Table of Contents

Cash XE "Cash" Office Manual Created By: Angela Beebe Kroger XE "Kroger" 585Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc341098233 \h iiiIntroduction PAGEREF _Toc341098234 \h vOpening the cash office PAGEREF _Toc341098235 \h 3Opening the cash office PAGEREF _Toc341098236 \h 3Printing Reports PAGEREF _Toc341098237 \h 3Organizing Reports PAGEREF _Toc341098238 \h 6Cash XE "Cash" Procedures PAGEREF _Toc341098239 \h 11Counting the safe PAGEREF _Toc341098240 \h 11Entering the Lottery Money on Cash XE "Cash" In PAGEREF _Toc341098241 \h 11Loaning Special Order funds PAGEREF _Toc341098242 \h 12Balancing Tills PAGEREF _Toc341098243 \h 12Performing a daily close in Veribalance and ACE PAGEREF _Toc341098245 \h 19Daily Close in Veribalance PAGEREF _Toc341098246 \h 19Daily Close and Checking Lines in ACE PAGEREF _Toc341098247 \h 20Index PAGEREF _Toc341098248 \h 25IntroductionThis manual will can be used as a reference guide when you forget something or when you are training a new associate. The manual will be a great tool to make copies of for new incoming bookkeepers; they can make side notes on their own personal copy that they can take home and study. Some abbreviations you will see through this manual are… TCO: The Cash XE "Cash" Organizer; an organizing system to help you complete the cash office in an organized manner. Triple D: Armor car money delivery truck.Jetscan XE "Jetscan" : Money counting machine. BK: Stands for bookkeeper.V.B: Veribalance XE "Veribalance" ; one of the computer systems in the cash office, computer system you balance, pickup, and loan registers on.Ace: Second computer system used in the cash office, used to print reports, check XE "check" and correct lines. 104775789940F.E: Front-end BK: Bookkeeper TCO and JetscanPrinting and Organizing Reports XE "Reports" -92583031559525057102712085Opening the cash office Opening the cash officeOpening the cash office in the mornings is simple, there is a lot of information and at first you will feel overwhelmed. There is no need to worry once you get the hang of it you will feel it is repetitive and find yourself completing the task with no help from the manual, except for as a quick reference guide. Printing Reports XE "Reports" After you have opened the left side of the safe call for the overnight manager to come and open the right side of the safe, once the safe is open keep both sides on day lock. Once you have the save open print your daily reports.Office Cash XE "Cash" Report Log into ACE XE "ACE" Click Reports XE "Reports" Click Accounting Click Office Cash XE "Cash" Report Click printSales by Terminal Report Stay in Reports XE "Reports" on ACE XE "ACE" Click Sales Reports XE "Reports" Click Sales by TerminalClick PrintListing and Log Report also known as banking packetStay in Reports XE "Reports" on ACE XE "ACE" Click Listing and Log Reports XE "Reports" Click Tender Listing Report Make sure number 3 (checks) is selected Click Print Lottery XE "Lottery" Reports XE "Reports" Inventory XE "Inventory" ReportGo to the self-service lottery machineOpen the door Type in pin and passwordPin:123456Password:1234Hit Local Reports XE "Reports" Hit Inventory XE "Inventory" Reports XE "Reports" 3248025179070Hit PrintHit Home (In the left top corner of the screen)Shift ReportHit Shift ReportHit Clear (Report will print automatically)Hit Home Week to Date Report (Sales Report)Hit Draw Game ReportFigure 1.1Hit Daily SalesHit Week to Date Hit RetailerHit PrintLottery XE "Lottery" Sign on Report (Lottery machine behind the service center)Sign onto the lottery machinePin: 49396200Pass: 09315Report prints automaticallyPlace the report in the correct drawer labeled by months next to the lottery machineWestern Union XE "Western Union" sales reportLog in to the Western Union XE "Western Union" ComputerClick Other Services Hit F9 (Transaction Log)Enter Correct date (Yesterday’s date)Click Search Click PrintableRight Click, Click printMake sure Citizen printer is selected, Click print Staple the western Union report to the Western Union XE "Western Union" forms filled out by customers in the previous day located in the F.E drawer. Daily Money Order XE "Money Order" ReportTear a piece of computer paper in half against the long