Class Polices for Geometry and Algebra II

Algebra 1 Mrs. Cox Smart’s Mill Middle School2011 – 2012In Algebra 1, the focus of mathematics is to:Build on the sequential development of concepts and skills by using concrete materials to assist students in making the transition from the arithmetic to the symbolic;Make connections and build relationships between algebra, arithmetic, geometry, probability, and statistics;Make connections to other subject areas through practical applications;Engage in discourse about mathematics with teachers and other students; Attach meaning to the abstract concept of algebra.We will use graphing calculators, computers, and other appropriate technology tools to assist in teaching and learning. Daily Materials to Bring to ClassTextbook (it should be covered with a stretchy book cover at all times)Three ring 1-inch notebook with 5-tab dividers and plenty of paper, set up in the following manner:Tab 1: Notes Tab 2: HomeworkTab 3: Tests/QuizzesTab 4: Warm Ups Tab 5: PaperLined Paper - wide ruled or college ruledGraph paper – 4 or 5 squares to an inchRuler Pencils, erasers and lead (You need at least 2 everyday)Pens Agenda Silent reading bookA positive attitude! Class OutlineAgenda (students will write down assigned homework and any upcoming assignments)Warm – Up (should be kept in 3-ring notebook, due every 2 weeks)Review homeworkLesson or Quiz/Test (when scheduled)ClosureExit Slip (if no quiz or test)5476875207010We will use many manipulatives in the classroom such as white boards, Promethean Board, graphing calculator, 3-D shapes, Versatiles, games, and puzzles.Expectations/ResponsibilitiesShow respect for yourself and others at all times, including school and personal property.Be on time – you must be in your seat at the bell to be considered on time (not walking in the door as the bell is ringing!)Be prepared – bring all materials each day to class.Be on task – you are expected to do all assigned work and be on task the entire class period.Do not have cell phones or electronic devices in this classroom!!!!!! They will be turned over to your dean.Refer to “What to do When” for other situations. Grading for MasteryZeros will not be accepted. Lunch detention will be given to students to complete missing assignments. If you score below a C- on a quiz or test, you will be expected to redo. If you score between 70% and 89% on a test or quiz, you will be permitted to redo. It will not be the same quiz/test, but the same material will be covered. A re-learn contract will be followed before you will be permitted to redo the assessment. Your grade will consist of the following:(The category weight is represented by the percentage.)Tests – 30%All tests are announced and dates are posted in Clarity, and on the board. Quizzes – There will be 2 forms of quizzes:Procedural – 20%Beyond Procedures – 20%All quizzes are announced and dates are posted in Clarity, and on the board. Homework – 10%You will have a homework assignment most nights. Please do not complete homework in pen. Homework is checked on a daily basis. If there is an issue I need to be aware of, please let me know before class starts. Homework points range from 2-4 points. Remember, no work - no credit! Projects (part of the homework category)You will be assigned projects throughout the year. Problem Sets – 10%You will be given a problem set at the beginning of each quarter. In each problem set, there will be 4 or 5 sets of 10 problems that will be due approximately every two weeks. Due dates will be on the cover sheet of each problem set, and on Clarity.Graded Assessments – 10%Warm-Ups – 5%6019800365125You will have a warm-up on the Promethean Board at the beginning of each class. I expect you to be working on it as soon as you get into class while I walk around checking homework.Exit Slips – 5%Exit Slips will be given at the end of most class periods. Graphing CalculatorsGraphing calculators will be used this year in Algebra 1. I have a class set of TI-83 Plus calculators for student use in class. These calculators may not be taken out of the classroom. You may purchase your own calculator – either TI-83, TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus. You may go to the library and check out a calculator to use for two weeks at a time. If you need to check a TI-83 Plus out for use for the entire school year, please let me know. You will check one out just like you check books out, which means if you lose it you must pay for it ($84). Graphing calculators must be used on the EOC Algebra 1 SOL in May. Not all homework assignments and tests/quizzes will permit calculator use. Most assignments will be part calculator on and part calculator off. Math Textbook and Online MaterialsThere is an online textbook available for the students to use at home, as well as extra practice and review for quizzes and tests. I encourage all students and parents to check them out @Algebra 1 2007 Activation Code: 2628985-10 ISBN #: 9780618756469 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at kimberly.cox@ or call the school. Please stay up-to-date with Clarity. I look forward to a very exciting and math-filled year!Share this handout with your parent or guardian. When you have both read this information, please sign your names below and return it to Mrs. Cox.________________________________________________________________________Parent SignatureStudent Name printedPARENT’S ASSIGNMENT TONIGHT: Email me from an email account that I can reach both the parent and the student please and return this form.Procedures and Routines for Mrs. Cox’s Math ClassWhat to do when …152400254001.I am on my Get your math book, 3-ring binder, silent reading book, and agenda.way to class?Go to the bathroom and/or get a drink of water. No passes for the first or last 10 minutes of class.228600895352. I enter class?You may not enter the classroom until the teacher instructs you to do so. Sharpen your pencil if needed. Take your seat and begin the warm-up.152400390525Today’s objective and homework will be on the board. Copy the homework down in your agenda. When the bell rings, you should be working on your warm up and homework should be out on your desk.3. I am tardy?Show the teacher your pass from your previous teacher. Take your seatimmediately. If homework has already been checked, show it to the teacher.25019095254. I am absent?My website and/or Clarity will have the work of the day posted. You are allowed one extra day for every day you are absent to make up the missed assignment(s). If you are absent the day before a test/quiz, you will still be expected to take it since tests and quizzes are announced in advance (but please talk to me before class if you feel you are not!).152400933455. There is a fire Line up single file. The first person will lead the group. drill?Last person out, please turn out the lights and shut the door. Without talking, proceed to the designated area. Our line stays together. When the signal has been given to return to the school, the last person in line will lead the class back into the building. You are to remain silent and in line.190500977896. An announcement Stop talking immediately and listen to the announcement. comes on?152400501657. Mrs. CoxYou will see Mrs. Cox’s hand raised. You will: wants my 1. Stop what you are doing. Put your pencil down.attention? 