Trash Quizbowl Packet Archive

 An Open Packet of Ice and Fire(A Song of Ice and Fire Open Difficulty Packet)By Lev BernsteinThank you to Brian Lu for playtesting this set and motivating me to continue writing it. You’re the best. Author’s note: This packet is designed to be open difficulty. You can judge for yourself whether or not it is, but regardless, it is very difficult. Much of the material comes from the sourcebooks Fire and Blood and The World of Ice and Fire, along with assistance from A Wiki of Ice and Fire.All tossups have superpower marks; they are worth 20, while regular power is 15 and out of power is 10.The distribution is as follows:2/2 houses4/4 individuals (1/1 kings)3/3 cities/locations1/1 religions2/2 organizations/orders3/3 conflicts/wars/battles3/3 cultures/peoples2/2 misc/common linksTossups1. Two answers required. One of these people was likely thrown down a well by Ser Amory Lorch, though others claim he went on to the Free ** Cities to become a bard who only played sad songs. The last of these people were killed when the mine they were hiding in was drowned by a * stream that had been diverted into its barricaded entrances. The conflict involving these people was started by the heir of one Great House calling in the debts owed by these people. That heir personally lead his house's armies against these people. The arms of some of these people were an inverted lion of Lannister, which inspired a song about them that notes that, in a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. That song about the downfall of these people was used as a threat against a rebellious Lord years later. For ten points, name these two houses destroyed by a young Tywin Lannister. Answer: Reynes and Tarbecks. Accept Tarbecks until the word stream. Prompt on partial answers after. (Houses)2. Nobles of these people identify each other as members of the nobility of these people by a webbing on their hands and feet called “the mark.” These people were the subject of a war between the Kingdom of the ** North and the Kingdom of Mountain and Vale called the War Across the Water that lasted more than a thousand years. One of these people with many cousins was part of Chett's conspiracy to kill officers of the Night's Watch. * That man was Lark, who served in the Watch along with his cousin Rolley. They owe allegiance to the Lord of the Vale, though this is very limited in practice. The main industry on the islands where these people live is the raising and looting of wrecks. Some dishonest members of this group lure ships into rocks so they can loot the sunken ships. For ten points, give this term for the inhabitants of the Three Sisters, a group of islands Northwest of the Fingers. Answer: Sistermen. Accept People of the Three Sisters or equivalents before “inhabitants.”(Cultures)3. This man once served under the Blind Bastard, Roro Uhoris. This man received ** lands and titles after the death of Alester Florent, becoming the Lord of the Rainwood, an upgrade from his position as a Knight of Cape Wrath. This man argued against a retributive raid on Claw Isle, angering his chief rival, Ser Axell * Florent. This man was one of the chief witnesses to Maester Cressen's failed attempt at poisoning what he considered a threat to the throne, and he tried to stop Cressen from pouring poison into some cups. One of this man's sons, Maric, died on the Fury with all hands. This man helped end the 299 AC siege of Storm's End and earlier had helped prolong the 283 AC siege of Storm's End by smuggling food to Stannis Baratheon. For ten points, name this Onion Knight in service to King Stannis.Answer: (Ser/Lord) Davos Seaworth(Individuals)4. Silveraxe switched sides in this war after the death of his father. It’s not the War of the Five Kings, but at the start of this war, Lord Borrell chose not to turn in a fugitive, telling that man “if you lose, you were never here.” In a major engagement of this war, the Storm Lords Cafferen, Fell, and Grandison were defeated ** separately on the same day. The first battle of this war was at Gulltown, while the aforementioned engagement was at Summerhall. This war started to turn in favor of its eventual victors after the battle at Stony Sept, where this war’s victor had been hiding in a brothel. That battle in this conflict would later become known as the * Battle of the Bells, and was a defeat for Lord Jon Connington. This war was almost won for the eventual losers when Randyll Tarly led his van against the rebel force, scattering them and wounding their commander in a battle Lord Tyrell would take all the credit for. The climax of this war was the Battle of the Trident, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was slain in single combat. For ten points, name this rebellion led by the eventual founder of the Baratheon dynasty against the Iron Throne. Answer: Robert's Rebellion. Also accept the Baratheon Rebellion, the fall of the Targaryens, and the War of the Usurper.