edgeInsert one of the pieces of paper long way into the Money Order XE "Money Order" MachineHit ReportHit #1 (Money Order XE "Money Order" )Hit #1 (Close Report)Enter your user IDHit Enter Weekly total Money Order XE "Money Order" ReportFlip paper over and reinsert paper in the Money Order XE "Money Order" MachineHit ReportHit #1 (Money Order XE "Money Order" )Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Figure 1.2 Hit # 4 (History Report)Hit #2 (Print)Enter your user IDHit EnterHit # of days in the week so far For example use figure 1.2 if it Monday you would hit #1… Hit EnterDaily Western Union XE "Western Union" Utility Reports XE "Reports" (Use Money Order XE "Money Order" Machine)Insert the other half of the paper your tore in halfHit ReportHit #2 (Utility Report)Hit #1 (Close Report)Enter your User ID Hit EnterWeekly Western Union XE "Western Union" Utility Reports XE "Reports" Flip paper over and reinsert paper in the Money Order XE "Money Order" MachineHit ReportHit #2 (Utility Report)Hit #4 (History Report)Hit #2 (Print) Enter User ID Hit EnterHit # of days in the week so far (refer to figure 1.1)Hit Enter Coinstar XE "Coinstar" Report Insert and turn the Coinstar XE "Coinstar" key in the Coinstar Machine (key is located in BK drawer) Hit Partner Hit EnglishHit #2 (Daily Detail Report)Hit PrintReports XE "Reports" that Print AutomaticallySales Department Totals Miscellaneous Transactions RecapManager Audit Trial Report31 Day file Reports XE "Reports" Hand Ring ReportNegative Sales ReportRefund ReportVoid ReportTransaction Log –Voided Transactions Item Void Exception ReportSuspend Retrieve ReportPrice Adjustment ReportMiscellaneous Accounts by Terminal Audit Action Report SAF ReportFidelity XE "Fidelity" Bill Payment Report (found on the Fidelity Machine in the Service Center)Organizing Reports XE "Reports" Some reports you will have to print manual and some will print automatically and will be waiting on the printer when you arrive. A couple of things to look for if the reports are not waiting for you on the printer: is the printer jammed, is a register signed on still in the middle of a transaction, is it after 1:30 am, if none of these are wrong contact the help desk at 1 800. Once you have all of your reports you will need to organize them. You will have four separate packets. Sales and cash XE "Sales and cash" Packet Miscellaneous Transactions RecapManager Audit Trial ReportOffice Cash XE "Cash" Report Use the Office Cash XE "Cash" Report to make sure the pickup amount matches the deposit amount made the previous night. Set aside you will add more reports to this packet later in the day after you balance all the tills, and deposit any extra funds. 31 Day FileAll repots in the 31 day file are automatically printed for you; these reports need to be stapled together in this order. This packet is how you monitor losses and can search for theft or untrained cashiers. You need to make a copy of the Hand Ring Report and give it to your front-end manager along with the Sales and Cash XE "Cash" Report and the daily breakdown. Also you need to email the amount of hand rings to your district trainer along with the cash office daily break down amounts. Hand Ring ReportNegative Sales ReportRefund Report2952750163195Void ReportTransaction Log- Voided Transaction ReportItem Void Exception ReportSuspend Retrieve Report Price Adjustment ReportMiscellaneous Account by Terminal ReportAudit Action ReportBanking PacketTender Listing ReportBanking PacketFigure 1.3Figure 1.3Staple pages together and set aside. Later you will staple reports from V.B when you carry forward along with the yellow carbon copy cash and check XE "check" deposit slips. SCO XE "SCO" Utilization PacketSales by Terminal ReportStaple the pages together and put aside and you will give this packet to your front-end manager along with a copy of the Hand Rings Report, and the daily cash office breakdown.Sales ReportPunch holes in the Sales Department Totals Report and place it in the sales binder behind the correct tab labeled by periods. Reports XE "Reports" you will use to check XE "check" lines on the Sales and Cash XE "Cash" ReportLottery XE "Lottery" Reports XE "Reports" Fidelity XE "Fidelity" ReportWestern Union