Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety


You are not allowed to reproduce copyrighted material in any way, including the same way you bought it as such as making a copy of a CD.

The law says you don’t need a copyright notice on your work people should assume it is copyrighted.

You cannot use copyrighted material for education purposes but there is ways to legally use it.

Even if it’ publicly posted on the internet, you still cant use it unless you legally get permission.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying can lead to very tragic things.

This boy named Ryan committed suicide because of bad cyber bullying

It is never good to cyber bully somebody because it hurts them in a different way

If you publicly humiliate somebody online those hurtful things are there forever.

Cyber Safety

Cyber safety is to protect your personal information online.

Do not fill out forums or register anything in sketchy emails.

Check your accounts regularly to make sure nothing weird is happening.

Check the URL and make sure it is recognizable.


Posting bad things on Facebook can get you into trouble with school.

Facebook is a good place to have cyber bullying going on so we have to not use it for that reason.

Even teachers can get into trouble on Facebook.

Facebook can be good if used in a good way for teacher to student communication.

Identity and Privacy

Posting funny things online can be funny for awhile but can also hurt your reputation because they will be there forever.

Keeping your password safe is a good idea.

Don’t put anything online that could hurt your reputation in the long run.

Never give your password to anyone for incase of hackers.

Illegally downloading music, movies, and photos

Kids are less likely to download illegal things if they no the law.

People think that downloading illegally is not as bad as actually stealing.

Stealing is what you are really doing when you download illegally.

You can be charged $150,000 per song you download illegally.


Plagiarism is taking somebody’s ideas and using them as yours.

Teachers, politicians, and historians have all used plagiarism.

Copy and paste is a form of plagiarism that most people use.

It is a shorter easier but illegal way to do things.


You can be charged for child pornography.

Those pictures you send can end up on everybody’ screen.

Once you send something there is no way to take it back.

The things you send are always out there.

Stop, Think, Click

Crimes online are just as bad as crimes outside in the world.

You can end up in jail for committing online crimes.

Your teachers and parents want you to be safe when you are online.

Before we visit a website or download something we should always make sure its safe.

Teen Angels

Teen angles are teens that make the internet safer for everybody

Teen angles make websites and pages that are safe for everybody

They get awards for making safe pages

There good websites are safe to visit and fun.

Textual Harassment

This could be a form of cyber bullying.

People do it because they won’t say it to those people’s faces.

It could get you into a lot of trouble.

Never txt anybody bad things.

What the Law Says

The law says that teachers are required to teach kids the safety on the internet.

It says that all kids and teens should be aware of what is legal and what is not.

It says that the teachers also have to teach us about plagiarism.

Also it says that they should teach us the main purpose of the internet.

Wiki Reflection

The lady in the video is talking about how we all need to be aware of the law and that there should be a law of digital citizenship. You have to be a good citizen on the internet just like you are in the real world. The digital world is just another place where good and evil are so you have to act like you would outside of the computer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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