| Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie "Nicolae ...

1. Which of the following is true regarding asthma: it produces dysplastic changes in the respiratory epitheliumit is a frequent cause of bronchiectasisit may be triggered by infectionit causes centrilobular emphysemaall of the listed 2. Which of the following is commonly associated with panacinar emphysema: asthmalobar pneumoniabronchopneumoniadiffuse alveolar damagealpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency3. Which of the following is true regarding viral pneumonia: characterized histologically by interstitial inflammation much more common than bacterial pneumoniacharacterized by intraalveolar accumulation of lymphocytescharacterized by necrotizing granulomasnone of the listed4. Lung abscess may occur: as a complication of focal pneumonia as a result of aspiration of infected material from carious teethas a result of viral pneumoniaas a result of acute bronchitis as a complication of lobar pneumonia 5. The etiologic agent common to both chronic bronchitis and emphysema is: hypersensitivity to inhaled antigenspersistent viral infectionasbestossmokingcarbon dust6. The most common cause of community acquired pneumonia is: streptococcus pneumoniae mycoplasma pneumoniaehaemophilus influenzaestaphylococcus aureusmycobacterium tuberculosis7. Which disease is matched with a characteristic histologic findings: asthma: granulomastuberculosis: mucous gland hypertophychronic bronchitis: eosinophilsemphysema: dilated aciniacute respiratory distress syndrome: mucus plugging8. Which disease is a restrictive lung disease: emphysemabronchitispneumoconiosisbronchiectasisasthma9. Which of the following is commonly associated with lobar pneumonia:acute infectious-allergic disease which involves one or more pulmonary lobe acute inflammation of pulmonary parenchyma bronchial acute inflammationchronic interstitial inflammationchronic inflammation which involves one pulmonary lobe 10.Which of the following is likely to the second stage of the lobar pneumonia.low elasticity, gray colorred colored, flaccid firmnessbig variegated lungred colored, increased firmness gray colored, increased firmness11.Microscopic changes of bronchial epithelium in chronic bronchitis are:metaplasia proliferative inflammation dysplastic changes smooth muscle atrophysmooth muscle hypertrophy 12. Characteristic microscopic changes of lung emphysema are:microcirculatory flow reduction alveolar septa thicknessalveolar septa thinness capillary sclerosis hemosiderosis13. Complication of necrotizing bronchopneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT:chronic bronchitisbronchiectasispleural fibrosismetastatic abscesses formationpermanent lobar solidification14. All of the following factors commonly predispose to bacterial pneumonia, EXCEPT:viral respiratory tract infectionssmokingcongestive heart failurebacterial urinary tract infection general anesthesia 15. Primary pulmonary hypertension is a pathological process that:it is strongly associated with cigarette smokingit is often associated with autoimmune disorders it is usually associated with chronic obstructive lung diseaseit is usually associated with chronic bronchitisit is the underlying cause of most diffuse interstitial fibrotic lung disease16. The central cancer of the lung can arise from:epithelium of the bronchiolialveoliepithelium of the central bronchiblood vesselslymphatic vessels17. Bronchiectasis in adults are most often associated with:bronchial obstructionbronchial infection peripheral carcinomabronchogenic carcinomaall of the listed18. The lung cancer which most commonly produces and secretes hormone-like substances is:adenocarcinoma large cell undifferentiated carcinomasmall cell undifferentiated carcinomasquamos cell carcinomabronchoalveolar carcinoma19. Which of the chronic interstitial pneumonia listed below is characterized by marked proliferation and desquamation of alveolar lining cells:eosinophilic pneumonitis idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisdesquamative pneumonitislymphoid pneumonitisHamman-Rich syndrome20. Which of the following carcinomas are well – differentiated and develop from cells that line the respiratory airspace without invading the stroma of the lung:squamos cell carcinoma.anaplastic carcinoma.large cell carcinoma.small cell carcinoma.bronchoalveolar carcinoma 21. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is characterized by each of the following, EXCEPT: it is found predominantly in the major bronchi it grows slower than oat cell carcinoma it arises from metaplastic bronchial epithelium at the time of diagnosis metastases are widespread and a cure can be achieved only by chemotherapy its tumor cells are readily found in the sputum 22. All the following statements about lung cancer are true, EXCEPT: It is related with chronic bronchitisHas a high mortality rate Has recently become more common in females than males It is related to smoking It is to a large extent a preventable form of cancer 23. Lung adenocarcinomas typically:metastasize rarely tend to grow more slowly than squamous cell carcinomas have a propensity to invade the pleuraare unrelated to cigarette smokinghave decreased in frequency over the last 20 years 24. The most common malignant neoplasm of the lung is: carcinoid tumor squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchimetastatic carcinoma adenocarcinoma of the bronchi oat cell carcinoma25. All of the following are true about chronic bronchitis except that it is: it is related to cigarette smoking is characterized by the presence of productive sputumrelated to the hypersecretion of mucus in response to chronic injury characterized by hyperplasia and hypertrophy of mucus-secreting apparatus often caused by alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency 26. Which of the following lesions of the lung contain numerous eosinophils: fibrosing alveolitis sarcoidosisasbestosis Wegener's granulomatosis bronchial asthma 27. Pulmonary hypertension is a consequence of all of the following, EXCEPT: idiopathic hypoventilation recurrent pulmonary emboli congenital left-to-right shunts lobar pneumonia left ventricular failure 28.Which of the following may be associated with asthma: the ingestion of aspirin tobacco smoke the inhalation of asbestos the inhalation of talc acute silicosis 29. All of the following are typical for primary tuberculosis EXCEPT: it is asymptomatic. it is associated with the development of immunity and hypersensitivity to proteins