Gainer Health Support Network


Welcome to Gainer Camp Seattle! My name is Marc aka bigfatjeebus. Before we start today I want to go over a little bit of my background as a medical professional.

I am a graduate of a local community college back in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania known as CCAC. I hold an Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts with focus in Biological Sciences. I hold a certification as a Medical Assistant and have worked with over 50-60 medical providers. I primarily have worked in the fields of family practice, diabetic education, and radiology and diagnostic imaging. I have worked in medicine for about six years. I am NOT a licensed medical provider, I only wish to share some things that have worked for me and some of the knowledge I have gained while working in this industry.

My goal from our conversations and my website: is to create a forum in which we can discuss how to take care of our health and practice general wellness. While it is true that statistically obesity can shorten your lifespan, clinically it is suggested this only takes about 4 years off of your general life. What can impact your health are some of the illnesses that come along with dietary and lifestyle choices.

I am a firm believer that while some believe gaining is a sexual fetish; I believe it is a lifestyle. Enjoying obesity is ultimately part of your lifestyle as a gainer and maintainers. Encouragers have to primarily understand this as well need to be prepared to help take care of your immense body at higher weights if needed. The trade off for both parties is of course sexual satisfaction and also happiness with your identity as a larger person.

Our session will be divided into five chapters. We will focus on nutrition, supplements, exercises, social/psychological barriers, and diseases and how to overcome these illnesses and manage them with success without large amounts of weight loss.


Gainers need a great amount of caloric intake in order to gain weight that turns into fat. However, most gainers do this via fast food or processed food, because of high caloric counts. This food also contains lots of unwanted additives like high amounts of sodium, sugars and cholesterol that can lead to many “obesity-related” diseases. The general consensus over the years from many gainers that I have talked to is that they do not want to eat healthy foods because they believe these to be lower in caloric content.

An important point to make about food in general is that if you cook it at home, it most likely is “better” for you. This is because restaurants, such as fast food places, pack their foods with preservatives. A few key points to remember about food are the following:

Organic isn’t just for health nuts and twinks. It’s for everyone. The less pesticides and chemicals you consume, the better.

The more you eat, the higher your calorie content. There is no magic pill, unfortunately. Pills like Engorge may release bacteria and enzymes to help break down food faster and convert it to fat, but it ultimately comes down to eating more food.

Graze throughout the day and eat the most before bed. Some studies have shown that eating before sleeping converts calories to fat. I eat a high calorie snack/dessert before bed each night.

Empty carbohydrates are more difficult for the body to digest as complex carbohydrates. Reasons for this include how the body uses insulin to extract glucose/carbs from food. Processed carbs cause a spike in insulin, which if this processed occurs over a repeated period of time, diabetes can possibly occur. Foods like brown rice, whole grain breads, and whole grain pastas should become staples of your diet. These foods break down over a longer period of time, not putting an initial “shock” to your pancreas, which produces insulin.

Soda may be a primary tool in the acquisition of diabetes. Drink water when available. Some diet sodas are okay to drink, however some evidence has pointed to them being also a major factor in spiking insulin levels. Try to drink tea or water when available.

Eat like a sumo wrestler. If you can stomach it, fish/sushi is EXTREMELY healthy and has a high caloric content when eaten in bulk. Chankonabe, when made from scratch, is a very healthy dish which contains lots of Omega-3’s. Omega-3’s can help prevent high cholesterol, which then can lead to diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Having difficulty keeping the fork to your mouth? Studies have suggested that watching TV while eating increases your eating capacity. The reason: The TV keeps you distracted from the signals telling your body it is full. Also…slow and steady wins the race. Just relax and eat, fat guys need to make a love relationship with their food, as it is a big part of their lives.

Finally, always make sure you are eating consistently throughout the day. I keep a jar of peanut butter and whole grain bread at work and this has helped me gain.

The following list of foods has high caloric contents however are relatively healthy:


-Brown Rice

-Sweet Potatoes (Prepared in Olive Oil)

-Eggs (Egg Beaters preferable)

-Pistachios and other legumes/nuts

-Wheat Germ

-Natural Peanut Butter

-Olive Oil Based Butter Products (Olivia/Smart Balance)


Don’t be afraid to experiment with your food! Remember, cooking at home is always better then eating out. Preservatives can spike your blood pressure, which overtime can lead to cardiac issues. You can be fat, just be smart. ϑ

Want more info? Websites:

Livestrong’s Guide to Eating Healthy High Caloric Food:

Chankonabe (Sumo Stew) :


This section will be short, but I wanted to advocate a few supplements I have been advised to take by my medical provider. Others have reported these to be helpful. Before taking any supplement, please verify with your doctor if it is okay to take, as some supplements may be contraindicated for people with certain health disorders/problems.

If you have the cash to spare, Id highly recommend to shop at places like Super Supplements or a Vitamin World. These tend to have higher quality supplements versus Walmart or Target. Ordering supplements online is usually cheaper than brick/mortar stores.

