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To: Ethan T. Smith, Ph.D.

E-mail: Etsmithsiri@

From: Berinda J. Ross, Managing Director, Publications

Date: December 18, 2006

Subject: Permission Request

In accordance with your correspondence of May 21, 2006, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) grants a license to post the papers from WEFTEC.05® sessions 68 and 107 as listed on the attachment on the web site of the Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable (SWRR).  In posting these papers, the SWRR acknowledges that WEF owns the copyright to these papers and that WEF may revoke this license at any time with or without cause.  This is not a license to use any WEF copyrighted material not expressly granted herein, nor is it a license to use any WEF trademark or other intellectual property.

Please also post the following credit line for the papers (individually or as a group):

Reprinted with permission from Proceedings of WEFTEC.05®, the 78th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference [CD-ROM]. Copyright © 2005 Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia; .

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Session 68

Public Education/Government Affairs/Environmental

Management/Systems/Sustainable Water Resources: Sustainable

Water Resources Management I

Formulating Key Indicators for Sustainable Water Resources Development

Part II: Scale Issue and Geographic Patterns

Ethan T. Smith, U.S. Geological Survey; Harry X. Zhang, Parsons Corporation

The Manatee Agricultural Reuse System (MARS): Evaluating a Sustainable

Community Water System in Manatee County, Florida

Charlie Hunsicker, Manatee County, Florida; Laura Morton, Natural Resources

Conservation Service; Britton Miller, Florida West Coast Resource Conservation and

Development Council; Owrang Kashef, Florida West Coast Resource Conservation and

Development Council

Practices to Promote Sustainable Water Sources

Pamela. P. Kenel, Black & Veatch, John T. Witherspoon, Witherspoon Consulting

Sustainability Indicators for the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works

Integrated Resources Plan

Robert Vos, University of Southern California; Joseph S. Devinny, University of

Southern California; Adel Hagekhalil, City of Los Angeles; Hyginus Mmeje, City of Los

Angeles; Heather Boyle, CDM; Kathleen Bullard, CH2M HILL

Groundwater Management Program for Yuba County Water Agency: A

Conjunctive Use Pilot Project

Yuksel S. Onsoy, MWH Americas Inc.; Christopher L. Bonds, California DWR; Christian

E. Petersen, MWH Americas Inc.; Curt Aikens, YCWA; Susan M. Burke, MWH Americas


Session 107

Public Education/Government Affairs/Environmental

Management/Systems/Sustainable Water Resources: Sustainable

Water Resources II

The Future of Water: Identifying and Developing Effective Methods for Managing

Water in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

Perri Standish-Lee, Black & Veatch; Erik Loboschefsky, Mark Beuhler

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Quality Trading Policy: New

Opportunities for Environmental Advocacy Groups?

Sean Blacklocke, CDM Ireland; Ben Dziegielewski, Southern Illinois University &

International Water Resources Association

The Role of Water Reclamation in Water Resources Management in the 21st


K. Esposito, R. Tsuchihashi, J. Anderson, J. Selstrom, Metcalf & Eddy

Aquifer Storage and Recovery for the City of Roseville: A Conjunctive Use Pilot


Christian E. Petersen, MWH Americas Inc.; Kenneth Glotzbach, City of Roseville


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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