
Programme OverviewTime630789101112131415161718192021Monday9thJulyTravel to venueWelcome and introductionsInsights on Anthropocene fire management from pre-Columbian Amazonian Dark Earth forests.DinnerOur global challengesprojectWeird Wildlife facts: True or false?Tues10thJulyThe amazing world of plants BreakfastGroup 1: Animal behaviour: sexual selection and courtship behaviourMaths for BiologistsLunchThe Margham Wildlife MysteryGroup 1: Cities, sustainability, and justice.Policy mattersCamera trapping mammalsLongworth mammal trap set upsMoth traps set upUV trackingGroup 2: Mammal ecology: dentition and dietCrowdsourcing mammal monitoring with camera trapsGroup 2: Growing and measuring the un-growable: microbiomicsThe world beneath our feet: trees, roots and “friendly fungi”Weds11thJulyWhat happened last night?Group 1: Growing and measuring the un-growable: microbiomicsThe world beneath our feet: trees, roots and “friendly fungi”Time outPhoto compGroup 1 Drones and 3D models: The future of researchGroup 1: Mammal ecology: dentition and dietCrowdsourcing mammal monitoring with camera trapsTop tips to a career in science and researchCreative creatures with natural materials.Group 2: Cities, sustainability, and justice.Group 2: Drones and 3D models: The future of researchTime outPhotocompGroup 2: Animal behaviour: sexual selection and courtship behaviourThurs12thJulyBirds and bugs and possibly deerGroup 1: Marine EcologyGroup 1: Beyond academia: ecology in local government, charities, consultancies and statutory bodies.Doing Good Conservation vs Doing Good in ConservationBat detecting!Group 2: Beyond academia: ecology in local government, charities, consultancies and statutory bodies.Group 2: Marine EcologyFri13th JulyPacking bags and cleaning roomsGroup Presentations: Our global challengesRiver Pollution: Challenges, Prospects and opportunitiesPrizes and farewellsTravel home ................

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