular topics | |easier It’s quicker … | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand with little or no support specific |Reading a short city transport guide |Worksheet: matching | | |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts on | |… more comfortable than.. | | |

|4Rd2 |an increasing range of general and curricular | | | | |

| |topics | | | | |

| | | |Multiple-matching and yes, no, doesn’t | | |

| |Recognise the difference between fact and opinion| |say tasks | | |

| |in short, simple texts on an increasing range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Rd1 | | |Worksheet: completing ways of asking | | |

| |Understand an increasing range of unsupported | |for directions | | |

| |basic questions on general and curricular topics| | | | |

| | |Asking for and following directions on the London |Map of London Tube | | |

| | |Tube map | | | |

|4Ld5 | | |Information gap cards e.g. | | |

| | | |You are at Leicester Square. | | |

| | | |You want to go to the Olympic Stadium. | | |

|4Ug1 |Use common noun phrases describing times and |Focusing on phrases to talk about time and |Worksheet: rewriting | |80–100 |

| |location, on |location |There are two buses an hour. | |minutes |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics | |There’s a bus every half hour. | | |

| | | |on the bus. by bus etc. | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ld1 |Understand most specific information and detail |Listening to automated recording of different bus |Map of town places and bus routes | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |routes and times | | | |

| |familiar topics | |Multiple-matching different people’s | | |

| | | |needs | | |

| |Write with support a sequence of short sentences | | | | |

|4Wa2 |in a paragraph on a limited range of general and |Writing a short description of a bus or train |Guided writing : prompts | | |

| |curricular topics |journey learners regularly do /have been on |on and off | | |

| | | |ticket | | |

| | | |stops | | |

| | | |other people etc. | | |

|4S2 |Ask questions to find out general information on |Asking about the things you might need on a school|Worksheet: images of different items | |100–120 minutes |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular |trip |[tick/ x] | | |

| |topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading a short itinerary/information sheet for a | | | |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |school trip |Worksheet: matching headings to | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues | |sections of info sheet | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use future forms be going to to talk about | | | | |

|4Uf4 |already decided plans on a limited range of |Focusing on future form ‘going to’ |Worksheet: ‘going to’ questions about | | |

| |general and curricular topics | |info in above reading. | | |

| | | |Where are we going to meet? | | |

| |Use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of | |How much money are you going to need? | | |

| |general and curricular topics |Focusing on infinitive of purpose | | | |

|4Ut7 | | |Worksheet: Why questions, | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence |Guessing why other learners are going to take |Why do you need to bring money? | | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing |things | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |Blank cards for learners to write on | | |

|4S4 | |On front of blank card learners write e.g. I’m | | | |

| | |going to take a box | | | |

| | |on back they write [for others to guess] | | | |

| | |e.g. to put my lunch in | | | |

|4Rd2 |Understand with little or no support specific |Researching a more unusual vehicle/means of |Cards with transport : | |60–80 |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts on |transport online |world’s largest cruise ship, |Guide to primary friendly |minutes |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | |cable car, gondola etc. |sites | |

| |topics | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: questions to answer | | |

| |Organise talk at sentence level using connectors | | | | |

|4S4 |on an increasing range of general and curricular |Presenting a short talk to class about means of | | | |

| |topics |transport |Worksheet: set of images e.g. car |Project images of vehicles | |

| | | |seat/plane seat/bike saddle/dingy | | |

| |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a | | | | |

| |growing range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4S7 | |Talking about which one is the ‘transport’ | | | |

| | |odd-one-out and saying why | | | |

Module 2B: Getting There

Unit 10: Finding Your Way

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading about ‘lost’ animals that found their way | | |110–130 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |home. |Multiple-matching and fact or opinion | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | |tasks | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Recognise the difference between fact and opinion| | | | |

|4Rd1 |in short, simple texts on an increasing range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Ask questions to find out general information on | | | | |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | | | | |

|4S2 |topics |Talking about distances and estimating/measuring |Worksheet: distance questions. How | | |

| | |distances on a map |far/Which is further.. ? | | |

| |Give an opinion at sentence level on an | | | | |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |Worksheet: various simple maps with | | |

|4S3 | | |scales | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some | | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general | |A map with distances between places | | |

| |and curricular topics |Listening to short journey /distance ‘problems’ |marked | | |

|4Lg1 | |Learners listen to the routes people took and work| | | |

| |Write with support factual and imaginative |out distances | | | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| | | | |