2. Look at the teacher 3. Listen for instructions.110490292108. I’m unsure ofSay “Pass”. the correctAfter the next student gives the correct answer, you will answer?then be asked to give the correct answer.15240009.Working We will work in different groups of different sizes all year. togetherYou are responsible for your own work and behavior. You must help anyone who asks for your help. Only ask the teacher for assistance after checking with your group. “Ask 3 before me”.2527301397010. I am taking a Place your name, block and date on your paper. Use pencil quiz or test?only and always use a test “shield”. Do not talk. If you talk, you will receive a zero, a phone call home, and a note to the dean. Always check your work before turning in your paper in the designated area. Show all work on all calculations. The math department policy is “NO WORK – NO CREDIT”!762009842511. I finish a quizDouble check your answers! Turn it in, and get the next early?assignment and quietly begin working on it. Always have your silent reading book just in case!-2286009271012. I was absent on You will have two calendar days to make up assessments for each block the day we you miss. You may make it up during resource, before/after school or took a quiz/test?during lunch – but you must get a pass from the teacher.15240046990914400570611013. I need See me immediately! Extra help is available before and after school extra help?by appointment. My website has resources you may find helpful. 012700014. I have a Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. question?15. Class is dismissed?The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell, announcements nor clock! 15240074930Be sure your homework assignment is written in your agenda correctly. Check your area to be sure it is clean. Return the room to its original condition before leaving. 4th and 8th period classes must stack the chairs before leaving the class. 1st and 5th period classes must unstack all chairs when they enter. Maverick Tessellation Project2011 – 2012Algebra 1 You have been assigned a tessellation project. A tessellation is a geometric jigsaw puzzle without gaps or overlaps using the same or very similar pieces. Each piece will be the same shape, but they will all be uniquely decorated to reflect each individual. When combined into one display, the individual pieces unite into one glorious entity on your teacher’s bulletin board! You will trace a triangular piece onto a piece of construction paper that your teacher will provide to you, and you will cut it out in class. When you trace the shape, be sure the dotted side is facing up, and be sure to put a dot on your piece facing up too! (If you color the wrong side, your piece will not tessellate.) The following criteria are how you will be grade:Your first name is on the front (do not put you last name on the front)Your first AND last name on the backYour class period on the backDecorate the front side to show everyone your hobbies, interests and school spirit.You may draw, color, use stickers, cut out pictures from magazines, and/or use the computer to decorate your piece.I am looking for colorful and school spirited tessellation pieces! (Remember the mascot for Smart’s Mill Middle School is a horse)I have to take off points if you color the wrong side, but your piece will not be able to be used in the giant tessellation.Make this one your best and most creative@ Some of you have done this before, and a few of you this is the 3rd time – make it the BESTDUE DATESB day class: due Thursday, September 8th A day class: due Friday, September 9th 202120585090I look forward to seeing your creations!!!!!! Mrs. CoxDecorate this sideTo be returned to Mrs. CoxStudent Information Sheet – please printStudent Name: ______________________________________________________________Block:_________Mother’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________Home Phone:_______________________________Cell Phone:___________________________________Father’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________Home Phone:_______________________________Cell Phone:___________________________________(PLEASE CIRCLE THE PHONE NUMBER I SHOULD CALL FIRST IF I NEED TO GET IN TOUCH WITH YOU)Parent(s) email address:_______________________________________________________________________Please provide an email address both parent and student can be reached.Schedule: I am in SPECTRUM or RESOURCE (circle one). I have resource or spectrum ______ block.Which half do you have resource or spectrum?FIRST or SECOND or FULL BLOCKLast Year: I was in MATH 7or MATH 7 HONORSlast year (circle one)My math teacher last year was MRS. ANDERSON MRS. COX MRS. WHITMOREMy final grade in math last year was a(n) _____. I PASSED or PASS ADVANCED or FAILED the SOL last year.NOW - Take a few minutes to complete this portion of the information sheet. The information you provide will help me get to know you better. Please answer honestly and sincerely.1. Think back to your favorite MATH teacher (no names). What qualities did that teacher have that you appreciated? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you feel about math? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What colleges do you have an interest in attending: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. What profession do you believe you want to pursue as your career?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. I like math. (Check the box you agree with).6. How do you study for math?_______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I look forward to the opportunity to teach you this year and getting to know you!Mrs. CoxStudent Name:__________________________________________Block:_____ DateReason for ContactForm ofCommunicationOutcome ................

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