(Conflicts)5. House Kenning of Kayce was descended from one of these people, Herrock, who opened the gates of Kayce to Lannister forces with the assistance of the town ** whores. The senior branch of house Kenning is still made up of these people. One noble House of these people has the words "Though all men do despise us." Notable members of that House, * Codd, include Left-Hand Lucas. Black Harren was one of these people, whose practice of reaving was called "the old way" and was stopped by the kings of Westeros. These people take thralls and salt wives from the people they raid and worship the Drowned God. For ten points, name these inhabitants of a metal-rich archipelago off the west coast of Westeros.Answer: Ironborn. Accept Iron Islanders or people of the Iron Islands.(Cultures)6. An early holder of this position, Lothor Burley, hosted Good ** Queen Alysanne on one of her royal progresses. A later holder of this position became known as Sleepy Jack after being late to the Battle of Long Lake. One of the holders of this position became eligible for it by executing the pretender Aenys after the death of Maekar I. That holder of this position was Brynden Rivers, * called Bloodraven. One holder of this position disgraced himself by attempting to pass this position to his son. Upon the death of Lord Qorgyle, this position passed to the Old Bear, Jeor Mormont, and upon his death, to the bastard of Winterfell, Jon Snow For ten points, give this title held by the leader of an order that watches the wall.Answer: Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Prompt on Lord Commander.(Organizations)7. One of the main accounts of this conflict was written by the dwarf fool ** Mushroom, and is filled with much more ribaldry than likely occurred. Three far more respected accounts of this conflict were penned by Grand Maesters Orwyle and Munkun and Septon Eustace. The reason for the defection of many nobles in this war was the rumor that one side's heirs were sired not by royal consort Lucas * Velaryon but rather by Ser Harwin Strong. The seeds for this conflict were laid by the marriage of Alicent Hightower to the sonless King Viserys I. Ser Criston Cole earned the epithet "the Kingmaker" for defying the dying wishes of Viserys I by urging his son to take the throne instead of his daughter, Rhaenyra. For ten points, name this civil war between the greens, led by Aegon II, and the blacks, led by Rhaenyra, that led to the deaths of most of the dragons of house Targaryen.Answer: Dance of the Dragons. Do not accept or prompt on A Dance with Dragons, the name of book 5 of ASOIAF.(Conflicts)8. A claimant to this title by the name of Moon was poisoned and had his throat cut, before having his body strapped to a horse. Osney ** Kettleblack suffocated one of these people with a pillow. The legless Exceptionalist Alfyn reached his highest rank with this position, and he was followed in it by Lord Donnel * Hightower’s brother. One of these people from Baelor I’s reign was probably poisoned by Viserys I, for the sake of the realm. That holder of this position was a stonemason, and his successor in this position was an 8-year-old boy who supposedly could talk to doves and work miracles. One holder of this position was torn apart by a hungry mob, and his huge crystal crown was broken into many pieces. For ten points, name this head of the Faith of the Seven in Westeros, traditionally headquartered in either the Starry Sept of Oldtown or the Great Sept of Baelor.Answer: High Septon. Prompt on Septon.