| |places and objects |Writing an e-mail to a friend getting to their | | | |

| | |house |Guided writing | | |

|4Wc1 | |Replying to friend’s email |- ask where/what time | | |

| | | |- how to get there | | |

| | | |- how far | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about the points of the compass and |Worksheet: completion task worked on in|Pre-teach directional words |80–100 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |degrees |pairs relating to N,S,E,W and NE,SW |clockwise, turn , face |minutes |

| | | |etc. | | |

| |Use if clauses (in zero conditionals) | | | | |

|4Uf11 | |Focusing the use of zero conditional clauses |Worksheet focusing on degrees between | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom | |points, quarter turn/half turn etc. | | |

| |instructions |Listening and following instructions/[compass] | | | |

|4Ld4 | |directions |Worksheet: Which way are you facing if | | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of written | |___ ? | | |

| |work across the curriculum with some speed and |Writing and asking questions in a ‘Where am I ?’ |You are facing south and you make a | | |

|4Wa3 |fluency |quiz |quarter turn clockwise. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Each learner writes down a question, |A map with distance scale and compass | | |

| | |I am 230 miles SW of Paris |directions | | |

| | |Where am I? | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading direction signs and notices |Multiple – matching and multiple-choice| |50–70 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular | |tasks | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |use joined-up handwriting in a range of written | | | | |

|4Wa3 |work across the curriculum with some speed and |Writing short directions dialogues [from sign |Worksheet: sign prompts | | |

| |fluency |prompts] |e.g. No entry | | |

| | | |Keep to the path | | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support a an increasing range of |Reading the story of Hansel and Gretel (class |Worksheet: sentence matching tasks | |70–90 |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |reader)l [or another story about getting lost] | | |minutes |

| |confidence and enjoyment | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: completing a story summary | | |

| |Use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, |Focusing on conjunctions |with missing conjunctions. | | |

|4Ut8 |after to link parts of sentences on a limited | | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to how to get places, means of |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|transport, giving directions and finding your way around and a range of|speaking and writing tasks | | |

|module learning objectives | | | |

Module 2C: Stuff

Unit 11: At the shops

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading shop signs and notices |Multiple-matching different signs to |Pre-teach words for |90–120 minutes |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular | |different types of shop. |different types of shop: pet| |

| |topics by using contextual clues | |Multiple-matching signs to |shop, post office, bakers | |

| | | |interpretations: e.g. sale ends |etc. | |

| |Use quantifiers many, much , a lot of, a few on a| |Saturday/you pay less this week | | |

|4Uf1 |limited range of general and curricular topics |Focusing on quantifiers and quantitative pronouns | | | |

| | | |Text and dialogue completion tasks | | |

| |Use quantitative pronouns some, any, something, | | | | |

| |nothing anything |Building short dialogues that occur in shop | | | |

|4Ut5 | |situations |Worksheet: matching | | |

| |Use might, may, could to express possibility | |statements/questions to responses | | |

| |use shall [for suggestions] on a limited range of|Building/completing short shop dialogues and | | | |

|4Uf9 |general and curricular topics |acting these out |Worksheet: opening lines for learners | | |

| | | |to complete and work into dialogues | | |

|4S7 |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a |Talking about and working out |Give learners a list of items and see | |90–120 |

| |growing range of general and curricular topics |how much things cost |which group gets closest to total to | |minutes |

| | | |current supermarket prices | | |

| |Use determiners including any no each every on | | | | |

|4Ut2 |a limited range of general and curricular topics |Focusing on determiners in word money problems |Worksheet: How much does each one | | |

| | | |cost?/How much change?/How many coins? | | |

| |Understand the main points of supported extended | |Etc. | | |

| |talk on a range of general and curricular topics|Listening about party activities and making party | | | |

|4Lm1 | |plans |Multiple-matching | | |

| |Read and follow with limited support familiar | | | | |

| |instructions for classroom activities | |Worksheet: instructions for party | | |

| | | |goals/how much you have to spend | | |

| |Organise talk at sentence level using connectors |Reading instructions about shopping for a party |images of supermarket items with | | |

|4Rf1 |on an increasing range of general and curricular |and the budget you have to spend |prices/offers etc. | | |

| |topics | | | | |

| | |Talking about party shopping/ budgets and |Worksheet: image of supermarket trolley| | |

| | |comparing what you’ve put in your trolley |that learners put items from previous | | |

|4S5 | | |task into | | |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about shopping malls and what they have in|Worksheet: learners tick things they | | |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics|them |think they will hear mentioned | |90–120 |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | | | |minutes |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of | |Diagram for learners to label | | |

| |familiar topics |Listening about where you can find things in a | | | |

|4Ld1 |Provide basic information about themselves and |shopping mall |Worksheet: learners form questions to | | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range | |ask other learners from prompts; | | |