Fish Oil

This is a supplement primarily is used to lower triglyceride levels and promote healthy brain function. High triglyceride levels cause diseases such atherosclerosis which can lead to congestive heart failure. Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which are decrease triglycerides and raise good cholesterol (known as HDL). Per the Mayo Clinic website:

“There is evidence from multiple studies supporting intake of recommended amounts of DHA and EPA in the form of dietary fish or fish oil supplements lowers triglycerides, reduces the risk of death, heart attack, dangerous abnormal heart rhythms, and strokes in people with known cardiovascular disease, slows the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques ("hardening of the arteries"), and lowers blood pressure slightly.”


I take about 4 Grams of Omega 3 fatty acids per day. It is important to note when shopping for Fish Oil, look for the actual amount of Omega 3’s (EPA and DHA) that are in the oil. Try to look for “Ultra Omega 3” like MegaRed. These are geared less as a dietary substitute and more as a cardiac (heart) supplement.


Taking a multivitamin is very important, despite the general concept that most gainers have an excess of nutrition. Most foods that are usually consumed do not contain all of the necessary nutrients we need, especially foods that contain empty calories (pies, cookies, pizza). Multivitamins help deliver the basic building blocks (RDA) of the suggested human diet in simple pill, tablet or gummy form. It is important to note that taking tablets usually doesn’t dissolve as well as liquid or gummy form vitamins. Some recent studies have shown conflicting evidence that support multivitamins. Always discuss taking supplements with a medical provider.

“(H)istory has proven that vitamins and minerals play a critical role in our health — the reason we know about the benefits of vitamins and minerals in food is because of the major discoveries in disease prevention such as vitamin C and scurvy and thiamine, a B vitamin, and beri beri (a wasting type disease).”


Vitamin D3

This supplement is especially important for Washingtonians or anyone else living in cloudy climates. Studies have showed that Vitamin D3 for those that do not get enough sunlight can really benefit from this supplement. Vitamin D3 has been proven to decrease depression, increase mood, energy and overall wellness. The suggested general dosage for this supplement is 4000 IU’s, however can vary based on if this supplement is being used for a specific purpose.

“As it becomes clear that Vitamin D3 plays a wide role in overall health, it’s becoming equally clear that a large percentage of individuals are deficient in this important nutrient, which has hormone-like activity. The fear of skin cancer has stopped many individuals from obtaining beneficial amounts of sunlight.”


Vitamin B12

The final supplement on our list is B12. This supplement helps increase energy naturally within the body without utilizing stimulants. Vitamin B12 is also known as cyanocobalamin. Patients who are anemic will often receive B12 injections which help increase their energy and general wellness. The recommended dosage of Vitamin B12 can vary based on the specific purpose of the supplement, but general dosage starts at 2.4 mcg per day. This drug is taken sublingually (under the tongue).

“Vitamin B12 contributes to various essential bodily functions, including the production of DNA, red blood cells and nerve cells; normal development and growth; and proper usage of carbohydrates and the B vitamin called folic acid, or vitamin B9. The vitamin can also increase the benefits of other substances used to improve health in certain cases. For instance, taking vitamin B12 and fish oil together every day instead of fish oil alone can produce better results in some people trying to lower their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, states the Mayo Clinic. Researchers need to investigate such effects more thoroughly to confirm them, however.”



Exercise is extremely important for maintaining strength to increase body mass. Failure to do this can result in having orthopedic issues and cardiac problems in the future. It is recommended that individuals get a minimum of 15-30 minutes of exercise per day. For fat people, low-impact exercise is highly recommended.

“Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.”


In addition, the body does not even start to burn calories for weight loss until 30 minutes after working out. So you can exercise, help your body, however not lose weight.

Low Impact Exercises: Swimming, Elliptical Use, Stretching, Yoga, Walking.

In addition, we will be going over the following topics. These topics will be round table discussions.


Talking with your Doctor:

Be honest, however do not reveal anything about intentionally gaining to your medical provider. This can cause issues down the line with your medical coverage. The best way to address this issue is the following: “While I appreciate your concerns, I am not interested in weight loss at this time for personal reasons I do not wish to share.” If they continue to persist, then you have every right to leave the appointment.

Here are some tests to discuss with your doctor.

Basic Screening Labs for all conditions: CMP, TSH, BMP, CBC and Lipid Panel.

Ask your provider about doing a “baseline” EKG.

Don’t hesitate to ask your provider about how to manage illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Be honest though in that stating, weight loss is not an option. “I am willing to try medicine or exercise/diet modification if needed”.

The final word of advice on this is the following: “You control the appointment. At any point you can choose to change your primary care provider if he/she isn’t providing the answers to questions or is being rude/combative with you.”

Social/Psychological – Concerns?