(Religion)9. Maegor the Cruel tortured a Prince with this name for 9 days, eventually leaving his body exposed to try to capture his mother, Alyssa Velaryon. ** One King with this name was the father of Prince Aemon the Dragonknight and was married to Larra of the House Rogare. That King with this name served as Hand of the King for his brother and two * of his nephews before finally succeeding to the throne. Another prince with this name was protected by Ser Willem Darry while living in the house with the red door in Braavos; that Prince was mockingly called Khal Rae Mhar, or Sorefoot King, and Khal Rhaggat, or Cart King. For ten points, name this son of Aerys II and brother of Daenerys who was killed by being crowned with molten gold.Answer: Viserys(Individuals)10. This polity used Gogossos, located on the Island of Tears, as a penal colony. This nation’s namesake peninsula also contains the cities of Oros and Tyria. This empire founded the city of ** Mantarys and the town of Selhorys, the latter of which was the site of a battle in the Second Spice War between this nation and a northern rival. In that war, this nation destroyed the city of Chroyane. * This empire that destroyed Old Ghis also built a series of roads across Essos that remain today. This polity was ruled by the Lords Freeholder, 40 of the most powerful houses of this nation, all of whom possessed Dragons. For ten points, name this Freehold destroyed in the Doom that conquered much of Essos and established Dragonstone in Westeros. Answer: the Valyrian Freehold. Accept Valyrian Empire.(Locations)11. The dragonseeds, including Addam and Alyn of Hull, used to have this trait. Addam would eventually die trying to prove his ** loyalty despite formerly having this trait. The chief undergaoler of the king's dungeons, Rennifer Longwaters, was descended from one of these people, who was the child of Alyn of Hull and Elaena Targaryen. One of these people called "the * [this] of Nightsong," Ser Rolland, helps to send another of these people away from Dragonstone with Ser Davos Seaworth. People with this trait descended from Oberyn Martell are only female, and are called the Sand Snakes. For ten points, what trait is shared by Aurane Waters, Mya Stone, and Edric Storm, as is indicated by their last names?Answer: Bastardry. Accepts answers like “they’re bastards.”(Individuals)12. Some people of this culture who refused to bow to Aegon the Conqueror went on to found the Company of the Rose. In the Battle by the Lakeshore, commonly called the Fishfeed, two thirds of these people present perished due to their demand to lead the charge. Lord Roderick ** the Ruin led two thousand of these people to the Twins, where he told Lady Frey that they had come to die for the Dragon Queen. Ancient members of these people included the Barrow Kings and the Red Kings, before they were finally defeated by their regional overlord. The last king of these people, Torrhen, * knelt with his levies before Aegon the Conqueror rather than burning like those kings on the Field of Fire. These people won the Battle of the Camps and the Battle in the Whispering Wood against the forces of House Lannister, and, after the execution of their Lord in King's Landing, raised his son Robb to be their new King. For ten points, name these people who inhabit the largest of the seven kingdoms of westeros and who are ruled by House Stark.Answer: Northmen. Also accept Northerners, Northroners, people of the North, Wolves, and Winter Wolves.(Cultures)13. An apprentice in this group named Mercedine serves their apprenticeship under Izembaro. One of these people, the ** alchemist, is able to turn iron into gold, though that gold turns out to be poisoned. A Lorathi one of these people with red and white hair killed Weese and Chiswyck to escape a * castle, though they then took their own life. The ghost of High Heart dreamed of one of these people waiting on a high rope-bridge in the Iron Islands, while another of these people murdered a Night’s Watchman named Daeron and took his boots. This group is headquartered in Braavos in a temple devoted to all the gods of death found across many cultures. For ten points, name this guild of assassins that worships the Many-Faced God.Answer: the Faceless Men(Organizations)14. This man scaled the Dun Fort at night, slaying Ser Symon ** Hollard on his way out. In Lord Steffon’s Tourney at Storm’s End, this man unhorsed Rhaegar Targaryen in the final tilt, though he would fall to Rhaegar in the final tilt of the Tourney at Harrenhal. If he had won, this knight would have crowned Lady Ashara Dayne as the Queen of Love and Beauty. This man was set to inherit Harvest Hall, though he instead became a * Knight of the Kingsguard. This man crushed a manticore with his staff, saving Daenerys Targaryen’s life, while using the alias Arstan Whitebeard. For ten points, name this aged former Lord Commander of the Kingsguard who gained the epithet “the Bold” by entering a tourney at age ten.Answer: Ser Barristan Selmy. Accept Barristan the Bold.