| |of general topics | |Have you ever had a Big Mac Burger? | | |

| |Use simple perfect forms of common verbs to | |Have you been to Starbucks yet? | | |

| |express what has happened | | | | |

|4S1 |Use adverbs of indefinite time yet ever |Talking about what learners have done/been to | | | |

| |already always |/tasted etc. | | | |

| |Use be/look/sound/feel/taste/smell like | | | | |

| |Write with support a sequence of short sentences | | | | |

| |in a paragraph on a limited range of general and | | | | |

| |curricular topics | | | | |

|4Uf2 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: learners prompted to | | |

| | | |respond to above questions e.g. | | |

|4Uf3 | |Focusing on verb + adjective and verb + like |No, but it sounds nice. | | |

| | |structure | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ug3 | |Learners model question/ response sequences to |Guided writing template | | |

| | |class | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Wa2 | |Write an e-mail to a friend inviting him/her to | | | |

| | |come with you and your parents to a new shopping | | | |

| | |mall. | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading short product descriptions and completing|Multiple-matching tasks | |60–80 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |them with missing lines | | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |Listening and following instructions for making a | | | |

|4Ld4 |instructions |pair of cut-out glasses | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Write with support factual and imaginative |Learners then make their own ‘extra stylish’ pair | | | |

|4Wc1 |descriptions at text level which describe people,|and write a short description of them |Description prompts/template | | |

| |places and objects | | | | |

| | | | |Display opportunity | |

| |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a|Get other learners to model the glasses as the | | | |

| |range of language at text level |descriptions are read out | | | |

|4Rg1 | | | | | |

Module 2C: Stuff

Unit 12: What are Things Made Of?

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about the properties of materials |Worksheet grid : |Pre-teach properties words |100–120 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges | |waterproof/flexible/transparent/strong | |minutes |

| | | |glass/wood | | |

| |Use a growing range of adjectives and comparative|Focusing on comparative adjectives |Worksheet: | | |

|4Ug2 |and superlative adjectives [both regular and | |Which is better for a sun hat, plastic | | |

| |irregular] on a limited range of general and | |or cloth? | | |

| |curricular topics | |Why … | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a| | | | |

| |range of language at text level |Reading a materials word search. Circle correctly |Wordsearch sheet | | |

|4Rg1 | |spelt words they find. | | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence | | | | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing |Talking about why the following are a good/bad |Worksheet: | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics |idea |rubber shoes | | |

|4S4 | | |plastic cups | | |

| | | |glass doors etc. | | |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about protective clothing |Worksheet: matching clothing items to | |110–130 |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |different materials to form different | |minutes |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | |compounds e.g. | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of | |plastic helmet | | |

|4Ld1 |familiar topics |Listening about different things that different |rubber gloves | | |

| |Use present continuous forms to talk about |people [ doctors, firefighters, divers, ballerinas| | | |

| |present activities on a limited range of general |etc.] |Multiple-matching/sentence completion | | |

| |and curricular topics |wear |tasks | | |

| |Use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of | | | | |

| |general and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Uf7 |Understand most specific information and detail |Focusing on the present continuous [describing | | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |what someone is doing] |Worksheet: learners match/complete | | |

| |familiar topics | |sentence beginnings to images and | | |

| | | |sentence endings e.g. | | |

| | | |The diver is wearing a rubber suit/to | | |

|4Ut7 | |Focus on infinite of purpose to explain actions |keep warm | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: matching names to character | | |

| | | |in a street scene | | |

| | |Listening and identifying people in a picture from| | | |

|4Ld1 | |the clothes items they have with them | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about which materials |Worksheet: grid completion |e.g. rain on an umbrella/sea |100–120 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |absorb water |Yes/no/sometimes |on the beach |minutes |

| | | | | | |

| |Use joined-up handwriting in a range of written | | | | |

|4Wa3 |work across the curriculum with some speed and | |Worksheet: [optional] jumbled images to| | |

| |fluency | |prompt | | |

| | | | |Bring class about 8 different| |

| |Use be/sound like | | |types of paper/material cut | |

| | | | |into squares. | |

|4Ug3 |Use future forms will for predictions on a |Listening to different sounds of materials | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics |reacting with water. |Worksheet: matching paper materials to |Plastic tray and a thimble | |

| | |Learners write down what it sounds like |be tested to a prediction. |for water | |

| |Link with some support sentences into a coherent | |All the water will go. | | |

| |paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on| |Some of the water will go. | | |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics|Conducting an experiment on different types of |Not much of the water will go. | | |

|4Wo1 | |paper to see which is the most absorbent | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: experiment observation grid | | |

| | |Completing an experiment observation |Newspaper, tissue paper cotton wool | | |

| | | |etc. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Short paragraph to be completed | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to shops and products, how much |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|things cost and different materials things are made of and a range of |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|module learning objectives | | | |

