1 - Baden UMC

Baden United Methodist Church

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

D. Edward Bailey, Pastor

[pic] [pic]

Time Value Mail Change Service Requested

Schedule of Services

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month………………………………………… Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.

| | | | | | |1 |

|Sunday Worship: |Weight Watchers meets | | | | | |

|8:15am in Eaton |in Fellowship Hall |AA meets in Fellowship |Chapel Café | | | |

|Chapel |every Wednesday at |Hall every Sunday |open from 9:00am until | | | |

|10:30am in the |6:00pm |evening at 6:00pm |10:15am | | | |

|sanctuary | | | | | |6:00p Worship |

| | | | | | |Service |

|Sunday School: | | | | | | |

|9:15am Opening | | | | | | |

|in the Sanctuary | | | | | | |

|2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 C.L.U.E. DAY |

|[pic] | | | | |[pic] |[pic] |

| | | |9:30a LET Bible | | | |

|11:30 - 12:30 | |[pic] |Study |9:00a Busy Bees | |9:00a Men’s prayer |

|Christmas Play |6:00p Aldersgate | | | | |breakfast |

|Practice |practice | |6:00p Bell Choir | | | |

| | | | |[pic] | |6:00p Worship |

|[pic] |7:00p Trustees Mtg. | |7:30p Sanctuary | | |Service |

| | | |Choir | | | |

|9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|[pic] | |[pic] | | | | |

| | |12:30p UMW | | | | |

|9a -12n Pancake | |Meeting |9:30a LET Bible | | | |

|Breakfast |Gleam Deadline |6:45p Finance |Study |[pic] | | |

| | |Committee meeting | | | |6:00p Worship |

|11:30 - 12:30 |6:00p Aldersgate |7:30p Church Council |6:00p Bell Choir | | |Service |

|Christmas Play |practice |meeting | | | | |

|Practice | | | | | | |

| | | |7:30p Sanctuary | | | |

| | | |Choir | | | |

|16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |9:30a LET Bible | |7:00p Friday Night | |

|11:30a GEMS |5:30 – 8:30 pm | |Study | |Diners Club at | |

|meeting |We Care Food | | |9:00a Busy Bees |Smokey | |

| |Distribution | |6:00p Bell Choir | |Bones |6:00p Worship |

|11:30 - 12:30 | | | | |Restaurant |Service |

|Christmas Play |6:00p Aldersgate | |6:30p Christian | | | |

|Practice |practice | |Believer | | | |

| | | | |6:30p Boy Scouts in | | |

| | | |7:30p Sanctuary |Fellowship Hall | | |

| | | |Choir | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Gleam Assembly | | | |

|23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

|11:30 - 12:30 | | |[pic] |[pic] | | |

|Christmas Play |6:00p Aldersgate | | | | | |

|Practice 30 |practice | |7:30pm at Concord |OFFICE CLOSED | |6:00p Worship |

| | |6:00p Bell Choir |Presbyterian Church | | |Service |

| | | | | | | |

| | |7:30p Sanctuary | | | | |

| | |Choir | | | | |

|11:30 - 12:30 | | | | | | |

|Christmas | | | | | | |

|Play Practice | | | | | | |



The Gleam November 2008

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720

Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:

It was early April 1988 when I met Juan in Matamoros, Mexico. His face was wrinkled from grinning from all of the sunshine he had been in. He lived in a broken down bus without electricity and plumbing. He did not have a closet with clothes or cupboards with food. I shared with Juan in my best broken Spanish, “I’m a college student from the USA and I came down to help build a house for a pastor…I am here because of my faith to make a difference in the life of a pastor.” Juan looked at me and said, “Me too, amigo! I work here all day and watch over the worksite. At night I pray and watch the stars and moon dance across the sky. I wake up and do it all over again.”

Those two weeks in Mexico with Juan gave me a picture of life that was a big contrast to the life I was living at the time. I was a college student with three hot prepared meals a day. A room with plumbing and electricity and was employed as an over-paid youth worker at a Presbyterian Church.

