Proposal to Wells Fargo Foundation from New Connections

Geta Grant Agency

3024 Grant Pass Road Grant, CA 94577 (915) 243-5500

Proposal to Local Bank from the Geta Grant Agency

January 27, 20xx

According to the 20xx National Survey on Drug Use and Health (OAS), 8.3% of the population ages 12 are illicit drug users and 6.9% are heavy users of alcohol with 28% of the population binge drinking. 17% of State Prison Inmates reported they committed their crimes to obtain money for drugs, 45% of workplace violence is committed by a person under the influence of alcohol (Bureau of Justice), and 4.2% of the population drives a vehicle while under the influence of drugs.

The current economic crisis has taken its toll and demand for treatment has increased significantly while funding for Court mandated treatment has been eliminated in our county. A lack of treatment availability puts all residents at risk as desperate men and women attempt to find resources to sell to obtain drug monies. 62.5% of persons admitted to treatment in California are male and 37.4% are female. Outpatient treatment provides services to 63.7 percent of the persons seeking treatment in California. 48.8% of admitted patients are parents who have children under the age of 18. 26.2% of persons in treatment seek treatment on their own. The primary drug of choice is meth-amphetamine in every ethnicity except African-Americans who use cocaine predominantly.

Most clients seeking treatment are unemployed and, importantly, there is a 32.2% increase in employment following treatment. 85.9% enter apprentice programs or other job training situation. A Robert Wood Johnson (2006) cost benefit analysis showed that for $1 spent in treatment there is an $11 return: less money in emergency room visits, less crime, less incarceration, and increase in tax revenues from employment.

Geta Grant is the premier provider of substance abuse treatment services for low- income clients in Grant County, California. We serve 633 clients a year and recently, due to budget cuts, have had to serve less clients than demand would dictate. Founded in 1972, Geta Grant agency has a 37-year history in Contra Costa County. The agency is certified through the State of California, Alcohol and Drug Programs, and accredited by the international rehabilitation services authority, CARF.

Geta Grant receives most of its funding for services through the Federal and county government grants and a lesser percentage coming though local businesses, foundations, and individual donors. The California budget crisis has hit all services hard but especially hard in eliminating funding for court mandated clients altogether. Geta Grant has attempted to maintain these services through client self-pay, however, 95% of current clients are unemployed and unable to pay for treatment.

We are asking Local Bank for a donation of $5,000 in funds for alcohol and drug treatment services so that we can provide scholarships to 30 needy clients into service ($180 per client). Each client will receive an intake into services, an addiction severity assessment, treatment plan development, individual sessions, and 24 group sessions of treatment based on the best-practices “Matrix Model.”

Geta Grant provides addiction treatment services to adults, adolescents, and mother’s with young children. In addition to treatment services, the agency works in the community to provide substance abuse prevention to 2,000 youth a year in schools, group homes, and community settings. We have offices in the cities of Venus, Pluto, and Mars.

Thank you for considering our request.

Contact Information:

Ms. Wanda Daily, Executive Director

Geta Grant Agency

3024 Grants Pass Road

Grant, CA 94577

(912) 243-5500 x100


Tax ID: 23-7286565


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