Module 3A: Far Away

Unit 13: Food Around the World

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rg2 |Reading with some support an increasing range of |Reading [Part 1] about the 17th century spice |Correcting false statements task | |120–140 minutes |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |island wars e.g. Banda Islands | |Pre-teach words: colony, | |

| |confidence read with and enjoyment | | |trade, spices, e.g. cloves | |

| | | |True/ false task | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some | | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general |Listening to a dramatic episode from the story | | | |

|4Lg1 |and curricular topics |Reading [Part 2] about the resolution of the Spice| | | |

| | |Island Wars [ New Amsterdam/New York] |Multiple-matching tasks | | |

| |Understand the main points of an increasing range| | | | |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |Focusing on conjunctions to link parts of | | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues |sentences in a jigsaw summary of the spice island | | | |

|4Rm1 | |story | | | |

| |Use conjunctions so, if, when , where, before, | | | | |

| |after to link parts of sentences on a limited | | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | |Jumbled half lines of story with | | |

|4Ut8 |Link with some support sentences into a coherent| |conjunctions in bold. | | |

| |paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on| | |Possible display opportunity | |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics|Writing a paragraph: How New York got its name. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Guided writing template | | |

|4Wo1 | | | | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about food [dishes] from around the world.|Matching dishes to flags [country of |Possibly show foods on slides|80–100 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges | |origin]/guessing where they are from | |minutes |

| | | | | | |

| |Deduce meaning from context in short, supported |Listening to general descriptions of different |Multiple matching task above | | |

|4Ld2 |talk on an increasing range of general and |types of food eaten in different countries. | | | |

| |curricular topics | |Worksheet: prompts : | | |

| | | |food by nation – Mexican etc. | | |

| |Use simple perfect forms of common verbs to |Focusing on use of perfect forms. Have you ever |food by colour [ red soup, pink fish] | | |

| |express what has happened [indefinite time] on a|eaten/tried/ made |food by cooking [fried boiled etc.] | | |

|4Uf2 |limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: learners list food they eat | | |

| |Provide basic information about themselves and | |in each category | | |

| |others at sentence level on an increasing range | | | | |

| |of general topics |Talking about local/traditional and international | | | |

| | |food | | | |

|4S1 | | | | | |

|4S2 |Ask questions to find out general information on |Asking about ingredients in food |Worksheet: sort ingredients into what | |100–120 minutes |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | |you need to make: cake, soup, salad | | |

| |topics | |dressing , pizza etc. | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading: matching descriptions of cooking actions |Worksheet: multiple-matching mix, stir,| | |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |to images |chop, blend, fry, boil etc. | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | |ingredients for making three to five | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom | |simple common dips e.g. Mexican | | |

|4Ld4 |instructions |Listening to instructions and watching how to make|guacamole, Greek tzadziki, Turkish | | |

| | |dips. |spiced cheese, Indian raita. | | |

| |Use be/look/sound/feel/taste/ smell like | | | | |

|4Ug3 | |Give instructions and get learners in turn to | |Display opportunity | |

| |Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a |make. | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics |Focusing on structures verb + adjective [smells | | | |

|4Ug10 |when writing independently |nice] and be/look/sound/feel/taste/smell like. | | | |

| | |Learners look, smell and taste and write down | | | |

| |Write with support factual and imaginative |responses. | | | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| | | | |

| |places and objects |Writing a description of how to make their | | | |

|4Wc1 | |favourite dip. | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading: sorting jumbled recipes |Two or three very different recipes | |50–70 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular | |e.g. sweet and savoury cut up and | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | |jumbled | | |

| | | | |Prepare recipes as texts for | |

| |Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text | | |learners to alter on computer| |

|4Wa1 |level with support on a limited range of general |Rewriting a recipe and changing six details |Give pairs of learners different recipe| | |

| |and curricular topics | |computer | | |

| | | |text to alter and print out | | |

| |Use with some support familiar paper and digital | | | | |

| |reference resources to check meaning and extend |Encourage learners to use digital reference | | | |

|4Rd3 |understanding |resource to help them | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Read with some support an increasing range of | | | | |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with | | | | |

| |confidence read with and enjoyment |Reading altered recipes to spot details that may | | | |