11 Foods that Will Make You Gain Weight

It seems like North America is obsessed with losing weight, but what happens if you want to gain weight? Some people are naturally quite small and they too feel the effects of bullying. It can be very hard for a person with a fast metabolism to gain body weight. For these individuals, even a few pounds can make the difference. Having too low body weight can cause organ damage, loss of menstruation in women, and bone density loss.

Individuals who are recovering from eating disorders may also be interested in learning how to gain weight a healthy way. It is certainly true that drinking sugary sodas and eating french fries all day will make you gain weight, but your body will suffer greatly. The best way to gain weight is by eating natural, whole foods and paying attention to the caloric intake.

Here are 11 healthy foods that when eaten right can help you gain healthy weight.

1. Red Meat

If you are trying to gain weight, enjoy some red meat. Steak contains a ton of protein and iron. Not all steak cuts are made equal though. You want the fatty cuts where the meat is marbled. These cuts of meat will contain more calories, but they’ll also be way more delicious too! Look for rib-eye, t-bone, New York strip, and beef tenderloin. Red meat is high in cholesterol, so enjoy it with a healthy diet. Combining it with an unhealthy diet high in saturated fats could cause health effects.

2. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is packed with protein and fats, making it a great choice for people trying to gain weight the healthy way. One tablespoon contains around 100 calories and has 4 grams of protein. Peanut butter is also high in folate, magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B3. Enjoy peanut butter mixed into oatmeal, topping a slice of whole grain bread, or as a dip for apples. When picking a brand of peanut butter, try to find varieties that are all natural, meaning they don’t have a ton of sugar and other ingredients added.

3. Whole Fat Milk

One simple substitution you can make when trying to gain weight is swapping your skim milk for whole milk. It’s only 60 calories more a glass as the fat is left in. When you keep the fat in milk, the vitamins and nutrients stay in the solution. Whole milk is high in vitamin D and A. Add whole milk where ever you would use skim, such as in oatmeal, cereal, sauces, or just as a glass of milk. If you enjoy milk in your coffee, you can also use cream here.

4. Tropical Fruit

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but tropical fruit can help you gain weight. Fruits like mango, papaya, bananas, and pineapple are amazing choices. They are full of natural sugars and can give you great energy. Adding in servings of fruit into your diet is a great step to gaining weight. No one ever became fat by eating fruit, so don’t worry about eating too much! If you find it difficult to eat enough fruits and vegetables in a day, try blending them to make a delicious smoothie.

5. Avocado 

These delicious green vegetables are an excellent way to add healthy fats to your diet. One half of an avocado contains 140 calories, but also contain high levels of potassium, folic acid, and vitamin E. Avocado also are filled with B vitamins. Enjoy avocado added to salads, cut up on meat, or even spread on toast. Mash half a ripe avocado onto bread and season with salt and pepper. Delicious!

6. Granola

Granola is a great cereal to enjoy if you are trying to gain weight. This tasty snack is made from rolled oats, sugar, and butter. Dried fruit and nuts can be added. You can buy granola pre-made, but it’s easy to make at home too! Enjoy granola topped with thick yogurt, fruit, and a drizzle of honey. This breakfast will be high in protein from the yogurt, filled with fiber from the oatmeal, and sugar from the fruit.

7. Whole Wheat Bread

Eating healthy bread products is a great way to start gaining weight. If you’re adding bread to your diet, look for whole grains. While white bread is what we all grew up with, it’s not the best for your health. By refining the wheat so much, we strip the nutrients out of it. Instead, opt for whole grain varieties. These contain a fiber and minerals that are missing in white bread. It will help you stay full for longer, and give you sustained energy.

8. Butter

Nothing beats the taste of butter for cooking. It is full of flavor and good calories. Butter does have saturated fats, so enjoy it in moderation. A good option is to incorporate ghee into your diet. This Indian ingredient is ultra clarified butter. It is safe to use when cooking at high temperatures, unlike butter which will burn. Ghee also has concentrated flavor, so you can use less when cooking. Enjoy eggs fried in butter or ghee for a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

9. Nuts

Nuts are a great snack for gaining weight. They are full of fat and nutrients, but also contain a great deal of fiber. Eating only a few nuts can keep you full for hours. Not all nuts are equal for fiber though. Almonds are a great choice, while macadamia nuts are very high in fat. Mixed nuts are a great option because you can get the nutritional benefit of many varieties in one snack. Add nuts to your salads, on top of Asian dishes, and in your breakfast cereals and oatmeal.

10. Cheese

Cheese is one of the favorite foods in North America. You can add cheese into almost any dish. It has all the nutritional benefits of milk products. Most cheeses are high in fat, making it a good product to have if you are trying to gain weight. Cheese comes in many delicious varieties, so pairing a cheese to your meal is a fun experience. Try goat cheese with eggs, Swiss with roasted chicken, and Parmesan on top of asparagus. On its own, cheese also makes a great snack because it’s high in protein.


Credit goes to Ayles, A. (2013). 11 Foods that Will Make You Gain Weight. Retrieved from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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