On the flight home from Mexico I voluntarily got bumped for a future travel voucher as well as a First Class Ticket on the next flight to Chicago and on to Rochester, New York. While flying first class I met William. William was an investor who had several homes around the country. He assumed that my friends and I were coming back from South Padre Island for Spring Break, but was surprised to learn that we were college students who had gone to make a difference for a pastor in Mexico. He seemed to take great pride in talking about all of his homes and the wealth that he had accumulated over the years. As I sat and listened to him ramble on and on about his life and the power that he believed he had over others, I was not impressed. I have to confess to you, I was much more impressed with Juan. While there is plenty of room in the kingdom of God for people with varying social and economic backgrounds, from where I sat William’s life seemed boring!

Every once in a while I think about Juan’s life. When I check my email and respond to several each day. When I check the messages on the machine only to find five new messages since the last time I checked, which was only a few hours earlier. When I hear the alarm of my cell phone that reminds me that there are more calls to make, those calls are people with real needs that need a prayer or a visit. When there are multiple events to be present at and I have to choose one. When I am up past midnight writing an article for a newsletter, to offer some words of hope, yes there are times I think about the simplicity of Juan’s life. “To work all day and watch over the worksite. At night I pray and watch the stars and moon dance across the sky. I wake up and do it all over again.”

I was walking out of the church late one evening and looked up at the stars in the clear sky, and took a deep breath of the cool air and gave thanks to God! I thanked God for the blessings I have in family, friends, a congregation and a community to serve. I am so blessed! It is all too easy to complain and lose focus of what life is about…Is it not? This month we celebrate thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? Why not take time and make a list…literally write down what you are grateful for?”

It’s great to be your pastor!

Ed Bailey, Pastor



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

12:30 pm


Devotions....................................Betty Vagias

Hostesses....................................Florence Dzikowski

Mary Ann Cottom

Program......................................Pat McCaslin

- Thank Offering Program



We will have our meeting on Sunday, November 16, 2008 after the 10:30 church service. Note this is a change because of the church retreat. Our speaker is from the Layette Ministry program. All church members are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Sue Meade at 724-775-6796 or

Christy Sheaffer at 724-857-4522 because a light lunch will be served.

Please remember to bring your thank offering.


The Busy Bee sewers will gather on the Thursdays of November 6th and 20th

from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the church parlor.

Please note the change in meeting place.



1. Brian Bisceglia

2 Krista Tucker

Dana Bucci

3 Scott Mazur

Grant Miller

4 Darcee Gamble

Cheryl Logan

5 Leslie Fox

6 Kathy Heist

9 Ace Stephansky

10 Julie Walsh

Dale DiCicco

Johanna Sheets

11 Louis Gardner

Larney Santry

14 Meloni Lubic

15 Jesse DiCicco

16 Francis McCartney

17 Pat McCaslin

Tabitha Bailey

19 Larry Musgrave

Regina Wachtel

Regina Wilson

20 Rachel Bailey

21 David Harmon

22 Don Fleming

23 Joanne Harmon

24 Mary Lewis

Chris Braner

25 Brian Grimes

Zoe Futato

29 Margaret Cannon

Marie McCartney

Eric Evanko

Shania Short

30 Judith Irwin


Please help us keep our

birthday and anniversary list current.

If you or someone you know has a November birthday or anniversary and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office. Thank you.