|4Rg2 | |have been changed |Different print-outs to different | | |

| | | |groups | | |

Module 3A: Far Away

Unit 14: Australia

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about Australian animals |Worksheet: dividing animals into groups| |90–120 |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics| |Australian only/brought to | |minutes |

| | | |Australia/not Australian | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | | | | |

|4Ld1 |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |Listening about animals in Australia to check your|Previous worksheet and | | |

| |familiar topics |answers |multiple-matching task | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom | | | | |

| |instructions | | | | |

|4Ld4 | |Listening and colouring a duckbill platypus |Image of duckbill platypus to colour | | |

| |Use a growing range of adjectives and comparative| | | | |

| |and superlative adjectives [both regular and |Focusing on the superlative form of adjectives |Worksheet: multiple-matching | | |

|4Ug2 |irregular] on a limited range of general and |[context Australian animals] |most dangerous/biggest/fastest/most | | |

| |curricular topics | |poisonous etc. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand with little or no support specific | | | | |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts |Reading about animal dangers in Australia |Multiple- matching animals to short | | |

| | | |descriptions | | |

|4Rd2 |Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer | |true/false task | | |

| |in short texts on an increasing range of general | | | | |

| |and curricular topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Rg3 | | | | | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support a an increasing range of |Reading an aboriginal story e.g. Why Emu can’t fly|Multi-matching tasks : learners match |Possibly present story as a |80–100 |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with | |different characters to actions in the |slide sequence with |minutes |

| |confidence and enjoyment | |story |aboriginal music/sounds | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, | |Jigsaw summary of the story with |Teacher could read slides | |

|4Ut8 |after to link parts of sentences on a limited |Focusing on conjunctions in parts of sentences |conjunctions in bold for learners to |aloud | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |complete | | |

|4Uf2 |Use simple perfect forms of common verbs to |Listening about Sydney and its landmarks |Multiple-matching and map labelling | |90–120 minutes |

| |express what has happened [indefinite time] on a| |tasks | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics |Focusing on perfect simple forms to say what has | | | |

| | |happened/what you’ve done [perspective : tourist |Worksheet: question/answer matching | | |

| |Use with some support appropriate layout at text |in Australia] | | | |

| |level for a limited range of written genres on | |Worksheet: dialogue completion | | |

|4Wo3 |familiar general and curricular topics | | | | |

| | |Writing a postcard from Australia |Guided writing template | | |

| | | | |Possible display opportunity | |

|4Ld5 |Understand an increasing range of unsupported |An Australia quiz in different rounds. Listening |Spelling round: | |30–40 minutes |

| |basic questions on general and curricular topics|to questions on Australia, relating to previous |How do you spell | | |

| | |tasks. |Kangaroo? | | |

| | | | |Keep team scores | |

| | | |Superlative round | | |

| | | |Where is it hottest, North or South? | | |

| | | |What’s the biggest city? | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to different food, ingredients |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|and restaurants and far away places and customs and a range of module |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|learning objectives | | | |

Module 3B: Physical World

Unit 15: The Body and Movement

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about adjectives [opposites] that can |Worksheet: image two halves of face | |50–70 minutes |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |describe hair/ parts of the face |drawn with opposite features | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Understand an increasing range of unsupported | |Matching opposites to different parts | | |

|4Ld5 |basic questions on general and curricular topics| |of the face | | |

| | |Project a photo of yourself and/or well-know | | | |

| |Use shall [for suggestions] |character from school in a photo changing | | | |

| | |programme. Elicit from learners what changes to | | | |

|4Uf10 |Use make somebody/something + adjective |make. | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ug5 |Write on a limited range of general and | | |Print-out photo/photos for | |

| |curricular topics |Writing a description ‘Wanted’ | |subsequent activity | |

| | |using photo(s) above | | | |

|4Wc1 |Write with support factual and imaginative | | | | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| | | | |

| |places and objects | |Guided writing template | | |

|4Wc1 | | | | | |

|4S3 |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |Talking about and completing a diagram of different| | |100–120 |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics|parts of the body |Worksheet: diagram of body/anagrams | |Minutes |

| | | |of different body parts | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |Listening to instructions for a basic warm-up/ | | | |

|4Ld4 |instructions |loosening routine | | | |

| | | | |Pre-teach key words | |

| |Read and follow with limited support familiar |Reading a set of instructions about gestures | |touch, stretch, shake, step | |

|4Rf1 |instructions for classroom activities | | |, | |

| | | |Worksheet : |forwards, back, side-to-side| |

| |Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text |Writing a set of instructions for a short exercise |Show us how a policeman | | |

| |level with support on a limited range of general |routine for rest of class to follow |Show us how you say … | | |

