Ultimate Strength

William de Ferrers at the South East Schools.


Another first for the Olympic Weightlifting Club was achieved on Sunday 25th November as William de Ferrers represented the East Midlands Division as guest competitors in the South East Schools’ Championships in Woking, Surrey.

Lifting in the Open Tournament, David Mowat won the under 105kg title, William Symonds placed second in the under 62 kg, Sam Pugh won the over 65 kg title and Dominic Simmons won the under 45kg title.

Congratulations to all concerned, and a reminder that Coaching sessions for Olympic Weightlifting take place every Tuesday and Wednesday between 3;30 and 5;00 pm. All students are welcome!

Contributed by Stuart Braxton

News in brief

Masters – date and venue change

The British Masters, originally scheduled for the 29th and 30th March at Coventry has had to be rescheduled for the 5th and 6th April and is now at the Birmingham Sports Centre.

IPF rule book updated

The IPF rule book was updated on 18/1/2008 and is available from the IPF website. In addition a new list of approved equipment has been released which is included with this newsletter.

IPF approved equipment list

The IPF issued a revised list of approved equipment in January which is accessible from their website, and in included here for your information. [See IPF approved Equipment List on page 2].

Divisional AGM and committee meeting

The AGM took place on 2nd February 2008 at the Hitchin Weightlifting Club in Letchworth. This was followed by a committee meeting. The minutes from both are included in this edition. [See Minutes of the AGM for 2007 on page 4 and see Minutes of EM committee meeting on page 5].

Useful links


| |International Powerlifting |

| |federation (IPF) |

| |European Powerlifting Federation |

| |(EPF) |

| Powerlifting |

|itishpowerlifting/Home.htm | |

| |Home of the EMWLA website |

IPF approved Equipment List

Approved list of apparel and equipment

for use at IPF sanctioned competitions.

Updated: 18th January 2008

Approved supportive equipment:

Only costumes, support shirts and wraps from commercial manufacturers officially registered and approved by the Technical Committee shall be permitted for use in Powerlifting Competitions. This applies to all championships and records, from Local to World.

Only bars and plates, squat racks, bench racks and benches from commercial manufacturers officially registered and approved by the Technical Committee shall be permitted for use in World , Regional and Continental Championships. The setting of World Records must be made with Bars and Discs featured on this list.

|INZER:  |"Z-Suit" |

| |"Champion Suit" |

| |"Hard Core Suit" |

| |"TRX" Squat Suit |

| |"Megathrust" Squat Suit |

| |"MAX DL" Deadlift suit |

|  |"Fusion" Deadlift suit |

|  |"XDL" Deadlift suit |

|  |"Iron Wraps A and Z" |

| |"Erector Shirt" |

|  |"Sleeveless Erector Shirt" |

|  |"Heavy Duty Erector Shirt" |

| |"Sleeveless Heavy Duty Erector Shirt" |

|  |"Blast Shirt" |

|  |"Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (HD)" |

| |"High Performance Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (HPHD)" |

