At a Regular Meeting of the Sussex County

At a Regular Meeting of the Sussex County

Board of Supervisors held in the General District Courtroom

At Sussex Judicial Center on September 15, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.


Charlie E. Caple, Jr. William J. Collins, Jr.

C. Eric Fly Wayne M. Harrell

Alice W. Jones Rufus E. Tyler, Sr.


Mary E. Jones, County Administrator

Jacqueline M. Brown, Deputy County Administrator

Henry A. Thompson, Sr., County Attorney

Jerry L. Whitaker, Director of Finance

Deborah A. Davis, Assistant to County Administrator


The September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman Collins and led in prayer by Supervisor Harrell.


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR TYLER and carried: RESOLVED that the agenda of the September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors is hereby adopted with the addition of the following items: (1) Under Approval of Appropriations, add item “B”, Department of Social Services Appropriation (2) Under Sheriff’s Department Report, add item “2”, Request to Accept $8,000.00 DMV Grant; (3) Under Superintendent of Schools Report, add item ”2” Request to Transfer Property and (4) Under Closed Session, add VA Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(3).

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that the minutes of the August 18, 2005 meeting of the Board of Supervisors is hereby approved as presented.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

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Board of Supervisors


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that accounts payables warrants and vouchers in the amount of $751,904.08 and payroll checks in the amount of $72,866.97 are hereby approved as presented.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none


Request for Appropriations – Atlantic Communications

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that Invoice #5106 from Atlantic Communications, Inc., for maintenance service, in the amount of $10,282.50 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriations – Blueridge General, Inc.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that Application and Certificate for Payment #24 from Blueridge General, Inc., for Sussex Middle School renovations, in the amount of $12,316.91 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriation- Chasen’s Business Interiors

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that Invoice #16574 from Chasen’s Business Interiors for Sussex Middle School furniture, in the amount of $2,793.38 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriation - Horizon Commercial Group

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that Application and Certificate For Payment #1 from Horizon

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Commercial Group for Sussex Maintenance Building, in the amount of $284,349.99 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriation -Horizon Commercial Group

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that Application and Certificate For Payment #2 from Horizon Commercial Group for Sussex Maintenance Building, in the amount of $244,171.11 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriations – J. H. Pence, Co.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that Invoice #488 from J. H. Pence Company for Sussex Middle School bleachers, in the amount of $28,500.00 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriations - JMJ Workplace Interiors

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that Invoice #R-2061 from Trident Food Service for Sussex Middle School food service equipment, in the amount of $26,758.77 is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriation – Virginia Retirement Service

Ms. Jones advised the Board that the Virginia Retirement System has notified the County that the amount of $26,758.77 is due for the VRS contributions for fiscal year 2005. The balance due notice was dated September 2, 2005. It includes the worksheet for the member contribution. There was a rate change effective July 1, 2004 from 6% to 9%. However, the rate on the County’s system was not changed until September, 2004. For the months of July and August, the rate was at 6%; therefore, a balance is due. Staff requests an appropriation resolution in the amount of $26,758.77.

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ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that the amount of $26,758.77 for Virginia Retirement Systems member contribution is hereby approved and appropriated for payment.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Appropriation – Wells Fargo Foundation

Ms. Jones advised the Board that the Sussex County Housing Office has a continuing Homebuyer’s and Home Education Program. This service is offered as part of the Family Self Sufficiency Program. The goal is to assist families in becoming homeowners. You may recall the event that was held in early spring. Partnerships with financial lenders have been a primary focus of the Homebuyer’s and Home Education Program.

Due to the work of Ms. Brown and Mrs. Drew, Wells Fargo Housing Foundation has donated the amount of $5,000.00 to Sussex County for the Homebuyer’s and Home Education Program.

Staff recommends acceptance and appropriation of the $5,000.00 for the Homebuyer’s and Home Education Program.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that the $5,000.00 donated by the Wells Fargo Foundation for the Homebuyers’ and Home Education Program is hereby accepted and appropriated.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Resolution To Reduce Local Appropriation To DSS

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Sussex County has received a check from Sussex County CSA in the amount of $11,636.00; and

WHEREAS, this money reimbursed Sussex County Department of Social Services for expenditures that were not reimbursable under Department of Social Services for fiscal year ending 2005; and

WHEREAS, this money was receipted in and increased the VPA fund for Department of Social Services for fiscal year ending 2006.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the local appropriation to Sussex County for fiscal year ending 2006 is hereby reduced by $11,636.00.