|4Wa1 |and curricular topics | | | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom | |Guided writing prompts [different for | | |

| |instructions |Learners read out instructions |each group] | | |

| | | |e.g. | | |

|4Ld4 |Understand a sequence of supported classroom | |- face, head and shoulder exercises | | |

| |instructions |Listening to the Oki Koki song and doing the dance |- exercise for someone | | |

| | | |sitting on a plane | | |

|4Ld4 | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading about different dances around the world |multiple-matching to images/ | |100–120 |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular | | | |minutes |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | |Worksheet: learners tick items of | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |Listening and matching different clothes that are |clothing footwear | | |

|4Ld1 |familiar topics |worn for types of dances | | | |

| |Use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, | | | | |

| |from, towards | | | | |

| |Read and follow with limited support familiar |Focusing on prepositions of movement and direction |Worksheet: matching/ completion of | | |

| |instructions for classroom activities | |instructions | | |

|4Uc9 | |Reading and following a diagram of the basic steps |to images of dance movement sequences | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |for doing a dance e.g. cha cha cha | | | |

| |instructions | |Worksheet: diagram of footsteps and | | |

|4Rf1 | |Listening to music and following instructor giving |instructions | | |

| | |beginner directions | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Ld4 | | | | | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about common complaints Learners discuss |Worksheet: | |60–80 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |and write down what the person does too much |My legs ache. | |minutes |

| |Link with some support sentences into a coherent| |My stomach hurts. | | |

| |paragraph using a variety of basic connectors on|Writing an e-mail to a friend |My eyes ache. | | |

|4Wo1 |a limited range of general and curricular topics|saying how exhausting school has been |I’ve got a sore throat. | | |

| |Punctuate written work at text level on a limited| | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics with some | |Guided writing template | | |

| |accuracy when writing independently | | | | |

| | | |Prompt – list of punctuation features | | |

| | | |to include | | |

|4Wo2 | | | | | |

Module 3B: Physical World

Unit 16: All About Animals

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Rd2 |Understand with little or no support specific |Reading about vertebrate and invertebrate animals |Worksheet: classification table | |100–120 |

| |information and detail in short, simple texts on | |completion | |minutes |

| |an increasing range of general and curricular | | | | |

| |topics | |Multiple –matching /sentence completion| | |

| | | |tasks | | |

| |Use simple present forms and simple past regular |Focusing on simple present verbs to talk about | | | |

|4Uf5 |and irregular forms to describe routines, habits |animals | | | |

| |and states on a limited range of general and | |Worksheet: completing short texts with | | |

| |curricular topics | |key verbs relating to animal behaviour:| | |

| | | |hunt, makes a nest etc. | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail | | | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of |Listening: What an animal am I? | | | |

|4Ld1 |familiar topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Write with support factual and imaginative | | | | |

| |descriptions at text level which describe people,| | | | |

| |places and objects |Writing a short description of an animal without | | | |

|4Wc1 | |naming it | | | |

| |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a| | | | |

| |range of language at text level | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Reading out your description for other learners to| | | |

|4Rg1 | |guess | | | |

| | |the animal | | | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support an increasing range of |Reading the opening section of an adapted reader |Multiple-choice tasks | |100–120 |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |e.g. the Lion King | | |minutes |

| |confidence read with and enjoyment | | | | |

| | |Listening to the next section | | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some |of the story | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general | |Multiple-matching tasks | | |

|4Lg1 |and curricular topics |Watching the final section of the story on video | | | |

| | | |Completing plot summary boxes | | |

| | | | |Find and cue DVD | |

|4Ug2 |Use a growing range of adjectives and comparative|Focusing on comparative and superlative language: |Worksheet: comparing pairs/groups of | |120–140 |

| |and superlative adjectives [both regular and |longer, shortest, more bushy, same different etc. |three animals with different features | |minutes |

| |irregular] on a limited range of general and | | | | |

| |curricular topics | | | | |

| | |Drawing tails on pairs animals and comparing them | | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence |with another learner | | | |

|4S4 |level to unexpected comments on an increasing | | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics | |Worksheet: sketches of pairs of | | |

| | |Listening and drawing the tails on animals they |animals minus tails | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some |hear described. Learners given jumbled images of | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general |tails in feedback | | | |

|4Lg1 |and curricular topics | | | | |

| | |Listening to instructions for making an ‘Animal |Worksheet: sketches of different | | |

| |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |King’ character mask |animals without tails | | |

| |instructions | | | | |

| | |Writing a short dialogue out from memory and | | | |

|4Ld4 |Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text |acting out in masked character |prompts of scenes to think about |Bring card, tissue paper, | |