November 4

John & Peggy Evanko

November 4

Dave & Danna Smith

November 5

Bobby & Tracy Charlovich

November 11

Scott & Beverly Dawson

November 18

Dale & Christy Sheaffer

November 21

Mike & Beth Lokomski

November 23

Joe & Kathleen Barsic

November 28

Jerry & Barbara Ferguson

November 29

Don & Linda Fleming


2........................................Donna Brynczak

9..................................................Fred Zajac

16..............................................Bob Blanarik

23.......................................Nancy VanDeCar

30.................................................Alan Freed


2..............................Melissa Jones, Candle

Isaac Jones, Bible

9..........................Jacob Charlovich, Candle


16................................Sarah Alberts, Candle

Burke Sheets, Bible

23.............................Bradley Wayne, Candle


30................................Sarah Alberts, Candle

Burke Sheets, Bible


2 8:15.................................Timothy Smith

10:30.................Walt King, John Krepps

John Parkhurst, Bobby Charlovich

9 8:15...............................Gerald Ferguson

10:30..........Bill VanDeCar, Don Fleming

Bill Ickley, Jeff McClure

16 8:15................................Gerald Dunstan

10:30….........John Parkhurst, Joe Fausti

Dave Smith, Dale Sheaffer

23 8:15.................................Dave Woodling

10:30.............Fred Zajac, Brandon Short

Bobby Charlovich, Joe Fausti

30 8:15.............................Paula Hazelwood

10:30..........Joyce Hudson, Teresa Fausti

Phyllis Parkhurst, Carol Walker


2.......................................Fred & Viki Zajac

9.........................Alan, Amy & Carrie Freed

16.............................................Joyce Hudson

23.................................the Woodling Family

30........................Betty & Walter Szymoniak


Meetings & Events

Nov 2 11:30am Christmas Play Practice

Nov 3 7:00pm Trustees Meeting

Nov 6 6:00pm Kidz Club

Nov 7-9 Church Retreat

Nov 8 9:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Nov 9 9a-12n Pancake Breakfast

11:30am Christmas Play Practice

Nov 10 Gleam Deadline

Nov 11 12:30pm United Methodist Women

6:45pm Finance Comm. Meeting

7:30pm Church Council

Nov 13 6:00pm Kidz Club

Nov 16 11:30am GEMS

11:30am Christmas Play Practice

Nov 19 6:30pm Christian Believer class

Gleam Assembly

Nov 21 7:00pm Friday Night Diner’s @

Smokey Bones

Nov 23 11:30am Christmas Play Practice

Nov 26 7:30pm Community Worship

Service at Concord

Presbyterian Church

Nov 27 Thanksgiving Day -

Office Closed

Nov 30 11:30am Christmas Play



Sanctuary Choir:

The choir will once again be singing at the Community Thanksgiving Eve services with the combined choirs of the Baden, Economy Ministerial at Concord Presbyterian Church in Economy Borough on Wednesday, November 26th. It is always a pleasure to join with over 50 voices singing praise to the Lord!

We have begun rehearsals for our Christmas Cantata; “Noel Celebration”. The choir will present this special Christmas gift to the congregation on Saturday evening, December 13that the 6:00 service, and also on Sunday December 14th during the 10:30 worship service. If you would like to join us for the cantata, we practice on Wednesday evenings from 8:00-9:00 in the choir room. We are always looking for a few more voices in each section to compliment the fabulous ones that we already have.

Praise Ringers:

Our Praise Ringers are eagerly getting ready to play for the congregation this month. We are also working on our Christmas music for the Christmas Eve candlelight worship service at 11:00pm.

It has come to our attention that it is time to send our bells back to the Malmark Company for refurbishing. This means that they will inspect the bells for any damage and clean and repair all of the bells with new parts. Of course, all of this will have a cost to it, not to mention the shipping costs of sending the bells

back to Malmark. Therefore, we are going to be starting a fundraiser just in

time for your Christmas card mailing. There are cards of the front of the church that were printed a few years ago that we are going to be selling on Sunday mornings. You can receive a package of 20 cards for the low, low price of $1.00! This is a considerable savings compared to what you would pay for store bought Christmas cards. You will also be showing off the beautiful Sanctuary to all of your family and friends, while helping the bell choir at the same time. Cards will be packaged and ready to go the second Sunday in November. Just look for our display table located in Chapel Café, or see one of our Praise Ringers who will gladly assist you.