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Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none


Health Department – absent

Highways, Streets & Roads

Mr. William Richardson Interim Resident Engineer, Waverly Residency of the Virginia Department of Transportation addressed the Board and provided them with a packet of information that included a Rural Rustic Road Project resolutions, Construction Program Estimated Allocation data, Secondary Roads roster and a Sussex County map depicting same. Mr. Richardson requested a workshop with the Board.

The Board scheduled a workshop with VDOT for 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, October 20, 2005 in the General District Courtroom.

County Administrator’s Report

County’s Response/Hurricane Katrina’s Aftermath

Ms. Jones advised the Board that in the aftermath of the largest natural disaster to hit the United States in modern times, many governmental agencies (local, state, and federal), private organizations, churches and charitable agencies (private and public) have committed resources to assist families, individuals in the immediate response and long term. Sussex County knows the value of having neighbors helping neighbors in the time of trouble.

Mutual Aid Program

Governor Warner has activated the Virginia Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to work with the Department of Emergency Management to coordinate the assistance that may be provided from Virginia. Most of these efforts will be handled with or through FEMA. A call for Building, Fire and Trade Inspectors and Members of the Fire Services has been received by the State of Virginia and the request sent to the localities. Inspectors will be needed during the work to re-build the communities in the Gulf Sates in the coming months. FEMA will be coordinating with various states to provide those inspectors as needed in Louisiana and Mississippi. To assist in this effort the State of Virginia has started to compile a list of qualified building, fire and trade inspectors from Virginia localities that may be available and willing to assist in these efforts. The inspectors will be sent to the Gulf Sates for a minimum of two weeks at a time before

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coming home. Under the mutual aid program FEMA will pay the expenses of the inspectors and reimburse their localities for their time. In order for Sussex County employees to participate in this program or other requests, an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Virginia Department of Emergency Management and Sussex County must be signed. (See attachment)

Mr. Eddie T. Vick has indicated that he is available if approved by the Board for deployment to the Gulf States as a fire inspector. Information on requested services will be circulated to employees as received.

The locality and employees will be reimbursed for travel expenses, meals, lodging, salary and equipment cost. Also employees will need to have tetanus/diphtheria (td) IF they haven’t had a booster in last 10 years. Virginia Department of Health may be able to assist with shots.

Staff recommends endorsement of participation by County employees in the requested mutual aid program by the State of Virginia and authorizes the County Administrator to sign the required Intergovernmental Agreements for the various named professional services by the State to assist in the recovery effort of the Gulf States.

Executive Order Number Ninety-Seven (2005)

On August 31, 2005, Governor Warner verbally declared a state of emergency to exist for the Commonwealth in support of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) of which the Commonwealth of Virginia is a member, to assist the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and other affected sates in responding to and recovering from the impact of Hurricane Katrina. In accordance with subsection 44-146.28: a, the Commonwealth will provide resources and assistance to the fullest extent possible to the impacted states that have suffered unprecedented damages from Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina has had and will have far ranging effects throughout the nation, including the Commonwealth. A copy of the declaration is enclosed.

Governor Warner’s Press Release of September 6, 2005

“Governor Warner announced that Virginia has identified sheltering space around the Commonwealth for at least 4,000 evacuees, and that number is expected to grow as more offers of assistance are inventoried and made public by the end of the week. Virginia’s National Guard facility Fort Pickett near Blackstone will serve as an intake/recovery center and short-term shelter for 1,000 evacuees at a time. The Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center will shelter 400 people in Blackstone” (Copy of the press release is attached) Localities have been requested by the Department of Emergency Management

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to identify housing opportunities. Sussex County staff is in the process of finding possible housing. A report will be made at your meeting on Thursday, September 15, 2005.