XE "Western Union" Reports XE "Reports" Money Order XE "Money Order" Reports XE "Reports" Western Union XE "Western Union" Utility Reports XE "Reports" Coinstar XE "Coinstar" Report Banking Packet (This is its on packet but you will use it to check XE "check" your cash and check deposit lines)Set all of these reports aside and you will use them later to check XE "check" lines when you print your Sales and Cash XE "Cash" repot after you perform a daily close in V.B. Cash XE "Cash" Procedures-228600316230-2504440466725Cash XE "Cash" Procedures In this chapter you will learn the importance of counting the safe before you start balancing tills and after you are finished balancing the tills. You will also learn different tills setups and the three different types of balancing you will perform between front end tills, SCO XE "SCO" , and the perimeter tills, along with loaning procedures.Counting the safe Counting the safe is also known as taking the safe inventory. Taking the inventory is an important step that should be completed before you loan any money out of the cash office or bring any money into the cash office. Open and verify yesterday’s change order if the funds do not match the pink Wells Fargo change sheet notify Division Accounting immediately (713) 507-6032. Once you have verified the change order staple the cash in report and pink Wells Fargo change sheet onto the change order log. Place the funds you will use to prepare your tills and the coin trays and postage stamps on the TCO. You will have to print the inventory report off of Veribalance XE "Veribalance" .Log into Veribalance XE "Veribalance" Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Print (Bottom right corner)Save the inventory slip on the clipboard located on the wall so you do not misplace the slip. If the inventory does not match make sure the change order was entered into Veribalance XE "Veribalance" yesterday, if the change order was not entered yesterday go ahead and enter the change order.Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Cash XE "Cash" In Click Armor Car DeliveryEnter by DenominationClick ** (to Finalize)Click Previous Click Apply Entering the Lottery XE "Lottery" Money on Cash XE "Cash" InWhen you print the lottery reports collect the lottery funds that are located in the cash box in the lottery machine. Enter the money in VB XE "VB" then use the lottery shift report to separate the scratch of lottery ticket funds and the print off lottery ticket funds so you can input the information on the correct line in the ACE XE "ACE" computer system. Entering Lottery XE "Lottery" Money in VB XE "VB" Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Cash XE "Cash" In Arrow Down to select In-Store Cash XE "Cash" , Hit enterProcess money through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Lift the money and click ** (to finalize)Click Previous Add scratch off tickets to get line 752.378142564770Click DON’T SENDPlace one of the Cash XE "Cash" in Reports in the inventory slot on the TCO and the other Cash XE "Cash" in Report with the lottery reports you printed earlierDeposit XE "Deposit" Funds Add printed lottery tickets to get line 804.Depositing Lottery XE "Lottery" Funds Click Deposit XE "Deposit" (Still in Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" )Process Lottery XE "Lottery" Money through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Click ** (to finalize)List the Deposit XE "Deposit" on the Deposit slip and drop the money into the safe Entering Lottery XE "Lottery" Money into ACE XE "ACE" (Figure 2.1)Click Accounting Click Transactions Figure 2.1Click PreviousArrow down to Lottery XE "Lottery" #2Type in dollar amount of printed tickets on line 804Arrow down to Reserved #36Type in dollar amount of scratch off tickets on line 752 Loaning XE "Loaning" Special Order funds Special order funds are self check XE "check" out funds. SCO XE "SCO" funds are delivered on Tuesday and Saturday so you can refill SCO on Wednesday and Sunday. After you count the safe you can loan your special order funds to register 81, 82, 83, and 84 these are your SCO registers.Click Loan on the home screen of V.BEnter 81Enter amounts by denominationClick ** (to Finalize)Repeat steps 1-4 for robots 82, 83, and 84Balancing XE "Balancing" Tills There are three groups of tills that you will balance; each group has its own procedures in order to balance the till. The three groups SCO XE "SCO" which is one station but has four separate robots and its own till which is connected to robot 81, the perimeter tills which is your non frontend tills pharmacy has two tills and the deli has one. The next group of tills is your frontend tills these include all of your tills on the frontend including service center. 