Children’s choir:

The Children’s choir will rehearse on Sunday mornings from 9:15-9:30 in the Chapel. The children will then be dismissed to their Sunday school classrooms. Anyone in grades one through six is encouraged to come and join our choir. If you have any questions you may call Miss Linda at 724-869-4430, or talk to our children’s choir director, Tabitha Bailey.

Cherub Choir:

The cherubs will continue to rehearse on Sunday mornings from 9:15-9:30 in the front of the Sanctuary. We thank our Cherubs for singing for us on our Sunday Anniversary service. You were great!

Celebration Sunday:

A change in our “OPENING” time!

Our Sunday School Teachers and CE Board have decided to have our Opening the first Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary, beginning with the first Sunday of November. On the following Sunday’s the children, and youth will report directly to their Sunday school classrooms at 9:15 sharp! Celebration Sunday will be just that! We will celebrate everyone’s birthday in that month, pass out perfect attendance awards, have the special box feature, sing songs, and conclude with refreshments in Chapel café. So don’t forget, you only report to the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of every month, other wise you go straight to your classrooms for Sunday school to begin at 9:15!

The Children’s choir will rehearse from 9:00-9:30 in the chapel every Sunday

and the Cherubs choir will rehearse from 9:15-9:30 in the front of the Sanctuary every Sunday.

Harvest Party at “Yeck Farms”:

Our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, at Yeck’s Farm was held on Sunday, October 26th. This year it was all together different, with a new corn maze, hayride route and general store. We had a blast on the hayrides and running through the corn maze. We also had hotdogs and snacks, and a bonfire

to sit around. The children enjoyed the

costume parade, games, and picking out a pumpkin. There was fun for everyone, even if you are not the hayride type.

Snack Foods for “We Care”:

During the month of November, the Sunday school classes will be collecting snack foods for the children of our We Care food cupboard families. Each week we will have our snack basket up front for you to put your snacks in. Mrs. Linda Fleming, our “We Care” food coordinator, was telling of the need for the children to have snacks that they can take to school, and be available for them when they arrive home from school. A few popular ones are the instant brown sugar oatmeal packets, fruit rollups, marshmallow squares, etc. Think of what your child likes to have, and send one in for our Sunday school snack basket!

Bible Sunday:

Our third graders will be presented bibles from the congregation on Bible Sunday, November 23rd. Each child will receive a “Hands on Bible” just like the ones that their teachers use during Sunday school class. It is a very special day for our third graders, and for our congregation to be putting the word of God in the hands of our children. Please join us for this special moment in their Christian lives.

Kidz Club:

Kidz Club Cookie Bake:

Come and join us for Kidz Club every Thursday evening in Chapel Café from 6:00-7:30. (With the exception of the Thursdays that the Boy Scouts hold pack meetings) This month’s special event will be on Thursday, November 13th when we make and bake cookies! We had so much fun last year making our very own cookies from scratch that we decided to go for it again this year! (We just may bake some cookies for Pastor B. this time!) Our special cookie bake will begin at 6:00 that evening in Chapel Cafe, with pickup at 7:30. Be prepared to get messy! We are going to have a lot of fun, and we want you to be a part of it. If you are in Preschool through Jr. High, you are welcome to join our Kidz Club.

A special reminder to all of our parents: We are moving Kidz Club to the Chapel Café area to help save on the heating and energy costs. So, don’t forget to come to the Chapel Café doors, instead of Fellowship Hall.

Sunday School Christmas Play Rehearsals:

Oh yes, it is time for play practice!

This year we are going to try something NEW! Our Christmas Play will take place on Sunday, December 21st in place of the 10:30 worship service. After the play is over then we will have a covered dish luncheon for all in Fellowship hall. This allows those who would like to come see our children and youth in their Christmas plays, but are uncertain of the evening weather or driving in the dark, to be able to join us for this special event. Our play will be under the direction of Mr. Jeff DeSantis, with the help of our Children and Youth Sunday school teachers.