(Individuals)15. Archmaester Vaegon, son of Jaehaerys I, was reportedly the person who recommended that the first one of these events take place in 101 AC, while the second one of these things made Torrhen Manderly the Hand of the King, in addition to selecting new ** regents for Aegon III. Prince Rhaegar had planned on calling one of these events at Lord Whent’s Tourney, but was foiled by the arrival of his father. He also planned on calling one of these events after the end of Robert’s Rebellion, though he was killed before he could do so. The third one of these events was called after the death of King * Maekar I, and led to the crowning of Aegon V, the unlikely, and the execution of the last Blackfyre. For ten points, name these conclaves of all the Lords in Westeros that share part of their name with the King’s circle of advisors.Answer: Great Council(Misc/Common Links)16. The second one of these things was said by Ser Duncan the Tall to have ended with a whisper. The third one of these things ended when one participant was killed after surrendering ** his sword. The first one of these events was prompted by, among other factors, Dornish influence at court and the gift of a Valyrian steel sword, and it ended at the Battle of the * Redgrass Field in a maneuver referred to as the Hammer and the Anvil. The fifth and final one of these conflicts is often called the War of the Ninepenny Kings, and that one of these wars ended with the death of Maelys the Monstrous. For ten points, name these rebellions of a namesake cadet branch of House Targaryen founded by Daemon, a legitimized bastard. Answer: Blackfyre Rebellions. Accept Blackfyre Revolts or Blackfyre Wars.(Conflicts)17. Some of the Rhoynar believe that the Rhoyne dwindled during this event, though it was ended by the many lesser gods of the Rhoynar singing a song. A legend from Yi Ti states that this ** period began with the slaying of the Amethyst Emperor and the rise of the Bloodstone Emperor, and was ended by a woman with a monkey tail. The followers of * R’hllor believe that this period was ended by Azor Ahai, wielding a red sword forged in the blood of his wife, Nissa Nissa. Many Westerosi believe that the chief instigators of this event came from the Land of Always Winter, and rode on spiders made of ice. For ten points, name this extended period of darkness and cold in which the Others roamed the world and a generation was born, lived, and died in darkness. Answer: the Long Night.(Misc/Common Links)18. Maesters believe that the Skagosi are descended either from giants and wildlings or these people. Generally wielding brown ** shaggy shields and blades in combat, these people have gained more renown for their skill at wrestling, at which they can best any Westerosi. These people took control of the Axe before being kicked off mainland Essos by the Dothraki, returning to their * islands. These islanders build extremely sturdy ships for hunting whales, including those as large as leviathans, and light the many lamps of their towns with whale blubber. For ten points, name these “hairy men” from an island nation north of Essos in the Shivering Sea.Answer: Ibbenese. Accept Hairy Men before “Axe;” prompt thereafter. Accept Hairy Men of Ib at any time. Do not accept, prompt, or reveal Ibbish.