Citizen Information/Virginians Are Anxious to Help (Release 9/3/05)

The Virginia Department of Emergency Management has opened a call center at 866-880-4288 for the public to get answers to their questions and concerns. FEMA is asking that citizens please donate money rather than goods. They are also requesting that volunteers not “self dispatch” to any affected area, but instead coordinate with volunteer organizations in order to best direct aid where it is needed most. Virginia citizens who want to volunteer their money or time can do so through reputable organizations. (See attached email from Cooling, Judy)

Counties Helping Counties/Parishes in the Wake of Katrina

An email from NACo President Bill Hansell was included in the September 15, 2005 Board packet.

Local Response in the Wake of Katrina

Many individuals and organizations have already started efforts for assisting victims of Hurricane Katrina. However, staff recommends that the official local governing body consider an approach being taken by a neighboring locality. Request that every resident of Sussex County (whether adult or child) give $1 to be earmarked for the recovery effort. If this was accomplished dollars raised could be nearly $10,000. These funds would be collected at designated points through the County for a 30 day period. All funds will be deposited with the Treasurer of Sussex County. After this 30 day period, a check can be written to the American Red Cross or other relief organization.

As of September 8, 2005, 4 families and/or individuals are known to have come to Sussex County from the Gulf Coast area. For immediate needs, efforts are underway to give assistance by the Department of Social Services and donations by staff.

Hurricane Katrina – Request from The Governor’s Office

a) Issue – Self Deployments & Unsolicited Offers

b) Requests for Assistance - VDEM

Issue – Self Deployments & Unsolicited Offers

The Governor’s Office and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management have issued the following notice:

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“EMAC representatives have received countless offers to provide assistance from local and state response officials of almost every discipline. EMAC has actively promoted these resources by forwarding offers to the impacted states. However, due to the enormous scope of this response, replies to these offers are often delayed.

It is critical that assistance be provided only when it has been requested. Louisiana and Mississippi have a finite capacity to support incoming assistance. Requests for assistance are carefully planned so this capacity is not exceeded. Self-deployments and unsolicited offers of assistance have compromised these efforts.

We (VDEM and Governor Warner) strongly encourage emergency responders to work with their state emergency management agency to communicate offers of assistance. If an impacted state needs a specific type of assistance, they will issue a request through the EMAC system. EMAC states respond to these requests by matching available resources to requests.

EMAC protocols have been used to deploy more than 35,000 emergency responders to Katrina impacted states. These protocols were established to serve the interests of both requesting and assisting states. It is important that all mutual aid participants respect this process and wait for assistance to be requested before taking action beyond preparedness.

The EMAC team thanks everyone for the incredible outpouring of support during this disaster.” This statement was issued Friday, September 09, 2005.

Please do not misinterpret this message as negative or unappreciative of the offers of help. Assistance in this region of the country will be needed for a number of months to come. But this assistance should and must be coordinated through each state’s Emergency Operations Center.

Requests for Assistance – VDEM

Enclosed is the typical announcement that is received from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for assistance. This request is for 2 to 3 experienced Public Information Officers (PIOs). The length of the mission is 14 days excluding travel days. Other requests have been for firefighter, building, fire and trades inspectors, etc. When County personnel are deployed, there is an agreement that must be signed by Sussex County and the State of Virginia. This will provide for reimbursement to the County and the employees. Therefore, it is important to go through the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.

When requests are received from the State, this information will be circulated to the various departments. This is only one alternative to participate. Many of the churches,

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fire and rescue squads and other recognized organizations will be soliciting funds for the victims of this natural disaster.

Staff requests that Supervisors endorse a fundraising effort asking each resident (adult and child) of Sussex to contribute $1 each. An adjoining locality has introduced this idea and it can be done without placing undo stress on anyone. For a 30 day period of time, have designated collection points and ask citizens to contribute at least $1, more if they wish. A minimum of $10,000 should be raised.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves and appropriates the amount of $10,000.00 to be forwarded to the Virginia Association of Counties to be used as part of Virginia’s response to the restoration efforts of the gulf states.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Sussex Service Authority Report

Mr. Larry Malcom, Executive Director of the Sussex Service Authority provided the Board with a 2005-1010 Project Growth update. (A copy of the report is included in the September 15, 2005 Board packet).