Play rehearsals will be held immediately following the 10:30 worship service on Sunday mornings. All children and youth are to report to the front of the Sanctuary as soon as the service is over. Rehearsals will be over at 12:15.

Parents are welcome to stay in the chapel café area to wait for their children while rehearsals are in session.

We will begin rehearsals on Sunday, November 9th and will continue every Sunday unless otherwise noted.

Friday Night Diners Club:

Our Friday Night Diners had a great time at Rainaldi’s Restaurant in October. In November, our Diners will make a return visit to Smokey Bones in Cranberry Township on Friday the 21st. Reservations must be placed by Sunday, November 16th. A signup sheet will be placed on the board next to the church nursery. Anyone age 18 and older is welcome to join us for some great food and a night out of relaxation with our Friday Diner’s. You never know what will happen with our group!

Chrismon Patterns:

Christmas is just around the corner. A number of Chrismon patterns are in this issue (pages 12-20) for you to use in creating a Chrismon ornament. Copies of these patterns are also available in the Narthex. Chrismons are white in color, to signify purity. they are made from felt, cloth material, or foam. They are traditionally decorated with gold or silver ornamentation; also clear decorations/beads have been used. These Chrismons will be used to decorate the Sanctuary Christmas tree.



Congratulations to our recent baptismal candidates.

William Steven Dobich was baptized on October 5, 2008. William is the son of Andy and Patricia Dobich.

Alexis “Lexi” Lynn Watt was baptized on October 19, 2008. Lexi is the daughter of Janine Parkhurst and Chad Watt.

Garrett James Litzinger was baptized on October 19, 2008. Garrett is the son of James and Jennifer Litzinger.

We welcome them into our faith family.



Congratulations to Kristen Bogati and Thomas Kapinski who were married on October 4th.



Congratulations to Nathan and Sarah Harmon on the birth of their son Gideon Moon Harmon. He is also welcomed by his grandparents Dave and Joanne Harmon.


The order will be placed through Beaver Valley Floral this year and the cost will be $8.50 each. The flowers will come in 61/2 inch pots and you will have a choice of red, white or pink. There is an order form in the narthex for your convenience. All orders must be placed by December 15th.


A note of

thanks and

appreciation to

Pastor Bailey

and everyone who gave of their time and talent to make the church’s 150th Anniversary Celebration so memorable. The Baden United Methodist Church and its’ members truly make it someplace special.

~ Carmel McCreary


CHRISTIAN BELIEVER COURSE: Christian Believer will begin on November 19th at 6:30pm. If you did not attend the informational meeting or speak to Pastor Ed, and you are interested, please see him today.


The UMW continue to sell

RADA Cutlery.

If you would like to purchase cutlery for Christmas, please see Sue Meade to place your order.

PLEASE PRAY FOR.... Christina Blinn; Judy Blinn; Pauline Bruning; Margaret Bucci; Howard Carrodus; Katherine Collingwood; Dan Cook; Doug Craig; Dale Dishong; Evelyn Domenick; Ryan Dorrier; Veronica Emmerson; Charles Fennell; Esther Fox; Maggie Gall; Jean Garlitz; Shane Glatt; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; Mary Jo Hess; Janet Johns; James Johnston; Ken Jones; Alice Keister; Susan Kickle; Lindsey Kinkel; Lucas Kline; Ellen Lawrence; Lance Cpl. Zachary Livengood; Jeff Marsh; Amber Mazur; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Brian Mickey; Dustin Miller; Mark Montagna; Dave Morgan; Norma Mustake; Diana Paymer; Virginia Salak; Lt. Col. Tim Seamon; Christine Smith; Charlotte Stumpf; Eva Swerdi; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Betty Vagias; Matthew Wadd; David Waxler; Sherri Zdunek; Ally; David; Doug; Gloria; Lori; Pam; Stacey.

Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.