(Cultures)19. One member of this house requested that his clubfoot be hacked off his body after his execution by Lord Cregan ** Stark, as he had grown sick of dragging it around his whole life. That member of this house had served as Master of Whispers for Aegon II. Another member of this house was known as Breakbones, and was likely the lover of * Rhaenyra Targaryen and the father of her children. Besides Lord Larys and Ser Harwin, a more famous member of this house served as a knight of the Kingsguard until he was caught with one of his three wives, at which point he was gelded by his fellow knights of the Kingsguard and sent to the wall. For ten points, name this mighty house of Ser Lucamore the Lusty. Answer: House Strong (Houses)20. Rhaena Targaryen, formerly called the Queen in the West and the Queen in the East, retired to this place after the deaths of her closest friends and the suicide of her husband, Androw Farman. She lived there with the last ** Lord of House Towers, the young Maegor, who had held this castle since the demise of House Harroway at the hands of Maegor I Targaryen. After the extinction of House Towers, this castle north of the Gods * Eye was granted to house Strong, who held it until Lord Larys Strong was executed. More recent inhabitants of this castle include the serving girl Pia, whose teeth were broken by Gregor Clegane, Vargo Hoat, and, though he has never actually been here, Petyr Baelish, who is the most recent owner of this estate. For ten points, name this massive castle in the riverlands, often considered cursed, which has been derided as Black Harren’s folly. Answer: Harrenhal(Locations)Bonuses1. For ten points each, name some parts of the Vale of Arryn.This is the highest castle of the Vale, sitting atop a mountain. The young Lord Robert Arryn has often been heard to say that this place is impregnable. Answer: The EyrieThis small castle at the base of the Giant's Lance was made a hereditary possession of Nestor Royce and his children by the Lord Protector of the Vale.Answer: The Gates of the MoonThis port town is where the young Lord Baelish started his rise to power with the humble position of customs collector. Soon enough, he increased the revenues of this place so much that Lord Jon Arryn recommended Lord Baelish to be Master of Coin.Answer: Gulltown(Locations)2. For ten points each, answer some questions about Dothraki conquests during the Century of Blood.The Ibbenese fled this town in the face of the advance of Khal Dhako, a smart move given that this city had already been burned at least twice. Dhako was so enraged that he gave this city a new name meaning “City of Cowards.” The Ibbenese later built a “New” version of this town to the Northwest. Give either the Ibbenese name or the Dothraki name. Answer: Ibbish or Vaes AresakThe Dothraki dragged the gods of Ibbish and countless other cities to this De Facto Dothraki capital city. This city, the only permanently inhabited Dothraki settlement, is home to the Dosh Kaleen.Answer: Vaes DothrakThe tide of Dothraki conquest seemed unstoppable until they were turned back at the Battle of [this city], in which Khal Temmo led 25,000 Dothraki screamers against the 3000 Unsullied of this city. Ever since the victory of the Unsullied, this city’s Unsullied guards have attached human braids to their spears. Answer: Battle of Qohor(Conflicts)3. For ten points each, name the following martial holy orders.These people, also called the stars, were a martial order consisting mainly of peasantry that answered only to the High Septon.Answer: Poor FellowsWhile the Poor Fellows were drawn from the peasantry, another group, "this god's" sons, were made up of the nobility. Give the name of this god that names that holy order.Answer: The Warrior. Accept the Warrior's Sons.The Poor Fellows and the Warrior's Sons were put finally crushed under this monarch, the first of his name. Answer: Maegor I. Accept Maegor the Cruel.(Organizations)4. For ten points each, answer some questions about the Dornish Wars. During a period in the First Dornish War known as the Dragon’s Wroth, the Targaryens burned almost every fortress in Dorne out of revenge for the killing of this Queen and her dragon, Meraxes.Answer: Rhaenys TargaryenThe Second and Third Dornish Wars were both fought against outlaws who took this style. One of the men with this title was killed through exposure, while the other was slain by Lord Rogar Baratheon. Answer: Vulture King.King Daeron, the Young Dragon, chronicled his victorious war against Dorne in this book. This book contains simple prose and spends most of its time going over battles, though it is also known for classifying the Dornish into their “Salty, Stony, and Sandy” types. Answer: Conquest of Dorne(Conflicts)5. For ten points each, answer these questions about tears. This famous Kingsguard Knight once entered a tournament as the Knight of Tears. He was in love with Queen Naerys, though she was married to his brother, Aegon IV, whom this man died