2105025179705Balancing XE "Balancing" SCO XE "SCO" Collect Coinstar XE "Coinstar" slips, and Checks, from the SCO XE "SCO" tillDivide the Checks, and Coinstar XE "Coinstar" Slips, by each robotPlace the Coinstar XE "Coinstar" on the TCO with the Coinstar reportClick on Balance Till XE "Till" Enter #81 Select the highest yellow record available and hit enterClick Auto BalanceProcess any excess fund through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Arrow right and process the checks VB Home screen, you will use VB to perform loans, pickups, and to balance tills. Figure 2.2Arrow up to the SCO XE "SCO" lineIf the amount in the bottom right corner is red enter amount as a positive, if the amount is yellow enter the amount as a negativeVerify the bottom right is green then click ** (To finalize)Repeat the steps for robots 82-84Balancing XE "Balancing" Perimeter Tills Grab the money bags labeled 65, 300, and 40 out of the saveClick on Balance Till XE "Till" Enter #65Select the highest yellow record and Hit enterProcess any funds that are in the bag if anyArrow to the right and process the checks Arrow to the Perimeter line If the amount in the bottom right corner is red enter amount as a positive, if the amount is yellow enter the amount as a negativeClick ** (to Finalize)Repeat steps 1-9 to complete register 300, and 40Printing the perimeter Reports XE "Reports" Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Cash XE "Cash" Reports XE "Reports" (Bottom right corner)Click Transaction ReportFind Each Perimeter tillClick Print Loaning XE "Loaning" the Perimeter Amount to Each Perimeter Till XE "Till" Click LoanEnter #65Arrow to Perimeter and enter the perimeter amount from the balance reportClick ** (to finalize)Repeat steps 1-4 for terminal 300 and 65Balancing XE "Balancing" the Frontend Tills Front end tills consist of register 6-14 and the service center tills 30 and 31. The frontend tills have a set amount of funds that are saved in Veribalance XE "Veribalance" so you will only have to loan any extra funds you want the tills to have you do not have to loan the amounts listed below these amounts are saved in the computer. The Till XE "Till" Setups Registers 6-141’s: $100 (Rubber band a strap of $50)5’S: $20010’S: $200Pennies: 2 RollsNickels: 1RollDimes:1 RollQuarters: 2 RollsStamps: 5Books Registers 30 and 311’s: $200 (Runner band a strap of $100)5’s: $20010’s: $20020’s: $500Pennies: 3 RollsNickels 2 RollsDimes: 3 RollsQuarters: 3 RollsStamps: 10 Books Click Balance in V.BEnter Terminal #Select the highest yellow record and hit enterArrow to the right and process checksRun cash through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Type rolled coins into the computer Click **( To Finalize) You have to loan register 7 and 8 extra rolled coins every day in order to fill the changers, and on the weekends and holidays you can loan extra funds to the registers that are used the most.Correcting a Check in the Middle of a Till XE "Till" Balance Adjust a check XE "check" /Add a checkType in the amount Hit enterEnter the amount the cashier tendered wrong (If not entered type 0.00)Hit enterLoaning XE "Loaning" Registers Click Loan in V.BEnter Terminal #Type the rolled coins into V.BRun cash through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Click ** (To Finalize)Correcting a Till XE "Till" after you have Finalized Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Cash XE "Cash" Reports XE "Reports" Click Transactions Reports XE "Reports" Find the terminal you are correctingClick CorrectionComplete steps 1-5Arrow down to the cash line you are correctingTo decrease, enter the amount as a minusTo increase, enter the rolls or run the cash