Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance

Sample Ob Risk Assessment Checklist

[Practice Name]

This form should be completed for all patients.

/ /

Patient Name (please print) Patient DOB

EDD: / / Pre-Pregnancy Weight: Current Weight: Weight Gain:

|Risk Factors (check all that apply) |Plan |Patient Discussion |

|Shoulder Dystocia |

|Date identified: / / |Serial U/S |Discussed risk factors with pt |

|Maternal weight | |Date: / / |

|Maternal height |Last U/S completed | |

|Maternal BMI > 35 |Weeks gestation: |Conducted delivery |

|Weight gained > 50 lbs. | |consent discussion |

|Diabetes |Pelvimetry performed |Date: / / |

|Gestational diabetes |Date: / / | |

|Estimated fetal wt > 4,500 grams w/ diabetes | |[Insert other] |

|Estimated fetal wt > 5,000 grams w/o diabetes |Biophysical profile | |

|Fundal height > 42 cm |Date: / / |[Insert other] |

|Gestational age | | |

|Prior hx of vaginal delivery |OB unit alerted, if applicable | |

|Prior hx of shoulder dystocia |Date: / / | |

|[Insert other risk factor] | | |

|[Insert other risk factor] |[Insert other, e.g., dx test] | |

| | | |

| |[Insert other] | |

|Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) |

|Date identified: / / |Anticardiolipin anticoagulant |Discussed risk factors with pt |

|Previous hx PPH |Weeks gestation: |Date: / / |

|Previous uterine atony | | |

|Abnormal placentation |Anti-B2-glycoprotein 1 IgG |Conducted delivery |

|Severe preeclampsia or eclampsia |IgM antibodies |consent discussion |

|Obesity |Weeks gestation: |Date: / / |

|High parity | | |

|Multiple fetuses |CBC with platelet count |[Insert other] |

|Hydramnios |Weeks gestation: | |

|Chorioamnionitis | |[Insert other] |

|Maternal coagulopathy |PT/PTT/INR | |

|Anticoagulant therapy |Weeks gestation: | |

|Ethnicity: Native American, Hispanic, Asian | | |

|[Insert other risk factor] |Complete metabolic profile | |

|[Insert other risk factor] |Weeks gestation: | |

| | | |

| |OB unit alerted, if applicable | |

| |Date: / / | |

| | | |

| |[Insert other, e.g., dx test] | |

| | | |

| |[Insert other] | |

/ /

Signature Date

Supplemental Sample Ob Risk Assessment Checklist

[Practice Name]

This form should be completed as necessary.

/ /

Patient Name (please print) Patient DOB

EDD: / / Pre-Pregnancy Weight: Current Weight: Weight Gain:

|Risk Factors (check all that apply) |Plan |Patient Discussion |

|Preeclampsia/Eclampsia |

|Date identified: / / |[Insert] |Discussed risk factors with pt |

| | |Date: / / |

| |[Insert] | |

| | |[Insert other] |

|Labor Induction/Augmentation |

|Date identified: / / |Labor induced/augmented |Discussed risk factors with pt |

|Medical indicators documented |Weeks gestation*: |Date: / / |

|[Insert other risk factor] |*If elective, not less than 39 weeks | |

|[Insert other risk factor] | |Patient signed consent form |

| |Bishop score present |Date: / / |

| | | |

| |Biophysical profile performed |[Insert other] |

| |Weeks gestation: | |

| | | |

| |EDC confirmed by U/S | |

| | | |

| |Fetal non-stress testing performed | |

| |Weeks gestation: | |

| | | |

| |Contraction stress test performed | |

| |Weeks gestation: | |

| | | |

| |[Insert] | |

| | | |

| |[Insert] | |

|[Other] |

|Date identified: / / |[Insert] |[Insert] |

| |[Insert] |[Insert] |

/ /

Signature Date


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