| |"Extra High Performance Heavy Duty Blast Shirt (EHPHD)" |

| |"Phenom shirt" |

| |"The Wrath bench shirt" |

| |"The Rage bench shirt" |

| |"Rage-X bench shirt" |

| |"XB bench shirt" |

| |"BOLT bench shirt" |

|TITAN: |"Squat Suits |

|  |"Centurion Suits" |

|  |"Red Devil" wraps |

| |"Signature Gold" wraps |

|  |"Titanium" wraps |

|  |"Deadlift Suit" |

|  |"Titan Fury Shirts" |

| |"Knee Wraps T.H.P." |

| |"Wrist Wraps T.H.P." |

| |"F6 Tornado Shirt" |

| |"Fury NXG Plus SHP Bench Shirt" |

| |"Katana Shirts" |

|METAL: |"Metal Squatter" |

| |"Metal Viking Squatter" |

| |"Metal Squatter v-type"   |

| |"Metal Viking Squatter v-type"  |

| |"Metal King Squatter" |

|  |"Metal King Squatter V-type" |

|  |"Metal Bencher"   |

|  |"Metal Viking Bencher" |

|  |"Metal Viking Bencher X Type" |

|  |"Metal Viking Presser" |

| |"Metal Presser" |

| |"Metal Deadlifter" |

|  |"Metal Viking Deadlifter" |

| |"Metal King Sumo Deadlifter" |

| |"Metal King Deadlifter" |

| |"Metal Blackline Wraps" |

| |"Metal Black Wraps" |

| |"Metal Triple Blackline Wraps" |

| |"King Bencher" |

| |"King Presser" |

| |"King bencher x-type" |

|CRAIN: |"Power Bench Press Shirt" |

|  |"Mega Power Bench Press Shirt" |

|  |"Power Suit" |

|  |"Genesis Power Suit" |

|  |"Genesis Deadlift Suit" |

|  |"Shirt cx1 and cx2 (single ply)" |

| |"Costume cx1 and cx2 (single ply)" |

| |"cx1 power Wrap" |

| |"cx1 power Wrist Wrap" |

| |"Genesis Power Wrap" |

| |"Genesis Power Wrist Wrap" |

| |“Redline Power Wrap” |

| |“Redline Power Wrist Wrap” |

|MURPHY: |"Murphy Bench Shirt" |

|PRO WRIST STRAPS: |“APT’s Pro Wrist Straps” |

| |“ZRV – Pro Wraps Wrist and Knees” |

| |Convict Pro-Wrist Wraps 12", 20", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |ZRV-Pro-Wrist Wraps 12", 20", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Blue Power-Wrist Wraps 12", 20", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Red, White & Blue-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Thug-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Black Reaper-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Black Mamba-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Blue mamba-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

| |Blood Stripe-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

|  |Phantom-Wrist Wraps 12", 24", 36"/Knee Wraps 2 meter |

Approved bar, plates and racks:

|ER EQUIPMENT:   |Bench/Squat Racks |

|IVANKO: |P/L bars and discs |

|LEOKO:  |P/L bars and discs |

|ELEIKO:   |All equipment of Eleiko is approved, included bars and discs. |

|PALLINI: |P/L Bars and Discs " Bench/Squat Racks " |

|UESAKA: |P/L bars and discs |

|METAL: |METAL Viking Powerlifting Rack |

|  |METAL Viking Bench Rack |


Approved logos:

Allsize Denmark


House of Pain


Power-House Japan

Quest Nutrition USA

GNC Pro Performance

Under armour


(The logo fee costs €250 each Year)

The user of this powerlifting equipment for himself and his heirs, release the IPF, its representatives, agents, and affiliates from any and all liability arising from the use of this equipment. Further, the user agrees to use this equipment as recommended. Failure to do so voids all responsibility and liability of the IPF, its agents, and affiliates, and the manufacturer of this equipment. Use of this equipment constitutes an agreement to these conditions.

Courtesy of:

John Stephenson, IPF Technical Committee Chairman

and Gaston Parage,  IPF Treasurer.

Minutes of the AGM for 2007

The East Midlands Weight Lifters Association

Annual General Meeting minutes for 2007

Meeting Held at the Hitchin Weightlifting club, Whitehorn Lane, Letchworth Herts

On the 2nd February 2008 – meeting open at 12.00p.m.

1/. Members present; Peter Weiss (chairman) Jenny Hunter, Louise Pennell, Kevin Webb, Stuart Hamilton, Stuart Braxton, Dave Tucker, Wally Pullum, Steve Gates, Allen Ottolangui, Kevin Jane

2/. Apologies; Ian Kinghorn

3/. Minutes of previous AGM (accepted after slight amendment * – proposed Stuart Hamilton, seconded Jenny Hunter)* Stuart Hamilton pointed out that he was not publicity manager but web site manager.

4/. Officer reports; Reports were received from the weightlifting secretary, Divisional secretary and membership registrar/newsletter editor – plus a statement of accounts from the treasurer. The issues raised within these reports were deferred until the subsequent committee meeting following the AGM.

5/. Election of officers; No resignations or nominations had been received by the secretary. Both Wally Pullum and Ian Kinghorn had written to say they were prepared to continue in office for another year. Louise Pennell had taken on the role of Disabled Lifting Secretary during the year and as there were no other nominations was prepared to continue in this role.

Officers for 2008;

President Wally Pullum

Chairperson Peter Weiss

Treasurer Jenny Hunter

Hon Secretary Kevin Jane

Technical Officer David Tucker

Assistant technical officer Peter Weiss

Weightlifting Secretary Stuart Braxton

Powerlifting Secretary Tracy Hawkins

Disabled lifting Secretary Louise Pennell (Nominated Allen Ottolangui seconded Pete Weiss)

Membership registrar Ian Kinghorn

Newsletter editor Ian Kinghorn

Records officer Ian Kinghorn

Drugs Officer Kevin Jane

Web Site manager Stuart Hamilton

Child protection Officer Kevin Jane

Committee Member Alan Ottolangui

6/. Divisional representative; It was agreed unanimously that the Secretary will represent the division at Governing Council meetings.