of M. tuberculosis. it heals with the formation of a Ghon complex. the most serious immediate complication is miliary tuberculosis. the majority of patients develop primary progressive tuberculosis 30. Familial emphysema is usually due to a defect in:the structure and function of cilia decreased antiprotease activityepithelial chloride transport regulation of immunoglobulin E pulmonary surfactant 31. The etiologic agent common to chronic bronchitis and emphysema is a persistent viral infection hypersensitivity to inhaled allergens smoking asbestosisalcohol 32.Charcot-Leyden crystals occur in: bronchiolitis obliterans centrilobular emphysema chronic bronchitis asthma bronchiectasis33. All of the following are true about bronchial asthma EXCEPT: changes in both lungs Curschmann's spirals and Charcot-Leyden crystals in sputum prone to develop lung abscess mediated by leukotrienes mucus in bronchi36. All of the following are true of hyaline membranes in the lung, EXCEPT: occur in newborns and adults may be the result of oxygen toxicity occur in shockconsist of fibrin contain immune complexes 37. In acute bacterial pneumonia, the alveolar spaces are most likely to contain: plasma cells and fibrin lymphocytes and fibrin macrophages and hemorrhage polymorphonuclear leukocytes and fibrin macrophages and fibrin 38. True statements regarding pulmonary embolism and infarction include all of the following, EXCEPT:occlusion of pulmonary arteries by thrombi is usually embolic in naturethe usual source of pulmonary thrombemboli is the deep veins of the legswhen emboli reach the lungs, infarction typically occurs in 80-90% of cases saddle emboli cause sudden death by blockage of pulmonary blood flowmultiple small emboli over time may lead to pulmonary hypertension39. Which of the following may involve extrapulmonary tuberculosis:adrenalfallopian tubelymph nodepleuraall of the listed 40. Which of the following is a recognized contributing cause of death in a patient with severe pulmonary emphysema:respiratory acidosisacute intercurrent bacterial infectionright sided heart failuresevere pneumothoraxall of the listed 41. Which of the following statements best describes compression atelectasis:consequence of complete obstruction of an airwaythe mediastinum characteristically shifts toward the atelectatic lungconsequence of filling of the pleural space with fluid or air results from loss of pulmonary surfactantconsequence of fibrotic changes in the lung42. Which of the following conditions is a cause of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax:emphysemalung abscessinterstitial pneumoniatuberculosisviral pneumonia43. True statements regarding hyaline membranes and diffuse alveolar injury include all of the following, EXCEPT:hyaline membranes consist of fibrin and necrotic cell debristhe presence of hyaline membranes reflects diffuse alveolar injuryhyaline membranes in premature infants are filled with lymphocyte hyaline membranes arise from alveolar injury due to a variety of insultsdiffuse alveolar injury in respiratory distress syndrome arises by different pathogenic mechanisms44. Pneumonia with microabscess formation is most likely due to which of the following organisms:beta hemolytic streptococcusklebsiella pneumoniaelegionella pneumophilapseudomonas aeruginosastaphylococcus aureus 45. The characteristic of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma is::accounts for 30% of lung carcinomasis characterized histologically by a solid pattern the mucinous/diffuse variety is associated with a better prognosisthe non-mucinous variant may arise from type II pneumocytes develop from the central bronchi 46. Which of the following statements is correct regarding pulmonary edema:the primary determinant of colloid osmotic pressure within pulmonary capillaries is the concentration of Na ionshigh altitude pulmonary edema is an example of neurogenic edemainjury to pulmonary vasculature is uncommon due to the unique properties of the endothelial cells thereinleft-sided congestive heart failure leads to pulmonary edema through increased hydrostatic pressure hemosiderin-laden macrophages usually indicate the presence of acute pneumonia47. Which of the following is the pathogenetic mechanism that leads to the development of lung abscess:aspiration of infected materialcomplication of bacterial pneumoniasecondary infection of a pulmonary infarctseptic embolization from an infection in another organall of the listed 48.Which is TRUE regarding small cell carcinoma of lung:it is not associated with smokingmost commonly peripheral in location.excellent response to chemotherapy overall prognosis (5-year survival) is in the range of 30-40%it is well differentiated50. The characteristic lesion in primary pulmonary tuberculosis is:cavitary lesion in the lung apexGhon complex localized bronchiectasismiliary lesionstuberculous pneumonia52. Which of the following is a cause of pneumothorax:chest traumaemphysemalung abscessneedle biopsy of the pleuraall of the listed 53. Regarding squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lung, which of the following is TRUE:SCC is a peripheral tumorSCC has a strong association with scarring (scar cancer)is characterized histologically by keratin formation a paraneoplastic syndrome due to ectopic ACTH production is associated with SCCcaseous necrosis is present. 55. Which of the following is a characteristic histologic finding in asthma:attenuation of the bronchial submucous gland layerattenuation of the basement membrane of bronchial epitheliummixed inflammatory infiltrate in the bronchial walls, with a predominance of mast cellshypertrophy of bronchial wall muscle destruction of alveolar walls56. Which of the following statements regarding centriacinar emphysema is TRUE:it involves the respiratory bronchioli it occurs predominantly in female smokersit affects the right lung more severely than the leftit is often associated with chronic alcoholismit is usually seen in drug addicts57. All of the following are complications of severe bronchial asthma EXCEPT:bronchiectasispneumoniavhronic bronchitiscor pulmonalebronchogenic carcinoma 58. Viral infections of the lung most commonly cause:acute airspace pneumonia with accumulation of leukocytesaspiration pneumonia with accumulation of leukocytesinterstitial pneumonia with predominantly lymphocytic infiltration granulomatous pneumonia and mast cell degranulationopportunistic pneumonia with eosinophilic accumulation ................

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