through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" After you balance all of the tills deposit extra funds and put away any extra funds you need to keep for tomorrow.Depositing Money Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click on Deposit XE "Deposit" Process the Money through the Jetscan XE "Jetscan" Write the deposit amount on the deposit slip Drop money into the safe After you deposit the extra funds recount the safe to ensure you made no mistakes whiling handling the cash throughout the day.Counting the safe Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Print (Right bottom Corner)Count the safeKeep the Inventory XE "Inventory" Report so you can input the inventory after you perform a daily close in VB XE "VB" If the Inventory XE "Inventory" does not match something to look for is did you forget to loan a register in VB XE "VB" when you gave it extra funds. If so just loan the money you gave the register and recount the safe. -3524251647825Performing a Close in VB XE "VB" and in ACE XE "ACE" After you input the safe inventory this will turn black and you can hit Carry Forward.2876550290830Daily BreakdownPerforming a daily close in Veribalance XE "Veribalance" and ACE XE "ACE" After you are finished balancing and depositing all of the money from the morning it is time to move on to the paperwork side of things and perform daily closes and check XE "check" yesterday’s lines. In this section you will be getting the armor car book ready, checking lines from yesterday in order to make sure no mistakes were made in the previous day, and also you will be carrying forward in both VB XE "VB" and in ACE XE "ACE" . Daily Close XE "Daily Close" in Veribalance XE "Veribalance" Once you perform a daily close in VB XE "VB" you will have to separate the reports that print automatically and then get the armor car book and deposit bags ready for Triple D. Once you organize the reports you will have to input the safe inventory into VB.Performing Daily Close XE "Daily Close" in VB XE "VB" Click Close Verify all the tills are balanced if there are any unbalanced escape and balance tillsClick Daily Close XE "Daily Close" Click PreviousClick ApplyOrganizing Close Reports XE "Reports" Kroger XE "Kroger" Cash XE "Cash" Report (2)Place 1 with pink deposit slips in the 20’s slot on the TCOPlace 1 in the cash deposit bag with the white deposit slipKroger XE "Kroger" Deposit XE "Deposit" Totals (1)Place with pink deposit slips in the 20’s slot on the TCOKroger XE "Kroger" Checks (2)Place 1 with the yellow deposit slips in the stapler slot on the TCOPlace 1 with the checks in the checks slot on the TCO Kroger XE "Kroger" Checks Deposit XE "Deposit" (2)Place 1 with the yellow deposit slips in the stapler slots on the TCOPlace 1 with the checks in the checks slot on the TCOKroger XE "Kroger" Deposit XE "Deposit" Totals (1)Place with yellow deposit slips in the stapler slot on the TCOKroger XE "Kroger" Cash XE "Cash" Deposit XE "Deposit" (2)Place 1 with the pink deposit slips in the 20’s slot on the TCOThrow 1 awayKroger XE "Kroger" Cash XE "Cash" In Total (1)Place in the Inventory XE "Inventory" Slot After you have prepared for armor car you will continue organizing reports by stapling the reports in the stapler slot on the TCO to the banking packet, stapling the reports in the 20’s slot to the armor car book after Triple D leaves. Preparing Armor CarFill out armor car bookFill out armor car deposit bagsPlace checks in the check XE "check" deposit bag and seal the bagEntering Safe Inventory XE "Safe Inventory" into VB XE "VB" Click Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Click Inventory XE "Inventory" Enter amounts for each denomination Click ** (To Finalize)Daily Close XE "Daily Close" and Checking Lines in ACE XE "ACE" After inputting the safe inventory in VB XE "VB" you will move over to the ACE XE "ACE" computer system and enter line 201 from VB into ACE so you can check XE "check" lines to check for mistakes from the previous day. Once you have checked and corrected lines you will perform a daily close and carry forward in both ACE and VB.Entering Line 201 into ACE XE "ACE" (Refer to Figure 3.1)Sign into ACE XE "ACE" Click User ProceduresClick Sales and Cash XE "Cash" Type #6, Hit Enter Input Line 201 