Request From Circuit Court Clerk

Mr. Gary M. Williams, Clerk of the Sussex County Circuit Court addressed the Board. He requested the use of $10,255.20 (excess fees) to assist in funding a full time position. (Copies of supporting documentation from Mr. Williams and Mr. Jerry L. Whitaker, Director of Finance are retained in the September 15, 2005 Board packet).

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the request by Mr. Gary M. Williams to use $10,255.200 in excess fees to assist in funding a full time position in the Office of the Circuit Court Clerk is hereby approved and appropriated; and,

FURTHER RESOLVED that an analysis be done at the end of the fiscal year to determine if the position can continue to be funded by same.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

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Policies - Budget Management

Mr. Jerry L. Whitaker, Director of Finance addressed the Board and presented the proposed budget management policy. He explained that the policy grants limited flexibility to department heads and constitutional officers to change budget funding between line items. Further, this policy states the process to be utilized for requesting additional appropriations for funding shortage or unexpected expenditures. (A copy is retained in the September 15, 2005 Board packet).

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED that the following policy is hereby adopted, effective immediately:

1. Departments are granted authority to exceed the original adopted budget for any one line not to exceed ten percent (10%), if available funds have been identified in another line item or items.

A. All expenditures must be properly coded to appropriate expenses category even if your department will be over budget for that line item

B. A department may not exceed the total originally adopted budget amount for that department without Board of Supervisors’ approval.

2. All requests for line item changes which exceed ten percent (10%) percent must be submitted, in writing with explanation, to the Director of Finance. The Director of Finance will review and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors after the advice and consent of the County Administrator.

3. All requests for additional appropriations due to budgetary shortages or unexpected expenditures must be submitted in writing to the Director of Finance. The Director of Finance will review and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors after the advice and consent of the County Administrator.

4. All requests for additional appropriations for new grant funds must be submitted to the Director of Finance. The Director of Finance will review and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors after the advice and consent of the County Administrator.

5. If the Director of Finance has an adverse position to a department’s funding request, the department will be notified after the advice and consent of the County Administrator. The department may be asked to provide additional information as specified by the Director of Finance for further review or advised to present their request to the Board of Supervisors for approval or disapproval.

The Director of Finance will review the entire County budget throughout the year to identify and report any budgeted excesses to the County Administrator.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

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Resolutions/Appointments – Board of Equalization

Ms. Jones reminded the Board that the general assessment will be completed by the end of this calendar year. A Board of Equalization must be appointed. New laws are in place. A copy of Tax Bulletin 03-10 was included in the Board packet that explained the following: Qualification to Serve on a Board of Equalization, Term limits for Board of Equalization Members, Continuing Education Requirements for Board of Equalization Members, Annual Reports and Order Forms.

Ms. Jones further advised the Board that recommendations to the Board of Equalization are needed by November.

2005 Emergency Services Program

Mr. Eddie T. Vick, Public Safety Coordinator addressed the Board and provided a presentation on 2005 Emergency Services Program as it relates to career staffing. The following information was provided:

Goals and Objectives:

• Provide consistent Advanced Life Support (ALS) care to its citizens throughout Sussex County

• Provide career staff which will provide Firefighting and EMS services

• Assist the volunteer fire and EMS agencies with training, recertification hours, volunteer recruitment and retention program,

• Ensure consistency throughout Sussex County with its Emergency Services Program

• Provide needed services to attract economic development for the future

• Create performance standards for services

• Implement the Cost Recovery and Subscriber Fee Program through the County to give everyone access to affordable emergency medical care.

