Wells Fargo & Company 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

Wells Fargo & Company

2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

Public Section

June 2021

Public Section

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Wells Fargo & Company

2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

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Public Section

Forward-Looking Statements and Other Disclaimers

This document contains forward-looking statements about Wells Fargo & Company's future plans, objectives,

and resolution strategies, including its expectations, assumptions, and projections regarding the implementation

of those strategies and the effectiveness of the Company¡¯s resolution planning efforts.

Because forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and assumptions

regarding the future, they are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. In addition, the resolution planning

process as a whole, and its expectations and projections regarding the implementation and effectiveness of the

Company¡¯s resolution strategies, are based on hypothetical scenarios and assumptions and may not reflect

events to which the Company is or may become subject. Accordingly, you should not unduly rely on forwardlooking statements as actual results could differ materially from expectations. Forward-looking statements

speak only as of the date made and the Company does not undertake to update them to reflect changes or events

that occur after that date. For more information about the Company and the factors that could cause actual

results to differ materially from the Company's expectations, refer to the ¡°Forward-Looking Statements¡±

discussion in Wells Fargo & Company¡¯s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as well as to the Company¡¯s

other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the discussion under ¡°Risk Factors¡±

in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020, as filed with the

Securities and Exchange Commission and available on its website at .

The 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan is based on many significant assumptions, including assumptions

about the actions of regulators and creditors, the state of the financial markets and the economy, and the impact

of a significant loss event on the Company and its subsidiaries. While the Company would expect to take the

actions described in this 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan, some or all of these assumptions may prove to be

incorrect in an actual resolution situation. Therefore, the actions the Company would take in an actual

resolution situation may differ. The resolution strategies described in the 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

are not binding on a bankruptcy court, the Company¡¯s regulators, or any other resolution authority. The strategy

described in our 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan is not binding in the event of an actual resolution of Wells

Fargo. Accordingly, the scenarios and assumptions underlying the 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan reflect

events and circumstances that may not arise, and the impact of these events may be very different if they do

arise in circumstances other than those contemplated in the 2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan.

All financial data in this document is as of December 31, 2020, except where otherwise indicated.

Wells Fargo & Company

2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

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Public Section

Table of Contents














Company Overview................................................................................................................................................................................................

Core Business Lines................................................................................................................................................................................................

Material Entities.....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Company's Preferred Resolution Strategy........................................................................................................................................................

Resolution Focus Areas and Capabilities...........................................................................................................................................................

Resolution Planning Oversight............................................................................................................................................................................

Approach to Maintaining Financial Resiliency..................................................................................................................................................

Non-U.S. Operations..............................................................................................................................................................................................

Financial Information.............................................................................................................................................................................................

Identities of Principal Officers.............................................................................................................................................................................


Wells Fargo & Company

2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan













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Public Section

1. Introduction


Wells Fargo & Company has a long-standing commitment to maintain our financial strength, serve our

customers through the best and worst economic times, and continually improve our resiliency. These

qualities are tested during difficult times and the past 18 months confirmed that. In the challenging and

evolving environment of a global pandemic, we remained steadfastly focused on stability. We maintained

strong capital and liquidity levels during these times and, as a result, served our customers¡¯ financial needs in

unique ways to help them remain resilient too. In addition, we demonstrated our strong operational resiliency

by continuing to serve customers while over 200,000 employees worked remotely. This Public Section

describes actions that we would anticipate taking, pursuant to our Resolution Plan, in the event of severe

financial stress to resolve the Company without extraordinary government support.

One of our financial resiliency goals is to maintain a strong capital position. We ended 2020 with a Common

Equity Tier 1 ratio of 11.6% under the Standardized Approach and 11.9% under the Advanced Approach,

which demonstrated improvements year over year as shown in the following figure. This ratio helps gauge our

ability to withstand stress.

Figure 1-1

Common Equity Tier 1 Ratio










Standardized Approach







Advanced Approach

Another goal is to maintain a strong liquidity position. We currently maintain available liquid assets in excess

of our forecasted resolution liquidity execution need (RLEN) requirement and continually monitor financial

resources at each material entity against established triggers that could indicate deterioration of available

liquidity to facilitate timely management actions. From the first quarter of 2012, when financial institutions

began enhancing their liquidity position, to the first quarter of 2021, our liquid assets, as a percentage of total

assets, increased from approximately 15% to 35%. We ended 2020 with a higher liquidity coverage ratio than


Wells Fargo & Company including its subsidiaries is referred to as the ¡°Company,¡± ¡°Wells Fargo,¡± ¡°we,¡± ¡°our,¡± or ¡°us,¡± and, as a stand-alone entity, is

referred to as the ¡°Parent.¡±

Wells Fargo & Company

2021 Targeted 165(d) Resolution Plan

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