saving. Answer: Aemon the Dragonknight. Accept either bolded portion. The Isle of Tears is an island in this chain off the coast of Sothoryos, named for a venomous six-legged reptile. These islands are now home to a plethora of pirates and corsairs. Answer: the Basilisk IslesAndrow Farman committed a series of murders using this poison that was also used to kill Lord Jon Arryn. It is clear, odorless, and has no taste. Answer: Tears of Lys(Misc/Common Links)6. For ten points each, answer the following about a frequent punishment in the Seven Kingdoms.For the crime of thievery, one can expect to receive this punishment.Answer: chopping off the hand. Accept similar. This half-brother of Aegon the Conqueror and founder of House Baratheon had his sword hand removed for participating in the invasion of Dorne.Answer: Orys Baratheon. Accept Orys One-Hand.This Qohorik mercenary ordered the removal of Jamie Lannister's sword hand to send a message to Tywin Lannister. He is known as the Black Goat.Answer: Vargo Hoat. Accept Lord Hoat. Do not accept Steelshanks Walton.(Individuals)7. For ten points each, name the following houses with Valyrian blood.This most prominent house of Valyrian descent ruled Westeros for almost 300 years. It is currently led by Daenerys, first of her name. Answer: House TargaryenThis house made its seat at Driftmark when it arrived in Westeros, doing so before the Targaryens. They have traditionally held the title of Lord Admiral for the Iron Throne, and their coat of arms displays a seahorse. Answer: House VelaryonThis other Valyrian house has a field of red crabs on a white background for their coat of arms, and has its seat on Claw Isle, an island off Crackclaw Point.Answer: House Celtigar(Houses)8. For ten points each, name a non-Dothraki nomadic group. These nomads practice a form of head-binding and ride striped zorses. They are led by jhats and moonsingers.Answer: Jogos NhaiThe Jogos Nhai are constantly invading the northern reaches of the Golden Empire of these people, to the extent that the Scarlet God-Emperors of these people spent most of their time dealing with the Jogos Nhai.Answer: Yi Ti. Accept YiTish.Ever since the jhattar Zhea crushed God-Emperor Lo Bu during his invasion of the Jogos Nhai, all the jhattars of the Jogos Nhai have drunk from this object formerly belonging to Lo Bu.Answer: His skull. Accept equivalents, like his head.(Cultures)9. For ten points each, name some engagements from the Night’s Watch’s most recent ranging beyond the wall. This battle saw Watchmen under Bowen Marsh fight free folk under the Weeper. This battle, fought at its namesake grim structure, saw around 100 casualties for the Watch, including the injuring of Bowen Marsh.Answer: Battle at the Bridge of SkullsThe Night’s Watch were routed by the forces of the Others at this ancient ringfort built by the First Men. Only 44 Brothers of the Watch survived the attack at this location.Answer: the Fist of the First MenMen from the Shadow Tower were led by this veteran ranger, who immediately crushed a raiding party under Alfyn Crowkiller. After meeting up with the forces from Castle Black, he led a scouting party into the Frostfangs, though he was betrayed and killed by one of his own men.Answer: Qhorin Halfhand. Accept either. (Conflicts)10. For ten points each, answer some questions about some recent members of the Kingsguard. This knight broke his vows with Princess Arianne, eventually dying at the longaxe of Areo Hotah. He had come to Dorne to protect Princess Mycerlla, though she would end up losing an ear in the scheme in which this man lost his life. Answer: Ser Arys OakheartSet Arys’s sworn brother, Ser Meryn Trant, was responsible for the death of this First Sword of Braavos after trying to take custody of Arya Stark. This man earned his position of First Sword to the Sealord by correctly identifying the nature of a fat cat. Answer: Syrio Forel. Accept either first or last name.This Knight, known as the White Bull, was Lord Commander of the Kingsguard during the reign of Aerys II, eventually being slain at the Tower of Joy. Jaime Lannister considered this man to have been his martial superior during his prime. Answer: Ser Gerold Hightower. Prompt on partial answers.