8 nsite.com


9.00 – 9.30 |

9.30 -10.30


10.30 – 10.45





11.00 – 12.00




1.00 |

1.00 – 1.55 |

1.55 – 2.50 |



| |


|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required


To show my understanding of a character from the legend

Use the PowerPoint to remind you of the techniques used in persuasive writing. Then, write a letter from robin to the people of Locksley urging them to support him

Template for letter to support

|Spelling –

To reinforce the spelling patterns of words ending in –ent, -ence or ency.

Work through the PowerPoint to reinforce the different word endings – ent, ence and ency. Then complete the different activities provided on the sheet which will help reinforce the spellings of such words. |BREAK |Maths –

LO: To compare, classify and find unknown angles in polygons

Work through the PowerPoint which will help reinforce how to calculate the interior angles of different polygons using a formula. Then Choose a differentiated task (Bronze *, silver ** and Gold ***. There is also an extra challenge sheet provided)

|LUNCH |1.00pm Virtual input for RE (if needed)

LO: To question if Jesus’ life was part of a plan and relate these thoughts to my own life.

Work through the PowerPoint. Then, sort the given statements on to the ladder of control and respond to set questions.


2.20-2.50 P.E with Mr Parkinson. Ensure that you are dressed appropriately to complete a physical task. Invitation link will be sent out separately. |Reading for enjoyment: remember to record in your records | |


|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Grammar -

Work through the PowerPoint to help practise punctuating independent clauses while avoiding comma splicing. The content includes: a comma splice explanation and how to identify them in a piece of writing, how to fix a comma splice by adding a conjunction, how to fix a comma splice by using different punctuation and structure. The activities have an accompanying worksheet that can be used either alongside the presentation or separately. There is also a link to a short video about punctuating independent clauses and comma splicing. |Literacy –

To identify where tension is built in the text and the impact on the reader

Task 1

Watch the video clip (disney film) Write down all of the words that you feel as you watch.

Task 2

Read the version of Robin Hood and picture the scene as you read. What were the tension points that came in the story. How did they feel? What was being described and how was the writer achieving that feeling in you?

Annotate the text with the techniques used to create tension, and then create a tension graph.

| |Maths –

LO: To solve reasoning questions about comparing, classifying and finding unknown angles in polygons.

Work through the PowerPoint which will model to break down complex problems into smaller steps, and how to use mathematical language to explain solutions to problems.

Then Choose a differentiated task (Bronze *, silver ** and Gold ***. (Answer can be found on the PowerPoint Presentation) | |1.00 pm Virtual input for DT (if needed)

LO: To explore some ways in which textiles are joined and decorated.

Work through the PowerPoint slides which reinforces how textiles are joined together and the different ways that they are then decorated. Look at the Sewing Stitches Card and the Which Sewing Stitch? Sheet. The card describes a range of sewing stitches and their uses. Examine a range of items of clothing, such as their school uniform, P.E. kit or a selection of old clothes. On the sheet, draw two or three of the items of clothing they looked at, labelling the sewing stitches they have been able to identify.

Optional practical task: on a scrap piece of fabric, practise sewing the different stitches and decorative techniques.

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|Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Grammar -

Work through the PowerPoint which aims to reinforce the term comma splicing and how to 'fix' the problem. Content includes: a sentence explanation, how to identify comma splices and run-ons, and how to fix comma splices and run-ons. A worksheet is provided for further practice. |Literacy –


Explore thoughts, feelings and dialogue of key characters in the story.

Use the PowerPoint to help you recall the key events in the narrative explored in the previous session. Then, Mind map the feelings and thoughts of each of the main characters at a significant point in the story. Ensure you state which section of the story you are focusing on. | |Maths –

LO: To know that the diameter of a circle is twice the radius and can express this as algebra.

Work through the PowerPoint which will demonstrate the relationships between the measurements of a circle, and introduce the formaula for calculainog lenghths.

( d = r × 2, and r = d ÷ 2)

Then Choose a differentiated task (Bronze *, silver ** and Gold ***. There is also an extra challenge sheet provided)

| |1.00 pm Virtual input for ICT (if needed)

LO: identify how the media play a powerful role in shaping ideas about girls and boys.

Work through the PowerPoint which reinforces what a stereotype is, how a stereotype can be harmful and the different ways gender stereotypes are portrayed in an online media message. Look at different advertisements and record your thoughts on the sheet provided.

| | |Thursday |Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required


your writing session.

LO: To write an internal monologue in the role of a chosen character at a key point in the narrative.

Using the PowerPoint, reinforce the meaning of Internal monologues and Stream of consciousness. Watch the examples taken from different videos. Then take on one of 4 main characters (Marion, Robin, Sherriff and Will) Using the challenge card, write their stream of consciousness. |Times table Rockstars

(If you need a reminder of your password, please email me on the Badger email address and I will forward it to you) | |Maths –

LO: To solve reasoning questions knowing that the diameter of circle is twice the radius.

Work through the PowerPoint which will model how to break down complex problems into smaller steps, and use mathematical language to explain solutions to problems related to circles.

Then Choose a differentiated task (Bronze *, silver ** and Gold ***. (Answer can be found on the PowerPoint Presentation) Then Choose a differentiated task (Bronze *, silver ** and Gold *** | |Welfare Calls (This will not apply to all children)

Music -

LO: To imitate world percussion using sound sources found in the home

This lesson begins with a warm up song, followed by exploring the timbres of world percussion instruments, and finding ways to imitate them using sound sources in the home.

| | |Friday |Meet and Greet

Brief overview of the day, including some modelling if required

|Literacy- online/paper based task

Details will follow.

|Punctuation exercises - online/paper based task

Details will follow.

| |11.00 – Virtual input session to French

Details will follow.

| |Review of the week and Celebration assembly

Year 5 – 1.00 – 1.20

Year 6 – 2.00-2.20 |

Mathletics session

| | |

The sessions in red are a virtual opportunity to meet. These are obviously not compulsory, but your child may find them beneficial. Links to your email will be sent prior to each session that your child is invited to. Please do contact me if there are any problems. The Badger class email is your first port of call if you or your child require any assistance. I will be looking at emails regularly throughout the day, and will aim to respond asap.

Although virtual session will need to remain static, the timings and order of other tasks are only a guide. Work will be available on the class website each week, and I will contact you to let you know when it has been updated. Different work schedules may be more fitting with your family and this is fine.

In terms of feedback, each group will have a designated virtual feedback time. During this session, we will discuss work that they may have completed that day, or pieces of work that they feel particularly proud of. I will also aim to address any misconceptions or difficulties that may have arose. However, you are also more than welcome to forward examples or photographs of work or activities completed at home, via our class email. For these I will aim to respond and if appropriate, give next steps. I can also award ‘Marvellous Me’ badges or celebration awards for work that has been completed well. These images and notes may also be forwarded on to Mr Creasey, who may use these on our fortnightly newsletters to share our home learning with others. If you do not wish these to be forwarded, and would prefer them to be only viewed by myself or Mr Gooch, please ensure that you note this on the email.

On Thursday afternoons, I will be carrying out welfare calls. If you require a call, please email me and I will endeavour to call you. Please note that the number may be withheld.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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