News from the We Care Food Pantry

“Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor..” ~ Proverbs 22:9


Leaves are falling and chilling winds are blowing, and the time for thanksgiving is upon us.


The food pantry is in need of replenishing. Our financial funds are also down. So once again we look to our

church family for help. We had 13 new families in October, and expect more than 85 families in November. 

These are some of the items we are in need of.

Baking Products:

frosting muffin mix cake mix pie filling cookie mix brownie mix pudding mix

Pantry Items:

pickles olives peanut butter salad dressing jelly ketchup mustard juice tuna canned fruits canned chicken ravioli olives spaghettios rice cereal baked beans canned potatoes crackers spaghetti mayonnaise macaroni stuffing spaghetti sauce cranberry sauce egg noodles boxed dinners

Cleaning Products:

liquid laundry detergent softener sheets or liquid

Hygiene Items:

bar soap deodorant tooth brushes sanitary napkins toothpaste shampoo shaving needs

lotion body powder

We the helpers of the pantry thank you for your continuing support. We also appreciate any monetary donations. Please make checks payable to We Care.


In Christ;

Donald and Linda Fleming, Co-Directors


Three Fish - One of

the early signs of

Christendom was the

fish. The Greek word

for fish is IXTHUS.

This is an acrostic for

the Greek words for

Jesus Christ, Son of

God, Savior.

Fish and Bread - We

are reminded of the

breakfast on the

beach to which Jesus

called his disciples

following his

resurrection. Also,

Jesus fed the

multitudes with

loaves and fishes.


The Eight Pointed Star symbolizes the Kingdom of God.

Angels heralded

the birth of our


Celtic Cross #1-

This cross

is seen quite

often. Celtic

Cross #2 -

This cross

is the same

as Celtic

Cross #1,

but more


Chi Rho - Two Greek

letters which are the

first letters in the

Greek work for Christ.

The Circle -


the world, God’s

wholeness, and


Cross & Chi - Two chi’s

superimposed upon

one another. The chi in its normal position represents Christ (chi is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ). The chi in the position of the cross represents Christ’s crucifixion. Together, they remind us of what the baby in the manger came to earth to do.

Crown - Jesus is the King of

kings and Lord of lords.

The Cross and the Crown - We are reminded that if we would have the crown of eternal life; we must take up the cross of Christ. The letters “NIKA” spell out the Greek word for “victor”.

Eternity - The cross is inside a

circle composed of circles.

Circles represent eternity. We

are reminded that to have God’s

gift of eternal life means being

committed to the way of the


Greek Cross - The Greek cross

has arms of equal length. This particular Chrismon has circles on the arms, representing eternity.

Latin Cross with Alpha and Omega - We are

reminded that Jesus is the Alpha and the

Omega, the Beginning and the End, who died

on the cross for us.

Iota, Eta, Sigma - These three Greek letters on the cross remind us that Jesus died for us on the cross.

Jerusalem Cross - The crusader’s cross. This cross was worn by the crusaders going to Jerusalem.

John 14:7 - Jesus telling the disciples that if he knows Him (Jesus) he has met God.

Luke 11:5-14 - The parable of how

God provides for us through prayer

Luke 12:24 - God feeds even the birds of the air

The Southern Cross - A constellation seen only in the Southern Hemisphere.

Triumphant Church - The world (as seen by the

latitude and longitude lines) with the cross on

top, reminds us that Christ is triumphant over

the challenges presented by living in the world.

IXTHUS - The Greek word for fish. This is an

acrostic for the Greek words meaning Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.


The Gleam

Baden United Methodist Church

Monthly Newsletter

(724) 869-2720

badenumc@ (Office)

revedbailey@ (Pastor)

Ronda F. Curcio, Editor

Monthly Volunteers

Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick,

Carol Harmotto

Joyce Ickley, Patty King

December Issue Deadline – Nov. 10

Assembly Day – Nov. 19

Baden Church is a caring congregation dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the community through its joyful expression of love, fellowship and service.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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