(Organizations)11. For ten points each, answer some questions about some Westerosi islands. This island is known as the Sapphire Isle for the beauty of its waters, not for any gemstones it might hold. Lady Brienne, the son of Lord Selwyn the Evenstar, is from this island. Answer: TarthThis island off the southwest coast of Westeros is home to a great number of vineyards, explaining the name of its ruling house, the Redwynes. Answer: The ArborThe unruly inhabitants of the island of Skagos once raided this other island, killing all its men and carrying off its women. As a result, this island stands uninhabited to this day. Answer: Skane(Locations)12. For ten points each, let’s talk about rats. The Rat Cook, who baked a King’s son into a pie and then fed that pie to the King, was transformed into a giant rat not for the murder or the cannibalism, but for violating this ancient law. Along with kinslaying, the violation of this law is the greatest evil possible in the North. Answer: Guest RightA butcher known as Blood and a rat-catcher with this alias broke into the Red Keep and killed Prince Jaehaerys. While Blood was found and tortured, the rat-catcher with this name was never found.Answer: Cheese3 men wearing animal masks led a rebellion against the Iron Throne in 251 AC that claimed the life of Prince Daeron. One of those men was known as the Rat; name either of the other two.Answer: Hawk or Pig. Accept the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig in any order.(Misc/Common Links)13. For ten points each, answer the following about the music of the free folk.This bard and most recent King-Beyond-the-Wall snuck into Winterfell to perform some non-wildling songs before King Robert Baratheon and Lord Eddard Stark.Answer: Mance Rayder.Mance was inspired by this other King Beyond the Wall, who snuck into Winterfell to pluck its winter rose. Answer: Bael the BardBael stole the daughter of the Lord Stark with this name who was thereafter known as the Daughterless.Answer: Brandon(Individuals)14. For ten points each, answer the following about sites considered important by the faith of the Old Gods and its worshippers.At the heart of every godswood in the North is a carved one of these trees. The Children of the Forest were believed to have been able to see and communicate through these trees. Answer: Weirwoods. Accept Heart Tree.This island south of Harrenhal was where the First Men and the Children of the Forest signed the pact that ended their war. It is now guarded by the green men. Answer: Isle of FacesAt this location, the Children of the Forest called upon the powers of the Old Gods to bring down the Hammer of the Waters upon the Neck. They had previously done the same on the arm of Dorne. This location is now a fort that separates the North from the rest of Westeros. Answer: Moat Cailin(Religion)15. For ten points each, give the regnal number of the following kings with the first name "Aegon."This Aegon, called the Unworthy, plunged the realm into chaos by legitimizing his bastards on his deathbed.Answer: IV or Aegon IV.This Aegon earned the epithet "the Conqueror" after taking over all of Westeros but Dorne with the help of his dragons and his sister-wives.Answer: I or Aegon I.The son of Rhaegar Targaryen, long thought murdered, would become the Aegon with this regnal number if he successfully pursued his claim, though he would have to defeat House Baratheon-Lannister and his aunt, Queen Daenerys.Answer: VI or Aegon VI.(Individuals)16. For ten points each, answer the following about the first major wave of immigration to Westeros since the First Men.After the First Men arrived and ruled for thousands of years, Westeros was invaded by these people who crossed over from Essos. These people wore seven pointed stars or carved them into their chests. Answer: AndalsThe Andals arrived in Dorne via the arm, which was broken by the Children of the Forest. What remains of the arm is this island chain between Dorne and Tyrosh.Answer: StepstonesBack in Essos, this man had been the first King of the Andals, and he was supposedly crowned by the Seven themselves. While in disguise aboard the Shy Maid, Tyrion Lannister took this man’s name for a pseudonym.Answer: Hugor of the Hill(Cultures)17. For ten points each, answer some questions about the governance of the nine Free Cities of Essos.This city of the descendants of escaped slaves chooses its Sealord through means currently unknown. It is capable of building a full warship in a single day, despite its lack of available timber. Answer: BraavosThis city is ruled by a prince in name, though actually by a Council of Magisters. If a crop should fail or a war be lost, the inhabitants of this city will kill their prince and choose a new one.Answer: PentosThis man was offered the Princeship of Pentos after the Magisters beheaded the previous one, but he declined and fled the city, starting the Company of the Windblown instead. He is named after his unique raiment.Answer: the Tattered Prince. Accept Tatters.