Josh Newell GDE notes

Josh Newell GDE notes

/*------------------- my original note scribblings----------------------------*/

when browsing schema

categories: Description

why are we displaying the results like:

Saving the results...

time: 0.043793916702271

size: 3

rating: 7

keep value: 1607243.75

Description contains a variety of values from: Saving the results...

time: 0.020098924636841

size: 96

rating: 7

keep value: 23051.0546875

Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal to Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings including:

when browsing for others we have:

CategoryName contains a variety of values from: Beverages to Seafood including:




Dairy Products





which is a nice clean table

and when i click on Picture

we have a histogram only

Histogram of the most common values for Picture:

are they supposed to be like this?

does it depend on the types of values?

thjis is the same throughout it seems, some give the "saving..." stuff, some give histograms

i'm unsure what the criteria is for displaying the the different stuff

ah, when no unique values, we show an example, when a bunch of same values, so histogram

hisogram seems a little bit confusing and kinda cluttered

when u first go in it displays the saving results stuff

but do users need to see that?

maybe just that results were saved, not all the clutter maybe?

fax histogram looks kinda weird

why do i not get an execution time displayed in recent queries

option to get more than only the last 10?

do i have to create basic summary queries or does the system generate them

when do i get pending queries?


suppliers -> home page looks messed up

are there any values in discoutn not 0?(check the file maybe)?

and if all the values are the same? do we have to show one huge bar for the histogram? cant we say all values are 0? does it matter or am i jes being picky?

/*-----------------------end original notes-------------------------*/

/*--New clean notes with screens!--*/

--Showing the “Saving” data


-Do we really need to show that data for the user?

-Can it be hidden to start with?

-For example, Just show Saving… and then maybe a link to show the details

/*----Histogram Problems---*/


This is a histogram of Fax numbers (Suppliers->Fax)

Now, we know that no one is going to have to same fax number, but because a bunch of values are blank for Fax (not everyone has a fax machine), we get 16 for no entry

This shows two problems:

1. When we have blank values, the histogram does not let us know explicitly that there is no entry

-should most likely at least say there are no values for certain number of entries

2. When we have only once instance of a certain value, or a very low percentage, we shouldn’t display these in the histogram, it is not telling us anything about the data if there is only one value


Here, we have all one value (order_details -> Discount)

Instead of showing one odd looking histogram bar, can we just say all entries are: value

General Histogram comments:

-Show percentages and total number of specific value

-cut off certain low percentages and values with only 1 occurance

-explicitly say when fields are left blank

-if no similar values, histogram should not be shown (should also not be shown if only a bunch of blank values are the “similar values”)

-“has a value” should also apply in histograms (not sure what this means, Jeanna wrote it as notes)

/*---Show Me button and Baby Database problems-------------------*/


-the “Show Me” button at the top of the screen enters a query in the box at the bottom of the screen, however, this is unintuitive to users if they don’t know this, there is no indication that anything happened by pressing the show me button, especially if you cant see the box in your window when you press the button

-something more intuitive needs to happen, or some indication that you need to now check the box

now when I click submit query under the box….


I get this error that I cant run the query because there is no baby database

So now try to create a baby database

Click Manage Baby Database


Click generate


Seems like its created although we get the message: “The Histogram Information for is generated.” Missing the name after “for”

But now… where is the baby database?

Click Manage baby Database again


Under baby database, still shows None

So, either we did not create it, or the page did not update

When I submit a new query, we still get that same error of no baby database

So it was never created

-guessing this is a behind the scenes problem

/*------------“My Space” problems---------*/

Whenever I click on anything besides “pending Queries” in the my space section on the left hand side, I get a generic page


For all except pending queue, of which I have none so nothing is displayed


/*---------Query Sets -----------------------*/

In the Query Sets section, most recent queries


Execution time for all queries is not available, is this because we haven’t really run any queries, only really through browsing?

If so, why does it still show them if we haven’t actually run them?


Basic summary queries not available, why?


this page is blank, most likely because of the other stuff not working right


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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