• Promote better health and fire safety through education to the general public


• Hire career county staff to provide fire and EMS (ALS) services to the citizens

• Personnel will be staffed on both side of the county (east and west)

• Career staff will be supervised by the Department of Public Safety

• Sussex County has made application for their ALS transport EMS licenses

• Sussex County staff will operate under the county’s SOPs, Operating Medical Director (OMD) directions and county’s performance standards

• Use the marked volunteer fire and EMS units to provide the services

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• Perform other duties as assigned by the Department of Public Safety supervisor

• Implement the Cost Recovery Program and Subscriber Program to fund the program

Benefits to Program

• Provide consistent Fire and EMS services to all citizens throughout Sussex County

• Provide quality Fire and EMS services through the Performance Standard Program and training requirements of the personnel

• Management of personnel through supervision, the Incident Command System (ICS) and required annual In Service Training Program

• Availability of trained staff 24/7 each day

Ms. Jones advised that at the last Board meeting, the Board asked staff to meet with the current contractor (MTI) with regard to amending the contract to provide more hours of coverage. The County Attorney is drafting amendments to the contract and will provide next week. A thirty day notice is required. The current contract price is $34.50 per hour. If additional hours are approved to provide services in Stony Creek, the new rate will be $40.00 per hour.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that to approve an amendment to the contract by and between Medical Transport, Inc. and the County of Sussex to 160 hours per week at $40.00 per hour.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Pearson’s Appraisal Services/Web Mail Proposal

Mr. Jeremy Proffitt addressed the Board and provided a proposal offering accounts for their new Web Mail System. (A copy of the proposal is retained in the September 15, 2005 Board file).

The Board deferred action on this proposal until October 20, 2005.

County Administrator’s Progress Report

The following progress report was provided by Ms. Jones:

a) Animal Shelter: Mr. Stanley Skinner, Building Official suggested some

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alternatives for the construction of the animal shelter which will save the County money. Mr. Skinner is obtaining information on prefab building (cost of building) construction cost for setting the building up and costs for finishing the interior to owner’s specification.

b) Waverly Office Building: Mr. Skinner has also reviewed the plans for this building and has suggestions to reduce costs. They include: removal of the public restrooms (not required by Building Code). Mrs. Drew and Mr. Wells were informed of this change; eliminate design drawings totally. Mr. Skinner will meet with potential contractors to discuss the changes needed and obtain quotes.

c) Newsome Human Services Building: Mr. Skinner reviewed the proposal submitted by Trane for the changes in the ductwork. He has walked through the building and is of the opinion that the proposed plan will not solve the problem totally. His suggestion is to put individual units in each office similar to hotel/motel heating and air conditioning unit. Mr. Skinner is acquiring cost estimates.

d) Office Building Roof : A final inspection has to be scheduled.

Mr. Skinner, Mr. Greene, and Mrs. Drew will attend the Governor’s Housing Conference being held in Roanoke on Wednesday, September 14, Thursday, September 15 and Friday, September 16. This is a mandatory conference for recipients of Community Development Block Grant Programs, Indoor Plumbing Program and Disaster Recovery Program. Sussex County is a participant in all three programs.

Treasurer’s Report

As reported by Mr. Onnie L. Woodruff, Sussex County Treasurer, the statement of money in the banks to the credit of Sussex County as shown by the Treasurer’s Books at the close of business August 31, 2005 was $10,998,920.36. (A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is retained in the September 15, 2005 Board packet).

Commissioner of the Revenue – no report

Sheriff’s Report

Ms. Jones advised that she and Sheriff Kitchen discussed this matter in August as indicated by the letter included in the Board packet. This extensive repair was not included in his budget. Therefore, an additional appropriation will be needed. Five

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roofing companies were contacted. Three submitted quotes. (See attachments) The quotes are:

International Roofing $23,585.00

Row-Mic Construction, Inc. $ 9,800.00

Two bids were submitted by Walter D. Witt

Walter D. Witt $ 5,250.00

(Material Warranty 12 years, Workmanship guaranteed 5 years)

Walter D. Witt

(Material Warranty 10 years) $5,800.00

Staff recommends acceptance of the $5,250.00 proposal by Walter D. Witt. Lt. Vincent B. Givens called the references supplied by Walter D. Witt. Three were contacted and they gave good comments on the jobs performed by Walter D. Witt.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED to accept the proposal from Walter D. Witt for roofing and related repairs to the Sheriff’s Office Building, to prevent eminent danger to facilities and to ensure safety and welfare of occupants thereof, at a price not to exceed $5,250.00.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Acceptance of DMV Grant

