Sample Welcome Letter or Email - Institute of Industrial ...

Sample Welcome Letter or Email

Dear ____:

Welcome to the ______ chapter of IIE.  We’re happy to have you as a member, and look forward to meeting you soon.

In addition to the benefits you receive as a member on the national level, there are several local activities in which you may be interested.  Our events include plant tours, lectures, professional development courses, Engineer Week activities, and social gatherings each year.  Attached is a copy of our latest newsletter with details.

Our next gathering is _______.  I hope to see you there.


PS:  If you have any questions regarding our local IIE activities, please don’t hesitate calling me at ____ or drop me an email at _____. 

Sample Phone Script to Welcome New Graduates to Your Chapter

A phone script must be conversational to work.  The script below provides structure to guide you through the process, and give you an idea of what this kind of call sounds like.

Good morning/afternoon/evening: May I speak to John Doe?

John, this is Frank Smith, from your local IIE chapter.  I just called to welcome you to the ____ chapter, and see how things are going.  Do you have a few minutes?

Are you new to this area?  How do you like it?  Are you finding everything you need?

You work at XYZ firm, I see.  What do they have you working on there?  Some of our other members work there, too.  Have you met_____ yet?

If there is any way I can help you, with work, or with finding things in the area, just let me know.  I can be reached at _______, email:  

I’m also sending you a notice about our next event.  It’s a _______ at _____.

You can also check our local web page at ________ for details of what we’re planning. 

It’s been nice talking to you.  I’ll check back with you in a few weeks to see how things are going.  I hope to meet you soon at one of our events.

Sample Retention Letter

Dear Member,

I am concerned that we have not received your IIE membership renewal.

As a member, you have the opportunity to interact with others having the same goals and interests.  There are many benefits even for those who can’t attend Society activities, such as the Industrial Engineer magazine, IIENet, jobs database, conference & seminars, resource library, ask the expert, and much more.  There is also the satisfaction of belonging to a Society whose members are working for the betterment of the profession at every level around the world.

If you would like more details on our local programs, please call me at __________or email me at _____________. 

Don’t let your membership lapse.  To renew your membership today, call the Member Services Department at 1-800-494-0460 or renew on-line at


PS: If you have already renewed, please disregard this letter.

Sample Retention Email

Subject line: A message from your IIE Chapter president

Dear Member:

You need IIE to help you keep up with all the latest technology and engineering news – and IIE needs you to support its programs to educate students in engineering, in continuing to enhance the industrial engineering profession as it makes the workplace more productive, etc.  These activities are only a small part the IIE’s activities on behalf of engineers everywhere. 

You can keep your career on track and support the industrial engineering profession simply by renewing your membership today.

To renew your membership, call the Member Services Department at 1-800-494-0460 or renew on-line at


PS: If you have any questions about our local IIE activities, please call ______ or email me at _________.

Sample Dropped Member Phone Script

Hi, is this _____?  This is _______, the chair of your local IIE Chapter. 

I’m calling today because I see that you haven’t yet renewed your IIE International membership.   I hope its just an oversight on your part, because we need members like you to keep our Chapter going strong. 

Perhaps you’re not aware of all the benefits you gain by being a member – technical information, the IIE career center, and Industrial Engineer magazine, just to name a few.  It’s a good investment in your career – just the local networking opportunities alone make it worthwhile.  

Possible replies

If the answer is yes: I’ll send it in immediately

You can renew online at or by calling IIE toll free number at 800-843-2763.  Thank you – and I look forward to seeing you at our next event.

If answer is that they are unemployed

Are you aware that your dues can be waived for six months, if you request it?  That way you can still get the benefits while you are searching for a new position.  To request the dues waiver, simply email the IIE membership department at cs@ and explain your situation.  They will contact you from there.   I’m glad that you decided to renew – and I look forward to seeing you at our next event.

If answer is:  I’m still not interested.

May I ask why you decided not to renew? 

I’m sorry that you feel that way.  I know other members of our Chapter that felt that way until they found that the benefits really helped them in their work.

If you like, I can send you the next few Chapter newsletters so that you can see what we’re up to locally. 

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to speak with me today, and I hope that you will reconsider membership at some point. 

(Collect answers and let the membership department know why members are not renewing.  Please email responses to cs@)


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