(Locations)18. For ten points each, list some houses based on their weirdest-named members. Members of this house include Lord Grover, Lord Elmo, Lord Kermit, and Ser Oscar. No, I am not kidding, this is a real Great House in Westeros. Answer: House TullyLord Unwin brought House Peake, a noble house from this subregion, to its greatest extent before resigning as regent during the reign of Aegon III. This area that makes up part of the Stormlands and the Reach is home to Lords with a well-known hatred for the Dornish. Answer: The Dornish MarchesDykk and Gevin, two of Theon’s raiders, are members of this House, alongside Hotho, the Humpback; Ser Harris, the Knight; and Lord Rodrik, the Reader. This House rules its namesake Iron Island from its seat at Ten Towers. Answer: House Harlaw (Houses)19. For ten points each, answer some questions about the Inn at the Crossroads. The Inn was originally known as the Two Crowns Inn because this Targaryen King and his Queen stayed there. It was during this King’s reign that Iron Throne began construction on the Kingsroad. Answer: Jaeherys I, called the Old King or the Conciliator. This river used to flow under one part of the Inn, which gave the Inn the name “the River Inn” for a time. This river, the location of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen’s death, is one of the largest in Westeros, and the Lords of Riverrun are given the title of Lords Paramount of this river. Answer: the Trident. Prompt on the Red, Green, or Blue Forks by asking “what larger river is that fork a tributary of?”The Inn eventually passed into the control of this family, starting with Ser Long John, continuing through Masha, who had a habit of chewing sourleaf, which stained her teeth red. The Inn is now controlled by Masha’s nieces, still members of this family, who have turned it into a home for orphans of the war. Answer: Heddle. (Locations)20. For ten points each, answer some questions about Visenya, the other Queen to Aegon the Conqueror.Visenya wielded this Valyrian Steel blade, more slender than Blackfyre but still incredibly lethal. She gifted this sword to her son Maegor when he turned 13.Answer: Dark SisterVisenya prompted the creation of this organization by slashing Aegon’s cheek with Dark Sister, pointing out this his guards were slow and weak. The members of this group are often referred to as the white cloaks, for obvious reasons.Answer: KingsguardVisenya subdued the Vale by flying its boy-King, Ronnel Arryn, through the air three times, giving him the name “The King Who Flew.” That nickname would prove to be ironic when Lord Ronnel was executed by his brother in this manner specific to the Eyrie. Answer: Throwing him out the Moon Door. Accept answers involving the Moon Door; prompt on answers that do not involve the Moon Door but have to do with falling/height by asking “via what large door?”(Individuals)Extra: This bonus was removed because it was too easy, but it was the first thing I wrote so I’m leaving it here.21. George R. R. Martin has a habit of repeating the same phrases over and over. For ten points each, list some of them. This phrase communicates that a man is an adult, generally around age 15 or 16. It is the male counterpart to "a woman flowered."Answer: A man grownThis superstitious peasant phrase is uttered before the arrival of the news of the death of Lord Eddard and many other tragic events. Maester Luwin dismisses this phrase as folly, but it is proven true when he opens that letter about Ned Stark's execution.Answer: Dark wings, dark wordsSurprisingly, the extremely common phrase "A Lannister always pays his debts" is not actually the words of House Lannister. Instead, the Lannister words are this less common phrase derived from their house arms.Answer: Hear me roar!(Misc) ................

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