| |level with support on a limited range of general | | |glue etc. to class | |

| |and curricular topics | | | | |

|4Wa1 | | | |Project images of characters | |

|4Uf9 |Use might may could to express possibility on a |Focusing on modals to talk about possibility |Worksheet: dialogue matching and | |50–70 |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | |completion tasks | |minutes |

| |Give an opinion at sentence level on an | | | | |

| |increasing range of general and curricular topics|Speculating about which animal is the odd-one-out| | | |

|4S3 | |of a group |Worksheet: different sets of animals | | |

| |Understand an increasing range of unsupported | |that can be distinguished in different | | |

| |basic questions on general and curricular topics| |ways | | |

| | |Animal quiz: learners listen to questions and | | | |

|4Ld5 | |write down answers in groups | | | |

| | | | | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to physical movement and gesture,|true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|parts of the body, animals and their worlds and a range of module |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|learning objectives | | | |

Module 3C: Another Year

Unit 17: In or Out

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4Ld4 |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |Listening to instructions and questions to |Worksheet: indoor activity grid | |100–120 |

| |instructions |complete a sheet |outdoor activity grid | |minutes |

| | |on indoor/outdoor activities | | | |

|4Ld3 |Understand an increasing range of unsupported | | | | |

| |basic questions which ask for personal |Teacher explains how to complete grid and asks | | | |

| |information |questions e.g. How much time..? | | | |

| | | |Worksheet: two blank pie-charts to | | |

|4Ld4 |Understand a sequence of supported classroom |Listening to instructions on how to do |complete | | |

| |instructions |calculations and convert data into pie-charts |[indoor/outdoor activity] | | |

| | | | | | |

|4Uf1 |Use quantifiers many , much , a lot of ,a few on |Focusing on quantifiers |Worksheet: completion | | |

| |a limited range of general and curricular topics | |Who spends ___ time on the computer? | | |

| | |Talking about differences between personal data |Who only spends ___ hours reading? | | |

| |Provide basic information about themselves and |and other learners’ data [groups of three] | | | |

|4S1 |others at sentence level on an increasing range | |Pie-charts learners have made | | |

| |of general topics | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Write with support a sequence of short sentences |Writing a short paragraph for display with charts | | | |

| |in a paragraph on a limited range of general and |about the data and two other learner’s data. [ a |Guided writing template | | |

|4Wa2 |curricular topics |lot of time, more time, | | | |

| | |the most time] | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Display opportunity | |

|4S6 |Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level |Talking about the temperature, weather and |Worksheet: thermometer from –10 to | |100–120 |

| |during, pair, group and whole class exchanges |clothes. |35/images of different clothes | |minutes |

| | |Learners mark today’s temp and then match clothing| | | |

| |Give an opinion at sentence level on an |items to different temperatures. | | | |

|4S3 |increasing range of general and curricular topics| | | | |

| | |Talking about which clothes would be good for | | | |

| |Understand most specific information and detail |riding a bike |Previous worksheet [tick /cross] | | |

| |of short, supported talk on a wide range of | | | | |

|4Ld1 |familiar topics |Listening to two children talking about getting | | | |

| | |their bicycles ready for a trip | | | |

| |Use future forms be going to to talk about | |Image matching and colouring tasks | | |

| |already decided plans on a limited range of |Focus on ‘be going to’ to talk about things | | | |

| |general and curricular topics |already decided | | | |

|4Uf4 | | |Worksheet: matching tasks | | |

| |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence | | | | |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing | | | | |

| |range of general and curricular topics |Miming game in which learners mime different |Cards with actions on to mime e.g. I’m | | |

| | |activities they’re going to do |going to have a rest/have a snack. | | |

|4S4 | | | | | |

|4Rm1 |Understand the main points of an increasing range|Reading advertisements for different things you | | |60–90 minutes |

| |of short simple texts on general and curricular |can use when camping |Multiple-matching tasks | | |

| |topics by using contextual clues | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use future forms will for predictions and be | | | | |

|4Uf4 |going to to talk about already decided plans on a|Focusing on making simple predictions |Worksheet: matching | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | |tasks | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Spell most high-frequency words accurately for a | | | | |

| |limited range of general and curricular topics | | | | |

| |when writing independently |Looking at sketches of a poorly organised campsite| | | |

|4Ug10 | |and writing | | | |

| |Understand supported narratives, including some |down predictions of what will go wrong | | | |

| |extended talk, on an increasing range of general | | | | |

| |and curricular topics |Listening to a story about a class | | | |

| | |camping trip and what went wrong |List of predictions learners made to | | |