Sheriff Kitchen advised the Board that the Sheriff’s Office is in receipt of a grant from the Department of Motor Vehicles in the amount of $8,000.00. The intended use of the funds will be to purchase and install video cameras in two patrol cars. The grant does not require a match by the County. The Sheriff requested that the Board adopt a resolution allowing the Sheriff Department to accept the grant and a resolution to increase line item #1256 (communications equipment) in the fields operations budget from $15,000.00 to $23,000.00. This will allow the Sheriff’s Department to spend the funds and request reimbursement from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that the Sussex County Board of Supervisors hereby accepts and appropriates $8,000.00 grant from the Department of Motor Vehicles for the installation and purchase of two (2) video cameras for patrol cars.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

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Voting nay: none

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR HARRELL, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby approves of increasing line item #1256 (communications equipment) in the Sheriff’s Department field operations budget, from $15,000.00 to$23,000.00.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Charles H. Harris, III, Division Superintendent addressed the Board in regards to a request for re-appropriation of 2004-2005 school fund balance. He explained that the status for the balance of funds from the 2004-2005 budget presentation year was $553,887.97. During the 2005—2006 budget presentation, with the Board of Supervisors, the School Board asked that the Board of Supervisors consider the return of $200,000.00 to the School Board’s 2005-2006 budget for the purchase of school buses and other projects. The Board of Supervisors informed the School Board that they would return $400,000.00 in carryover funds because of the level funding of the 2005-2006 School Board budget. In addition, the school system is requesting that the Board of Supervisors amend the School’s budget to include $743,400.00 in additional federal funds that have been awarded to three schools since the original budget was adopted.

The Sussex County School Board requests the approval of the re-appropriation of funds in the amount of $400,00.00 and the approval of the additional federal grant funds of $743,400.00 for a total of $19,059.427.00. The projected expenditures are as follows:

Category Item Amount

Transportation $32,000.00

Materials & supplies Vehicle fuels

Capital Outlay Purchase buses $162,000.00



Purchased services Boiler installation – Chambliss $16,107.00

Install blade – dump truck $6,700.00

Mobile classroom repairs $7,500.00

General repairs $7,500.00

Utilities Fuel oil $40,770.00

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Capital Outlay

Replacement Air Compressors $1,500.00

Electric motors $5,000.00

Circulating Pumps $1,500.00

Air Cond. Units (Rooftop) $19,000.00

Circuit boards (HVAC) $10,000.00

Cleaning equipment $15,000.00

Lawn equipment $7,000.00

Furniture replacement $34,193.00

Communications radios $1,000.00

Tools/equipment $6,832.00

Capital Outlay

Addition Desk/chairs $6,199.00

Storage/File Cabinets $7,000.00

Computer Furniture $13,199.00


Total re-appropriation requested $400,000.00

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR FLY, seconded by SUPERVISOR CAPLE and carried: RESOLVED that the Sussex County Board of Supervisors hereby re-appropriates $400,000.00 for the School Board’s fiscal year 2005-2006 budget.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR JONES, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby amends the School Board’s budget to include $743,400.00 in additional federal funds that were awarded since the adoption of the fiscal year 2005-2006 budget.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Request For Transfer of Property

Dr. Charles Harris, Superintendent of Sussex County Public School System requested that the Board of Supervisors transfer remaining property sufficient for the construction of the new elementary school and property containing the new vehicle maintenance building to the School Board.

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At the direction of the Board, staff will prepare necessary documentation to complete the transfer of property as requested by the School Board.

Director of Social Services Report

Ms. Chequila H. Fields, Director of Sussex County Department of Social Services addressed the Board. She reported that the emergency fuel assistance season will begin in October. She will keep the board abreast of those activities.

She also advised that repairs are underway for the community resources center.

County Attorney – no report


Blackwater District – no comments

Courthouse District – no comments

Henry District – no comments

Stony Creek District – no comments

Wakefield District – no comments

Waverly District – comments were heard from a representative from Medical Transport, Inc.