7/. No items were received for the BWLA AGM. Meeting closed at 12.30 pm

Minutes of EM committee meeting

The East Midlands Weight Lifters Association

Minutes of committee meeting held at Hitchin Weightlifting Club, Whitehorn Lane, Letchworth Herts on 2nd February 2008 – meeting opened at 12.31 p.m.

1/. Committee members present; Pete Weiss, Wally Pullum, Dave Tucker, Louise Pennell, Jenny Hunter, Allen Ottolangui, Stuart Braxton, Stuart Hamilton, Kevin Jane.

Also present; Steve Gates & Kevin Webb

2/. Apologies; Ian Kinghorn

3/. Minutes of previous meeting (3/11/07) The All Midlands Powerlifting championships did not take place last year, the first time this has not been staged in over twenty five years. The secretary had spoken to Arthur Hoey who was looking at a venue and date for this competition but received no further communication from him and so the competition was seemingly forgotten. The Secretary will liaise with Arthur as to the possible future of this once prestigious event.

The Secretary also contacted Fred Sterry re the possibility of staging a National Dead lift competition within the Division, this also did not generate much enthusiasm but is going to be considered as a possible event for 2008.

4/. Rules governing meetings; The Secretary informed the meeting that a review of the BWLA Articles of Association was originally expected to have been completed prior to this years Divisional AGM’s. This would have some implications for how future divisional meetings are run and publicised. However as these proposed changes were still in a draft format @ 12/1/08, the Executive Board had issued guidelines for conducting Divisional meetings until further notice. Much for the moment remains unchanged – once the new articles are agreed these will be made available on the divisional web site.

5/. Championship dates;

a) Allen informed the meeting that there were thirty entries for the Divisional unequipped P/L to be held on the 10/2/08 and that the first weigh-in (9.00 – 10.30am) would be for all lifters up to and including the 82.5kg weight classes. The secretary will contact Ian Kinghorn re setting a date for the Masters, Juniors and Novice P/L. The East Mids Senior P/L championships will be held at Hitchin WLC Letchworth on the 7th December 2008.

b) There were a number of guests wishing to compete in next weeks unequipped P/L and some lifters who wanted to lift in the event despite residing in other divisions. There is no reference to what division a member is a member of on the new membership booklet issued this year. This will no doubt cause officials problems across the country and needs a solution – the secretary to contact head office.

c). The Farm WLC having relocated to Moulton Collage have until March 08 to decide if they can commit financially to a further years contract. If they can the venue is ideal for staging National championships. Ever optimistic – negotiations have already taken place to stage the first ever English Powerlifting championship there over two days. This would be subject to the full support of the division. Also if the Farm WLC is able to meet the financial requirements they would look to stage a divisional weightlifting championships later in the year. Stuart B and Kev to discuss this possibility in due course.

6/. BWLA membership; The secretary informed the meeting that at the last Governing Council meeting a discussion on membership concluded that currently members who hold membership cards for 2007 are still official members of the association until the 31st March 2008. A lifter may therefore present either a new membership book or last years card at a weigh-in until the 1st of April 2008.

7/. Guest lifters; Apart from the issues regarding divisional membership (item 5 b) the number of guest lifters allowed to participate at a divisional event is up to the organiser, and the organiser can also decide whether to have guests lifters or not and indeed whether to provide them with a trophy.

8/. Dates for committee meetings 2008; All meetings to be held at Hitchin WLC Whitehorn Lane, Letchworth Herts. Starting at 10.30a.m. on the following dates:

Saturday 3rd May, Saturday 2nd August, Saturday 8th November

9/. A.O.B. a) Louise informed the meeting that there was a strong possibility that the division will have some lifters in the forthcoming Beijing Paralympics who may well need some financial support – the committee will consider any applications it receives.

b) Stuart Braxton had an offer to purchase some weightlifting equipment although was not able to make use or store some of what needed to be purchased as a complete package. The Farm WLC did have use of some plastic weights prior to recently moving and Pete/Kev will see if these can be located and purchased at a reasonable price by the division for Stuart, - The Farm WLC have given Stuart some small metal discs for the time being.

c) The Secretary had noticed at the last Executive Board meeting that an amount of £3245 was owing to BWLA by Moulton College which is where the Farm WLC had just located to. As there had been no communication from head office as to what this might have referred to the secretary contacted Steve Cannon who put him in touch with Brain Hamill. It would appear that the outstanding amount was not from running leaders courses as first thought, but from an experimental course (part I, introduction to Olympic lifting for other sports) Brian had apparently asked Steve if he should contact the East Midlands committee regarding running this course, but was told he did not need to. It would appear that many of the students on the course failed and that there is some ongoing debate about room hire charges and actual costs.

Meeting closed at 2.20p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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