from VB XE "VB" Safe Mgmt XE "Safe Mgmt" Screen, Hit EnterHit F10Type #4, Hit EnterHit N, Hit EnterSales and cash XE "Sales and cash" report will print; use this report to check XE "check" lines.Enter 001 Total Cash as your line 201 into ACE. Figure 3.1200025-95250Printing Till XE "Till" Shortage Report/ Daily BreakdownClick Accounting Hit F9 (Previous)Hit CloseHit F5 (Auto Reconciliation) Hit Print ScreenYou will write information that management needs to know on this report, for instance till shortage amount, cash office over/short amount, and BK over short amount. Once you write these amounts you will make four copies and place a copy on all members of management’s clipboard located in the main officeChecking Lines Use the reports you printed earlier from the Service Center to check XE "check" your lines. Some lines that are used frequently and you will check daily are;800 M.O. Sales801 M.O. Fees803 Money Transfer (Western Union XE "Western Union" )804 Online Lottery XE "Lottery" Sales 807: INS Lottery XE "Lottery" Activated 835 WU Utility Pm836 Fidelity XE "Fidelity" Express Payments 897 Armor Car Bank Change201 Cash XE "Cash" On Hand (You entered this amount from VB XE "VB" )204 Postage Stamp On Hand 207 Lottery XE "Lottery" On Hand212 Pay Advances230 Total Lines 200-229 (You will use this lines dollar amount to carry forward in ACE XE "ACE" )900 Cash XE "Cash" Deposit XE "Deposit" 901 Check Deposit XE "Deposit" 930 WU Checkless Payout936 Online Lottery XE "Lottery" Win982 Miscellaneous Expense Tot 939 Coinstar XE "Coinstar" Redemption106 Cash XE "Cash" over ()/ Short (-)Correcting Lines Hit Accounting Hit TransactionsHit MiscellaneousHit PreviousSelect the correct line and change it accordinglyReprint sales and cash reportPerforming a Store Close/ Carrying ForwardSwitch back to VB XE "VB" Click Carry Forward XE "Carry Forward" (In safe Mgmt)Switch back to ACE XE "ACE" Click AccountingClick F9 (Previous)Click F5 (Auto Reconciliations)Click All AccountsClick Ok, OkHit EscClick Transactions Click Count TenderType in line 230 from Sales and Cash XE "Cash" Report Hit Reconcile Click OkClick Carry Forward XE "Carry Forward" Click Ok, Ok Once you are finished carrying forward get the reports that printed and staple it together with the Sales and Cash XE "Cash" Report, Office Cash Report, Miscellaneous Transaction Recap, and Manager Audit Report. Also staple all of the reports left on the TCO to the front page of the Sales and Cash Packet. Place the Sales and Cash packet into the correct month’s box on top of the safe labeled Sales and Cash Packet. Once you are finished with Sales and Cash Packet file away all the reports you used to check XE "check" lines in to the correct file in the weekly filing cabinet. Write the till and BK shortage/overage on the dry erase board, and the cash office shortage/overage on the over/short chart on the door. Check the 31 day file to look for anything suspicious and get a member of management to sign it, and then file it in the correct day of the month in the 31 day file filing cabinet.Over/short chart write daily overages or shortages on if in the yellow or red get a member of management to initial. Figure 3.3Dry erase board you write daily till shortages, and daily BK shortages on. Figure 3.23171190000-276225-952500 Index INDEX \c "2" \z "1033" ACE, 3, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22Balancing, 12, 13, 14Carry Forward, 22Cash, 1, iii, v, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22Check, v, 7, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23Coinstar, 5, 7, 13, 22Daily Close, 19, 20Deposit, 12, 15, 19, 20, 22Fidelity, 6, 7, 22Inventory, 3, 16, 20Jetscan, v, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15Kroger, 1, 19, 20Loaning, 12, 14, 15Lottery, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 21, 22Money Order, 4, 5, 7Reports, 7, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 19Safe Inventory, 20Safe Mgmt, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20Sales and cash, 6, 20SCO, 7, 11, 12, 13Till, 13, 14, 15, 21VB, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22Veribalance, v, 11, 14, 19Western Union, 4, 5, 7, 21 ................

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