|4Lg1 | | |[tick/cross] |Encourage learners to write | |

| | | | |out predictions neatly to use| |

| | | | |as a listening guide | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support a an increasing range of |Reading a short story/class reader about an |Worksheet: prediction tasks and text | |40–60 minutes |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |outdoor adventure. |summary completion tasks | | |

| |confidence and enjoyment | | | | |

Module 3C: Another Year

Unit 18: End of Our Year

|Framework Code |Learning Objective |Activities |Resources |Comments |Time |

|4S4 |Respond with limited flexibility at sentence |Talking about the things the class has done in |Project images of the year and ask | |80–120 |

| |level to unexpected comments on an increasing |English this year. |learners what they remember | |minutes |

| |range of general and curricular topics |e.g. This is John’s puppet, isn’t it?/No it’s | | | |

| | |mine. | | | |

| |Use simple perfect forms of common verbs to | | | | |

|4Uf2 |express what has happened |Focusing on superlatives and the perfect form |Worksheet : | | |

| | | |The longest word I’ve ___ is… | | |

| |Use a growing range of superlative adjectives | |The best project we’ve ___ is … etc. |Provide card, scissors and | |

| |[both regular and irregular] on a limited range | | |glue | |

|4Ug2 |of general and curricular topics | | |Display opportunity | |

| | | | | | |

| |Keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a | |Prompts what to include and where to | | |

| |growing range of general and curricular topics | |find it. | | |

| | |Making ‘A Year of English’ collages in small | | | |

|4S7 |Write with support a sequence of short sentences |groups |Photograph each individual collage and | | |

| |in a paragraph on a limited range of general and | |put into postcard format | | |

| |curricular topics | | | | |

| | |Writing a year in English collage postcard and |Guided writing template | | |

|4Wa2 | |sending it home | | | |

|4Rg1 |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a|Completing an end of year crossword puzzle with |crossword puzzle with riddles and |Place various words around |40–50 minutes |

| |range of language at text level |clues relating to grammar and vocabulary looked |incomplete sentences as clues |class relating to | |

| | |throughout the year | |instructions | |

| |Read and follow with limited support familiar | |instructions to follow for finding | | |

|4Rf1 |instructions for classroom activities | |other clues | | |

|4Rg1 |Recognise, identify and sound with some support a|Participating in an end of year ‘spelling bee’ |Class team Spelling Bee in rounds: |Prepare different rounds. set|60–80 |

| |range of language at text level |involving spelling of vocabulary from throughout |Your word is ____ . |time limits and keep team |minutes |

| | |the year |Your word is a fruit that rhymes with |scores | |

| |Identify rhymes and repetition | |___. | | |

|4Lg2 | | |Spell the opposite of___, beginning | | |

| | | |with ‘t’. | | |

|4Rg2 |Read with some support a an increasing range of |Participating in a Treasure Hunt by resolving |Worksheet: riddles and clues that lead |Give different groups |80–100 minutes |

| |short fiction and non-fiction texts with |English riddles and clues |learners to places where they find |worksheets with clues/riddles| |

| |confidence and enjoyment | |letters and numbers |in different order | |

| | | | | | |

| |Use with some support familiar paper and digital | |Letters and numbers when worked out | | |

|4Rd3 |reference resources to check meaning and extend | |provide treasure locations | | |

| |understanding | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Identify rhymes and repetition | | | | |

| | |Listening to a pirate give some treasure clues | | | |

|4Lg2 | | | | | |

Module Review

|Learning Objective |Activities |Assessment |Time |

|Listening, Reading, Use of English, Speaking and Writing tasks on a range|Use a range of multiple-matching, multiple-choice, |Use tasks to assess core module learning |90–120 |

|and blend of topics and themes relating to staying in or going out, |true/false, sentence and text completion and guided |objectives and monitor progress |hours |

|indoor or outdoor activity, learning English and the school year and a |speaking and writing tasks | | |

|range of module learning objectives | | | |


• The current model of nine units per stage is recommended – three per term. Fewer would give too large a group of objectives to address in one unit. More would be too fragmented to give coherence to the overall scheme.

• Terminology can vary although consistency is recommended within a school.

• An audit of the learning objectives for the whole stage is recommended to ensure coverage.[1]

• Each objective may be revisited in different ways in different units to continue to develop new skills in different contexts.

• Some learning objectives will be ongoing throughout the stage – a grid to show this is recommended.[2]

• Detail of the ongoing objectives may be given in an outline plan.[3]


[1] See audit tool.

[2] See table of ongoing objectives.

[3] See table of ongoing work.


Cambridge Primary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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