NACo Conference Report – tabled until next month

Consent Agenda

Ms. Jones advised the Board that included in their packet is information relating to the proposed consent agenda. Staff recommends that the current rules and regulations for the Sussex County Board of Supervisors be amended to allow for a Consent Agenda. Staff also recommends that the following items be included on the Consent Agenda:

1) Resolutions of Recognitions

2) Appropriations

3) Warrants and Vouchers

4) Setting of Public Hearing Dates

5) Approval of Minutes

6) Appointments

7) Non-controversial items

Page 18: Minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County

Board of Supervisors

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR CAPLE, seconded by SUPERVISOR JONES and carried: RESOLVED the Board of Supervisors hereby approves of a consent agenda to include the following: (1) Resolutions of Recognition; (2) Appropriations; (3) Warrants and Vouchers; (4) Setting of Public Hearing dates; (5) Approval of Minutes; (6) appointments; and (7) Non-controversial items.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none


Comprehensive Plan Update

Ms. Jones advised the Board that the Comprehensive Plan Update (binder) has been delivered to them for their review.

McGill Environmental Systems

Ms. Jones advised that included in the Board packet is information on a request by McGill Environmental Systems of NC, Inc. to the Sussex County Industrial Development Authority to issue revenue bonds in an amount estimated to be $6,500,000. The proceeds will be used for the construction of solid waste composting facility and related equipment, land including engineering costs and incidental costs to the project.

The Industrial Development Authority held a public hearing on Thursday, September 8, 2005 and approved the inducement resolution.

ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR HARRELL and carried: RESOLVED to the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Sussex, Virginia (the “Authority”) has considered the application for McGill Environmental Systems of NC, Inc. t/a McGill-Leprechaun, a North Carolina corporation (the “Company”), for the issuance of the Authority’s revenue bonds in an amount estimated at not to exceed $6,500,000 (the “Bonds”) to finance certain costs in connection with (a) capital expenditures, including the acquisition, construction, equipping and developing a composting building of approximately 115,000 square feet, a modular office building of approximately 1,000 square feet, a storage/shop building of approximately 600 square feet, a weighmaster office of approximately 600 square feet, and certain other capital projects for the Company’s proposed solid waste composting facility, including land on which such facility will be located (the “Project”), all to be located on Beef Steak Road in Sussex County, Virginia 1.8 miles south of Route 602 on the right, and (b) paying certain expenses of issuing the bonds, and the Authority has held a public hearing thereon on September 8, 2005; and

Page 19: Minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County

Board of Supervisors

WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Sussex County, Virginia (the “Board) to approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 15.2-4906 of the Virginia Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 49, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended (the “Act”), as Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”); and

WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority’s resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to terms to be agreed upon, a fiscal impact statement and a reasonably detailed summary of the statements made at the public hearing have been filed with the Board;


1. The Board hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company, to the extent required by Section 15.2-4906 of the Act and Section 147(f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to issue bonds for the purposes set forth above.

2. Approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by Section 15.2-4906 of the Act and Section 147(f) of the Code, does not constitute an endorsement of the Bonds or the creditworthiness of the Company. Pursuant to the Act, the Bonds shall provide that neither Sussex County, Virginia nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the principal and the premium, if any of the Bonds or the interest thereon or other costs incident thereto except from the revenues and moneys pledged therefore and that neither the faith or credit nor the taxing power of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Sussex County, Virginia or the Authority shall be pledged thereto.

3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none

Highway 460 (Proposed) Industrial Park

Ms. Jones provided an update on the Highway 460 Industrial Park (proposed site). Townes Site Engineering was on site this week to perform site evaluations and will provide a report to staff as soon as possible.

The Tobacco Commission has reserved funds that have been allocated for Sussex County and the County has been granted a one year extension.

Page 20: Minutes of the September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County

Board of Supervisors


ON MOTION OF SUPERVISOR TYLER, seconded by SUPERVISOR FLY and carried: RESOLVED that the September 15, 2005 meeting of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors is hereby recessed until 6:30 p.m., October 20, 2005.

Voting aye: Supervisors Caple, Collins, Fly, Harrell, Jones, Tyler

Voting nay: none


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